The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

7. Resistance


“Get up!” Someone shouted.

The screeching sound of the hinges of the cell door being opened made me open my eyes. I was leaning against the wall, I wasn’t sure when I fell asleep last night.

“I’m awake.” I replied icily, glaring at the two men before me haughtily. “What do you want?”

The taller of the two cocked his brow, scoffing as he looked at his partner.

“Did you hear that Gale..? She’s got an attitude even when she’s locked up down here.” He sneered.

“Lee… Don’t. You know Gerald’s orders.” Gale muttered, turning to me. He glared coldly. “Get up.”

I raised an eyebrow. Was I getting out of here? My heart thudded as I slowly stood up, tossing my hair over my shoulder. My wrists were still bloody and a mess from the other night.

I was weak, and due to the lack of food, I wasn’t healing well either. I needed blood, but I was not going to ask these beasts for anything. The urge to sink my teeth into one of them was very tempting, but I would never drink from one of these mutts.

He made to grab hold of my arm when I jerked away, glaring up at him dangerously.

“Touch me and you will lose your hands.” I hissed.

“Feisty…. I thought vampires were regal, stoic creatures.” Lee sneered. “Don’t worry, none of us wants to touch you.”

His gaze raked over my body, and I looked away disgusted. I was still in the clingy gown that stuck to me like a second skin, one that was splattered with my blood.

“Keep walking, one wrong move and we will cuff you.” Gale wamed me.

I felt the sharp poke of a blade being held to my back, so I carried on walking out through the cell door and towards the stone steps that led upwards. We emerged in a less dingy-looking corridor. Although the walls were made of stone, it was a lovely cream colour, with chandeliers above casting a warm yellow glow along the walls. The floor was a dark wood that shone pleasantly, and the walls were decorated with some artwork here and there.

We continued ahead and I keenly made sure to pay attention to the smallest of details as we climbed up another flight of steps. It was then that I realised the lower floor didn’t have windows.

We reached the top, and my heart leapt when I saw light shining through a large pair of doors up ahead.

“Don’t get any ideas!” Gale growled.

Well, I already had an idea…

I spun around, kicking the knife from his hold, my other hand darting out and using my telekinesis ability to throw him back. I caught the knife and threw it straight at Lee, who looked alarmed. He ducked, so I knocked his legs out from under him. The sound of fabric ripping told me I had ruined my dress, but it was the least of my worries.

Gale was up, shifting into a huge wolf and running at me. His menacing growl echoed off the walls, and

the saliva that dripped from his mouth told me he was angry.

“See you later! Oh, wait… More like never!” I shouted, running for the doors. A small smile crossed my lips. Despite the circumstances, I loved the exhilaration I got out of exciting situations. I burst into the sunlight just as the wolf pounced. I ducked, and he went flying right over me.

I sped up. The smooth paved stone beneath my feet was a welcome change from the snow back home.

“Grab her!” Lee shouted.

“CAN YOU FOOLS NOT DO ANYTHING?!” A third voice thundered.

I didn’t turn back, not wanting to waste precious seconds, but before I could even get any further, I was lifted off my feet and thrown over a strong shoulder. I gasped, feeling the air knocked from me. The tingles at the touch told me it was the Alpha King himself before his scent even registered.

“Don’t move.” He growled murderously.

I could feel his anger radiating off of him as he slapped my behind hard. I felt my cheeks burn, but I was glad that due to my pale skin, it was barely noticeable.

“Let me go!” I shouted, pummelling his back and trying not to pay attention to the huge tattoo that covered most of it, why was he shirtless?

“Sorry, Alpha!” The voice that I didn’t recognise said as he stopped before the king. I craned my neck to look, only for the Alpha to spank my behind again.

“Stop that!” I snapped, irritated.

What was this? His favourite pass time?

“If I give you a job, Gerald, it was meant for you to do it yourself.” The Alpha said coldly.

“Yes Alpha… I’m sorry.” Gerald replied quietly.

“Cuff her and give her some clothes.”

He grabbed me and threw me to the ground.

“Ouch!” I yelped when my ass hit the hard floor.

Glaring up at the Alpha, I hated how I was distracted by his perfection… The sun shone down on him, his perfect-coloured skin glistening, his defined abs and Adonis belt very prominent.

“If you try to run again, I will fucking throw you in that cell for the rest of your life.” His cold voice, which was laced with a threat, made my eyes snap up to his face.

“I’m quivering with fear.” The snarky reply left my lips before I even registered it. Standing up, I brushed m y dress off, massaging my sore ass.

Silence ensued, and a surge of power made me look up innocently.

Well, what did he expect? Me to beg and plead? Cry ‘Yes, Alpha, I’ll be a good girl’ and behave like a scared, meek little prisoner?

Yes, that was not happening.

“I wamed you.” He growled, turning his blazing golden eyes towards one of the men. “Take her, bind her, and put a fucking gag on her!”

“I never knew the baby Alpha got so angry….” I muttered in a cooing voice, pouting provocatively. The man named Gerald gripped my arm painfully tight.

“What did you just say?” The Alpha asked dangerously.

“What? You are a baby in my eyes. How old are you; thirty? Forty?” I taunted, knowing he was younger.

He clenched his jaw, his fists shaking.

