TABOO TALES(erotica)

The Fateful Quickie: Ep1

Cousins reunite and slowly succumb to long-held desires.



The headboard slammed against the wall as I thrusted with what was left of my strength. I felt the impending explosion rumbling in my balls and prepared to pull out. Stacy, my roommate’s girlfriend, screamed into the pillow as I brought her to a swift orgasm. She was on all fours, bent down as I gripped her waist and plowed into her.

We needed this quickie before I flew home for the holidays. My flight was in an hour, and John, my roommate, was out grabbing beers and chips, no doubt in preparation for spending some quality alone time with his faithful lover. I had gone a whole week without any sex. Final exams demanded my full attention, especially because I hadn’t been performing so well in my college courses. By the time it was all over, I was desperate to fuck any living creature with tits, and when John made the fateful decision to head down to the grocery store, that someone happened to be his girlfriend, Stacy.

When I could no longer hold it in, I removed myself from Stacy’s soaking pussy and sprayed my cum all over her back. Some of it even got into her blonde hair. All that pent-up frustration manifested itself in one powerful eruption.

It wasn’t all that difficult to find satisfaction in Stacy. She had caught me staring at her all night, and as soon as John disappeared, I snuck into his room to find Stacy laying on his bed in nothing but her underwear. We acknowledged each other with a silent glare, as if we both knew what was going to happen. The rest was history.

“You better take a shower before John gets back.” I swiped my boxers and jeans off the floor.

“What, you don’t think he’ll be turned on when he sees another man’s cum all over my body?”

“Not if it’s mine!”

Stacy giggled. “I won’t tell if you don’t.” She stayed flat on the bed, letting me soak in her sensuous curves.

“Well, there’s no one else in this apartment. So, process of elimination…” I checked my pockets to make sure my phone and wallet were in their rightful places. Then, I glanced around the room to see that I hadn’t left any more belongings, or evidence, in John’s room.

“Seriously, I’d like to still have a place to live when I get back.” I nodded towards the bathroom. “Get in there.”

Stacy only gave me a snarky look. Whether she was taunting or threatening me, I couldn’t tell. I rolled my eyes and closed the door. My suitcase was already packed. With one final glance around the apartment, I rushed out the front door to catch my cab.

I was quite excited to be heading back home. This would be my first time since I got into college. I hadn’t been back because plane tickets were expensive, and working over the holidays and summer was a good way of scraping the money to pay off my tuition. I had been working since high school, so it was nothing new. My parents had been divorced for a long time and would have been no help regardless.

I left for college at the ripe age of 21, when I had finally earned enough to at least fly over and share an apartment. I figured it was the perfect time anyway, with booze and sex being the rumored highlights of these four-year adventures.

Indeed, I had taken these stereotypes a bit too literally, prioritizing drunken sex and partying over academics. I never committed to a relationship, cheated more times than I could count, and of course, fucked my roommate’s girlfriend. All by the time I was a sophomore. Meanwhile, I maintained a C average, flunked a couple of courses, and gave my counselors a run for their money.

But I kept these vices at a distance as the plane took off. I couldn’t wait to taste the snow on my tongue, to jump in it like I did as a child. Colorado would be perfect this time of year, especially because my family had rented a cabin for our reunion. It was a spacious one, according to the photos my aunt sent me. It was expensive, too, but we all chipped in to make it affordable.

I was particularly excited at the prospect of seeing my cousin again. Laura and I had been inseparable since childhood, holding hands and playing together on a daily basis. When we grew older, we confided in each other more than anyone else, and I always knew that I’d protect her with my life if it ever came to that.

In the meantime, I was her guardian angel, and she was mine. She pieced me back together after my parents’ divorce. She convinced me out of taking drugs in high school but never told on me to anyone. I taught her how to drive and bought her her first car with what little money I had. I was her shoulder to cry on, and when that wasn’t enough, her boyfriend would miraculously return with a changed attitude and a broken nose. To say that Laura and I loved each other dearly would be an understatement.

However, we had left things on an awkward note. Laura was 18 when I headed off to college. We were alone in my room, saying our goodbyes. It didn’t seem right to clump her in with the generic farewells that the rest of my family received. We meant more to each other than that. After a long, tight hug and a few whispered I-love-yous, she kissed me on the lips. It was only a light peck, but a shock nonetheless. We were way too old by then to be kissing family members on the mouth. I was left speechless and at a loss for how to respond. So, I turned around and rushed out the door. We hadn’t spoken to each other since.

