The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)

The Big Fight

Elena’s POV After I washed up and ate breakfast, I got dressed. I decided to wear an all-black bodycon catwoman suit with black combat boots. I also wore hand sleeves that had brass knuckles hidden inside so they would pack an even harder punch, as Hank taught me. After I came down, Serene was in the kitchen waiting for me with an older-looking woman. “Eleanor, this is Maggie,” she told me. “Maggie used to be a practicing witch and has been teaching me how to harvest my power and control it. “Luna,” Maggie said, bowing. “Thank you for helping my friend out, Maggie,” I told her. “Any friend of the Lunas is a friend to me,” Maggie says. “Anyway, we’ve been practicing protection spells, and I want to put one on you,” Serene says. I knew I needed any luck I could get, so I simply nodded my head. Serene cut her hand and mixed some sort of powder into it in a bowl. She also took a strand of my hair and then closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were completely white. “Ut hanc vessle proelia facere volentibus. Spiritibus, Kee tutam eam incolumem. Custodi illam tutum ab illis qui intelli guntur nocere ei. Defendant nos luna, et erubu erunt omnes magical. Lycan suo custodian, et mater luna. Benedicti. Benedicti.” She chants Protect this vessel as she battles those who wish to do evil. Spirits keep her safe from harm. Keep her safe from those who mean her harm. Protect our Luna, makers of magic. Protect Lycan, mother moon. Blessed be. Blessed be.) After she is done chanting, the bowl glows white. I notice I’m also glowing, and then it goes away. She nodded while wrapping her hand to stop the bleeding. “Thank you, Serene,’, I told her. I can feel Roland Mindlinking, everyone. “It’s time” is all he says. Serene and I make our way to the car, where Roland, Will, Hank, Mia, Nate, and Cole are waiting. 100 of our pack warriors are following behind us, and Roland says more will meet us there. My heart is beating out of my chest with anticipation, but Roland holds me tighter, and I inhale his scent to calm me down. I’m going to mind-link you while I’m watching to see the weak spots he has. Make sure you remember your training. If he exposes himself, his neck instantly goes for it. Lock your jaw down as tightly as you can until he either submits or dies. Either way, it will make the match quick. Don’t let him draw out the match and weaken you. Will link to me. “You got this,” Hank says. I nodded towards him as well. We arrive at an arena on what I can only assume are neutral grounds. I can see many packs there, most likely Ned’s allies, in case someone steps out of line. We get out of the car, and Hank shifts into his wolf instantly as a bodyguard and walks ahead of me while Will and Roland walk on either side. There is so much energy and aura radiating from all of us that people step back to avoid being in our sight as we walk to the center of the arena. I can see one side has Ned allies on it. It looks like there are over six packs, with each alpha sneering down at me as if I were some sort of monster. Lynx, David, Jen, and my bitch mom are all standing in the inner circle on the field. I’m not sure why, but part of me was looking for Marcus, but he wasn’t here. I can see all the alphas have gathered with them, sneering our way. On the other hand, crowds and crowds of people start to fill in, which I can only assume are our allies. From the looks of it, it’s over 15 packs. All of their alphas head our way and bow to me for good luck. I took Roland’s hand, and he kissed it and went to the podium. Some eyes went to him, but most were on me. Will and Hank backed away to give room for Alpha Ned and me. Soon, Ned approached me in the middle of the arena while his alphas backed away to the sidelines. I can see Serene, Nate, Cole, and Mia close by, their eyes shooting daggers at everyone on the other side. “He will try to intimate you. Say Nothing. Make your expression unreadable,” Nate links to me. I stood straight; no emotions could be read on my face. “Little Girl, you have no chance of winning. You mind step as well aside”, he taunts, but I say nothing, and my face gives nothing away. “Bitch, I know you hear me when an alpha speaks your fucking answer,” he says, giving off his aura. My face is still unreadable, and his aura is sh*t compared to mine. I can see him getting worked up now, and he paces back and forth. “Don’t worry, I’ll have that pretty mouth screaming in pain soon enough” with a nasty scowl. I could feel a chill crawling on my back, but I decided to keep it down.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Roland, however, heard him and growled so loudly that the whole arena stopped talking and listened. Ladies and gentlemen TODAY WE GATHER FOR A CHALLENGE FOR THE ALPHA POSITION OF THE BLACK SONS PACK BETWEEN ALPHA NED AND LUNA ELENA OF THE BLACK ALDER PACK. THIS MATCH WILL CONSIST OF NO OTHER WOLF. IF ANY CHALLENGER BREAKS THIS RULE, THEN YOU ARE DECLARING WAR. THE FIGHT WILL BE EITHER SUBMISSION OR, IF NO ONE SUBMITS, IT WILL BE DEATH. Ned’s side howled at this, as if my death would finally give them peace. SHIFTING INTO YOUR WOLVES IS ALLOWED. YOU ARE NOT TO LEAVE THE ARENA UNTIL THE FIGHT IS OVER. CHALLENGERS, TAKE YOUR PLACE. I walked to the end of the arena. Roland steps down and comes to the arena for me. He then kisses my forehead and breathes me in. “Remember your training and what I told you about yesterday. I have every bit of confidence that you will defeat him,” he says, then he walks back to the podium.

“You say goodbye, little wolf,” Ned says, and his side laughs while our side growls. He has a strong wolf, but it is nothing compared to a Lycan wolf. Let’s tear his ass apart. I agree, I told Snow, positioning myself.

Elena, do not shift into your wolf unless you need to. He will not be expecting her size, and it would catch him off guard enough to finish this match. I guarantee he won’t fight you hand in hand. He is too weak for that. He will attack you with full power, using his wolf. Use your Lycan powers. Do not underestimate him or his wolf. Remember to train. It booms in my head. I nodded; my eyes were still focused on Ned. CHALLENGERS READY! I locked eyes with Ned. Today is the day you die, I silently say in my head.

ON MY COUNT ONE The wind slows down. I steady my breathing. TWO I can feel my Lycan powers searing through me. Snow and I have fused into one. THREE

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