Light seems to be ready to shine

(Alex POV)

“Hey Dan, how are you?” I asked Dan.

“Alex… I should be asking you that. How are your parents taking this in.” he asked sounding concerned.

“I don’t care, I don’t care what they think or say. I just have to take care of this mess”, I replied.

“How?” he asked and continued.”How can I help?”.

“I don’t know, I am confused right now”, I said.

“Have you spoken to Claire yet?” he asked.

“No, I have not. Honestly, that’s why I called”. I explained.

“Could you get me to her, without anyone knowing about it?” I asked him.

“Sure, anything for you bro.” he assured me.

“I’ll be expecting you in ten minutes time, I said.

(Claire’s POV)From NôvelDrama.Org.

“I have not heard from my parents in the last three days.”I thought

“Grace would have contacted them by now, why isn’t anyone visiting?” I said as I sobbed.

I have heard stories about prisons, this is more horrible than I thought it was.

The prison was a dreary, desolate place. The cells were small and cramped, with barely enough room to move around. The walls were a drab, gray color, and the floors were covered in a layer of grime and dust.

The air was stagnant and foul, with a musty, unpleasant smell that lingered in the nose and throat. I was treated like an animal, with no consideration for my basic need or comfort.

I heard footsteps approaching, they opened my cell and said “Someone is here for you”.

I let out a smile, because since I got here nobody has visit.

I hurriedly stood up, they handcuffed my hands and stood side by side leading the way.

As I walked through the prison halls, I could hear the sounds of crying, shouting, and banging coming from the cells. The air was thick with tension and despair, and I felt a knot of fear in my stomach as I thought about what might happen to me if I ended up in a cell like the ones I was passing.

I saw the guards patrolling the halls, their faces hard and impassive, as if they had seen it all before and were no longer affected by the misery that surrounded them. I shivered, knowing that my fate could be sealed in this place, if I wasn’t careful.

My thoughts turned to the people who had ended up in this place. Some of them were criminals who had committed terrible crimes, but others were simply victims of bad luck or circumstance, just like me.

They had been caught up in a system that was broken and unfair, and now they were paying the price. I wondered how many of them would ever get out of this place, or if they would be trapped here forever. I felt a deep sense of sadness as I considered the hopelessness of their situation.

As I approached the visitors’ room, I felt a mix of anticipation and dread. I wanted to see someone, but I knew that this would be a difficult and painful meeting.

The visitors’ room was a large, cavernous space with a few tables and chairs scattered around. The lighting was dim and the air was cold and stale. As I sat down at one of the tables, I heard the heavy door open and footsteps approaching.

The door opened and a guard ushered in Alex and Daniel. They sat down across from her, their eyes consoling. No one spoke for a moment, as they all struggled to find the words to say.

Finally, Alex broke the silence. “How are you?” he asked, his voice cracking with emotion.

I couldn’t face him, I felt filthy and stinky.

(Daniel POV)

Claire swallowed hard, trying to find the right words. “I’m okay,” she said, her voice sounding hollow and unconvincing. “I’m just trying to take it one day at a time.”

Alex nodded, understanding the enormity of the situation.

They sat in silence for a moment, unsure of what to say next. Finally, I spoke.

“Claire, we are sorry about how things turned out. Believe me, I am trying to get an evidence.”

“But you can also help me, do you have any evidence clip or anything thing?” I asked.

“Yes”, Alex eyes shone with excitement.

“Yes, I recorded my discussion with Kelvin, when I went to the security office down till I left the office.”

“Whilst walking down the street, I was robbed”. She wept.

“Now, all hopes are gone, I can’t leave here again.”

“We’re here for you, no matter what,” Alex said, his voice full of love and support.

“Thank you,” Claire said , tears welling up in her eyes. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on the present moment.

“How are you?” she asked, trying to shift the focus away from herself, facing Alex.

“I am fine, and trust me I am trying my best and I will get you out of here.

I know you would.” she assured.

“Also, your trial is in two days time, I want you to be strong and positive.” Alex said.

“Ma’am, your time is up, you need to get going.”he said pulling her up forcefully.

“How dare you, young man. Do you know who I am?”

“Alex, please calm down”, I said holding him down.

“Move now ma’am,” the officer ordered.

“Alex…” Claire said trying to remember something.

“On that day, I called Mrs La…”she tried to say but was dragged out before she could complete her statement.

(Alex POV)

I wondered, who she was about to mention.

On my way out, I call my receptionist to

check the register of my staffs to see if there’s someone whose name begins with “La”. I knew it was going to be a hard task, because I had numerous staffs.

The next morning, making it a day to go.

Daniel on the other hand was trying to restore the files, and also working on getting a footage from somewhere.

I got a call.

“Hello sir, I got about four names Mrs. Laura Millers, Mrs Laila Andrews, Mrs Lana Bush, and Mrs Lacey.” she said, then called out their names.

“Alright, good job Linda. Get them to come over to my office now” I ordered.

“Okay, I’ll contact them immediately sir”, she said.

“But…” she said.

But what Linda, I shouted as I interrupted.

“One of them, the head of. Mrs Laura Miller is on official leave”. she said quickly with her voice shaking.

“Get me the rest, please. I said as I hung up.”

“And phone Mrs Millers”.

I asked the three women, it seems they don’t know Claire, or they have only met on one occasion.

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