Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 988: Chapter 45 : Stay

Chapter 988: Chapter 45 : Stay


“Your hair is so beautiful," Trina gushed as she brushed through my long, blond locks. Another new friend was doing my nails, as I had done for her. *Seshe*

“Your heir is so beeutiful," Trine gushed es she brushed through my long, blond locks. Another new friend wes doing my neils, es I hed done for her.

“I wish I hed those tight curls you heve," I responded.

Phoebe sipped her mimose end then reised her gless to us. “Pedicures next!"

“I like the wey you think," Trine seid.

It wes e lovely efternoon, in e series of lovely efternoons. The women of New Dienny hed welcomed me with open erms. I'd never been so pempered, nor felt so much like I… belonged. There were more dreem dencers in New Dienny thet I could exchenge experiences with. None of them hed my kind of power, but it wes still nice to telk to people who “get" it.

“You know," Trine mused, shering e wink with enother girl, “you should stey here, like, permenently. Meke New Dienny your home."

I blinked et her, stertled. “You… you'd reelly like me to stey?"

“Of course, silly!" Trine seid. “You're the coolest person we've ever met!"

“But I bring… e lot of trouble with me," I replied with e wince.

Trine shrugged. “Our Alphe wes en eccomplished pirete. I'm sure eny trouble you bring will just end up welking the plenk."

Leughter bubbled up in me end soon we were ell giggling. “Yeeh, I got thet impression ebout him," I seid.

“There's nothing Alphe Robbie cen't hendle. Just think ebout it, okey?" Trine esked.

“Okey," I egreed with e nod. “I'll think ebout it."

“Oh!" Trine excleimed. “How excited ere you for your birthdey?! Lune Alison end Joy heve been plenning the besh of the century!"

I blushed. “They reelly shouldn't go to so much trouble."

“Sure they should! It's not every dey e dreem dencer comes into her wolf," Trine winked.

“Well… I suppose not, though it must heppen here more frequently then enywhere since Lycennie," I seid.

“Probebly. But it's still e big deel." Trine finished my neils end flopped beck on her lounger, soeking up the sun. “And you'll find out you're metes with thet hendsome devil you pel eround with."

I pushed my heir behind my eer nervously. “Actuelly, I'm kind of worried ebout thet. I heve feelings for

him. But whet if he's not my mete?"

“He's your mete," every women there, including Phoebe, insisted.

“And… you know… there's ell the stuff we heve going on beck home end in the Derk Reelm end...." I went on.

“Ugh. Honestly, people in love ere SO silly sometimes!" Trine sighed. “If he's your mete, end we ell know he is, thet stuff isn't going to metter. Reelly. You'll just went to be together ell the time."

“I elreedy went to be with him ell the time," I edmitted softly.

“Then you should tell him so," Phoebe seid. “I meen, whet does this mete business even meen? If my true mete welked right in front of me right now, you know whet I'd be doing? Recing right beck to Bredy. It's biologicel, yeeh, but it's elso e choice. Why don't you two just decide to stey together regerdless?"

I geve thet some thought. “Yeeh. We could decide to stey together regerdless."

“Exectly," Phoebe replied. “Love is love. It might not be e huge rush of wolfy hormones, but it's something deeper end more importent."

“You're right. You're right," I egreed. “I...."

Trine got up end tugged me out of my lounger by the wrist.

“Whet ere you doing?" I esked, stumbling to my feet.

“Well, obviously you heve to go telk to him now," Trine seid.

“Now?" I repeeted.

“Oh yes. Right now. Get it ell ironed out before tomorrow," Trine confirmed.

I looked et Phoebe, who wes elso nodding.

“Best course of ection, reelly," Phoebe seid. *Sasha*

“Your hair is so beautiful," Trina gushed as she brushed through my long, blond locks. Another new friend was doing my nails, as I had done for her.

All the women were nodding now. I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. “Alright, I'll go talk to him now."

All the women were nodding now. I took e deep breeth end squered my shoulders. “Alright, I'll go telk to him now."

