The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret)

Chapter 54

The Billionaire’s Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband’s Regret) Chapter 54

Chapter 54


I blink back at Kayden, Surely, he’s got to be kidding, right?

“I cannot share a room with you!” I say,

He raises a brow. “And why not?”



Our phones once again beep with an alert.)


“Warning! Severe storm alert in the area. Seek shelter immediately. Flash floods and strong winds are expected. Stay indoors and stay safe.”

I look out the window and see dark clouds gathering ominously in the sky, the first drops of rain beginning to splatter against the glass. The wind picks up, howling through the trees outside.

“What do you mean you are fully booked?” I hear a man scream at the receptionist. “Please check again? Any room will do! We’ll take it.”

Kayden turns to me. “Maybe we can continue fighting over this in our room.”

He bends and picks up my bag. I have no choice but to follow him to the room.

We were led to a secluded villa in the resort, nestled among lush greenery with a breathtaking view of the ocean. The storm outside made the setting even more enchanting, the sound of raindrops tapping gently on the windows creating a cozy ambience inside.

As we stepped inside, the air was filled with the sweet scent of jasmine and the sound of distant waves crashing against the shore. The villa was elegantly decorated with warm earth tones and plush furnishings, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

A grand fireplace stood at the center of the living room, crackling with warmth and casting a soft, flickering light across the


The bedroom was a sanctuary of comfort and luxury, with a large king-sized bed adorned with silky sheets and fluffy pillows.

Kayden gestured towards the private pool just outside the bedroom, its crystal-clear waters shimmering invitingly under the darkening sky. The rain poured down in torrents, creating ripples on the surface of the pool, adding to its allure.

“Wow! I didn’t expect it to be this nice,” I say.

“Well, I did. That’s why I chose this.” Kayden sets my bag down by the door and turn to face me, his gaze intense yet unreadable. “I know this is not ideal, Cassie.” His voice soft yet filled with an underlying intensity. “But for now, let’s try to make the best of it. We can figure out a way to make this work.”

I got to admit, he is right.

“It’s not like we have any choice, right?” I say,C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.



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10:33 Tue, May 21

Chapter 54

“You can take the bed. Hl stay here on the living room.”

“That’s not right. This is your hotel room. I can take the couch. Besides, I’m way smaller than you.”

Kayden scoffs. “What? Do you think a guy like me cannot handle sleeping on the couch? He sits on the couch to get feel of it. “See? I’ve slept on couches less comfortable than this.”

“Are you sure?”

He stands up in front of me. A blush creeps on my cheek as he stares down at me. I become aware of his presence… how close he is, and how alone we are.

His eyes hold a flicker of something I cannot quite decipher. Is it vulnerability or longing Or perhaps both? It’s like he’s baring his soul to me. This is so much different from the Kayden I know and remember. The Kayden I know usually has a stoic look on his face. And if he bares his emotions, he’s usually cold and calculating. He is far from this Kayden, who’s looking down at me now with an air of case and playfulness.

He reaches up and wipes a stray raindrop on my cheek. The storm rages outside but how come all I can hear is the sound of my pounding heartbeat?

I hold my breath. I feel as if his touch lit something within me. The air around us suddenly seems charged with heavy emotion and… sexual tension.

Quickly, I step away from him.

“Alright!” I say quickly. “If you insist, I will take the room. I better freshen up.”

I spin around and gather my bag. I make my way quickly around towards the room and close it behind me.

“Breathe, Cassie! Breathe!” I say to myself.

‘You are not going to fall for that guy’s charm again! You already know what that’s like, and how painful it could be. You’d be a fool if you allow that… angelic smile and devilish eyes to enter your life again!’

As I stand in the bathroom, staring at my reflection in the mirror, I cannot seem to shake off the image of Kayden’s piercing

seemed to hold a world of secrets and emotions, all hidden beneath that mask of nonchalance. gaze.

The way his eyes

My heart pounds wildly inside my chest, and I can feel a gush of liquid heat between my legs.

“Oh, d*mn it!” I curse. “I need a shower!”

The steam started to fill the bathroom as I turned on the hot water, letting it cascade down my body. The warmth enveloped me, soothing my nerves and calming the tumultuous storm of emotions that raged within me.

Kayden’s unexpected charm and his undeniable presence have stirred something within me that I thought was long buried. As the steam engulfs the bathroom, I lean my forehead against the cool tiles, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside me.

‘D*mn it, Cassie! How are you going to survive the next twenty-four hours with Kayden if you are acting like this?! He hasn’t even made a move on you, and yet you can’t stop yourself from falling into his trap

After all these years, why does his touch still send shivers down my spine? I can’t afford to let my guard down, not with everything at stake, especially with Kai’s health hanging in the balance. But how do I resist him when he looks at me like that… like I’m the only person in the world?

