The Billionaire’s Pretend Fiancée

The shocking reveal

Sofie’s POV

“Would you look at that, huh?” I heard Lana scoff as she walked into the basement.

She had last visited the basement on the day I was abducted, and I had been quite relieved that I didn’t have to see her for a while.

But the things her underlings had done to me in her absence were best left unsaid, because merely thinking about them badly enraged me.

I gawked at her but said nothing as she cupped my jaw.

She muttered something incoherent as she assessed me. “Nice job, boys. You made the art even better than I wanted. And for that, I’ll give you a fully paid vacation to the Bahamas when everything is over.”

The thugs exchanged glances among each other before bowing to her. “Thanks for your neverending kindness madam.”

She just waved them off as she stood to her full height. She continued staring at me as if I had suddenly grown a beard or I had a fire crown on my head.

“What do you want?” I rudely asked.

Despite her numerous threats to kill me if I failed to be respectful to her, I scowled at her.

“You look haggard, like a bag of bones. This is exactly what your wretched, tattered self should look like.” She said, laughing.

“You’re not staring at your reflection, Lana. You are literally the epitome of a bag of bones. You can’t even eat well with all the money you have, it’s such a pity.” I mocked her as I clicked my tongue.

Lana gazed at me for some time, as if calculating her next insult or step in her head before she suddenly grinned.

“Your little clap backs don’t faze me anymore, darling. By the way, I’ve been getting reports from my men about your appetite. I can’t believe you are actually eating anything they give you, are you daft or something? What if I poison you?”

My eyes rounded in horror as I mulled over her statement.

Fuck, I couldn’t believe I had never thought of that.

Truth be told, I wasn’t even eating for my sake but for my baby’s. Although all hope seemed to be lost at that moment, I still wanted them to grow strong and healthy inside me.

But Lana didn’t need to know that.

“I can never do that, you idiot. At least, not now. Roman has to see that you are faring well in this place.” She said, placing her purse on a stool in front of me.

“Wait, Roman knows I’m here?” I blurted out.

Lana giggled. “Of course. I sent him some beautiful pictures that I specially took of you yesterday, and he loved it.”

“You’re lying.” I spat, searching her eyes for an iota of lie, which I didn’t find.

So she was really telling the truth then.

Just like I had thought, Roman didn’t seem to care much about my disappearance.

I didn’t know he hated me to that extent.

“Whatever. I don’t care whether you believe me, you’re nothing.” She retorted, rolling her eyes.

“Roman really knows I’m here?” For some reason, I wanted to reconfirm Lana’s words.

“Are you fucking deaf? I just told you he does. Anyway, I want to give him a little surprise today, so you better behave yourself. Don’t act like a damned bitch when you see him.” She warned, motioning one of her henchmen over.

The man placed a laptop on the stool in front of me, and bowed to Lana.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don’t act all high and mighty. I know how much you want to see him and act like the fucking pick me of a bitch that you are.” Lana scoffed as she set up the laptop.

“I want to see him but I don’t know if he wants to see me. I don’t think he even cares about me anymore.” I whispered to myself which fortunately, went unheard by Lana.

“Now, let’s send him the link to my surprise.” She tattled as she typed on her phone.

Soon the laptop lit up and displayed a ‘no signal’ text. Lana clicked on it, and the message disappeared to reveal Roman’s emaciated but angry face.

My heart sank as our eyes met, and his ire seemed to heighten. The slight hope I had initially harbored dissipated, and I resigned myself to fate.

He took a deep sigh, and I braced myself for whatever insult he was about to utter.

“I’m sorry for putting you through all these, cara. But don’t worry too much, I’ll get you out of there as soon as I can. That witch will pay for this.” That was what I heard instead.

My eyes gaped in surprise when his anger melted, and he stared softly at me.

Were my eyes playing a trick on me?

“The witch is here, Roman. You must have forgotten that I now hold the power to her life, if you keep infuriating me like this, I promise to deliver her body to your estate tomorrow morning.” Lana spat, wrapping a hand around my neck from behind.

“I-I’m fine, Roman. You don’t need to worry too much about me. Everything is fine, you can take your time.” My voice cracked at the end, despite my effort to keep a calm composure.

Nothing about being abducted was fine. But I was scared of Lana because earlier, she had warned me against talking too much.

“That’s fucking bullshit, Sofie. Don’t lie to me, you’re clearly not fine, look at your face, just look at you. That bitch is torturing you!” Roman snapped.

“And what the hell do you want me to do about it? I can’t dream of escaping even if I wanted to. This place is heavily guarded all the fucking time, I’m just so tired. Stop acting like you care about me because I know you don’t!” I retorted and silence enveloped the ambiance between us.

Roman seemed hurt for a split second before the emotion disappeared as fast as it had appeared.

“I care about you, Sofie. I fucking care, I know I acted like an asshole toward you for the pas-”

“Okay, okay. That’s enough. Now, you’ve seen her, haven’t you? I’ll send you a document that contains the terms you have to follow, if you want me to release her.” Lana said, darting Roman a suggestive smile.

“I swear to the heavens, Lana. If you dare to harm either Sofie or our baby more than you’ve done, I’ll find you and kill you with my own hands.” He gritted out, causing me to gasp in shock.

“H-How do you know about that?” I stuttered.

“Damien told me.” He replied. “I’m sorry I haven’t been there f-”

“Hang on, so what I’m getting from this is that Sofie is pregnant with your child, isn’t it?” Lana asked, in an eerily calm tone.

“Lana, I sw-”

“That’s all I need to hear. Good day.” She muttered, and hung up.

She didn’t say anything as she sat on the throne chair that was specially reserved for her, retrieved her vape from her purse, and started inhaling lungfuls of the flavored air.

Her silence was scary and ominous.

My heart hammered against my ribs as I stared at her.

I was starting to think that Roman might have sabotaged my chances of ever getting out of Lana’s den alive.

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