The Billionaire’s Playmate


“I thought that was Klari’s house?”

The guard shook his head, “No, ma’am. Someone else used to live there, but they moved to Cebu. The deal was to pay half of the house first, but it seems Ma’am Klari wasn’t able to make the payment. However, I heard that Ma’am Klari plans to pay the full amount, but due to the owner’s anger and the delay, it’s now up for sale.”

I nodded.


I smiled cunningly. I bid farewell to the guards and went inside. I headed to Rozzean’s room and grabbed my bag.

“I will buy that house.”

I went to Klari’s house, accompanied by one of Rozzean’s guards. When I faced the owner, I immediately expressed my interest in buying the property. She let me in to show the inside and outside.

“The house is in good condition, Miss Dela Vezca. No termites, fresh paint. If you want anything changed, I can arrange it right away,” the owner assured me.

She’s Mrs. Airene Gamboa. She and her husband live in Cebu. She mentioned having four children, and none of them want to live in here in Tagaytay house because they prefer staying close to them.

It’s amusing.

“The garden wasn’t well-maintained by the previous tenant, unfortunately. The plants got damaged. But I can have it landscaped again.”

I glanced around. It’s decent, but I won’t actually live here. I’ll just buy the house to keep that witch, Klari, away from Rozzean.

“I am okay with the house. I’ll buy it. Do you prefer cash or a cheque?”

This is what I want-to keep Klari from getting close to Rozzean. If she’s not part of this village, I can ban her for trying to pursue my future husband. If I’m questioned, I’ll show the CCTV footage of Klari stealing a kiss from Rozzean.

Darn it. Just remembering it stirs up intense anger in my chest.

The deal was sealed. She handed me my copy of the proof of payment for her house. Mrs. Gamboa shook my hand and told me to let her know if there’s anything I want to change, instructing me to call her. She also took my number, promising to give me the title once the land documents were sorted and transferred to my name.

“Thank you so much, Ms. Dela Vezca! By the way, regards to your parents. I was your Mommy’s college classmate, Thatiana… no wonder you look so much like her.”

My eyebrows raised, and I smiled at her comment.

“Ohh, that’s interesting. Small world. If you want to contact my Mom, here’s her number.”

I gave her my mother’s number. She thanked me profusely, revealing that there’s an upcoming reunion, and they’re struggling to find a way to reach my mother since no one knows her number, and she doesn’t have any social media accounts.

“Thank you so much, again, hija!”

As we left the guard’s house, I glanced at the proof of payment. Mrs. Gamboa’s signature was at the bottom, alongside mine.

“Now what, Klari?”

I looked at the house. I’ll think later about who I’ll give this to.

When I returned to Rozzean’s house, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as I looked at the document in my hands. Upon entering, my eyes searched for Manang, but someone else caught my attention in the living room.

I tightened my grip on my bag when I saw Klari sitting on the sofa.

“What are you doing here?”

She stood up and turned to face me. I could see the surprise in her eyes as she looked at me.

“So… it’s true that you are here. I thought Manang was just joking with me,” she said.

I rolled my eyes.

“Why would Manang joke about that, Klari? What would she gain?”

She laughed and approached me. I placed my bag on the sofa and crossed my arms in front of her. I still had the document in my hand. This woman needs to learn her lesson, and she had the audacity to come here now.

“I just don’t believe that Rozzean would come back to you. You fooled him. For sure, he’s just trying to get you for his revenge. And the reason you’re here now is that everything is going according to his plan. Poor you, you seem to be really hoping that he still loves you.”

I put on a sad expression in response to Klari’s words.

“Oh, poor me, Klari. Because before we came here to Rozzean’s house, we were at the sea. I was with him on his yacht, just the two of us…”

I smiled when I saw her hands clench. I approached Klari, then tilted my head. How bold of her to come to Rozzean’s house. What is she planning to do? Seduce him again? Steal another kiss?

“Do you want me to tell… what we did? In the water? On the deck? In the kitchen and the cabin? Hmm? Do you want to know how Rozzean called my name multiple times because of pleasure? Seriously, Klari, it was amazing… to hear.”

Her eyes widened, and she took a step closer to me.

“W-What… You’re just lying! I saw how he was hurt because of what you did! I’m here with him! I–”

I raised my hand and slapped her hard without holding back. Rozzean didn’t need her; she was the one persistently approaching.

“You are so desperate. My fiancé never asked for your help; he didn’t need you, but you cling like a leech. You even pretended that night at the Valleje’s house that you had a relationship when there was none. You amazed me, Klari, but you’re truly pitiful.”

“You’re just a step away from kneeling in front of Rozzean to make him love you, but did he pay attention to you? You are so desperate. I pity you.”

When she tried to slap back, I preemptively struck her. This slap was stronger than the one before.

“How dare you kiss my man while he’s sleeping?” I sternly told her.

I took a step and once again delivered a firm slap on her other cheek. Klari staggered back and nearly fell due to what I did.

“Rozzean chose me, Klari. He will never like you, he will never love you because he loves me,” I said, slapping her again.


I heard Manang’s voice from the side.

“Get out, Klari. This will be your last step in this village to see my fiancé.”

“H-Huh! How is this the last? I live here! My house is just here!”

I presented to her the document I was holding.

“I bought your house. It’s mine now.”

Her eyes widened as she looked at the document.

“Actually, I just bought it a while ago,” I said, retrieving the paper and reading Mrs. Gamboa’s full name.

“Mrs. Airene Medizta Gamboa. Does that sound familiar, Klari?”

Her eyes filled with anger as she glared at me. Klari screamed in frustration and approached me, but before she could grab my hair, I beat her to it. I tightly held her hair and lifted her head.

