The billionaire’s true love


Part 14


Two years later

As soon as I stepped on American soil, I smiled to myself. I was finally home. After two years and three months, I would see my family again. I had a lot of things to do now that I was back; so many things needed my attention.

You need to see her. My subconscious stated. And no matter how much I tried to disagree with it, I couldn’t, because it was right, I needed to see her. The woman had not left my mind for even a minute for the past two years.

Amanda Lawson.

The woman had possessed my mind the moment I had first set my eyes on her. She was fierce and fuckin’ beautiful. However, she had the uncanny ability to irritate me. She barely took care of herself. She did not eat properly, she did not do yoga, and I did not like it. And so after she had come under my control, I made sure she did yoga. She needed to be healthy and flexible; flexible for the things I planned to do to her once I claimed her as mine.

“To the gala, sir?” My driver enquired, eyeing me from the plain mirror in the car.

“Yes. Go straight to the gala.” I told him before settling back in my seat, my thoughts flying to my sleeping beauty immediately.

I wondered how she would be doing right now. I knew she was doing well-growing as a model, and my heartbeat increased every time I thought about seeing her again. Jordan had kept me up to date regarding her, telling me about every second of every day. I gave him strict orders to keep an eye on Amanda, and under no circumstances let any man come close to her. She was mine, and my family knew that.

Even though I had left her in tears, I was going to make it up to her. These two years made me realize just how much of an asshole I had been to my girl. I hurt her before I kissed her and told her that I’d see her after two years; I shouldn’t have done that. I attacked her self esteem, had been doing that since the moment I had first met her. I barely ever complimented her; simply because I did not want her to think she had any power over me. But she did. She had all the power. But I couldn’t let her know that; not until I made her mine.

You are an asshole! My subconscious chided.

Closing my eyes, I let Amanda invade my thoughts. She was so beautiful, I felt like no one deserved to see her, except me. That was why I made sure her pictures would never be published in our magazine. All these months, I kept telling Jordan that no matter what happened, he would not send Amanda’s pictures for publishing. I would not allow the world to see her. I would not allow anyone to take her from me.

I didn’t remember when my feelings for Amanda grew. Maybe it was when I saw her in lingerie for the very first time. Or maybe when she tried to insult me but failed miserably. I didn’t know. But I did know that she was mine now. And I was going to make sure everyone in this world knew that.

“How long until we reach?” I asked the driver, eager to see my girl. Today was the fifth anniversary of our modelling agency and we were hosting a gala in order to celebrate five successful years. All the models and designers who have served our agency were invited, which meant my bumblebee would be there too.

“Ten more minute, sir,” my driver replied.

Nodding my head, I eyed the shops whizzing by. Maybe I should get something for her, like a gift. Something that would help me apologize to her. But what could I get her? What did she like? Dresses? Jewelry? Make up? Women liked this stuff, didn’t they?

But I wanted to give her something different, something unique. Something only she would have; something that is one of a kind. But what could I get her? And when would I give it to her? On her birthday? Before that? After her birthday?

This woman is messing you up.

My subconscious was right, but I did not care. I just wanted to see her. It had been two years since I’d seen her. I mean, I had kept her photographs with me and kept looking at them whenever the urge struck, which was all the time; but it had been two years since I’d seen her physically-smiling, laughing, angry, cursing, breathing. Damn it! I missed her so much. Mom was right, I should’ve taken her with me. I had been so stupid not to listen to her.

When the car stopped, I all but jumped out of the car. Fixing my suit jacket, I jogged inside the hotel, not wanting to waste a second. As soon as I entered the lobby, which was bustling with the people of my agency, I searched frantically for Amanda.

However, my eyes landed on Jordan, who was dressed in a navy blue suit, sipping a glass of champagne. I headed over to him and when he saw me, his face broke in a smile.

“Hello brother,” he greeted.

“Where is she?” I questioned.

Jordan frowned. “Who?”

“Amanda,” I said, searching around for her, before turning my attention back on Jordan.

He was smirking. “You just arrived and that is the first thing you ask me? You, my brother, are in love,” he responded.

“Shut the fuck up.” Jordan had no idea what he was talking about. Or did he? Was this what love felt like? This insane urge to see the one you desired and hold them forever? God, what was wrong with me?

“It’s all right bro, I have been taking very good care of my sister for you. You’ll see her in about ten minutes; she is upstairs, dealing with some stuff,” he said.

“What stuff?!” It felt like my control just snapped. The moment I landed, all I could think about was Amanda and how she was doing. Was she the same beautiful woman that I left two years ago, or had she become even more beautiful? Would she smile when she would see me, or would those gorgeous eyes blaze with fire?

God, those eyes!

They were like molten honey, swimming with fire and happiness. Those eyes were the first thing I saw whenever I closed my eyes. I could drown in those pools of honey, they were that captivating. As soon as I would see Amanda, I’d make sure everyone over here knew she belonged to me. I was done ignoring my feelings, it was now time to make her mine.

When my eyes landed on her, it felt like my heart had stopped. Amanda entered the lobby and it felt like my world had lit up. She was wearing a blue dress that hugged her body like a second skin. Her hair was styled to perfection with pearls sticking out of them; and when my eyes locked with hers, I forgot to breathe.

The surprise on Amanda’s face would’ve been comical if sheer hatred hadn’t taken over. As soon as she saw me, she narrowed her eyes for a split second before turning around and walking away, leaving me staring at her bare back.

