The Billionaire Hit Woman

Chapter 3


“Are you Cassandra Johnson?” The petite woman asks me while blocking my path, annoying me seriously.

“Who the hell are you?” I ask angrily, folding my arms across my chest.

“I suggest you show some respect.” The man in suit says, scaring me a little, so I kept shut with a scowl on my face. I look behind me, realizing the guy I was with earlier was gone. I don’t blame him for bailing on me, he doesn’t know me and these people might be after my life… for whatever insane reason that could be.

“To answer your question, Cassandra, I’m your savior.” She says with a friendly smile, but I still don’t trust her at all.

“If you’re looking for someone to play games with, I’m not the right person, so maybe you should look further. I have way too much problems to add more to it, so please, leave me be.” I say, attempting to leave, but the stupid man blocks my path again.

“Would you stop blocking my path?!” I yell in frustration, throwing my hands in the air.

“I know who you are, and I know you need money, and I can give it to you. I can change your life Cassandra.”

I pause, thinking about it. “Who are you?”

“Victoria Rodriguez.” She says with a tinge of pride in her voice. My eyes bulge open as I stare at her clearly, realizing it was true; I’m talking to Victoria Rodriguez. I must be dreaming. I must be so drunk I’m hearing and seeing things. “Are you drunk?” I ask myself aloud, laughing hysterically.

“You… definitely are drunk, but Yes! I am the one and only Victoria Rodriguez, and I need you to do something very important for me, and in return, I’ll give you a reward you’ll definitely love.”

I chuckle nervously, wondering what she could want from me. “I don’t have anything you could possibly want; you are Miss Rodriguez for Christ’s sake.”

“Of course, you couldn’t possibly have anything I’d want…” She starts making me discreetly roll my eyes-rich people and their pride, “…but there is something I want you to do for me.” She concludes, staring at me seriously.

“Which is?” I trail off unsurely before quickly adding, “And of all the people at the bar, I am the only one that can do this for you?” I ask, and she nods.

“You’re right, I am not drunk, you’re the drunk one.” I say, starting to walk away expecting the guy in suit to stop me but surprisingly, he doesn’t. Good riddance.

“A hundred million dollars.” I stop abruptly on my feet, turning to face her.

“Excuse me?” I say, in shock.

“I’ll give you a hundred million dollars for the job. Half before you start, and the remaining half after you complete it.” She explains patiently, making me close and open my mouth like a fish.

“A-a hundred… million do… dollars?” I stammer, emphasizing on the word ‘million’. A hundred million dollars will change my life completely. I can pay for the house and say goodbye to mortgage officers. I can finally send my younger brother, Cole, to a much better university, and quit my fucking job and start my own business.

“Yes! A hundred million dollars.” She says again.

“You are not joking, are you?’ I ask, brushing my hands through my hair. This is crazy.

“I’m being serious. You just have to do one simple thing for me.”

“I still can’t think of anything I could possibly do for you.”

“Mac.” She beckons to the big guy. He walks up to me, and hands me a picture. I look at them both before collecting the picture and looking at the person in it.

“Nicholas Bennett.” I say, identifying the person in the picture to be him. I look back at her, “I don’t understand? What am I to do with his picture?”

“I want you to kill that bastard.” She spits out in anger, her tone heavily laced with venom. What she said finally sinks in, making me stagger backwards. I… should kill, as in, take a life I can’t give. Hell no! What the actual fuck?!

I take a few steps away from her. “I don’t understand what you’re saying Miss Victoria, I think you have the wrong person. I run at the sight of a cockroach, and would literally drop dead if a rat passes me, and you want me to take a life? I have never killed anyone nor thought about killing someone; maybe I think of killing my boss from time to time but I can’t actually do it, those were just empty threats. Even if I was given a gun, I’d never do it, and now I’m just blabbing.” I say hurriedly.

“You’re such a character Cassandra, and no, I’m not kidding, I want you to kill that man in the picture, and I want it done before the end of this year; which gives you… a few weeks.” She states.

“Blood of Jesus! Woman, you’re crazy… This is crazy. What makes you think I can kill a person? And why the fuck am I still here having this conversation with you?” I yell.

“The answer to your first question is you need the money, your brother needs it too, and so does your house, which is the last memory you have of your father. Did I forget to mention you can send your step-mum to jail for cheating you out of your properties? The answer to your second question is simple; you’re considering my offer, and you want the money.” She smirks, circling me.

“I do need the money, but not to the point where I have to kill for it. Thank you for your offer, but you have the wrong person. You can look further, there’s definitely someone willing to do it, and I promise to keep my mouth sealed on our conversation.” I say, turning to walk away.

She hands me a business card, “In case you change your mind, ring me up.”

“I won’t change my mind, so I don’t need it.” I say, refusing the card, but she presses it into my palm.

“Keep it, you never know what might happen.” She says, and then leaves, with her bodyguard following closely behind her. I just stare at her, wrapping my head around what had just happened. From almost getting fired from work to a crazy encounter with an equally crazy human being, who thinks it’s normal and okay to walk up to anyone, and offer them money to kill. I mean, do I look like a killer? And most importantly, why does she know so much about my life? I absentmindedly walk back to the dance floor, and towards the counter.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“There you are. Where in the world were you? Julian and I have been searching everywhere for you.” Frank asks, concern written all over his face.

“I’m sorry, I just… I got tipsy and lost my way.” I discreetly put the business card in my bag, before picking it up.

“And that’s all there is to it? Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks, knowing fully well I was lying about just being tipsy.

“Yeah! I’m just tired, I’ll be going home now, and please help me tell Julian I’m fine.” I say, about to leave when he hands me my extremely dirty Jacket.

“Found it being stomped upon, on the dance floor.” He says, holding in his laughter at my horrified expression. My beautiful jacket. Urgh! Can this day get any worse?

I mutter a bitter ‘thank you’ and leave the bar, to head home.

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