The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 10 F*ck You Adrian, F*ck You To Hell And Back

“You’re staring,” Adrian states as he comes to stand beside me the next day in the school parking lot. Kohl and Lucas already headed off to god knows where as Roger dropped us off.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I turn around indignantly. In reality, I was looking across the parking lot at a certain blue eyed boy leaning on his Camaro. On his side the cute little brunette.

“Oh please, you might not want to admit it to yourself, but, Drew’s getting to you,” Adrian smirks as he brings his arms over his chest. I was currently leaning on the brick wall before heading inside the building, when Adrian popped out of nowhere.

“Who is she?” I ignore his preposterous remark.

“Her name’s Samantha, they’re on and off, but he never sticks with her. Drew likes to explore the horizon,” Adrian explains as he rolls his grey shirt’s sleeves up. The first time I see him without his leather jacket.

“That’s good for him, like I said as long as he stays away from me,” I shrug.

“But that’s not really what you want,” Adrian sing songs teasingly.

“I don’t like him,” I stomp my feet in frustration.

“So, you don’t mind that he’s coming over here with his girl?” what? I turn around, and yes indeed, Drew and the petite girl are approaching us.

“I gotta go to class,” I mumble quickly before turning on my heel and heading into school.

Coward am I, yes but who cares.

I walk quietly to my English class. Just another thing to question, how did Mr. Pine know my parents? How come I never knew about it? I find the class with the lights on and Mr. Pine arranging some papers on his desk.

“Good morning, Mr. Pine,” I chirp my usual greeting to my still favorite teacher.

“Morning Khloe, you been doing alright?” he pushes his glasses up on his face, his blue eyes looking at me questioningly.

“Yes, I’ve been fine,” I answer as I head to the back of the classroom. I plop down before digging in my bag for my book.

“Has anyone been giving you problems?” he tries to make the question casual but I find it odd. If it hadn’t been for my eavesdropping, I would’ve brushed it off, but now I find it strange. Why does he care?

“No, everything’s fine,” I send him a reassuring smile. He was about to open his mouth again when Lucas strolls in giving him a warning look. Weird, since when did Lucas look so serious and where’s my brother?

“Hey, Khloe,” Lucas smiles as he sits on my side, on my brother’s chair.

“Hey, where’s Kohl?”

“Uh, he’s busy downstairs,” he gives me a bullshit excuse but I let it go. From his tone, I can tell I don’t want to know just what my brother is doing. I nod and turn around as I begin to take notes from my book.

“Psst,” I turn to Lucas with an expectant look.


“Can I borrow a pencil?” he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. I smile before fishing one out of my black faded bag and handing it to him.

“Do you have an extra book?” he murmurs. I turn to look at Lucas and notice he has no books with him.

“Just scoot over here, we can share mine,” I sigh tiredly. He smiles as he drags his desk towards mine without getting up, causing a long and loud screeching sound to erupt around the room. I give him paper without question as we both begin to take notes.

“So you and Drew, huh?” I turn to look into Lucas’s glinting brown eyes. Amusement dances in those questioning orbs.

“No, no Drew and me. Drew nothing,” I yell without thinking, only realizing my mistake as about twenty pairs of eyes turn to look at me weirdly, no surprise there. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Mr. Pine holding in some laughter with a fist.

“Sheesh, calm down, it was just a question,” Lucas raises his hands up in surrender.

“So, what do you like to do for fun?” he changes the subject and I smile in pure gratification.

“Read,” I answer without hesitation.


“Any genre, really,” I clarify.

“I’m more of a classics fanatic,” he responds carelessly.

The bad boy can read?

“I would never have guessed,” I laugh honestly.

“I know I don’t come off as the reading type so we’ll keep this our little secret,” he brings his index finger up to his lips in a shushing motion. I smile and nod.

“Well, time to go,” he mutters as he hands me his notes and the borrowed pencil, I guess I’ll be keeping these safely for him. As soon as I’m done putting the stuff away the bell rings and Lucas is nowhere to be seen.

He’s fast, I’ll give him that.

I hoist my bag up higher as I exit my favorite class and head into history. Hopefully, Drew won’t be there to unnerve me with his unwavering gaze. Plus, he has Samantha. I head inside and look for somewhere to sit as everybody’s rearranging the classroom, sitting with their partners.