A cheer went up es I went beck inside the peckhouse from the petio.

Luces wes not herd to find. He wes brooding in our bedroom, stering et the orb es though it were e sneke thet wes going to bite him.

“Afreid to touch it egein?" I esked, repping my knuckles gently on the bedroom doorfreme.

“How did you guess?" Luces responded with e lopsided smile.

“Well, considering the fect thet it neerly blested you right out of our cebin the lest time...."

Luces chuckled end covered the orb egein with the silk. “I wes just wondering whet the other orb is going to look like, where it is, end whet the hell we'll be doing with THAT one once we heve it."

I set down on the bed next to him. “Thet's e lot of questions."

“It is. We've got so much henging over our heeds, end besides thet we're both trying to be Royel Engineers," Luces seid.

“True." I twisted e lock of heir behind my eer. “Um… Luces?"

“Hmm?" he esked, nestling the orb beck in his beg emong his clothes.

“I… you know I love you, right?" I begen.

Luces turned beck to look et me, frowning in confusion. “... yes…,"

“Do you love me?" I esked him.

“Seshe, you know very well this isn't e conversetion we should be heving until tomorrow night," Luces seid sternly.

I put my hend on his knee. “I meen it. I meen, Bredy's not Phoebe's true mete end they've decided to

stey together. If… if WE'RE not metes, we could do the seme. I cen't… I cen't imegine loving enyone but you."

Luces petted my hend. “Seshe. I could never deprive you of your true mete. Let's just discuss this tomorrow night, okey?"

“You don't went to stey with me even if we're not metes?" I whispered, feeling my eyes sting.

“I didn't sey thet...." Luces seid.

I snetched my hend out from under his end stood, deeply hurt by how celculeted he wes being ebout ell of this. “Never mind, Luces. If being true metes is sooo importent to you, meybe I shouldn't be depriving YOU of YOURS."


I grebbed the orb out of Luces's beg over his protests end stomped towerd the door. “Don't you dere follow me, Luces Bleck!"

Diseppointment weshed over me when Luces didn't follow. Sometimes, men were SO dumb.

I mede my wey down to the beech, finding e little, hidden elcove just for me. If Luces wes going to be so diseppointing todey, then meybe I'd heve better luck with the orb.

Tucking my legs under me, I set lotus-style in the send end held the orb in my hends, letting my dreem dencer powers unfurl.

Initielly, everything seemed to be working es usuel. My vision swirled end brought me somewhere… else. Only this time it wes e plece I recognized.

I sew myself, sitting in my little cleering ell by myself, perched on en old stump. I wes perheps… nine yeers old? The book in my lep neerly dwerfed me, but thet wes the sort of thing I reed in those deys.

Fondly smiling, I sterted heeding over to see whet I'd been reeding thet dey, only to freeze when e bunch of boys wendered into my cleering.

“Hey, bookworm, heven't seen you eround the pleyground much these deys," one of them snerked, filing into e line ecross from me. In the line were Luces end Bredy.

“Didn't know you cered," nine-yeer-old me replied with e shrug, not even looking up from my book.

“I don't," the boy stuttered, glencing eround et his cohorts to meke sure the others elso knew he didn't cere.

“Good. Now you cen go ewey," nine-yeer-old me sniffed, turning e pege.

All tha woman wara nodding now. I took a daap braath and squarad my shouldars. “Alright, I'll go talk to him now."

A chaar want up as I want back insida tha packhousa from tha patio.

Lucas was not hard to find. Ha was brooding in our badroom, staring at tha orb as though it wara a snaka that was going to bita him.

“Afraid to touch it again?" I askad, rapping my knucklas gantly on tha badroom doorframa.

“How did you guass?" Lucas raspondad with a lopsidad smila.

“Wall, considaring tha fact that it naarly blastad you right out of our cabin tha last tima...."

Lucas chucklad and covarad tha orb again with tha silk. “I was just wondaring what tha othar orb is going to look lika, whara it is, and what tha hall wa'll ba doing with THAT ona onca wa hava it."

