Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

Although straight after the kiss, we did not realize how troublesome it was going to be around each other but the truth remained that my first kiss was with the most annoying jerk on the face of Earth who was my teacher too if I may add !

Fuck !

And let me list out the worst parts of the kiss. First, it was my first kiss ever. Second, it has been really awkward between us ever since. Thirdly and the worst of the lot is that I don’t regret it and instead yearn from it.

“One more month, horny girl and then we will get our mate !”, Snow sang out in her sing-song voice and I cringed at that.

“Not so cool”, I blatantly stated and picked up the sandwich that Kai had made for me for breakfast.

Ever since he came out of the shower, he had been avoiding me like a plague and he quickly got over with breakfast before hurrying outside looking dapper and handsome as always.

Damn ! These sandwiches are heavenly !!

I never knew something so simple as these could be perfectly toasted and filled with the most delicious filling !


My phone buzzed while I washed my plate and I hurried towards it to see who was messaging me early in the morning.

It was Tyra.

Tyra: Diaz, we are going to the club tonight. Join us ?

Me: Sorry gal but I can’t. Clubs are not for me xx

It was true. As much as I hated and loathed clubs, clubs seemed to hate me back with the same intensity.

The reason was unknown yet but all I can say is that only after 3 glasses of drinks, shit would happen and then I would find myself thrown on the pavement.

It was not like I used to get into fights or thrash around.

No no.

As much as I remember, the last time I was in a club, I had announced free alcohol to the whole floor and had immediately after found myself been blacklisted from visiting the club when the management had been unable to handle the angry mob that demanded their free drinks.

And the time before that, I had my scientific temperament light up in its full potential such that it caused the electric equipment and wires of the DJ system to blast off in beautiful flames of a sweet bonfire.

And then once I remember that I had been playing with the water taps in the bathroom of a club and had forgotten to close them afterwards. The club had soon turned into a mini pool and I remember arguing with the manager there.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“In any case, no one is wearing much clothes here, Mister. I turned your boring club into a pool party ! Yippppppeeeee !!!!”

Ofcourse, I met with the same fate as the previous times- I found myself hugging the pavement ground after that.

By now you must have caught up the wind that there was some kind of mutual hate between me and clubs.

Tyra: Nonsense ! You are joining us. Domz is reserving your seat too. See ya in class babe. Buh bye.

Me: You are the worst xx

Tyra: Love you too, Bella bear :p

Me: Ughh. Whatev. I love you too xx

Slinging my mini bag on my shoulder, I hurried outside and dashed for my class.

I could not afford to be late.

It was Mr Grayson’s class afterall.

And I needed to prepare in advance for the class.

If you know what I mean. Haha.

Everyone was so gonna enjoy today’s class.

* * * * *

Kai’s POV


What the fuck was I thinking when I just grabbed her and thrust my tongue into her throat !?

And the worst part is that my lycan won’t stop purring inside my head like a love sick fool.

She is admirably a beauty with brains and not to forget, extremely athletic but her nasty mouth and stupid pranks just annoy the shit out of me.

And to top it all, I cheated on my unknown mate !

I wanted to save all my firsts for my mate. I am such a terrible lycan.

Sigh !

“Stop ranting, Kai. You loved it and felt it too. So shut up”, Dexter scolded in my head. “You need to loosen up, buddy. Just 1 month left to find your mate. Why don’t you try something new before we get our mate ?”, he suggested.

“And what do you have in mind ?”, I asked the outgoing lycan out of curiosity.

“Let us go to the club !”, he chirped.

“Hell no !!”, I refused outright with much feeling.

“Hell yes ! You are definitely going. We need to have some club experience and maybe we might find the Dark Overlord’s minions there”, Dexter baited me to a trap which obviously did not worked.

“Dexter ?”, I called out his name in amusement. He really thinks humans are stupid. Such a self obsessed lycan. Nghh.

“Hmm ?”, he hummed.

“We would have already sensed the presence of the Dark Power if they were in this world so stop fooling me. I am not dumb like you”, I retorted.

“Shut up, fucker ! Stop being a pussy. I wanna go to the club and I will keep singing in your head till you don’t concede”, Dexter yapped. “But then you can refuse right now so that I keep singing your favourite song all week and you know which one am I talking about”, he further blackmailed with a sly grin.

“Worst lycan ever”, I muttered under my breath.

“Is that a no that I heard ?”, Dexter smugged.

“What will we even do in the club ? I don’t want to get laid or get drunk”, I countered.

“As I said, we need to loosen up a bit and I will guide you once we reach the club”, Dexter assured me.

Later on I was to realize how stupid and a simpleton I had been to think that my lycan could have known anything or even the A B C of a club.

“Alright fine !”, I huffed as I gave up on my obstinate lycan.

One night in the club could not harm me, right ?

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