The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

Twenty-One: Happy Surprise

Twenty-One: Happy Surprise

Twenty-One: Happy Surprise


I know Dustin is worried about me. I haven’t been eating well, and if I did, I would vomit soon after, so

what is the point? While it is true the stress of everything is affecting me; there is more than just that. I

started to suspect something about one week ago. I told him one day while we were working that I

needed to run an errand at lunch. While it was partially true, it was also a way to make sure I was alone

when I went and picked up the proof I needed. After I had taken the test and it said positive, I hurried

and got rid of the evidence. I am pregnant and am scared. I am sure Dustin will be happy, but this is the

worst timing. With whoever is out there watching us and everything else going on, this is the last thing

we need right now. Besides, Dustin and I have only been together for three months. I went back to

work and tried to act like nothing was wrong. I know he has caught on but is not pressuring me to tell

him what is wrong. I am sitting in the rec room watching tv when Rye comes walking in eating a

sandwich. I am not sure what is on it but whatever it is has me running to the bathroom, and up comes

my lunch. GREAT, I was really hoping to keep at least one meal down today, but I guess I am not that

lucky. I finally stop heaving and just sit with my back against the wall. I have my head on my knees and

am taking deep breaths trying to control my nausea. All of a sudden, I can feel something placed in

front of my face.

“Here these will help with nausea. Don’t worry they will not hurt the baby.” Rye says with a sweet smile.

“How did you know?” I asked with a shaky voice.

“Being a Fae means we can tell when anyone’s body changes. We are able to sense the slightest

change in hormones. Plus, I can hear the extra heartbeat in your body. Like vampires, the fae has

exceptional hearing.” He explains.

I quickly put one of the hard candies in my mouth, and my nausea is gone within seconds. I get up and

hug him. He just laughs at me. I tell him goodnight and start climbing the stairs to my room. I am so

happy that my nausea is gone, but I still have the issue of when to tell Dustin. I really don’t want to

stress him out. I open the door and walk into the room. Sitting there on the bed shirtless is Dustin. He

looks up at me as I smile at him. He gives me a half-smile.

“What’s wrong?” I ask worriedly.

“Wow, I must look like shit for you to ask me that. I was actually gonna ask you the same thing.

Mykayla you hardly eat and I have heard you the last two mornings throwing up. Please tell me what is

wrong.” He says. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

OH FUCK, what do I do? I don’t want to lie to him, but I am so scared that he will not want this right

now. I sag my shoulders and decide he has the right to know, even if it means the end of us.

“I’m pregnant,” I admit, not looking at him.

I hear him get up off the bed, and I know he is walking toward me. I hope he is not too mad. I am

terrified to look at him. I really don't want to see the anger in his gorgeous eyes. I should have talked to

the doctor sooner about getting on birth control.


PREGNANT, did I just hear that word come out of her sexy mouth? Please tell me I heard right. I have

been hoping she had my pup growing in her since her heat. I get up and walk over to her. I can feel her

fear and anxiety. Why is she scared? This is a fantastic moment. Wait, what if she doesn’t want to have

my pup? I put a hand on her hip, and with my other hand, I gently lifted her head so I could look into

her gorgeous eyes. When I do, I see fear in them, along with unshed tears.

“You’re pregnant?” I asked to make sure I heard right.

“Yes, I am sorry. I don’t want to put more stress on you. Please don’t be mad.” She apologies.

“Beautiful, there is nothing to be sorry for. This is amazing, you have no idea how happy I am.” I said.

I pick her up and spin her around. She quickly stopped me, and I looked at her, worried that I had hurt

her. I put her down as she slaps a hand over her mouth and runs for the bathroom. I quickly follow only

to find her dry heaving. I see her pop a piece of candy in her mouth and lean back against the wall.

“I am glad you’re happy about this, but please no more spinning.” She huffs out.

I apologize and pick her up. I carry her to the bed and gently lay her down. I lay down by her and

placed my hand on her belly. I know it’s too early to feel anything, but knowing that my pup is growing

inside her makes me happy beyond belief. We lay there and talked for a while, and she admits she was

terrified that I wouldn’t want it and I would leave her. I make damn sure to let her know that I want her

and the pup with me forever. I sent a mind link to the pack doctor and let her know so she can check

Mykayla out tomorrow. I told her to keep it quiet until after the check-up. She agrees and tells me she

will see us tomorrow. Mykayla gets up and changes into her pyjamas. She comes back to bed. She

falls asleep in my arms, and I fall asleep with one hand on her belly and a smile on my face.

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