Spurned Luna’s Return: On Your Knees, Alpha Chase

Chapter 17

Before any of them could make a move, she quickly launched two ice chains towards the other two vampires and pulled hard.

They began to choke and try to cut the chains bit she launched another two at them.

The other vampire that had been chasing her wanted to choke her but she mustered strength and spat out a ball of lightning towards him.

He retreated quickly but still couldn’t dodge the ball of lightning. The sensations that ran round his body was foreign and this rendered him immobile on the ground but he was still awake.

He wanted to speak but found a problem with his vocal cords. He was so mad but could do nothing.

To make sure he won’t be getting up anytime soon, she spat another two lightning balls into his head causing him to convulse and foam at the mouth.

He finally became unconscious as his skin paled even more.

With one down, she could finally focus on the other two.

They were shocked that this Omega who was supposed to be their prey had turned things around in ways they never imagined.

What the hell was she?

She could spit out lightning and launch several ice chains to choke and weaken them. Their friend was even rendered unconscious by her!

“Release… us.” the one with curly, shoulder length green hair said with great difficulty as he pulled at the chains.

Whenever he broke one chain, extra two would be launched at him.

“How do we break free?” he telepathed his companion.

“If I knew, would we still be struggling?” his companion replied telepathically.

Lavana was still thinking of how long it would take to weaken them. Launching this much ice chains at them was sapping her energy fast.

A sharp pain suddenly erupted in her stomach.

This caused the ice chains around the vampires’ necks to vanish.

She bent over, her mouth opened, her eyes widened like she’d seen something scary.

The vampires who’d been thinking of ways to get free suddenly saw the chains disappear. They were free!This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Seeing that she was in pain, they looked at each other with a meaningful smile.

One went to their unconscious friend and placed him over his shoulder. Then he ran away with the blink of an eye.

The other one walked towards Lavana, rubbing his palms together.

“My friends and I are very hospitable. Come experience our generosity.”

She began to retreat.

“D.. Don’t come near… S.. Stay away from me.”

Her words were laboured.

“Don’t be afraid.” he closed in on her.

She launched an ice chains towards him but he dodged. He appeared behind her and put her over his shoulder.

Before she could register what was happening, he started running through the woods so everything she could see was in a blur.

She wanted to puke coz the smell from him was so bad up close.


Pedro kept running through through the woods. He was following the smell of the vampire as that was the only way to get to his parents. He prayed that kind shewolf would be able to hold on till he found his relatives.

He suddenly heard a faint shout from people in a distance.

He turned East and started following the sound.

5 minutes later, Pedro was behind his dad and uncle Mel.


“Pedro! Don’t be scared. Daddy’s coming for you!”


Tears welled up in the little ones eyes.

“Dad, uncle Mel!” he yelled.

The two men turned around and saw the missing lad.

He was covered in patches of mid with some leaves on his hair.

“Daddy!” he ran to wards his dad who went on one knee.

They embraced each other tight as Pedro sobbed, his body trembled.

“It’s okay, my son. Daddy’s here. No one’s gonna harm you. No one can take you away from me.” he whispered, patting his sons back gently.

Pedro broke the embrace and looked at his father and uncle Mel who smiled at him warmly.

“Please, we have to save her.”

“Who?” Rolandro asked.

“There was a lady… a female werewolf who saved me from death but when I last saw her, the vampire was choking her. Dad, please let’s go find her.” he cried.

“It’s okay. We’ll go find her.” Rolandro assured his son.

He shifted into his wolf form and Mel helped place Pedro on his back.

“Hug your dad’s neck, boy.” Mel commanded.

Pedro obeyed and they started running in the direction that Pedro was coming from.


Regina had long dressed up Carmelia and herself.

Her friend was still unconscious. It was good somehow coz she didn’t know how to explain to her that her precious boy was missing and worse still that a lone vampire took him!

She was outside the jeep pacing up and down.

A few cars had passed by. Two had stopped to ask if she needed help with her car or maybe joining them to get to a better place with more people. But she declined politely.

“Please, let them all return safely.” she muttered and continued pacing up and down.


In a wooden bungalow deep in the woods, Lavana was unconscious in one of the rooms. This room had a timber casement window.

Her hair covered her face and her skin was pale. Her hands and feet were chained to the wall.

The three vampires were settled on a long couch, discussing how to use her for their benefit.

They heard a cough and turned in her direction. She was awake!

“Oho! The key’s finally awakened. Say, did you think you’d get away or someone would rescue you?” the one she’d caused to faint earlier was the first to speak.

She parted her hair so she could see clearly. The vampires had changed outfits, but their natural body smell was…

A lone vampire smells bad and the three of them were combined. The odour alone could kill her. How long can she hold her breath for?

“Why are you retaining your breath? Do you think we’re underwater?” another one asked unhappily, with folded arms and crossed legs.”Speak!”

Lavana refused to say a word and looked away from the trio.

If they were underwater, she wouldn’t have to hold her breath. A mermaid keeping her breath? How ridiculous!

“Look!” the third vampire got up and walked to her with hands in the pockets of his baggy yellow pants. “We don’t wanna harm you, girl. You are a hybrid and an abomination. By law, we should kill you, but we don’t want to. We aren’t that wicked.”

“Kind? Kind people would all gang up on a person and try to kill her?” she jeered in her heart.

“You don’t believe me?” the third vampire asked again, but she didn’t reply.

“How about this? My name is Duke.” he pointed to the one with red hair. “That’s Brian and then…” he pointed to the one who had black hair. “He’s Martelio. Now you know our names. What’s yours, pretty?” he asked with a smile.


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