Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

“Imagine the cheek of this man ! Now he gave us detention too !! I am certainly not going to be surprised if I find Zeke or Ryan, sans Kai in the room again”, Dominic sulked. “I am sure he did this to delay our meeting with him in our dorm”, he huffed, clearly upset- again.

I wanted to comfort the Vampire King but decided to stay mum as somewhere in my heart I knew that Dominic was right. I did not want to give him or myself false hope so I braced up myself for another disappointment.

However, as soon as we entered the detention room, my mind seemed to have blown away and Dominic beat me by a second or two as he scooped our grinning Beta mate in his arms and molded his lips with his in a frantic hot, passionate kiss.

“God, I love you, I love you, I love you”, Dominic chanted again and again, against Kai’s lips, in between his kisses, making Kai’s lips stretch in a beautiful, wide smile.

Kai peeked an eye open in my direction and opened his other free arm so that I went running into it and smothered him with my own hugs and kisses too.

“You dog !”, I smacked his shoulder while he laughed at me. “I thought you rejected us ! Again !!”, I playfully hit him on his chest again.

He chuckled and pecked my temple lovingly as he wrapped me completely in his embrace.

“I am sorry, princess”, he replied as he hugged me closer to himself. “I just wanted to make this moment special and worth remembering for the rest of our lives, especially after the stupid rejection and my behaviour today morning”, he murmured while nuzzling his face in my neck.

Dominic hugged Kai from behind, resting his face on the latter’s back and wedged his arms between us so that he completely clung to the male Lycan.

“Best surprise ever, babe. I loved it !!”, Dominic declared happily and at that moment, in the middle of a flood of red, heart shaped balloons, continuous shower of rose petals and a feast of golden sparkles and decorations everywhere with violinists playing a beautiful melody, we three knew that this amazing way to say “YES” to our marriage proposal was the foundation of a strong ‘Love Kingdom’.

Oh and I forgot to tell what was the first thing that Dominic and I saw when we entered the detention room with low spirits.

A huge sparkling red banner similar to ours etched with sparkling golden words that said-


The ring ceremony that took place afterwards, was the most fun as we three slyly took out the rings from our hiding places and were shocked to see that not only the others had bought them already but the bands of gold and diamonds were exactly the same !!!!!

“Great minds think alike”, Kai’s grandmother claimed with a laugh when she saw our shocked faces and outstretched hands with rings in them.

The room erupted in laughter and applause as we exchanged our rings and, Dominic and Kai kissed each of my hand like true gentlemen while kneeling down.

“Guess we all are getting married !!!!”, Tyra squealed as she hugged all of us and showed the fat ass diamond ring sitting on her fourth finger.

“Where did you steal that ring from, Max ?”, Dominic teased as he playfully jabbed the shoulder of his friend turned brother in law.

Tyra rolled her eyes and possessively tugged back Max in her hold.

“Stop bullying him already !”, she exclaimed indignantly.

“I am your protective brother and his evil brother in law. Ofcourse I will be at his ass all the time now”, Dominic evilly smugged and we all knew whose “ass” was going to get fried by his sister.

However, Kai beat Tyra as he slapped Dominic’s chest and murmured, “You are only going to be at my ass. You do something otherwise and I will be breaking yours in a zillion pieces, understand ?”, he warned before tip toeing and wrapping his arms around the amused vampire’s neck.

“I love it when you get so possessive, babe”, Dominic growled in Kai’s ear as he slid his hands around Kai’s lean waist and under his shirt, easily forgetting that they had an audience around them in their wild, lust haze. “Fuck, you are driving me crazy. I feel like sucking your blood and c*ck dry, then eat you- devour you completely and finally, keep you in bed under me the whole week !!”, the Vampire King declared with powerful bites and kisses on Kai’s yelping lips to prove his point.

Now I would have usually joined the boys and made things hotter but we had company, that too in university premises, so I naturally held back.

While the Tribal King and Queen decently cleared their throats and Amanda fake coughed along with Dominic’s bratty Beta and Gamma, wolf whistling with taunting claps, the best of all reactions, was when the Dean smacked a lying chalk on their heads at point blank range after breaking it into two.

“Fuck you are a dirty, dirty pervert and sadistic bitch”, Tyra cussed Dominic through the mindlink while Kai glared around and hissed, “Ouch grams !!”, at the same time.

“No inappropriate stuff allowed in front of the Dean (she pointed towards Amanda) and the Director of the National Disciplinary Board in university premises”, she grinned and everyone gave an excited shout at her implication, as we all hugged the former Dean and future Dean together.

Kai’s grandmother bagged the top most spot !

Wohoo !!!!

Guess, everyone got what they wanted after years of hardwork and dedication !!

Now this called for a huge celebration, didn’t it ?

A few moments back ….

Tyra’s POV

“Where are we going ?”, Max asked as I guided him round the corner, down the hall and towards the back of the university.

“To – my – mother !”

“Huh ?”, Max asked in shock.