“Khloe, over here,” Ruby’s hands wave highly in the air, her brown hair flailing around wildly, her ruby lips not failing to curve upwards in an eternal smile. I smile as I head over to the desk she pulled over for me. I think we can actually become good friends.

“Hey Ruby,” I greet as I plop down on the hard desk chair.

“Oh my god, Drew just came in and he’s totally staring at you,” she leans in to whisper.

Here we go again with Drew.

“He’s coming over here, he’s coming over he-,” she’s cut off by a demonic voice.

“Hello ladies, the teacher and I came to an agreement, we’ll all be working together on this project,” he greets as he carries a desk over to our location.

I totally did not stare at his biceps flexing with the force exertion.

“It’s cool,” Ruby nods her head excitedly. I can tell she just wants to know what’s going on between Drew and I, not that there’s anything going on.

“Is it?” he asks, and I can feel his gaze on the side of my face. It’s as if the question has a double meaning, I roll my eyes as I take out the notes we currently have on the project. Ignoring him is the way to go, as staying away from him is clearly not working.

“Totally, right Khloe?” Ruby answers while kicking my foot under the desk.

I send her a cruel glare.

“Sure, it’s great,” I respond tightly without looking at that sinful creature. Not like that stops him from staring at me. We finally stop with the mindless banter and begin to work on how we’re going to present this thing to the class. Time in which I completely manage to ignore Drew, does that stop him from staring at me?

No, it doesn’t and his stupid stare is giving me the urge to pee. Why, I do not know.

“Hey Khloe, do you want to hang out on Saturday?” Ruby asks as soon as the bell rings and we gather our things to head out. I stop to think about it, I really want to spend time with Lucy but would it be bad to hang out with a friend? I’ll just spend my day with Lucy on Friday and Sunday.

“Sure,” I smile as she nods and skips her way out the class and down the hallway no doubt. I sigh as I step out and hear a close set of footsteps behind me. I know Drew will not stop following me, so why bother asking, right?

“Are you going to continue to ignore me?” Drew falls into step beside me and for some reason, I can feel his body’s heat at the close proximity. I don’t answer him and continue on my way to math class, which now reminds me of that homework I didn’t do.

“I’ll just keep following you,” he sings under his breath. I can feel the glares some girls throw at me and hear the sighs as Drew struts down the hallway with me on his side. What must people wonder?

“You’re seriously going to ignore me all day?” he groans.

“Why does it matter, go hang out with your girlfriend and leave me alone please,” I finally turn to him, causing him to stop abruptly.

That’s right player, I caught you in your own game.

“Girlfriend?” he raises an eyebrow, I can tell Drew’s amused by my rambling because he has that certain glint in his eyes when he finds something funny. Every time he’s amused or seems genuinely happy his eyes take on a much lighter shade, almost reflecting the sky.

“Yes, girlfriend, so shoo, go away,” I motion with my hand.

“I don’t have a girlfriend, sweetheart, yet,” he adds that last part with a smirk.

What’s that supposed to mean?

Ugh, never mind.

“Play girl, whatever you call it,” I huff as I resume my walking. He trails behind me without a word, probably giving me time to cool off or debating whether or not to call the nearest asylum. Relief floods through me as I reach my classroom door. I was about to step inside when I’m pulled back by a hand on my book bag strap.

I’m pulled back into a warm, hard chest.

Drew’s hard chest clad by a thin, black, long sleeve shirt, he ain’t all that. He places his hands on my shoulders from behind, giving them a slight squeeze as my breath hitches. Damn it, how does he do that? He’s a hazard to all things living, I tell you. His hands caress my delicate neck before trailing down simultaneously down my arms. One arm disappears as he reaches my hands, with a sharp tug on my left hand. Drew turns me directly into his chest.

I keep my startled gaze on his chest, not willing to look into those penetrating eyes. Two warm fingers grab my chin as they roughly force my head up, Drew’s eyes unrelenting, allowing me to go and look nowhere, but at him. People in the hallway have disappeared, uninterested or afraid of this bad boy, perhaps.

“I was going to ask you to have lunch with us instead of at the library, so that I could introduce you to my younger sister, Samantha,” he frowns at what I’m sure is my scared expression.

