Tangled Love



The new club opening is proving to be very popular. Maybe it was all the free drinks they were handing out. . .

The place is packed from the door to the toilets within hours, the music bouncing off each wall loudly. People are dancing, laughing, grinding against each other and some are already drunk, leaning against tables for support.

"Typical club scene." I shout loudly in Trish's ear and she nods, grinning from ear to ear. The music blares loudly, the beats filling the whole place. I can barely hear myself think and I wonder over to Tobias in the corner who's chatting to a few people I don't recognise.

"Hey Tobias!" I yell loudly so I can be heard over the music. He smiles at me and turns towards his friends — This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Guys this is Emily," he introduces me and I smile warmly at them getting three warm smiles back. The first boy appears very laid back, he's dark haired with large brown eyes and tanned skin. The second boy is insanely tall and has to lean down to join in the conversation. He has small blue eyes and spiky blonde hair that sticks up in every direction. The last is a girl with jet black hair that reaches her waist, heavy eye makeup and a black dress with distressed tights. I glance at her boots that are covered in metal spikes and grin at her —

"I love your outfit!"

She beams at me before leaning forward.

"Thanks! Do you want a drink?"

I nod at her and we both head for the bar.

"I'm India," she introduces herself and I lean closer to her so she can hear me over the music which thankfully has quietened down on this side of the club.

"I love the name India, it's so unique."

She nods in response, "It was either that or Jenny..." she grimaces and I giggle at her.

"You definitely do not suit Jenny," I respond, giving my order to the bartender. Within seconds, I'm holding a cocktail and my eyebrows raise in surprise at the quick service.

"This place is pretty dope, don't you think?" I ask and she nods enthusiastically, her hair flying everywhere.

"I've literally been waiting forever for it to open, the cocktails here are off the hook!" She says, downing her drink and ordering a second one. I take a small sip of my drink and have to agree with her, the cocktails taste amazing.

I make my way back over to Tobias with my new favourite drink in my hand. "Do you like the place?" I ask him and he looks around, nodding his head.

"It's alright, beats sitting in my room all night."

I stand next to him and nibble on my bottom lip, looking around at everyone else who was dancing to the music.

"Want to dance?" I ask sheepishly and he grins back at me, brown eyes sparkling.

"I thought you'd never ask."

I chuckle at him and make my way towards the bodies of dancing (slightly) drunken crowd. I begin moving to the music, nodding my head along to the beats. My other hand grips onto my drink and I

think of Jake, what he's probably doing in this very moment.

"Where's Jake?" Tobias asks on cue, leaning into my ear so I could hear him. His scent lingers around me, he smells like dark musk and soap.

I shrug, leaning back and taking a large gulp of my drink. A small pang of hurt settles in my chest knowing he had blown off our first night together in days for his fourth night breaking the law.

"Is he at work?" Tobias asks me, not dropping the subject and I nod quickly, downing my drink and heading for another one. I can feel my head tingling with a slight buzz from the alcohol and I like it, ordering the same drink over again. Tobias leans on the bar next to me, turning his face in my direction.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I swallow the lump in my throat, feeling tears brim my eyes. I blink them away rapidly and clutch onto the fresh cocktail, taking another large gulp.

"Go easy on the drinks," Tobias says firmly, his hand shooting out and resting on my arm. His eyes look serious and I chuckle at him, rolling my eyes.

"I'm just having some fun!" I respond, downing my glass and wincing as a strong hit of alcohol burns the back of my throat.

"This is definitely not what Doctor Green ordered," I laugh loudly, leaving Tobias alone and heading into the crowd to try and find Trish. The music booms against my head and I feel the familiar light headed sensation fill my body as I sway slightly.

"God, I'm such a lightweight," I hiccup before elbowing my way through the crowd of sweaty bodies. I feel a hand grip onto my arm tightly and I spin round, ready to attack.

My eyes meet Tobias' stern dark brown ones and he raises his brow at me, identical to the way Jake does when he's shocked at my behaviour.

"Get off me Tobias," I slur, pulling my arm out of his grasp. Jake is the last thing I want to think about yet he's all I can think about. I grab Tobias's drink from him and lift it to my lips before chugging it all in one go.

"That's it, you're coming home." Tobias says seriously, his jaw clenched. I scrunch my eyebrows up and narrow my eyes at him —

"No I'm not. You can't tell me what to do Tobias," I say lightly before spinning on my heels and heading in the opposite direction. My vision begins to blur a little and the buzz in my head got louder, drowning out the deafening noise of people around me.

I flinch and lift my hand to my head, massaging my temple where a violent headache is beginning to form. I glance around for the exit and head for the doors, desperately needing air to clear my head. I push my way through crowds of people, muttering apologies before I finally reach the doors and step out, stumbling a little into the cold dark night.

"Are you alright, hon?” The bouncer asks me and I nod grimly before heading around the corner. I need to get some air, my lungs feel restricted and a sharp pain begins to find its way into my stomach. Right next to my wound, that stupid wound.

I grimace as my hand hovers over my stomach, right over the ugly scar it's left behind.

“Screw them all," I murmur unhappily, leaning back onto the cold bricks.

Screw the scar. Screw Jones. Screw Trevor. And screw Jake too.

You kind of already did the last one Emily. . .

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