Taming My Arrogant Husband

Chapter 32: The man in her nightmares

Chapter 32: The man in her nightmares

Forty-five minutes have passed since I left Daniel's office but until now I'm still on the road and stuck in

the traffic. I've been checking my wristwatch for the 6th times as I can also feel my stomach growls.

As the traffic finally moved, I thought of going to a restaurant to eat lunch before I go back to the studio.

I pulled over in front of an Italian restaurant and immediately run inside.

I was enjoying my favorite Pizza Margherita and Lasagna Bolognese when there's someone who

suddenly sat in front of me. And because I was so hungry, I continued eating without paying attention to

who it was.

Until I heard his very familiar voice. The voice I never wanted to hear again. I slowly glanced up to the

owner of that voice and goosebumps instantly crept all over my body. It's him.

Joseph De Luca.

The person I've been avoiding for six years, who gave me endless nightmares at night, ruined my

relationship with Dad, ruined my reputation and ruined everything I have, is now sitting in front of me.

"Come stai, la mia bella Yzabelle? It sono mancato?" (How are you, my beautiful Yzabelle? Did you

miss me?)

"Che ci fai qui e che cazzo vuoi da me?" (What are you doing here and what the fuck do you want from

me?) I asked him clenching my teeth.

"Oh, more mio, è cosi che apprezzi la mia presenza?" (Oh, my love, is this how you appreciate my

presence?) He smirked at me and leaned on his seat.

I glared at him and dropped my spoon loudly over the table ignoring the gaze of other customers inside

the restaurant.

"Stai lontano da me e non chiamarmi mai amore! Sei un disgustoso bastardo!" (Stay away from me

and never call me love! You're a disgusting bastard!)

But he just chuckled and leaned forward bringing his face closer to me.

"Rilassati Belle, voglio solo dirti che sono ancora pazzo di ti. Voglio ancora assaggiarti, toccarti e

renderti mio." (Relax Belle, I just want to tell you that I'm still crazy about you. I still want to taste you,

touch you and make you mine.)

My breath hitched when I heard that line again.

"Perché sei scappato da me l'ultima volta che si siamo incontrati? Non ho fatto niente di male in te,

vero?" (Why did you run away from me the last time we met? I didn't do anything wrong with you, did


"Come osi farmi questa domanda? Sai cosa mi hai fatto sei anni fa, hai appena cancellato tutti i filmati

TVCC per ripulire la tua immoralità! Ma quando troverò Layla, mi assicurerò che finirai in prigioni! E a

quel punto, celebrerò per vederti marcire dentro fino al tuo ultimo respiro!" (How dare you ask me that

question? You know what you did to me six years ago, you just deleted all the CCTV footage to clean

up your immorality! But when I find Layla, I'll make sure you'll end up in prison! And at that point, I will

celebrate to see you rot inside until your last breath!)

I stood up glaring at him. I can no longer eat my food, I have lost my appetite. I just put some cash on

the table before walking towards the exit. But I was just a few steps away when I heard his voice again.

"So chi è tuo marito!" (I know who your husband is!)

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before turning to him.

"Correggimi se sbaglio. Questo è Daniel, il famoso Daniel Kelley di KI Corporation?" (Correct me if I'm

wrong. Is this Daniel, the famous Daniel Kelley of KI Corporation?)

I didn't answer him. I started to walk back to where he was seated.

"Tsk.tsk.tsk. Sai davvero come catturare un grosso pesce, Yzabelle, eh?" ( You really know how to

catch a big fish, Yzabelle, huh?)

I stopped right in front of him and smirked as I put my hand on the table.

"Si hai ragione, ho catturato un pesce grosso, in realtà non solo semplicemente grande ma con buon

gusto e buona qualità." (Yes you're right, I caught a big fish, actually not just simply big but with good

taste and good quality.)

"Davvero, che dire della sua esibizione a letto? È anche buono, ti soddisfa?" ( Really, what about his

performance in bed? Is he also good, does he satisfy you?)

I clenched my teeth and balled my fists.

"Ti fa urlale come ho fatto io----" (Does he makes you scream like I did to----)

I didn't let him finish his nasty and disgusting words as I took my remaining half a glass of wine on the

table and threw it on his face.

"Oh, cazzo!" (Oh, fuck!) He screamed that caught the attention of some customers.

Almost all eyes were on us but I did not care, instead, I took the fork I used earlier and brought it close

to his face.

"Sei un fottuto figlio di puttana! Stai lontano da me e non ti avvicinare nemmeno a mio marito! (You're a

fucking son of a bitch! Stay away from me and don't even get close to my husband!)

"E se non lo facessi?" (And what if I don't?)

"Beh, ti ammazzo cazzo con le mie stesse mani!" (Well, I'm gonna fucking kill you with my own hands!)

He was about to laugh but I immediately dropped the fork and took the glass of water and threw it on

his face.

"Che cazzo!" (What the fuck!)

I smirked.

"Non preoccuparti, è solo acqua per purificare la tua mente sporca!" (Don't worry, that's just water to

cleanse your filthy mind!)

I didn't wait for him to respond or to say something, I rushed towards the exit and almost ran in the

parking lot to get faster to my car. My heart was pounding inside my chest when searched for Bryan's

number while starting the engine.

"Fucking shit, Bryan! Where are you?"

I slammed my hand on the steering wheel. I've been calling him for almost five minutes but my calls

were always going to his voicemail. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

I removed my earphone and tossed it inside my bag. I just decided to call him later. But for now, I need

to get away from here and to make sure that Joseph is not following me. I looked at the rearview mirror

and checked if there was a suspicious car behind, but noticing no one was following me, I drove fast

just to get home immediately.


I went straight to my room when I got home and tried again to call Bryan's number. When he picked up

the call, I told him what happened and he advised me to stay home and insisted on getting a personal

bodyguard for me despite my refusal.

I also called Craig and informed him that I needed to stay home because of what happened earlier at

the restaurant. I will wait for Bryan's hired bodyguard first because it's alarming now to think that I might

possible to see and meet Joseph in any corner of Los Angeles.

So I stayed at home all day and did nothing but listen to music and watch Tv.

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