Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

” …. and your sense of humour is currently nowhere to be found”, I sassed as I plopped back against Kai and felt the satisfaction of getting on Daddy Domz’s nerves.

“Vampires are NOT fucking grown ass leeches for the last goddamn time”, he exasperately said while keeping his eyes on the road, making Kai and me laugh.

“You are so kewt”, Kai chuckled. “But I agree with Bella. Vampires are basically leeches only, sugarbug”, Kai teased. “Y’all suck all our blood till we die and are major pests in our life”, he laughed while Dominic glared his way.

“Huh”, Dominic scoffed. “You two wolves better not forget that you can be sucked dry from everywhere in the middle of the road by this leech”, he smirked.

“Everywhere ?”, Kai asked with a raised eyebrow.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“You really don’t think I will let those milk producing beauties get wasted”, Domz dirty talked and a deserving double punch attack came slamming through on his arm.

“Oww ! You two are cruel”, he hissed in mock pain making me roll my eyes.

“Drama Queen”, I snorted and folded my arms against my chest.

“I just wanted to know one thing, Domz”, Kai said, hesitating slightly.

“Uh huh, go on”, Dominic urged him as he took a turn and started entering an entirely different, magical world.

“Who are your subjects ?”, Kai asked.

“Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Financial Engineering, Administration in …. “, Dominic started to list out his university subjects but was cut off mid sentence when Kai irately said, “Not those subjects, idiot. I meant your people- the citizens of your so called Kingdom”, Kai rolled his eyes.

Dominic chuckled and I knew he did it on purpose, just to get a rouse out of Kai.

“Oh ! They are a 5 million strong population of all kinds of supernatural beings but the majority of them belong to the vampire sect”, Dominic answered.

“Wow”, Kai and I breathed out. “That’s huge !!”, we added.

“Yeah. It is not easy to administrate such a large number, especially from long distance and when they are all mixed breeds and seeking revenge for the destruction of their respective worlds by that Class One A-hole”, Dominic replied, his hands clenching tighter on the steering wheel, seemingly upset about his father’s cruel ways.

I placed a palm on top of his hand in silent support and he instantly relaxed before sighing.

“It has been hard to shoulder so much responsibility from such a young age and convince them all to trust me, instead of finding ways to bury me ten feet below the ground because of my lineage but I guess it is humbling to know that all of them are willing to lay their lives for me now, if need be. Ofcourse, I would never let them do that but we have all come a long way to come to this point and find normalcy in our broken lives somehow”, he added.

“Domz, I thought vampires could not go out in sunlight !”, I exclaimed when I saw vamp warriors in a neat line, execute a royal salute as Domz’s car went through a massively gated residential area.

“The tribe people whom you met last time, made enchanted pendants for them all. Now, they all can walk out of their homes at any time of the day”, he answered.

“For how long are we here, Domz ? We have to be at the university at 9 am sharp tomorrow”, Kai reminded.

“Don’t worry, babe. We are going to stay the night here and get back to the uni on time tomorrow morning”, Dominic replied.

“I don’t understand !! How will we get back on time when it took us almost 5 hours to reach this place !”, Kai exclaimed.

“You worry too much, baby”, Dominic chuckled. “We shall get going from here at 4 am in the morning and reach our dorm by 8 am or so. Traffic is going to be way less so I will ask one of the warriors to drive us to the place as fast as possible and we can all catch up on our sleep at the back seat”, he chalked out his plan.

“Why would we be sleepy at 4 freaking am ? That is basically the time, we all train in the morning”, I pointed out. “We will be well wide awake”, I added.

“Only if I let you two sleep at night”, Dominic chuckled before zooming away his car in the most beautiful, jaw dropping place in the world.

“HUH ?!”, Kai and I chimed together confounded.

“Horny Vampire King”, Kai muttered under his breath and it was no wonder when Dominic carried away a thrashing Beta Lycan on his shoulder inside his huge, magnificent palace amidst surprised staff and coven members.

“Stop resisting or else I will make love to you in front of all of them”, Dominic whispered after spanking a wiggling Kai, who even tried to bite his captor’s perky tight ass.

That made Kai go statue still and hang on to the Vampire King’s shoulder like an obedient pup, making Dominic chuckle.

“Close all doors to my private quarters and draw all curtains. I don’t want anyone to disturb all three of us”, Dominic commanded in his deep Alpha voice, which made me feel giddy and wet. Damn !

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