Teacher’s Student Mate


Third Person’s POV

“Call the late Beta’s son to my private quarters.”

“Yes Sir”, the servant bowed and hurried out of the throne room to fetch the mentioned lad.

“Your Highness”, an exotic looking, violet eyed, 18 year old young boy bowed in front of the Dark Overlord.

“Zeke”, the Dark Overlord rumbled. “I have a task for you”, he mentioned the purpose of summoning the young lad.

“Your Majesty, I am honored that you thought of me but I am still in mourning for my father’s sudden demise”, the insanely good looking werewolf replied.

“Not even when you might find your father’s murderer there ?”, the Dark Overlord smirked.

Zeke’s ears perked up and his face which had lost its beautiful colour and radiance, was back to glowing at the mere thought of getting revenge so soon !

“How ?”, he breathed out confused.

“After the murder case of that stupid wolf in a human grocery store- what was his name ?”, the Dark Overlord irately asked.

“Hayden, Your Majesty ?”, Zeke asked about his best friend.

“Yes. Hayden. That fucking stupid kid. Your sister tried to scout the area for any leads and she had a reason to believe that the culprit was not a human”, the Dark Overlord started his narration.

“My sister ? But she is a professor in a human university !”, Zeke interjected.

“Under cover”, the dark hearted villain replied. “She has been heading the search hunt for my son in the human dimension, since the old seer asked me to stay wary of this stupid, weak human world. She foresaw my death in this dimension and with all other dimensions destroyed and my best men dead, I only have you, whom I can trust now. I want you to join your sister’s university and track down the culprit of the blasts. She found out that the material used to make the explosives was delivered at the university’s address. That is the only lead we have so far and we believe that the rascal is still hiding in that place. Find your father’s murderer, that is your task. You will be joining that place from this Monday, so you have only 2 days to prepare”, he ordered.

“Why can’t my sister and her men do it on their own then ?”, Zeke asked.

“Your sister has been acting like a love sick duck for a stupid human professor and her head is unable to get out of that fuck duck’s thoughts. She lost a valuable lead when she tried to trace the owner of the company whose explosives were used against us. Instead, she decided to find her lover boy, whom she claims is involved with his student. Honestly, I would have killed her if she was not the Beta’s daughter and the head scout in the human dimension”, the twisted man spoke through gritted teeth.

“What do you want me to exactly do, My Lord ?”, Zeke queried.

The Dark Overlord smirked and summoned the boy closer to him as he laid down all the plans and traps.

“Kill whoever, wherever and whenever you want. Take as many soldiers as you want. I don’t fucking care. Just get me the wretched man’s head who blew my fucking kingdoms”, the Dark Overlord thundered.

“I will be on it, Your Majesty”, Zeke bowed. “I will not fail you. I will surely avenge my dear father’s death”, he swore.

“Good. Now c’mere, sexy.”

Third Person POV

“Hey sistah ! How you doin ?”

“What the fucking hell ?! What are you doing here ?”

“Nothing much. Came here to watch some TV, use your WiFi for free, help you finish everything in the fridge and eat your head ofcourse !”

“Zeke, I swear I am gonna kick your annoying ass out of here- literally if you do not get the fuck out of here on your own and get your shoes off my coffee table.”

“Oh c’mon, Amanda. You surely can not throw your adorable, little brother now, will you”, Zeke batted his eyelashes for further effect and then suddenly gasped as if he had realized something. “You are not gonna have intercourse with that professor that you have been moping about, with me staying here for the entire semester, will you ?”, he mocked.

It was the elder sibling’s turn to gasp this time.

“What ?! An entire semester ? And how the fuck did you know about the prof ?”, she hollered.

“Geez, calm your voice pipes down. You really do know how to make other’s ears bleed without even trying”, Zeke hissed while protecting his ears from his sister’s shrill voice pipes.

“Shut up, Zeke ! Tell me what is going on here ? Why are you here ?”, Amanda demanded.

“The Dark Overlord”, he tersely replied. “That is what happened”, he laid back on the couch.

Third Person POV


“No hello ? No greeting ? No words of undying love ? No nothing ?”

“What the fuck do you want ? Get straight to the point.”