What the fuck?!

“What the hell is she wearing?” I growled at Jordan, who gave me an amused look.

“Clothes,” he said simply.

“Who the hell gave her those clothes to wear?” Her back was bare, for everyone to see, and I could not handle that. Her body was mine to see. She was mine. Period.

“Darla,” Jordan responded.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“She gave her a dress that exposes her body for everyone to see, was she out of her mind?!” That’s it; I was not going to stand here and let the men ogle Amanda like this.

“Would you relax. You just got here and you’re going ballistic, what the hell is wrong with you? It’s just a dress, why are you making such a big deal out of it?” Jordan looked confused.

“She is mine, and I don’t want other men to look at her.” Damn it! Why did she had to be so goddamn beautiful?! And to top it all off, she was dressed to kill. Did she not know what she was doing to me while prancing around wearing a dress that I wanted to rip off and fuck her brains out?

“So, what are you going to do about him?” Jordan pointed at a man who was conversing with Amanda. The two were standing way too close for my liking. And before I knew it, my feet carried me over to them.

“It’s amazing, don’t you think,” the man said to Amanda. I had no idea what his name was, and frankly, I didn’t care. All I knew was that he was talking to my woman and I did not like it.

“Good evening. How are you?” I said to the man, before turning my attention to Amanda. “Amanda, you look well,” I stated.

“Hello Mr. Benson, how was your flight?” The man enquired. He had shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes.

“My flight was alright, thank you. What have you two been talking about?” I got straight to the point.

“Nothing much. I was just telling Amanda that it’s amazing how this company has managed to be so successful in such a short time,” he stated.

“We pride ourselves upon our hardwork and exceptional workers.” I glanced at Amanda as I said this; but my blood boiled when she rolled her eyes at me. She was pushing my buttons, and she did not know how much trouble she’d be in if she pushed too hard.

“Excuse me, gentlemen, I have somewhere to be,” Amanda said before walking away, leaving me staring after her.

She did not just do that.

Without a word, I followed after her. She manuvered through the crowd, her dress flowing with her like water. She slipped between people, and made a few turns before exiting the hotel’s lobby and entering the gardens. I caught up to her, and once we were away from the crowd I grabbed her wrist and spun her around to face me.

“What was that about?” I demanded to know.

“I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Amanda replied, trying to free her hand from my grip, but I only tightened my hold on her. She was not getting away from me that easily.

I tugged her closer. “Don’t play with me, shady,” I warned.

“Look. I have no idea who you are, but if you don’t let me go, I swear I am going to call the cops,” she said.

I arched my eyebrow. This woman was not serious. Like hell she didn’t know who I was. I could see it in those mesmerizing eyes that she knew exactly who I was. She was lying and she was failing at it.

“Only lie when you know how to, sleeping beauty,” I uttered, staring deep into her eyes.

“Trent, let me go!” She raised her voice.

“Lower your voice, shady. Trust me, you won’t like it if people showed up here.” I told her.

“Fuck you and your threats! You are nothing! You hear me, nothing! I don’t know who you are, and I have no interest in knowing you! You left two years ago, and you have no idea how happy that made me! So you don’t get to come back and boss me around anymore. Go live your life and let me live mine!” She raised her voice after every sentence.

Oh bumblebee. You have no idea how wrong you are.

“You think it’s that easy? You think that you’ll tell me to leave you alone and I will agree? You are my employee, that means you are mine. So what I do is up to me, and shady, there is no way you’re getting rid of me. You had your freedom while I was gone, but not anymore,” I informed her.

Her eyes flashed with fury and it took everything in me not to kiss her right there and then. This woman was provocative, and she tested my self control, but she was worth it.

Amanda sneered. “I am done with you. When you left without any explanation and just a few words, that was it for me. Now, you can do whatever you want, but I won’t ever acknowledge you as anyone more than my boss. Now, you are just a guy who pays me at the end of every month. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Kiss her. Kiss her to shut her up!

But I ignored my subconscious. She challenged me. She fucking challenged me, and I was going to win. She did not know who she dealing with, but that was alright; she would know soon.

“Oh really? But as your boss, you will be seeing me everyday,” I pointed out.

“You may be present, but that doesn’t mean I will acknowledge your presence. I’ll just act like you are not in the room,” she replied confidently.

Forget aboug kissing her. Just fuck her brains out so she’ll know who she belongs to.

As much as I wanted to listen to my subconscious, I chose to ignore it. Instead, I focused on my bumblebee who looked angry. She thought she could evade me, but she couldn’t be more wrong. She was mine now, and evading me was not an option anymore. And I would spend my whole life trying to make her realize that.

“You sure you can do that, sleeping beauty?” I eyed her with amusement.

“Yes,” she stated.

“Be careful there. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” I told her, enjoying the feel of her wrist in my hand. Soon I would have her body, and her heart and mind would follow.

“I’m not. You are my boss, that’s it. I won’t notice you until I day I’m suppose to receive my salary, and after that I’ll go back to ignoring you. You, Trent Benson, are not worth my time.”

Alright bumblebee, the game is on.

“Just try, sleeping beauty. Just try.” Was all I said before I released her wrist. Amanda clutched her wrist, wincing slightly. Throwing her another possessive look, I turned and went back to the gala.

Amanda Lawson didn’t know who she was dealing with. I had just claimed her as mine, and now it was time to show her exactly who she belonged to.

Watch out, shady. I’m coming for you.

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