The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 50

Holding my phone in my hand I started to walk down the street. I seen him with a beer so surely he wasn't driving? The beach wasn't far from where we lived so I knew I only had a short distance to walk.

I was glad I put my hat and scarf on tonight. It was colder than it had ever been. I could see him walking towards me, the butterflies in my stomach going wild.

"Princess". He smirked as he reached me. "I thought you weren't coming?".

"I wasn't". I shrugged. I was getting good at playing the whole keeping it cool or at least I thought I was. He didn't need to know how I was really feeling. I still couldn't explain how I felt towards him. It was confusing as hell. Something I still didn't understand. As we reached the beach I stared in awe. They had a bonfire lit, music was playing and drinks were flowing. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, the vibe was good.

Feeling him press up against me I froze. Settling his hand against my hip I swallowed the lump that appeared in the back of my throat. I couldn't breath.

"Relax Leah". His sweet breath tickled against my ear causing me to shiver. I couldn't relax with him touching me.

"I'm going to find Alanna". Stepping forward I had to put a little distance between us. "See you later". I could see Alanna and Lacey sitting on beach chairs around the fire.

I was shaking.

"Hey girl". Alanna passed me a beer which I gladly took. Sitting beside her I smiled hoping she couldn't hear how fast my heart was beating. "I'm glad you decided to come out. What changed your mind?". She asked.

"It's Friday night". I shrugged. "I was bored sitting in by myself".

"That the only reason?". She smirked.

Rolling my eyes I brought the beer bottle to my lips. I wasn't even going to ask her what she meant by that. "This reminds me of back home". I smiled. The set up was basically the same. I used to love going to the beach on a Friday night. It was the highlight of my weekend. "I'm glad". She grinned.

"Okay ladies". Jack yelled. "Who's up for a little spin the bottle?". He grinned. Everyone started to crowd around the fire. Spin the bottle? Okay we didn't do that back home but I was intrigued to see what happens.

"I hate this game". Lacey groaned.

"What to you have to do?". I asked.

"If the bottle lands on you Jack will ask you truth or dare and you pick one". Alanna smiled. "It's a little bit of fun that no one takes seriously". Truth or dare?

"First up". Jack smirked as he spun the bottle and of course it landed on me. I could feel them all staring. "Okay Leah. Truth or dare?".

I wasn't picking dare for my first turn. God knows what he'd make me do.

"Truth". I smiled taking a sip of my beer. I wasn't prepared for what he was going to ask not when everyone was staring at me.

"Truth hm. Have you ever cheated on anyone?".

What sort of question was that? I could feel Jakes eyes burning a hole through my face.

"No I haven't". I wasn't that kind of girl. "If you want to cheat while you're in a relationship then don't be in a relationship". It was that simple.

"Here here". Alanna grinned hitting her beer bottle off mine. The game continued everyone else having a turn. A lot of dares were played, skinny dipping being one but I wasn't really focused on the game. I knew he was staring, he had been since the game started. "You're up again Leah". Jack grinned. "Another truth?". He asked rolling his eyes.

"Dare". I smirked placing my empty bottle in the sand. I knew he didn't think I would pick dare.

"Oh". He smirked. "Give your phone to Jake for the rest of the night and he gets to go through it".

These dares were rubbish.

Digging around in my bag I pulled out my phone and took the passcode off. I had nothing to hide in there. Holding it out for him to take he swiped it and passed it to Jake.

"You're brave". Lacey whispered. "The amount of nudes I have in my phone is crazy". The smile dropped from my face. I didn't have nudes but I did have a few with hardly any clothes on. "You got nudes in there?". Lacey laughed.

"No it's not nudes but there are some, let's just say, f**k yeah I have some nudes". I sighed.

"Jake won't look through your phone". Alanna said as she passed me another beer. "He's not like that".

I wasn't all that bothered if he did. I was proud of my body and I had no shame. It was my phone and they were in there for me no one else.

"Can I see your nudes?". Lacey asked. "Your hot".

Laughing I took a sip of my beer. "Is there any food I'm starving".

"She's so desperate". Alanna hissed. "I mean you can clearly tell he's not interested". Following her gaze my stomach flipped when I saw Jessica with Jake. She always found a way to touch him.

"Yeah he looks like he's not interested". If he wasn't interested he wouldn't let her touch him. I don't see why people can't just be honest.

"He's really not".This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Nothing to do with me". Getting to my feet I grabbed my bag. I needed to find something to eat. I couldn't help myself, glancing at Jake one more time I watched as he grabbed a hold of Jessica's hand and shoved her off. Words were exchanged and she stormed off. He didn't look happy. As his gaze met mine I looked away.

"Told you he wasn't interested". Alanna smirked.

Maybe he wasn't but I still wasn't convinced.

"You want another drink?". She asked. "Oh I love this song". As the music got louder she danced her way into the crowd of people that had formed. Everyone was having a good time.

"Not feeling it?". Jumping slightly I turned around. He needed to stop doing that. Smirking he slid his arm around my shoulder. "You wanna get out of here?". He asked.

"And go where?" I asked shrugging off his arm.

"We could grab some food?".

I never turned down food and I wasn't about to start. Besides I had hardly eaten anything today.

"Okay just let me text my gran first". Digging my hand around in my bag I stopped when I remembered he had my phone.

"Here". He grinned.

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