“I want her to witness how much my mate loves me and I want to seek her blessings”, I replied back to the stunned Lycan as we crossed the university’s perimeter and I shape shifted.

“Now hop on me !”, I urged and lowered my back as Max carefully sat on me, so that he didn’t hurt me, making me roll my eyes that I was a fucking Alpha werewolf, not a weak flower petal and scream like a crazy fan girl at his sweet gesture at the same time.

He leaned down along my back and hugged my neck before planting a soft kiss near my ear, making my wolf shiver in delight.

She was almost tempted to throw him down on the grass and have her way with the gorgeous Lycan but shoved the thought away and stored it in some corner of her mind for future purposes.

Right now, we had a mission to accomplish.

Mission Proposal.

And that too in front of my loving mother.

“You are beautiful- in and out”, he whispered as he caressed our soft fur and found comfort in nuzzling his cheek against it.

“I feel like pressing our handsome mate against a tree trunk and go wild if he keeps touching me like that”, my wolf purred though the mindlink.

“You do that and I won’t let you near him again”, I threatened and got an image of a taunting tongue flashed in my mind in response.

Wow. So mature.

Kindly note the sarcasm.

I ignored my wolf’s naughty thoughts and focused on getting us to my mom as soon as possible instead.

When we reached a white marble gravestone, I halted in my tracks and bowed down to let Max hop off me easily.

However, he stayed put and suddenly I felt heavier weight bow me down.

He had shifted on top of me !

Soon enough, I was caged between his four paws while he licked my neck all over !!

My wolf moaned under his touch and submitted herself completely to him.

“I liked the tree trunk idea by the way”, he teased through the mindlink and I blushed profusely when I realized that he had heard my horny wolf’s dirty thoughts.

“C’mon ! Introduce me to your mother”, he kissed my head with his snout before releasing me from his warm hold and shifting back to his human form.

When we had covered ourselves appropriately, I led him to my mother’s gravestone and knelt down with him, a wave of nostalgia and sadness setting in.

“Hey Mom ! Look who came with me !!”, I tried to sound excited but failed miserably when a tear or two fell down my cheeks.

Max took my hand in his and squeezed it in silent support, making me smile at his loving gesture, even through my tears.

He was so understanding and perfect.

Therefore, on this special day, I wanted to be perfect for him too.

Hence, I willed myself to speak again without choking up.

“This is Max, Mom ! My loving and caring mate. How I wish you were here with us and see how amazing he is”, I whispered and his hold over my hand tightened. “But don’t worry, I brought him here so that you could see what he prepared for me too !”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Your daughter is an amazing woman – Mom”, Max fondly said while looking at me with a loving smile.

My heart fluttered at his admission of love for me and not only that, he called my mother “Mom !”

“And I want to make her the happiest one too, with your blessings to make her my loving wife !”, he proposed as my eyes started to mist again.

Even the trees around us started to shed their flowers as the pace of the wind slightly increased and the weather started to get cooler as if mother nature was rejoicing with us by raining and bestowing on us its choicest blessings.

This was a sign !

Clearly a sign from my mother that she approved !!

Max turned towards me knowingly and took both my hands in his as he further proposed, “So Tyra, will you make me, Max, the happiest man on this planet by marrying me and being my wife till death do us apart ?”, he asked while sitting on only one knee.

“No”, I choked out and his face suddenly dropped. “No babe”, I continued with tears streaming down my eyes by now. “I want to be your wife in this lifetime and beyond”, I explained and was soon enough engulfed in a hug.

“Oh Max ! Ofcourse I want to marry you”, I breathed out as he twirled me around joyously and set me down back on my feet so that we were sealing our lips in a deep and tight bond just like our relationship.

“You scared me the first time”, Max chuckled as he rested his forehead gently on mine while lacing our fingers together.

“Yes, you should have seen your face”, I giggled.

“You are such a tease”, he fondly declared before nipping down kisses along my neck.

Suddenly thunder clapped and a burst of rain poured down, forcing us to break apart and take shelter under a tree.

“Oh my god. What does this mean now ?”, Max asked while peering up to see the darkening sky.

“It is my mother”, I replied and Max shot me a ‘what the hell are you talking about’ look. “She is asking where is my ring ?”, I teased.

I was just joking but I was not prepared for what I saw next.

“Oh shoot, I forgot”, Max cursed before presenting a velvet box and making my eyes widen in shock as I glanced down at the giant diamond ring glistening in the middle of the small box.

“Max ?”, I softly said, not able to find my voice after seeing something so stupendous and dazzling.

“I wanted the size to tell how much I love you”, he explained after sliding it on my ring finger.

“You silly boy”, I slapped his chest. “I already know how much. How will I reciprocate so much amount of love ?”, I cried, tears of happiness ruining my make up this time while Max wrapped his arms around me so that I was engulfed in his comforting embrace.

“I, too know, silly girl, how much more you love me”, he lovingly chided. “I will always know, baby …. “

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