The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret)

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 


I go to the address that Kayden texted me. 

When I go inside the bar, I am pleasantly surprised at the ambience. 

The bar is elegant, quiet. Apart from the bar with only two patrons, there are secluded sections that offer a luxurious dining experience and privacy. As I step inside, the soft glow of dimmed lights casts a warm, inviting ambience over the entire space. The air is thick with the scent of aged oak and expensive whiskey, adding to the allure of the place. 

As I glanced around, I noticed the other patrons discreetly tucked away in their own private alcoves, deep in conversation or lost in their thoughts. I am happy that no one even turns to look at me. 

I follow Kayden’s instruction and make my way towards one of the luxurious booths. However, before I can reach it, some guy steps in front of me. He’s wearing a suit, and he’s holding a glass of whiskey in his hand. 

He turns to me at the same time that I look up to his face. My eyes widen in shock as recognition dawns inside my mind. I swallow hard, keeping myself together. 

“Fancy meeting you here, sweetheart,” he 


I will now remember his face anywhere. This man has drugged me, tricked me and attempted to kill me. I will never forget him. 

“I’m calling the cops…” 

Tsk, tsk, tsk…” he clicks his tongue. “You don’t need to be rash. You can’t have me arrested. You have no evidence to pin on me. No probable cause, no motive.” He narrows his eyes at me. “And don’t do anything rash unless you know who I am and what I’m capable of.” 

I raise a brow at him. “And now you are threatening me.” 

“I am not threatening you. No, far from it. I am just here to ask you what the hell you are doing here?” 

“That’s none of your damn business!” I snarl. 

“It is my business if you’re here to break your promise! We have a deal remember? I leave you alone, as long as you leave Kayden Steele alone! And now, what are you doing here? You’re having another tryst with him?” 

My heart pounds in my chest as I glare back at the guy who has caused me so much pain and fear in the past. His eyes bore into mine with malicious intent, and I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Despite his composed demeanor, there’s a dangerous undercurrent in his voice that sends shivers down my spine. 

“I am perfectly capable of protecting myself,” I retort. “You touch me again, and I swear I’ll have you arrested and you will rot in jail for the rest of your life!” 

Instead of looking fazed, he simply chuckles and takes a sip of his whiskey. 

“Oh, my poor little Cassie.He smirks. “It amuses me how clueless you really are. You see, I can get away with anything, Cassie. Anything.” 

The glint in his eyes betrays a dangerous determination that makes my blood run cold. I try to keep my composure, to stand my ground against this man who’s becoming a constant threat in my life

You won’t win,” I manage to say, my voice steady despite the fear that grips my heart. “You won’t get what you want!” 


“You see, what I want is quite simple!” he insists. “I just want you to stay away from Kayden! What is so f*cking difficult about that?” He raises a challenging brow at me. “What? You love him that much that you will risk everything for him?” 

“That’s not the point! The point is you no longer pose a threat to me! You are powerless to manipulate me! You cannot dictate my life! So you either f*ck off, or you will find yourself with a sorry ass lawsuit that will surely be the end of you!” 

My voice is full of conviction. And I know that as I stare back at him without blinking, I look convincing enough. 

“I don’t scare you?” he echoes. 

“Absolutely not! You can’t touch me! What are you? In love with Kayden? What does it matter it to you who he’s seeing?” 

I don’t even know what I did to him, but he has impacted my life in more ways than one. 

He falls silent for a moment. Then he laughs. “In love with Kayden? Of course not! But nothing will please me more than seeing him suffer. And when he’s with you, he’s not suffering, is he? In fact, I bet he’s quite happy. And when he’s happy, that becomes my problem!” 

Damn it! Who is this guy? 

“You’re a sad, sick psycho!” I curse at him. 

“I’m not denying that!” He chuckles. “Let me tell you how sick I can be! You may not be scared of me, but there are ways to make you bend, aren’t there? Don’t forget, I hold all the cards in this game. Speaking of which, how’s your darling son, Kai?” 

I feel the blood drain from my face as he mentions Kai’s 

I heard he’s quite brilliant, that boy! And you will do everything for him, won’t you?” 

“Le–leave my son alone! He has nothing to do with us and this little game we insist on playing!” 

The room seemed to spin as I struggled to find my footing. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could feel the heat of anger building within me. 

“See? I told you I hold all the cards in this game.” He says, smiling at med 

“You won’t get away with this!I snarled, trying to control the tremor in it takes to protect him.” This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.


Voice “You can’t hurt Kai. I’ll do whatever 

as if h 

enjoying watching me 

Myron’s grin widened, and I could see the thrill of the chase in his eyes. It was squirm. 

He leans closer, his eyes piercing into mine, and whispers, “Oh, but you see, Cassie, I do have a card up my sleeve. And if you don’t play by my rules, your little boy will suffer the consequences. So, I trust that after tonight, you seeing Kayden?” 

will stop 

I stare back at him. I hesitate. And in that hesitation, I know that he knows that he’s winning. He knows that I would never risk Kai for anything. 

“What the f*ck are you doing here?I suddenly hear Kayden’s familiar voice behind me. 

The moment Kayden’s deep and authoritative voice fills the room, I feel an inexplicable rush of relief. He reaches for my hand and pulls me towards him. Then he stands between me the guy protectively. 


Chapter 74 

“Oh, f*ck!” I hear the guy curse under his breath. 

“Why are you talking to my wife?” Kayden asks. 

“Your wife?” the guy echoes. Then he laughs. “How can you call her your wife? Didn’t you divorce her after years of completely ignoring her?” 

I am shocked at his words. This guy knows more about us than he lets on. And that makes him even more dangerous. 

“Wait. Do you know this guy?” I ask Kayden. 

Kayden heaves an exasperated sigh. “Unfortunately, yes,” he replies. “Cassic, meet Myron Steele. My cousin.” 

Cousin? What the f*ck?! 







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