The Bad Boy’s Favorite Girl


Chapter sixty-two

Elena P. O. V

Stepping into the supervisor’s camp, I met Tisha sitting on the chair, staring at me with murder eyes.

“Miss Elena, do have a seat please” Our Supervisor, Mrs Lindsay offered as she took her seat by the desk.

`Today, you both were the center of talks and in fact, you caused so much nuisance with your talk that I didn’t know how it got to the principal ” I was surprised that a mini squabble with Tisha, which Mac was involved in, would get my name to it.

“Ma’am with due respect, I have nothing to do with the fight. Tisha here had a squabble with Mac, so how am I being called?” For the first time, I felt the need to resurrect that confidence that they all thought I didn’t have.

“What in God’s name do you think you are doing you thief! Lying before our supervisor?” Tisha had interrupted me with her loud mouth and I felt the need to give her a piece of my mind.

“Actually Tisha, I should be the one to really tell you to your face this thing I had been keeping a long time…. You suck Tisha, you suck. You are pathetic, so pathetic that I wonder why you make some guys go nuts. If I was given the opportunity to go back to being a male, I would do it and screw you so hard” Both Tisha and the supervisor had their mouths wide open in shock.

“Enough Elena!”

“No ma’am, I think this bitch wants to eat from the same table as I do. Let me let you know that even if you have eventually captured Mac’s heart, you would never be worthy of lacing my boots” Tisha said as she exhumed so much pride.

“Enough Tisha, enough both of you!” This time, she took her seat and obeyed the supervisor appropriately.

“What is wrong with you girls? Fighting over a guy? Is that how cheap you both have become?” I didn’t take the liken to the fact that she believed I was fighting because of a guy.

Irrespective of the fact that I have my feelings for Mac, it didn’t mean that I was cheap.

“Now listen both of you, I’m going to leave you both here, while I go meet up with the other supervisors, If you don’t settle yourselves, then consider this trip over for you both and in fact, I will report your stupidity to the principal” She was being stern and I get it, but having to settle with Tisha was not a positive idea.

Before any of us could object, she had left the office, leaving both of us in it.

“So you are dating Mac,” Tisha asked after a few minutes with some sort of calmness laced in her tone.

“I don’t know” For real I didn’t know if Mac and I could be considered an item, I mean there was still an obstacle and that obstacle happened to be the same woman standing before me.

“After everything he has done to you? Surely it means you are very stupid” I had a scowl on my face and I didn’t want to escalate things further, making me shut my mouth.

“Look Tisha, I don’t know where you are going with this, but if there is one thing I would want to tell you is to leave Mac alone. He has already announced that he doesn’t like you, so why be pissed over someone that doesn’t even like you?” I said, standing up from my seat and heading outside the camp.

Surely there was no way the supervisor expected us to reconcile.

Tisha and I were two sides of a coin and that was the reality that I hoped they would understand in some way and someday.


Later that day, we were all gathered up in groups, outside our camp.

It was time to take our project a little bit further and certainly, it meant we would be going into the bush.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Alright listen up you knuckleheads!” It was Mr. James.

It was weird they named him after one of the smartest men in the world. He was absolutely fun for a teacher and also a supervisor.

“Y’all will be going into the forest, I want you all to be of good behavior, follow the lead of your supervisor, and don’t go missing!” He had a funny accent, coupled with the weird mustache he had on his face.

I turned my gaze away from him to look out for Mac, who was in the other group filled with his friends.

He was a little bit quiet and I knew it was certainly the issue bothering him.

“Come on! Move your squeaky selves outta here” He commanded and we began walking into the forest.

“Elena?” I heard someone calling unto me, making me turn around.

It was Mac and he looked stressed out. His eyes showed that he hadn’t a wink of sleep overnight and going out for a project like this would be stressful.

“Just want to say you should be careful out there” He had a charming persona today and I quite liked it.

“Sure,” I said putting my hands at the back of my pants pocket.

“Can I at least kiss you?” I was surprised that he was looking shy asking.

I smiled and drew him closer to myself and our lips locked for a few minutes before we were quite rudely interrupted.

“You hormonal teenagers better tone it down and make this place a PG” Mr. James had caught onto us and we stood apart.

“Both of you get outta my sight before I hand you some mean punishment” With one last look at Mac, I turned and headed with my group for the forest.

I think I was beginning to see the change I had always prayed would hit him and boy I was happy about it.

I didn’t even say a bye to Vee and Sophia, but it didn’t matter, we were only going for surveys in the forest.

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