The Billionaire’s Desires

Chapter 55 Bitten

Nathan’s POV

I could see the fear in his eyes as he begs for mercy, I know he regrets his actions now, but I also know he is as scared as hell. I must confess, a part of me wanted to listen to his pleas for mercy, I was a little touched by his apology but I couldn’t let him go so easily. If I show any form of weakness in front of them, they will take me for granted and they will attempt another revolt. Every often, I keep turning to my father and his son, glaring furiously at them, making them nervous. I want him to think that I am coming after them as well, I love seeing that fear in their eyes, it kind of makes me feel good.

I know it sounds weird, but that is just the truth. I want to make a statement with my actions today, I want them to stay the hell out of my way, I need them to stay in line because I won’t show any mercy to anyone that goes against me, not even if they are family. I ignored my father as he tried to pleas on their behalf, I guess he still thinks that he still has the right to speak in front of me. He would make an attempt to speak up, but when I turn to meet his eyes, he would turn away immediately and he would take a step back, removing himself from the equation.

I watched as Travis hot dragged to the center of the arena with his father crying and begging like a child, but I paid no need to his pleadings, I went on with my plans, showing no sign of weakness or remorse. I watched him run for his life as the dogs chased after him relentlessly. He nearly staggered and fell, but he regained his composure and balance and he kept running like hell because his life depended on it. The dogs were aiming for his left leg that has been smeared with dog treats, they were getting closer to him but he didn’t stop running, he didn’t even turn to look at them. He was getting closer to the guys and the dogs were gaining on him as well. He was so close, so damn close. A few more steps and he would have been in the clear, but my dogs are so damn hungry, they refused to let him go unhurt. Just before he could take his last steps, one of the dogs leaped forward and sank its sharp took into his left leg, making him scream out in pain as the dog dragged him down. The others caught up with him as well and they all sank their teeth into his leg, leg making him scream and yell out in pain as he struggled to get away from them. He reached out and tried pulling their teeth away from his body, but he could never win against three hungry Rottweilers. They kept fighting and struggling with each other, trying to tear his left leg off his body.

“Nathan, please, he is my only son, he is your brother. You have to forgive him, please I beg you. Let him go, take me instead, kill me in his place, please Nathan, I beg of you. I don’t have a second family like your father, he is all I have, he is my life. Please, Nathan, I’m so sorry for all we did to you, it’s all my fault, take me instead, let me pay for our mistakes, but please spare my son I beg of you. We will never try something like that, we would never go against you ever again, you will never lay eyes on us ever again, I swear it, I promise, I beg you… I beg you… I beg you.” My uncle pleaded hysterically as we watched Travis and the Rottweilers. I could see his blood all over the floor and it was dripping from the mouth of the dogs as well. My uncle lay at my feet, crying and begging for mercy. Travis was yelling and crying for help, begging for mercy, making me smirk in satisfaction.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see my father’s little protégé, he had tears in his eyes as he watched on in fear. My father could no longer meet my eyes, he just stared into space, lost in his own thoughts. Regret was written all over his face, I know he also feels guilty for his own mistakes and I’m so glad that he is here to witness this. I hope he learns his lesson from all this, I hope he drops his stupid plans of stealing the company for his son. If I ever find out that he kept on with his plans against me, I would come for him and I wouldn’t mind the fact that he is my father, I would treat him the same way as I treated other traitors, I won’t show him mercy.

I gave the signal to the guys at the other end of the field, telling them to stop the dogs. They have been standing at the same spot all along, watching him as he screams in pain and agony. They are the closest to him and I could see him reaching out to them and begging them to help him, but they just stood in their position and watched. They wouldn’t dare to make a move without my permission. They had the dog foods right there with them, it is locked away in a little box behind them. When I gave them my signal, they turned around and opened the box, they brought out the dog food and poured it out into three different bowls, then they ordered the dogs to come and they obeyed immediately. It’s always so funny when they do that, they are so good at their jobs and the dogs obey their every instruction. The dogs left Travis and went to the bowls that lay in front of the dog trainers, they completely forgot about Travis and the treats on his left leg. He lay on the floor, crying like a baby while his father was still lying at my feet, sobbing hysterically.

