The Ceo’s Contract Lover

Win her back

Jayden rolled under the covers, reaching out to hug the person beside him. But his hand met with the empty sheets.

With a start, he sat up and ran his hand through his tousled hair to gather his thoughts. The vivid memories of the night flooded back, making him sigh in exasperation.

If not for the nail scratches on his upper body, he might have considered it all a dream.

A dream he had yearned for during their long separation.

In those long months, he had kept himself busy, hoping that the heavy workload would help him forget about her.

He had assumed that after not seeing each other for a while, he might feel nothing, but he had underestimated the strong influence she had on him.

Just one glance from her was enough to crumble down the self-control he was so proud of.

There was no shortage of women throwing themselves at him, and he had even considered the possibility of moving on in his life.

Yet, no one could fill the void or provide the spiritual satisfaction that Nina brought into his world. She was engraved deep into his heart and bones.

Only he knew how much he had to restrain himself from locking her up and keep her beside him.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

However, he also knew he couldn’t act on impulse. The road ahead was long, but he was determined to win her back.

Pushing the covers off his body, he rose to his feet when his gaze fell upon the nightstand. There, he found a note and a one-dollar bill attached to it.

“A tip for your service last night. You can do better,” the note read.

Reading those words, Jayden’s face turned increasingly ugly.

Ha! He let out a sneer and crumbled the paper into a ball.

“One taro milk tea, please,” Nina told the server.

“You had quite a night, it seems.” Krystal, who sat across her, teased.

After last night’s hangover, the two of them caught up over coffee.

“Don’t remind me. I don’t know what got into me last night, that I ended up sleeping with my ‘ex-husband.’

“Alcohol does it you.”

Nina nodded in agreement.

The two girls engaged in some casual conversation, savouring their drinks, when Krystal’s gaze darted across the street.

“What’s up with that guy? Hasn’t he given up yet?” Krystal asked, pointing her chin at the man outside the cafe.

Nina followed her gaze, and a sigh escaped her lips when she saw Tyler leaning against his car, as though he were waiting for someone.

“He’s quite resilient and I don’t think he’d stop until he wins you over,” Krystal remarked. “I like his dedication, though.”

Nina turned silent when she thought about it.

Ever since the news of her divorce made the headlines, Tyler seemed to have found a glimmer of hope.

In the past few months, he had been a constant presence in her life.

He was determined to make her feel better when she was down and genuinely cared about the things she valued. He never made things awkward between them, always supporting her while respecting her boundaries at the same time.

Faced with his genuine efforts, it was impossible for one not to be moved.

However, Nina was conflicted.

She was uncertain about her feelings for Jayden and if she was ready for another relationship.

At that moment, the television broadcasted the news.

“Good evening, and welcome to the latest business update. We bring you a significant development in the corporate world today. The Moore Pharmaceuticals and Luxton Corporation have signed the collaboration agreement. The alliance between these two industry giants promises to reshape the future of both the corporate and pharmaceutical sectors…”

The anchor’s voice rang throughout the room.

On the screen, Jayden and Emilia could be seen interacting with reporters after signing the important documents.

Over the past few months, they have been frequently captured together at various business events and banquets

These public appearances had sparked rumours that they had rekindled their relationship, and speculation about their potential wedding had spread like wildfire throughout Spring City.

Nina’s delicate features turned cold when she saw the gentleness on Jayden’s face as he smiled at Emilia.

To think that she was almost swayed by his words last night.

She took a deep breath and seemed to have decided. “You know what, I think I can give it a go,”

Since he had already moved on, there was no point in holding onto the guilt.

“That’s more like it,” Krystal smiled, supporting her decision.

With newfound determination, Nina stood up and bid Krystal goodbye. “My treat. See you around.” With those words, she left the cafe, jogging toward the spot where Tyler was waiting.

In the heart of Spring City, Elysium’s fashion store stood as a symbol of luxury, catering to the city’s esteemed elite.

A woman entered the store in her simple yet elegant attire, setting her apart from the extravagance that surrounded her.

The woman appeared to be in her mid-thirties, but in reality, she had already reached her fifties.

She browsed the clothes racks, taking in the rich fabrics and exquisite designs, when a saleswoman approached her.

The latter glanced at the woman’s attire in disdain. But as her job required, she faked a smile and greeted the woman.

“Good afternoon, madam. Are you looking for anything in particular?”

The woman smiled at her. “I’m not sure, to be honest. I know little about fashion, but I’m open to suggestions. Maybe I might find something that suits me,” she replied.

