The Alpha’s Mate

Shadowed Departure

Elena’s attention was drawn to the gentle buzz of her phone, an interruption that she managed to address swiftly, careful not to disturb Oliver, whose slumber she found utterly endearing. In the soft glow of the room, she began the delicate task of untangling Oliver’s arm from around her, a task made tricky as he shifted slightly, his hold on her instinctively tightening. Nonetheless, his rest remained undisturbed, allowing her to free herself with patience and determination.

Leaving a pillow in her wake to preserve the illusion of her presence, Elena eased herself out of bed, her body offering a faint protest in response to the pleasant soreness she felt. With her purse retrieved from the nightstand, she extracted a pair of painkiller pills, and two emergency contraceptive pills, since they did it without protection and she was not ready to become the mother of the person she barely knew and chunk it down her throat with a glass of water.

Elena’s fingers wrapped around the sleek device, her grip steady and her eyes intent as they fixated on the screen. A swift touch brought the time into view, a reminder of the world’s unwavering march. Amid her tranquil enjoyment with Oliver, a sudden jolt of memory surged forth – she totally forgot that today she was supposed to go to the airport to take a flight to California to resume her college.

She seized the clothes from the ground with determination, swiftly beginning the process of getting dressed. Following this, she efficiently gathered her belongings and stowed them into a bag. Utilizing her mobile device, she promptly booked a taxi to her destination.

Stepping out of his grand mansion, an unsettling sensation washed over her – a feeling of being observed. However, she brushed aside the notion, attributing it to mere imagination, and forcefully pushed the disconcerting thoughts from her mind.

As the taxi pulled away from the Oliver Mansion, a pang of sadness welled up within Elena, akin to leaving a fragment of herself behind. Swiftly, she cast off the emotion, determined not to let it deepen, she redirected her focus onto something different.

Covering the distance to her friend’s apartment took a mere 10 minutes, thanks to the sparse traffic. After settling the fare with the driver, she trod softly to her apartment’s entrance, mindful not to disrupt her friend who was nestled in slumber with her newfound romantic interest. Elena snatched her clothes from the closet and discreetly slipped into the bathroom.

Having completed her attire, she emerged from the bathroom and directed her attention towards the wall-mounted clock. The sight of the time ticking away prompted her to realize the absence of sufficient time for breakfast. To address this, she promptly placed an order for breakfast through her mobile device, strategizing to consume it during her journey to the airport. Simultaneously, she resumed her packing efforts, ensuring her bags were well-prepared for the trip.

Just as the last item found its place in her bags, the chime of the doorbell echoed through her apartment. Acting swiftly, she crossed the room and swung the door open, greeted by a delivery person holding a package. Expressing her gratitude, she accepted the package and exchanged a polite thank you with the delivery individual. Afterwards, she retrieved her luggage from the bedroom, her belongings securely stowed within, and exited her apartment. With purposeful steps, she secured a taxi and started heading towards the airport.

As Elena completed the check-in process at the airport, she seamlessly proceeded to board her flight. Once settled in her seat and the plane took off, her focus drifted back to Oliver and the time they had shared together. Inevitably, her mind was flooded with questions – had Oliver enjoyed their night as much as she had? Had he read the note she left? Would he feel a sense of sadness upon discovering her departure after their brief encounter?

Despite trying to dismiss these uncertainties, they persisted. She contemplated whether Oliver might choose to follow her or if he would soon move on to someone else. Amidst these thoughts, a pang of jealousy arose, but she swiftly suppressed it. Opting for distraction, Elena inserted her earphones, hoping that music would drown out the thoughts of Oliver. She picked her favourite song from her playlist and attempted to lose herself in it.

Yet, no matter how hard she tried, Oliver’s memory remained stubbornly present. His image seemed to cling to her mind with an unwavering grip. Determined to push through, she allowed the music to envelop her. However, her efforts proved to be in vain, as her mind continued to be preoccupied with thoughts of Oliver. The tiredness from their previous night caught up to her and she felt herself drifting to sleep.

On the other side, Oliver wakes up as a ray of sunlight hits his face. An internal groan accompanied his awakening – who on Earth had dared to pull the curtains open? Memories of the previous night flooded his mind, filling him with a mix of satisfaction and contentment. It had been an unforgettable experience, especially knowing he was her first. The thought of any other man touching her had always been enough to stoke his primal instincts.

As he pondered his newfound mate, his limbs moved instinctively to reach out beside him, yearning to find her presence. However, his groping hands encountered nothing but empty space. Frowning, he sat up, extending his arm to where Elle should have been lying, only to make contact with a pillow.

“Perhaps she’s already awake and downstairs,” Roy, his wolf, offered insightfully.

Yet, the coldness of the spot next to him cast aside that hopeful notion. Swiftly rising from the bed, he surveyed the room, realizing her clothes were conspicuously absent. A sense of unease settled in the pit of his stomach.

“Mate, MATE left us. We should have marked her, that way she would have stayed with us,” Roy’s growl reverberated through his thoughts, laced with regret.

“Shut up,” Oliver growled inwardly towards Roy, his wolf. She couldn’t have left, could she? She wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye to us, would she?

He sprinted out of the room, his heart racing, and pounded on his Gamma’s bedroom door. Nick opened the door with a sleepy head, allowing Oliver to push past him and enter the room. To his dismay, there lay a woman in Nick’s bed, likely a result of a wild night – a reminder of his own past that he was now distanced from. Only Elena occupied his thoughts now.

“WHO LEFT US? Go find our mate!!!!!! DON’T JUST STAND THERE,” Oliver growled fiercely at Roy, his frustration demanding silence.

“Out,” he yelled towards the dishevelled redhead in Nick’s bed. Her makeup was smeared from the previous night’s escapades. She whimpered in response.

“What?” she managed to utter in a trembling voice.Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.


Nick, his friend and Gamma, spoke up, curiosity in his tone. “How are you so sure she isn’t my mate?”

Oliver’s growl was a warning as he retorted, “Because you would have already ripped my throat out.”

“Somebody got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Nick teased.

“Do I look like I’m in the mood to joke?” Oliver’s voice was edged with a growl.

“Sorry Alpha,” Nick apologized quickly, bowing respectfully before him.

“What’s wrong?” Recee inquired as he emerged from his room.

“Elena is missing,” Oliver stated, his tone laced with concern.

“What do you mean she is missing? Mates don’t just disappear into thin air.” Recce asked.

“Well, she’s gone,” Oliver confirmed, his worry deepening.

“Okay, let’s look at the camera images,” Nick suggested, and the two of them headed towards the monitoring room. Oliver had placed cameras throughout for security, particularly against rogues.

And there it was, around 6 in the morning on the screen. Elena stepped outside, her belongings with her, and climbed into a waiting taxi.

Oliver’s wolf whimpered in defeat, the reality setting in – “Mate must find a mate.”

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