Strings of Fate

Chapter 89

89- Guilt and glass

“I- It was what the other Alphas said at the end of the meeting, saying you need your mate. I can mostly ignore them when they’re being jerks. But Alpha Kohen is nice, and he was. actually being kind. It just left me feeling really guilty.” I confess. Bellamy takes both of my

hands in his.

“Hey, look at me.” I meet his gaze. His golden eyes are gentle.

“It’s really okay. I know you’re stressed by it, but you shouldn’t feel guilty. I’m the one who is asking a lot of you in expecting you to take on extra duties as my mate one day. The very least I can do is give you time to be ready for it. The other Alphas have been saying stuff like that pretty much since I stepped up. It doesn’t bother me and I don’t want it to bother you either. My situation with the Alphas hasn’t changed, you’re not making anything more difficult for me, and when you are ready, you’re only going to make things easier. Besides, you might not be aware of it but you have already started stepping into the role in small ways, I think that when you are ready, it won’t feel as unnatural for you as you expect.” He strokes

small circles on the backs of my hands.

“Now, are we okay? Is there anything else that’s bothering you?” He asks. I nod and then shake my head as I think about what he’s said. I suppose his situation with the Alphas hasn’t actually changed, and their comments are fairly harmless. Maybe I should ask Bellamy or Megan to come up with a list of things I would be expected to do as Bellamy’s mate? It might make it easier to consider if I know more about what to expect.

“I think it’s okay now. I was just feeling bad. And I really was planning to call you when I woke up. I don’t even know what time it is right now!” I answer. Bellamy laughs as he gets to his feet then

collapses into the couch next to me. He swings an arm up over my shoulders and crushes me into his side in a hug.

“It’s a bit after five. If you went to sleep as soon as you got home, you probably napped for about four hours.” He glances at his phone. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you hungry? We could order something?” He offers. I nod.

“That sounds nice. Want to watch a movie or something too? I really did PLAN to spend the afternoon with you. I’m sorry my freak out ruined your plans.” Bellamy boops me on the nose


89. Guilt and glass

with one finger.

“Stop apologising, I already told you it’s okay. Now, what do you feel like eating?”

Bellamy and I order a pizza to split and it arrives so fast that we haven’t even managed to pick a movie yet. Eventually we settle on an action movie and I turn off the lights in the living area. We eat in the light of the TV with the pizza box on Bellamy’s lap so we can both reach. When we finish eating Bellamy tosses the empty pizza box (okay so he ate most of it…) down onto the floor out of the way and he pulls me over into his lap a wraps his arms around me. I relax into his embrace as we finish the end of the movie. As the credits roll Bellamy starts running his lips from my jaw, down my neck and back again. Over and over, making me shiver. The TV is playing teaser trailers for other movies, but I have no idea what as Bellamy turns me around and kisses me deeply. I sink into the kiss and kiss him back eagerly. His hands twist into my hair and mine end up on his shoulders. He trails one hand down my back, stroking my waist and side as he goes. Suddenly his hand dips down to my ass and I can’t help but freeze up again and without thinking, I push against Bellamy’s chest. Bellamy stops and removes

his hand. We both stare at each other for a moment, breathless. Then Bellamy releases me and collapses back into the couch, his eyes closed and head tilted back. His breathing is still uneven and he groans.

“1- I” I stammer out. Without opening his eyes Bellamy waves a dismissive hand in my


“You don’t need to explain. It’s okay. I just need a minute.” We sit in silence for a minute

until we both have normal breathing again. I anxiously wring my hands together. Bellamy finally opens his eyes and when he looks at me they are molten gold emphasising his dark pupils. He sighs again..

“I was going to ask if I could stay, but now I’m thinking it might be tempting fate a little bit. I think I might head home for yet another cold shower.” He winks at me and I shrink back into

the couch. He leans in and kisses me on the forehead.

“Come now, none of that.” he grumbles. He gets to his feet and heads towards the door. His hand is on the door handle when I manage to find my voice.

“Are you

you mad at me?” I blurt out. Bellamy whirls around in a single movement and makes eye

contact with me.



“I’ll say it as many times as I need to, when it comes to this, I’ll never be mad at you. I’m just a little disappointed. Not with you, just in general. I’ve told you I’m happy to wait and I am. But I won’t deny that I want you. I’m leaving now because I respect your boundaries, not because I’m upset.” He says firmly. With that said, he heads out the front door without another word, closing it behind him. I get up, lock it and set the security system again. I know I shouldn’t be tired after taking such a lot nap today, but somehow exhaustion still sinks in and I quickly change into pyjamas, shivering as I change then crawl into bed under my blankets. I toss and turn for a little while, but it doesn’t take long for my eyes to close and my breathing to even out. Before I know it, I fall asleep.

I wake to a loud crashing sound and pain in my right arm. It’s dark and I blindly grab at my arm and my hand comes away wet. Alarmed, I reach around blindly for my lamp, rolling in my bed I can feel something sharp stabbing at me and I flinch away from it. I manage to turn on my lamp and I stare in horror. My bedroom window is smashed to pieces and there are shards of glass all through my bed. My arm is bleeding, presumably cut by the glass. What the hell is happening? I need to call Bellamy. My phone is on the far side of my bedside table and I don’t want to roll around on glass trying to reach it. I look around and I can see that most of the glass is on my bed covers which is probably what saved me from further injury. My arms and head were the only parts of me exposed. I carefully grab the edge of the bed cover with my

left hand and fold the closest corners into the middle of the bed, exposing my legs so that I can get up. I move to the edge of the bed and look down. There’s glass on the floor too. How did it even spread so far? I didn’t know a window HAD that much glass in it..

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