“Take. Her. Away.”

I smirked,

“Children and their tantrums…” I chirped just as Gerald clamped his hand over my mouth. 3

“Do you wish to die, bloodsucker?” He growled, dragging me away from the seething Alpha.

Oh, if I had my mouth free, I would have had a lot to say, but I settled for glaring at him. I would have to plan my escape carefully and not do something reckless like that again… I will get out of here, even if it takes me some time…

I was given fitted black pants and an oversized black top that fell to mid-thigh, the fabric kept slipping off my narrow shoulders annoyingly. I wasn’t given any shoes, but I didn’t really care at this point.

My wrists, ankles and neck were cuffed with iron that burned my skin, laced with nightshade and wolfsbane. I could feel them doing their job and weakening me, I found it ironic that they would use wolfsbane when it was harmful to them too. We rarely had any of it back home. At this rate, I would probably collapse before the day was over.

I refused to show them the effect it was having on me though, keeping my chin up as Gerald gave the chain that was linked to my left ankle cuff to those two buffoons from earlier to hold.

“Make sure she is under your watch at all times.” Gerald growled.

I rolled my eyes. Well, giving me idiots to work with would make my escape easier… Much easier…

Gerald tied a cloth around my mouth, much to my irritation.

“Yes sir!” Lee said, dragging me from the room.

Twenty minutes later, I was put to work peeling potatoes for dinner.

“I don’t think you should let her touch our food.” One of the women remarked.

I could tell from their clothing and what they were doing that these were Omegas – the low ranked werewolves who usually worked for the rest of the wolves.

“No one asked your opinion, Cherise.” Andrei, the head Omega cut in.

I had been handed over to him to order around and he had been the one to assign this job to me.

I wish I could tell him I had never cut a potato in my life… but… giving me access to knives… I’d try to sneak one or two…

So, I was trying… The cuffs didn’t help, the weight and the poison slowing me down.

“Well, did she wash her hands?” Cherise grated irritatingly.

I shot her a glare, satisfied when she moved back nervously. I may be bound and weak, but I could take her any day.

Good, stupid woman…

“It isn’t hard to peel a potato, girl.” Andrei growled watching me.

I frowned, looking at the potato that was half done.

“Goddess! She will waste half the potato! Food doesn’t come cheap!” He muttered; his green eyes full of annoyance. “Cherise! Go make her do the mopping in the food hall!”

There goes my chance to sneak a knife…

“This way, Vampire.” She spat, making sure to stay closer to the guards as Lee yanked on the chain, leading me out

I sighed, I would rather be stuck with Azrael for twenty-four hours straight than with these killers… And I still had a score to settle with him too… How dare he allow me to be taken…


Three hours had passed, I was finished with the main hall and had been told to do the hallways, Werewolves spent a lot of time outside, and unlike in the vampire kingdom where the palace was for the

royals alone, it seemed like everyone was in and out of this huge place.

The doors stayed open, many men and women entered and left, sometimes leaving a lot of dirt in their wake. My irritation was growing with each dirty beast that entered and ruined my just cleaned floors.

I was hungry, and the sound of their pulsing hearts tempted me with the reality that there was fresh blood simmering through their veins…

I was working on one corner of the hall again, my vision blurring at times, I couldn’t even pretend to be ok anymore. I was barely able to move, but I refused to argue, not that I could with my mouth gagged!

The buffoons had followed me around, but I could tell they were bored of having to watch me.

“Let’s get some food. She’s about to collapse anyway.” Lee remarked.

“We can’t leave her alone.” Gale growled.

“Have you seen her? Besides, she won’t step outside. The sun is bright today, it will only weaken her.” Lee scoffed.

“Ok fine, the kitchens are just down the hall. Let me tie her to something…”



They were right, I could barely move…

The moment they were gone, I stopped. The cloth fell from my hand and I leant my forehead against the wall, breathing heavily through my nose.

I didn’t even turn to see where he tied the chain. I slumped against the wall, shivering considerably.

I needed blood…

I closed my eyes that were stinging with pain.


I counted in my head, trying to regain control when the sound of children laughing and giggling made my

eyes fly open, my head snapping in the direction of the open door a few feet away.

Three little children, all under seven years of werewolf age, were giggling and laughing as they carried a muddy ball.

My stomach sank when one of the girls turned to me, tilting her head.

“Oh, look, that lady is sad.” She said, her innocent eyes sparkled with concem.

No, don’t come near me.

My heart thumped as she and the other girl walked towards me, whilst the boy hesitated.

“Lorna… come back.” He murmured.

Wise child…

“Why is she tied?” The other girl asked. “I don’t know Jody.” Lorna replied, reaching over she pulled the cloth off my face.

They gasped.

“Her teeth are strange…” Jody whispered.

“Girls… Momma said she’s not one of us…” He hissed.

“Go away.” I whispered weakly.

My eyes burned, my gaze flitting to their necks. “Why miss?” Jody asked innocently.


My body fought against me, wanting to sink my teeth into their necks and drink them dry… But I would not do that to innocent children, even if they were the children of monsters… Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

“I said, move away! I will hurt you!” I warned.

“Miss, are you ok?” Jody asked, touching my forehead.

It was the final straw as my self-control snapped and my gaze shot to her neck…

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