The saleswoman, however, jumped to a conclusion.

Seeing the woman’s outfit, she assumed the woman came from a less affluent background and therefore couldn’t afford the high-end clothing in the store.

“Of course, I’d be happy to assist you. Let me show you some of our latest styles.”

With a calculating glint in her eyes, she led her towards a section filled with brightly coloured, trendy dresses more suited for young girls in their twenties.

“These are some of our most fashionable pieces. Perfect for people your age.” The saleswoman gestured at the floral prints, bold colours, and body-hugging dresses.

The woman, however, frowned when she looked at the clothes in front of her.

In truth, she had no particular knowledge about fashion.

It had never been a concern for her since her family’s private designers supplied her with the latest, trendiest apparel every month. She had merely been passing by the store when the window display caught her attention, prompting her to step inside and explore the clothes.

“Are you sure that the clothes are suitable for people her age?” a cold voice suddenly broke out, capturing their attention.

The woman was startled by the newcomer’s presence.

The person who arrived looked very young. With brunette hair and flawless skin, she looked almost ethereal.

There was a poised sharpness in her gaze, making her look confident. She stood in front of them with her arms crossed in front of her chest, her presence commanding respect.

The saleswoman turned pale when she saw who it was. Her voice quivered as she stammered, “V-Vice Director.”

“You didn’t answer me,” Nina reiterated, her eyes fixed on the saleswoman.

“I…” Put in a tough spot, the saleswoman found herself at a loss for words. “I was just trying to offer her some suggestions based on the latest trends, Vice Director.”

“By introducing her to the clothes that are suitable for young women?” Nina’s words hung heavily in the air, and a cold sweat broke out on the saleswoman’s forehead upon being exposed.

She had assumed she could exploit the woman by introducing her to the most expensive clothing suitable for young women, thereby earning herself a hefty commission.

This wasn’t the first time she had tried such tricks. However, this time was different. She did not expect the Vice Director to appear at their store and catch her red-handed in the act.

“Do you think I don’t know what you’re trying to do? As a salesperson, you have one job to do. If you can’t even do that there’s no need to stay here.” Without wasting another second, Nina issued a decisive order. “Get the manager to fire this person. Elysium doesn’t welcome dishonest staff.”

With a thud, the saleswoman slumped down on the floor and begged. “I’m sorry, Vice Director. Please give me another chance. I promise not to repeat this mistake.” However, her pleas fell on deaf ears.

Nina was a decisive person. Once she had decided, there was no room for second thoughts.

Without delay, the manager stepped forward and apologized for the inconvenience before firing the saleswoman.

The woman observed in silence as Nina efficiently managed the situation.

The way Nina handled things, reminded her of her younger self when she had first taken charge of her family’s business. She knew it was tough for women to succeed in the competitive world of business, and looking at the poised woman in front of her, she couldn’t help but feel proud.

“Excuse me,” the woman called out to Nina.

Nina turned her attention to the woman. “Yes?”

“If you don’t mind, can you suggest some apparel for me?”

A smile graced Nina’s face as she replied. “Of course,”

After a few hours.

“I’ve only met you for a few hours, but it feels like I’ve known you for ages,” As they strolled together with shopping bags in hand, the woman couldn’t help but express her feelings to Nina.

“Feeling’s mutual, ma’am.”

“What’s with the formalities, call me Alaina.” She suggested. “Oh wait, I have a daughter the same age as you, so you can call me Aunty,” she said with a chuckle.

Nina was genuinely surprised by the revelation. “Really? I couldn’t tell. The numbers don’t do you justice.”

Alaina laughed, a twinkle in her eye. “I’ll have to thank my husband for taking care of me all these years,”

As they reached the exit, Alaina turned toward Nina with a warm smile. “Alright, it’s getting late for me. It was good meeting you, Nina. Let’s exchange our contacts and keep in touch.”

Despite the relatively short time they had spent together, a genuine connection had formed between them. Even Alaina was surprised by the fondness she felt towards this young girl.

Although she was reluctant to part ways, Alaina knew it was time to head home.

“Let me see you out,” Nina offered.


Nina waved at Alaina and walked back into the store.

As she entered, a salesperson rushed up to her. “Vice Director, that lady forgot one of her shopping bags behind.”

“Give it to me. I’ll pass it on to her.”

With the bag in hand, she swiftly turned and jogged on her heels happily.

However, the moment she arrived outside, the smile on her face died when she saw the scene in front of her.

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