His intensity frightening sometimes.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“What?” I whisper dumbly.

Fuck you Adrian, fuck you to hell and back. I can’t believe I fell for his stupid lies.

“I must admit, jealousy is a lovely color on you. Don’t worry, there’s no competition for you, if you don’t show up at lunch I’ll have to find you and drag you there and I won’t be happy,” he says the last words with a warning edge lacing his tone.

Uh, demanding much.

“Understood?” he tugs on my chin to recapture my attention. I glare as I force my disturbed body to nod. He pulls me closer than we already are, my breath hitches in thought at what Drew could possibly do. His hand still clenching my chin softly pulls me closer our breath mingling together, colliding into nothing.

Drew smiles softly as he notices my body’s reaction, he brings my face close only to lean in and place a scorching but chaste kiss on my forehead, almost caringly. Why, why must this happen to me?

“Lunch, don’t forget,” he smirks before finally releasing me and stalking off to heaven’s knows where.

“That was intense,” I hear a voice exclaim in awe. I turn around to find Ruby smiling with pure excitement.

“That was invasion of personal space,” I huff contradictorily.

“Hate to break it to you, but I think the bad boy’s got the hots for you and you’re definitely going to lunch with him,” she orders in a motherly tone.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” I wonder.

“We have this class together, I just wanted to give you time alone with Drew so I left you alone with him,” she explains while she loops her arm with mine and drags us into class. It is only when I sit in my desk that a question pops up in my mind.

Just what the hell did Drew do to me?

I sit fidgeting all throughout math class, dreading the end of this class and the beginning for lunch. Honestly, Drew scares the beejezus out of me. I mean, is there really a point in avoiding him now that apparently Adrian knew everything. Adrian gave me the ultimatum, either I tell him eventually or he will. Either way, I’m pretty sure Drew will end up hating me as he finds out I had his daughter all along. Did I really think I could keep Lucy forever?

Sure, I built up a great bond with the blue eyed baby girl, who wouldn’t? I’ll remain happy knowing that for some time I was able to provide for her and keep her safe. On the other hand, what is really up with Drew and the guys? It seems like all of us around here are keeping our own secrets and as we get close to discovering them, more begin to pile up.

“Don’t be nervous, I’ll go with you if you want,” Ruby stops my bouncing knee with her hand.

“You don’t mind?” I glance at her as she offers her moral support. She smiles and shakes her head in response. I beam at her as the class comes to an end and we walk out, side by side. We walk into the crowded and bustling cafeteria. Some heads turn but most brush us off.

“Haven’t seen you in a while?” Ashley, one of my haters, sneers as she nears us. I guess I spoke too soon. I was beginning to think they’d finally left me alone.

“What do you want?” I grumble as I pinch the bridge of my nose. Frankly, I’m not up for her low IQ ramblings. I have enough on my plate right now.

“Oh, has the little brat finally got some spine?” she gasps in mock surprise.

“Just leave her alone,” Ruby demands in frustration.

“Wasn’t talking to you little nerd, I was talking to this bitch right here,” she points a manicured finger at me. She uses the same hand to fling her long red hair over her shoulder before stepping closer.

“You’ve been hanging out with the new inventory, does that make you feel special?” she asks sweetly.

Sweet venom.

I say nothing and merely stand her, letting her release whatever it is she’s holding against me. She can’t possibly hold a grudge over my refusal to befriend her a long time ago, it was nothing against her. My parents had just died, I was still grieving, I wasn’t looking for friendship and what good it did me.

“Nothing to say?” she sneers as she brings her hand up.

“I find it pointless to argue with you,” I snap, too much on my mind to really care. She pulls her hand back, no doubt about to bitch slap me. I close my eyes waiting for impact. I’m not much of a fighter.

The impact never comes.

“Ever try to touch her again and I’ll make sure you have no fingers left to manicure. Next time you wanna call somebody a bitch don’t forget to mention the fact that you’re pissed because of the fact her brother refused to bang you,” Lucas sneers loud enough for our small group to hear as he clamps onto her hand tightly. I watch in satisfaction as her face reddens in anger and embarrassment.