“Don’t f*ckng mess with a Dela Vezca, Klari. Try to approach Rozzean again, and you’ll see what you’re looking for!” I shouted at her, pushing her forcefully, causing her to fall to the floor.

I stared down at her. She looked up at me, and I smiled.

“You are in the right place, Klari. That’s where you belong, down there, looking up at me.”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“How dare you, b*tch!” she shouted at me.

“Rozzean Cyron Valleje is mine, only mine, Klari. He’s my fiancé and soon will be my husband. Don’t even think about taking another step, because next time, I might not only buy the house you live in, but maybe even your family’s company.”

“B*tch!” she yelled, and as she tried to attack me again, I saw Thes entering and quickly walking towards us.


She blocked me, facing Klari.

“You’re the one who keeps following Rozzean, huh? I remember you! What are you doing here, you flirt?”

I was surprised and held my forehead when Klari pushed Thes on the shoulder. My friend stumbled backward, and I raised my hands to support her, but Thes quickly regained her balance.

“What do you mean, flirt? Who are you?!” Klari shouted and pushed Thes again.

I winced. It’s challenging to restrain Thes when she gets like this, especially knowing what she recently found out about the woman in front of us.

“I am Therese Catalina Rivanez.”

Thes stepped forward and grabbed Klari’s arm.

“And don’t you ever forget my name, b*tch!” my friend yelled as she yanked Klari’s hair with both hands.

“You have the nerve to come here! You flirt! Now you’ll regret it!”

I took a step back. I wasn’t sure if I should approach them because both of them were now pulling each other’s hair. They were yelling while tugging at each other’s hair. Sht. It seemed like they had no intention of stopping.

“Let go of me! What the hell!!” Klari screamed.

“I will not let go of your hair until you go bald! It suits you because you’re a damn flirt! You’re so ugly!”

“Thes, stop! Stop now!” I shouted, attempting to remove Thes’ hands, but Klari’s hands pushed me away.

“Yaaa! Let go of me!”

I didn’t know what to do, so I called Manang and the guards outside to break up the fight. But before the guards could arrive, I saw Luther looking shocked at Klari and Thes, who were now pulling each other’s hair.

“L-Luther, stop them! Please!” I yelled.

“Uh… Hey…”

Luther tried to intervene, grabbing Thes by the shoulder. However, I bit my lower lip as Thes’s hand accidentally flew to Luther’s face, hitting his nose. I saw Luther wince, clutching the injured part of his face, and he attempted to stop Thes once more.

“Stop!” Luther said, but Thes continued.

“I’ll make you bald, you b*tch! You will Regret coming here!”

One of Luther’s hands held Thes around the waist, while the other tried to pry Thes’ hand away from Klari’s hair.

“Stop it! Seriously! Catalina!”

After Luther yelled, it seemed like Thes got burned by something, and she immediately released Klari’s hair. They both gasped for breath as they were separated. I heaved a sigh of relief when their altercation finally ended.

Thes is really something else.


Rozzean entered the house, and I was surprised by his arrival. He approached me, took me by the waist, and examined my body. Behind him, I saw Klari watching us.

I held Rozzean’s cheeks and kissed him deeply. He responded passionately. When I pulled away, I glanced at Klari and smirked. I saw her with her lips parted in shock.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

Instead of responding, Rozzean kissed me again, this time from my forehead down to my lips.

“Manang called; there’s fight at home, so I drove back quickly. Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Hmm?” he asked while still examining my arms.

I smiled at the concern in his voice. When I didn’t answer, Rozzean looked around, his gaze landing on Klari. He was still holding onto me, his hand firmly on my waist.

“Klari,” Rozzean’s voice held a hint of threat as he mentioned her name.

“Oh, Rozzean! Tell that girl who’s crazy about you to stop! She was going to attack my friend! What else is she doing here?!”

I turned to Thes. However, what caught my attention was Luther’s hands, still resting on my friend’s waist, even though Thes was already calm. Hmmm… they look good together, huh?

“Klari, get out.”


“I’ve been telling you for a long time that I don’t feel anything for you. I made it clear before Tali came into my life, right? It’s been a while, Klari. Thaliana is the one I love. We are getting married, so stop it.”

Klari slowly stood up and nodded. I expected her to say something more, but she stayed silent as she left Rozzean’s house. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“That woman is unbelievable! What did you do to that woman to be this desperate?” Thes asked Rozzean, fixing her hair. But when she seemed to realize that Luther’s hands were still on her waist, she looked down at the hands resting there and glanced at the owner.

“We had a great time back there, huh? The brawl is over, but you’re still holding on?”

I laughed at what Thes said to Luther. The latter finally let go and distance himself. He smirked and then walked towards the kitchen, probably.

“Are you really okay?”

I nodded at Rozzean. Suddenly, I remembered his work.

“You didn’t have to come home; we could handle it here. We have guards too,” I said.

I cupped his cheek, and he held my waist.

“I got worried when I heard the shouts when Manang called. I thought something happened to you. This won’t happen again, baby. I won’t let Klari get close to you again.”

I nodded, and as he lowered his lips to kiss me, I wrapped my hands around his neck and responded. Just a few seconds into our kiss, I heard Thes’ voice.

“No respect at all.”

I chuckled and hugged Rozzean. I looked at Thes, who was pouting.

“There’s a single person here, and you guys that’s mean,” she added.

I laughed again at her comment. Thes is really something.

“There’s a single person here too.”

The three of us looked at Luther, who was holding a glass of water. I noticed that Thes diverted her gaze, and she cleared her throat. I also saw her cheeks turning a bit red.

When Rozzean and I exchanged glances, we both smiled. It seems like we’re on the same page.

Hmm… Thes and Luther? Why not?

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