“I don’t want to ever set my eyes on you ever again. This is just a fair warning to you and your son, if you ever go against me again, I won’t be so merciful.” I warned my uncle sternly before turning to walk out with my boys.

“How can you be so heartless Nathan, what the hell happened to you out there, how can you be so mean to your own brother?” my father yelled out to me, stopping me in my tracks with his words.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now? He fucking tried to kill me, he put a bomb in my plane and when that didn’t work, he sent a group of assassins to find me and put a bullet through my fucking head. They hunted me like a freaking animal, and they would have killed me if they had the fucking chance. So, you don’t stand there and tell me what is right and what is wrong because you weren’t on that island and you did nothing to get me back.” I yelled back at him, glaring daggers at him.

“This would have been settled more amicably, you don’t have to act like a monster. You could have killed him, Nathan, you could have killed your brother and that guilt would never leave you for the rest of your life. No matter what he did wrong, no matter how he tried to hurt you, you have to always keep it in mind that he is your brother and we are family. Family fights and sometimes they hurt each other, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are still family.

This action of yours just proves that you have no regard for family, you are not supposed to lead this family when you have no respect or regard for our values. Where did I go wrong in your upbringing, did I fail you as a father?” my father asked me, making me burst into a fit of laughter.

“Are you being serious right now?Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Well if you must know dad, the answer to your question is a big fat YES.

You failed dad.

You failed as a husband to our mother and you failed as a father to Caitlyn and I. You cheated on mom and you almost pushed her off the edge by choosing the other woman as a favorite. As if that wasn’t enough, you idolized your other children, training them to be Noble’s, then you train up your perfect son to be your dream man, the same way you wanted me to be. You make us feel inferior to your other family, you make them look so perfect and you chose every opportunity to prove to us that you care more about them than you do for us.

To crown it all, you let Travis get easy with his crimes, you sat there and watched him sabotage our family company, then you send your French buddy, Lawrence Delaney to come down here and bid for the company shares so you can hand it over to your little protégé as a gift.

Yes, dad, I know that your French buddy now owns three percent of my company shares and I know that he had a representative at the company today. You sent him to buy the building for you and I’m guessing that it is also meant to be a gift for your perfect son, Easton.

Now, dad. I don’t know if you did all this because you wanted him to present it to the elders and urge them to welcome your whore and her bratty kids into the family or maybe you just did it to spite me, I really don’t care. But I’m going to warn you only once, dad. Back off and stay away from my affairs and my company. Easton would never take my place in the family and if you ever try to play a trick on me ever again, I won’t hesitate to attack back and this time, it would be worse than what I did to Travis.” I told him fiercely, ignoring the shock on his face. Then I turned to Easton with a smirk on my face,

“I like you Easton and I wish for our family to live in peace, but I have to warn you right here and right now. If you let our father to make decisions for you, if you continue on this path of hate and jealousy, you will end up worse than Travis.” I warned him sternly before turning to leave their presence. I took a few steps toward my car but I turned to my father with another warning,

“One more thing dad. I’ll be heading down to Paris to reclaim my shares from your French buddy. I’ll suggest you warn him not to make it too difficult for me, I wouldn’t want to kill an innocent man for your mistakes. So he had better hand over that portfolio to me at a reasonable price or it is going to be war. Trust me, he wouldn’t want to get me furious.” I warned him with a smile before going back to my car. I asked Ray to give him the key to one of the SUVs so they can find their way back home because I’m not sticking around to wait for anyone. I’m too fucking busy for that, I have a lot of properties to reclaim from Travis and his father, I have to begin work on that immediately. I’ll make sure they are both left with nothing, I mean nothing at all.

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