After the shower, I dry myself and wear the hotel bathrobe. My phone rings. It is Lyn.



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10:33 Tue, May 21

Chapter 54

“Cassie, is everything alright?” she asks.

“Yes, I’m okay,’ I reply. “The storm has gotten worse.”

“I know. But I already cancelled your hotel room.”

“That’s okay.”

“Did you manage to rebook it?” she asks.

I hesitate, wondering if I should tell her.

“Ummm… yeah. Good thing is they still have some available rooms at that time.”

“Alright,” she says. “And Cassie, I’m sorry to tell you



There is silence on the other line.


She sighs, “Alberte’s test came out negative.”

My heart drops at Lyn’s words. Alberte’s test being negative means another dead end in the search for a bone marrow match for Kai. Desperation claws at my chest, and I clutch the phone tighter.

“Cassie, are you there?” Lyn’s voice comes through the line, filled with concern.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. “Yeah, I’m here. Thanks for letting me know, Lyn.”

“I’m really sorry…” Lyn trails off. “I’ll speak to Atty. Magnus. Maybe there will be other relatives who would be willing to help.”

“Yes, thank you.”

As the call ends, I sink onto the edge of the bed, feeling defeated How many more doors would slam shut in our faces before we found that elusive match for Kai?

Tears start to roll down my cheeks. Then I start sobbing… and finally, I just cried my heart out.

“Cassie!” I hear Kayden call me.

He hastily opens the door and find me on the carpeted floor.

“Hey! Are you alright?”

I don’t answer.

He bends down and pulls me up so I can sit on the bed.

“Tell me what’s wrong, love?”

Tears stream down my face as Kayden’s worried gaze searched mine. How can I explain the depth of my despair without revealing the truth about Kai? The weight of my emotions threatens to suffocate me, but the fear of Kayden’s wrath and what



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10:33 Tue, May 21

Chapter 54

he might do when he finds out that Kai is his scares me even more.

my cheeks. I just shake rny head, refusing to meet his eyes as I let the tears roll down

“Okay,” he says. “I understand that you cannot tell me. But… let me do this, okay?”

Suddenly, I feel his arms around me as he pulls me towards him

‘Stop yourself from falling into his trap.’ The words echo in my mind, a warning I can’t ignore. But as Kayden’s arms wrap around me, pulling me close, a sense of comfort washes over me, drowning out the doubts and fears that threatened to

consume me.

I may not be able to tell him exactly what was wrong with me, but I his touch feels warm and familiar. And right now, I need his touch to comfort me.

I lean into him, letting myself be enveloped by his embrace. For a moment, it felt like all the weight on my shoulders has been lifted, and I allowed myself to just be; to find refuge in his arms.

“Cassie,” Kayden whispers softly in my ear. His voice feels like a soothing balm that calms my nerves. “I know you can’t tell me what’s worrying you. It’s fine. But I’d like you to know that I’m just here for you, okay?”

I don’t say anything. Instead, I just continue crying in his arms.

“I know I haven’t been the best husband in the past, but I’m here for you now. You can trust me. You can rely on me. You can be weak, you can lean on me and I will be strong for you.”

Maybe I’m exhausted of hoping, praying, trying and then failing. The hunt for Kai’s donor feels like a vicious cycle already. But I know I will keep trying. And someday, Kai and I will win this fight.

But for now… I just want to feel weak, and have Kayden hold me in his arms and comfort me, tell me that everything is going to be okay.

It takes a while before my tears stop. Whimpering, I slowly pull away from Kayden.

“Are you going to be okay?” he asks.

I nod.

He reaches forward and wipes my cheeks with his fingers. I gaze at his face and I see a genuine look of concern there. He has never looked at me this way before. And somehow, I feel like crying even more.

Our eyes meet. And suddenly, the world stops. In that moment, as our eyes locked in a silent exchange of emotions, I saw something shift in Kayden. His usual guarded expression softened, giving way to a raw vulnerability that is so similar from my own. It was as if the walls that we both built around our hearts are slowly melting.

“Cassie…” he whispers as he cups my face between his palms.

Slowly, he leans his face, inching it closer to mine.

I close my eyes. I know this is futile to fight what I feel for him now. Sooner or later, I know I’m going to give in anyway. And in my vulnerable state, I am hopeless to fight what I feel for this man.

And just as his lips are an inch away from mine, thunder rumbles in the distance, the sound vibrating through the room as a flicker of lightning illuminated the room. I gasp, instinctively pulling away from Kayden. The sudden darkness envelopes us as the power goes out, leaving us with shadows and silence.



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