Zara’s POV

Lucas didn’t come home last night, and to my surprise, I stumbled upon a Facebook post about the famous model, Giselle, returning to the country. They were even seen embracing Lucas Son at the airport. It stirred up the familiar feelings of a tight chest, aching heart, and unbearable pain that I experience whenever I suspect he’s having an affair.

Even though I am legally his wife, I still feel like I’m in the shadows, hidden away. I carry the burden of guilt, aware that I have divided Lucas’s life between myself and Giselle.

At my age, playing games feels tiresome. Being just Lucas Son’s shadow is mundane and unfulfilling.

Even my son seemed down and lethargic that night. He must have been disappointed that his dad didn’t come home. Reluctantly, I reminded him about our agreement.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Fortunately, Nick came to the rescue. He visited us at home, bringing toys, food, and treats. It turned out he had returned from a business trip.

Nick played with my son until he grew sleepy and drifted off to sleep early. We even managed to finish his homework beforehand, so the mischievous boy was already sound asleep.

Late into the night, around 10 p. m., Nick insisted on heading home. “Thank you for the visit. Your daughter missed you too. It’s nice of you to come by, and she was feeling sad,” I said, a grin forming on my face.

“You know, Enrique is just like me, Al. If I have spare time, I can always spend it with your son,” my clever boyfriend replied.

“That’s why I want you, Nick!” I teased, playfully nudging him.

“I hope you feel the same way about me,” he whispered, causing me to strain my ears to hear.

“Are you saying something, Nick?” I asked, catching him off guard.

“Huh? Oh, I said I should head home because it’s getting late. That’s all!” he stammered, still blushing.

“You’re young; don’t be so hasty,” I joked. He chuckled and bid farewell, acting a bit strange.

Heading upstairs to freshen up and change into my pajamas, I was surprised when someone knocked on our bedroom door. It was Lucas, but I wondered what he needed.

I opened the door to be greeted by a mixture of alcohol and his cologne, suffocating the air around him. Lucas, being of mixed race, had a flushed complexion, most likely from drinking. Why was he drowning his sorrows in alcohol? Had he fought with Giselle?

“Lucas? What do you need? It’s late, and you haven’t slept,” I told him, concerned. He stared at me intently before speaking in a serious tone. Though he wasn’t stuttering, his words came slowly.

“You know, it’s all your fault,” he said, pointing his finger at me. I wasn’t sure if he was angry or something else, but I felt a surge of guilt.

What had I done this time? I should stay quiet and go to sleep! But guilt started creeping in; maybe I was the one at fault. After all, I had been the cause of so many issues between us.

“What are you talking about? You’re clearly drunk, Lucas. You better go back to your room and get some sleep.” If anyone is the liar here, it’s him.

As I turned to leave, he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. Time seemed to slow down as he held my face and our lips met. It was a brief moment, yet it felt electrifying.

You’re crossing the line, Lucas!

Whatever magic Lucas Son possessed, it had kept me awake throughout the night. It was his fault!

But that doesn’t give him the right to get drunk and kiss me. I won’t be disrespected like this! Maybe he forgets that we’re on the verge of breaking up. All of this confusion is driving me mad.

Despite my sleep deprivation and pounding headache, I woke up early. I decided not to go to work and would inform Jozel later. I couldn’t function with this throbbing sensation in my head.

The memory of his passionate kiss lingered, making me feel conflicted. For the second time, I had tasted the lips of the man I loved, still loved. I needed to shake myself out of it, for the sake of my peace of mind. Stop thinking about Lucas, Zara. Just, please.

I prepared breakfast for the two of them, even packing a bento box for my son’s lunch. I wasn’t sure if I could eat it myself later. I managed to push past my headache and hangover, even though my eyes felt heavy.

Father and son came downstairs, and my annoyance began to fade as I watched Lucas lift our son and set him down. It seemed like he had already bathed the child and made all the necessary preparations. I could focus on cooking now.

“Good morning, Mom!” my handsome son greeted me cheerfully. He was in good spirits, and his mood seemed unaffected. Lucas, on the other hand, still showed signs of being hungover. The kiss thief.

“Good morning, and breakfast is ready,” I said, pouring a glass of fresh milk for my son.

I acted as if everything was fine with Lucas, even offering him a cup of coffee to help with his hangover.

“Yes, please,” he responded. I nodded and quickly prepared his coffee.

“Dad, are you okay? You still look tired,” my son asked his father while we sat down to eat. He had noticed his dad’s lethargy. Of course, he’s hungover!

But despite everything, I couldn’t help but notice how attractive Lucas Son looked, even in this state. Even with a hangover, he was far from unappealing. Handsome, no matter the season, as others would say.

“I had a bit too much to drink last night, kiddo. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it home. I’ll make it up to you, alright?” Lucas Son assured our son.

My son smiled warmly. “It’s okay, Dad. There’s no problem,” he replied, displaying a maturity beyond his years.

“I’ll drop you off at school, son. I’ll drive you. So finish up your breakfast,” Lucas said.

“Really? Thanks, Dad! Besides, last night was fine. Godfather Nick was here, and he had lots of fun with me,” our son shared.

I noticed the crumpled expression on Lucas Son’s face when he heard Nick’s name. Why did he have such a problem with the man?

Nick is kind and honorable, unlike him! Perhaps Lucas’s competitive nature prevents him from accepting Nick’s presence. Don’t always let that competitive streak get the best of you.

My son ate his breakfast without any issues, and I avoided questioning him to prevent him from choking. Exactly at 7, they left the house, and I considered calling Jozel.

“Is that so, ma’am? Alright, I’ll take care of things at the cafe. Rest well and have a good day,” Jozel said as we concluded our conversation. I immediately got to work in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes so that I could rest without any mess around.

Suddenly, Lucas spoke from behind me, making my heart skip a beat. “About last night,” he said. I nearly jumped out of my skin!

“Why are you startling me like that?” I exclaimed, annoyed. To my surprise, he chuckled. Wait, is he actually laughing? It caught me off guard.

“Didn’t you sense my presence? You were deep in thought, and I suddenly started speaking! Hey, you’re already here, and I’m still doing something,” he replied, amused. I didn’t know where I found the courage to respond like that.

I used to tremble in his presence, but now I no longer feared him. I wasn’t afraid of losing anymore because that’s where our relationship was headed. It was amusing to think that I could somehow absorb the truth.

“And why are you still here? Don’t you have work now?” I asked, genuinely curious about him.

“I have a free schedule this morning. I have a dinner meeting later tonight, so I can’t make it for Enrique just yet. But Nick is not allowed in this house, Zara. I hope we understand each other at this point. I don’t want that guy in my own home,” Lucas Son asserted. What’s with this attitude, Lucas Son?

“Why? What’s your problem with him visiting? He used to come here, sometimes with Antoinette. He’s a kind person, and don’t try to insinuate anything about our friendship,” I responded, defending Nick.

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