That kiss lingered in the back of my mind for the two years I had been away. I would flash back to it occasionally, while reading my textbooks, or when I had a girl underneath me. I tried to suppress it each time, to convince myself that it wasn’t desire I felt. But as the plane approached the Aspen mountains, that longing became undeniable. It emanated from deep in my chest, making me simultaneously afraid and excited, guilty and lustful. As the runway came into view, I could almost feel Laura getting closer. It made my heart thump intensely while the butterflies swirled in my stomach.

“There’s my Benny! Oh, darling. How are you? We haven’t seen you in ages!” Aunt Carrie smothered me with her kisses.

I hugged her tightly, having greatly missed the woman who practically raised me. “Dave and Linda make it?” I referred to my parents by their first names.

Carrie turned to her husband, who glanced down. She turned back to me and shook her head apologetically.

I shrugged. “It’s alright. I didn’t expect anything.” Trying to lighten the mood, I slapped Uncle Rob on the shoulder. “How’s it been, Uncle Rob? Retirement suiting you well?”

“Oh, y’know. Same old, same old. This woman’s still trying to drown me in chores.” He nodded towards Carrie.

Carrie responded with a shrill laugh. “Ha! I wish chores could kill. One less mouth to feed.” She winked at her husband, who rolled his eyes and waved her away.

Through my aunt’s suffocating hugs, I caught Laura standing off to the side, looking at us. Our gazes met for a brief moment. She was more beautiful than I remembered. Taller, curvier. Her wavy brunette hair flowed beyond her shoulders, and I could just barely see the outline of her mounds through her crossed arms. She was bunched up in winter clothing that included a beanie and gloves. I always thought she looked quite cute bundled up and hiding from the cold. She hated the weather, despite having an entire childhood to adapt to it, and would often snuggle up to me for warmth. Her cheeks were flushed, likely from the cold, but possibly from seeing me again. Our eyes snapped away as quickly as they had connected.

After announcing my impending death from lack of oxygen, I finally convinced Carrie to let go. She turned around and beckoned towards Laura. “Laura, sweetie. What are you doing all the way over there? Come here and give your cousin a big old hug!”

Laura uncrossed her arms and let out a sharp breath, clearly agitated. She walked timidly towards me, keeping her eyes on the ground. When she got close enough, she finally looked up, but her gaze darted between me and the background, like she was afraid to lock eyes with me. Then, she gave me a brief and awkward hug. It was clear she was only doing this to please her mother.

Nonetheless, feeling her light embrace and inhaling her sugary scent brought back arousing memories. Suddenly, I remembered exactly what her lips felt like against mine. I recalled the desire in her hazel eyes as we stood inches apart, staring at each other while struggling to process our emotions. During my two years away, I tried helplessly to solve the puzzle of what led up to that kiss. We were so tightly bound to each other that everything we did together seemed normal. I never interpreted any of it as flirtatious or inappropriate. Yet, Laura did what she did so instinctively, as if the meeting of our lips was the natural culmination of years of dancing around each other, as if she needed to do it, lest she never had the chance again. If there was any regret, it only came after. There was no hesitation before.

“Hey.” Her greeting was devoid of any emotion. Then, she backed away, crossed her arms again, and stared at the floor.

Carrie looked back and forth at the both of us. “What is the matter with you two? We couldn’t keep you apart when you were younger! Now, you see each other for the first time in years, and this is all we get?”

“Whatever. People change. No need to dwell on the past.” Laura shot me a warning look, as if telling me to forget what happened two years ago because it didn’t mean anything.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I was genuinely hurt by that. Our kiss meant something to me, even if I ran from it at first and took a while to process it. Even if we could just ignore that one night, I was afraid that we would never be the same again, that I’d lost my best friend. Would we never joke with each other again? Wrestle each other around the house? Divulge our deepest confidences? I refused to believe that years of growing up together could be wiped away so easily. And I didn’t believe for a second that the kiss meant nothing to her. If it didn’t, she wouldn’t be trying so hard to avoid me.

Suddenly, Uncle Rob broke the awkward silence. “Leave them alone, honey. They just haven’t seen each other in a while. They’ll warm up to each other in no time. Come on, let’s go. There’s a warm, luxurious cabin waiting for us.”

The old couple sped off with my luggage, leaving Laura and I walking side by side. There was an unnatural distance between us, like we were total strangers, or worse, two people who no longer wanted anything to do with each other. But being practically attached at the hip for so long meant that I had ways of coaxing my way back into Laura’s good graces when she was mad at me, though I wasn’t entirely certain they would work now.

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