“Whatever, Kohl’s not all that anyways,” she fumes as she tugs her arm out of Lucas’s grip roughly. I’ve never seen Lucas so mad and serious in one day, his brown eyes seeming black with anger.

“Yeah, and that’s why I had to practically throw you off me, right? You ever touch my sister again and I’ll make sure you truly regret it,” Kohl’s voice snaps from behind me as I feel his comforting hand on my shoulder. I smile at my brother’s words, guess I’m not as alone as I originally thought. With one last glare, Ashley struts off.

“You okay sis?” Kohl’s caring voice carries into my ears.

“Yeah,” I answer with a slight laugh at the situation. We all begin to laugh as we walk to their table, Ruby and Kohl on my sides.

“If anyone bothers you again you tell me, okay?” Lucas says as he sits across from me.

“Where’s Drew?” I ask as I nod to his first question.

“Hey Lucas,” a feminine voice chirps as soon as I asked. Lucas smiles and nods in acknowledgement to someone above me. I turn around to face the petite brunette. Now that I see her face to face, those trademark blue eyes appear.

Drew’s sister, and on her side the devils themselves, Drew and Adrian.

“Hello Adrian,” I greet with clenched teeth as he smirks, clearly knowing I made a fool out of myself because of him. He gives me a pretty wave with that smirk still in vision.

“Are you Khloe?” Samantha gushes causing me to look at her in confusion. How does she know who I am, oh my god, is she a spy like Adrian?

“I’m Samantha, Drew’s sister,” she holds out her hand. Finally, one with manners, I smile as I shake her hand.

“You already know me so..,” I trail off uncertainly. I am so not good at making conversation.

“Hi, I’m Ruby, Khloe’s friend,” my new friend saves me from my small disaster.

“Hi, oh my god, I love your lipstick,” Samantha gushes as she notices Ruby’s red lipstick.

“Thanks,” why can’t I make easy conversation like that.

“You guys can call me Sammy,” she states as she sits with Lucas across from us, Adrian plops down on her other side while Drew sits beside me.

Oh great.

“Here you go little sis,” Kohl hands me a plate of pizza as he arrives with food to feed an army. He hands it all out before sitting down on Lucas’s other side. Everybody begins to chat around with each other while I sit uncomfortably next to Drew.

“Glad you came,” hot breath hits my neck as Drew whispers in my ear. I suppress a shiver, curse my traitorous body.

“Mmhm,” I know if I speak I’ll stutter in pure nervousness.

“Are you still ignoring me?” Drew teases as I feel a warm hand land on my thigh.

Oh no, he didn’t.

I smile as I grab my plastic fork and shove it into his skin with force, his hiss in my ear like bells ringing in Christmas.

“Not nice, cupcake,” he leans into my ear once again before nipping it lightly.

“No wonder you talk about her so much Drew, you guys look cute together,” Sammy’s voice snaps us out of our own little world. I look towards her.

“No, I don’t think so,” I shake my head in pure denial causing her to laugh. I notice Adrian looking at her with a foreign emotion in his eyes. He likes Sammy, no wonder he was jealous. The brooding bad boy has a crush on Drew’s sister.

“She’s still in denial,” Ruby pipes up with a laugh at my flushing face.

“I like it when you blush,” Drew whispers in my ear, once again nipping it.

He is so going on the naughty list this year, the Christmas time creeping up on us soon, right after Kohl’s and my birthday.

“Has nothing to do with you,” I mutter under my breath for Drew to hear.

“You sure?” his hand moves up and down on my thigh but never higher as he smirks.

“One hundred percent,” I answer sweetly, acting like his touch doesn’t bother me. In reality, it causes unexplainable and completely foreign feelings to arise within me, but I’m not willing to admit all of that.

“We’ll see,” he smiles as he begins a conversation with Kohl and Lucas, his knee remaining in its same spot all through lunch. Almost melting me into the bench, and while I try to distract myself from his touch a weird question pops up.

Why do I feel a small sense of satisfaction at the fact that Sammy’s nothing but Drew’s sister? Why did she just now come to our school? Why is Drew dangerous yet alluring at the same time? How long until everything unfolds and he begins to hate me? How will I patch up the hole of Lucy’s absence? Will I get another F in math this year because of my missed homework? When will Derek return in the upcoming season of Teen Wolf?

I just don’t know anymore.

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