“You are a dodo, Grayson. The Hayden case helped him deduce that you are in the neighbourhood.”

“For the thousandth time, it was not me, asshole.”

“Yeah yeah and pigs can fly.”

“What now ?”

“Your delivery address for explosives is also exposed.”

“That motherfucker.”

“Yup. And guess who is working on that case now.”

“No fucking way !”

“Yes fucking way.”

“The Dark Overlord has lost his senses surely”, Kai laughed as he turned around in his office chair, watching the hands of the clock nearly converge at 12. The bell for lunch break was any time due now. “Why would he give the case to an imbecile fool ?”, he asked as if thinking so hard for an answer to the mocking question.

“Fuck you, Grayson”, the speaker huffed.

“Sorry dude but I am sure, His Royal Highness does not like to share his things, especially his special pet”, Kai teased.

“Ughh. That spineless p*rvert. I can’t even wait for him to die the goriest death known to man. That asshole and his Beta snatched my precious innocence and childhood. I am going to make sure to stay alive somehow till I get to watch his fucking downfall”, he replied. “He is back to his dirty self and using me”, he added, making Kai clench his teeth hard and fists to tighten.

“I am going to kill him !!”, he lashed out.

“Chill your t*ts down, dude”, Kai could imagine him rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone. “I have endured it since so long. I don’t even care or cry anymore. I just keep thinking about cutting his fucking d*ck and laying it beside his coffin”, he added.

“That is, well, too extreme but then he deserves it”, Kai agreed.

“So you excited about your birthday tomorrow ?”, he excitedly asked.

“Oh yeah !! I can’t wait for it ! I wanna find out my mate”, Kai hid the truth for the time being.

“Awesome man. I hope I will find mine too when I get out of this fucking old retard’s hold”, he vehemently spat out.

“You will. Have faith”, Kai assured him.

Suddenly his ears perked up when his Lycan ears picked on the heavy commotion and noise coming from the cafeteria suddenly.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Uh- I think there is a situation here. I will get back to you on- …. ?”, Kai trailed off confused.

“On Monday”, he completed.

“Yeah alright. A date on Monday it is. Now gotta go. Take care of yourself, bro”, Kai sincerely said.

“Eww date ? With you ? Shut upppp. I would rather die. Thanks but no thanks. Now go and do your fucking prof duties. I have no idea how your students bear with you”, he snorted.

“They bear with me just well fine, unlike you, who is a royal pain in the ass”, Kai scoffed.

“Oh shut up. I know you love me”, the other person sassed.

“Cocky bastard”, Kai grunted. “But ofcourse, I love you and your goofy ass. Now let me go”, he laughed after getting threats of getting kicked in the balls if he was late for his “date” on Monday.

“Don’t be late or else you will find me in sweats”, Kai was threatened.

“Yeah, yeah. You want roses too ?”, Kai humored his buddy anyway.

“Make sure to stick the thorns up your ass, asshole”, was the last sentence spoken before the phone was clicked shut.

“No goodbye ? No greeting ? No words of undying love ? No nothing ? Huh”, Kai murmured under his breath while imitating the caller.

Let us see what these pests are up to now, he thought as he got out of his chair, stretched side by side and made his way to the drama hub.

“Oh shit !”, Kai muttered when he saw the reason of the chaos in the cafeteria.

“Kill them all”, his Lycan lashed out in wild fury on seeing his Alpha princess in distress.

Third Person POV

“What did the Dean say, Cassy ?”

“No relaxation this time. She did not let me even call my father !! She just stamped my suspension letter and asked me to submit my apology letter to that bitch, before leaving the school premises”, Cassy fumed.

“I have an excellent idea to get back at her and convince Dominic that she is cheating on him at the same time !”

“What do you have in mind ?”, Cassy immediately straightened up.

“A picture is a worth a thousand words …. “, and everyone smirked after listening to the plan.

Complications, complications and complications.

So many external factors were hell bent on destroying the trio’s peaceful existence but the Moon Goddess had her own plans up her sleeve for the royals caught up in the eye of the storm.

Tomorrow was going to be the most special day in their lives after a miserable past and childhood afterall.

Their 18th birthday ….

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