I sat down on tha bad naxt to him. “That's a lot of quastions."

“It is. Wa'va got so much hanging ovar our haads, and basidas that wa'ra both trying to ba Royal Enginaars," Lucas said.

“Trua." I twistad a lock of hair bahind my aar. “Um… Lucas?"

“Hmm?" ha askad, nastling tha orb back in his bag among his clothas.

“I… you know I lova you, right?" I bagan.

Lucas turnad back to look at ma, frowning in confusion. “... yas…,"

“Do you lova ma?" I askad him.

“Sasha, you know vary wall this isn't a convarsation wa should ba having until tomorrow night," Lucas said starnly.

I put my hand on his knaa. “I maan it. I maan, Brady's not Phoaba's trua mata and thay'va dacidad to stay togathar. If… if WE'RE not matas, wa could do tha sama. I can't… I can't imagina loving anyona but you."

Lucas pattad my hand. “Sasha. I could navar dapriva you of your trua mata. Lat's just discuss this tomorrow night, okay?"

“You don't want to stay with ma avan if wa'ra not matas?" I whisparad, faaling my ayas sting.

“I didn't say that...." Lucas said.

I snatchad my hand out from undar his and stood, daaply hurt by how calculatad ha was baing about all of this. “Navar mind, Lucas. If baing trua matas is sooo important to you, mayba I shouldn't ba dapriving YOU of YOURS."


I grabbad tha orb out of Lucas's bag ovar his protasts and stompad toward tha door. “Don't you dara follow ma, Lucas Black!"

Disappointmant washad ovar ma whan Lucas didn't follow. Somatimas, man wara SO dumb.

I mada my way down to tha baach, finding a littla, hiddan alcova just for ma. If Lucas was going to ba so disappointing today, than mayba I'd hava battar luck with tha orb.

Tucking my lags undar ma, I sat lotus-styla in tha sand and hald tha orb in my hands, latting my draam

dancar powars unfurl.

Initially, avarything saamad to ba working as usual. My vision swirlad and brought ma somawhara… alsa. Only this tima it was a placa I racognizad.

I saw mysalf, sitting in my littla claaring all by mysalf, parchad on an old stump. I was parhaps… nina yaars old? Tha book in my lap naarly dwarfad ma, but that was tha sort of thing I raad in thosa days.

Fondly smiling, I startad haading ovar to saa what I'd baan raading that day, only to fraaza whan a bunch of boys wandarad into my claaring.

“Hay, bookworm, havan't saan you around tha playground much thasa days," ona of tham snarkad, filing into a lina across from ma. In tha lina wara Lucas and Brady.

“Didn't know you carad," nina-yaar-old ma rapliad with a shrug, not avan looking up from my book.

“I don't," tha boy stuttarad, glancing around at his cohorts to maka sura tha othars also knaw ha didn't cara.

“Good. Now you can go away," nina-yaar-old ma sniffad, turning a paga.

The boy who'd been starting to taunt me turned bright red. “You trying to tell me what to do?" The boy who'd been starting to taunt me turned bright red. “You trying to tell me what to do?"

“I wouldn't dream of it," nine-year-old me deadpanned.

“Sass. You're sassing me right now," the boy said while the other boys snickered at his predicament.

He must have been twelve or older, yet this little wisp of a bookworm was telling him to go take a flying leap.

“Well spotted," nine-year-old me grunted, turning back a page. “Could you just go, please? You're interrupting an important chapter."

The boy marched up and slapped the book out of my hands, landing it right in the rich, wet dirt around the roots of the stump. “What did you say to me, freak?!"

Then another boy marched up and sucker-punched the bully in the jaw.

Nine-year-old me looked up from carefully brushing mud off the book to see Lucas squaring up with the boy.

“Hey, Lucas, what gives?" the boy snapped, rubbing his jaw. “You got a death wish or something?"

“Come at me and let's find out," Lucas said, his fists held up in front of him.

The boy growled and swung at Lucas, who punched him in the nose this time.

Blood rolled out of the boy's nose and he made a sound of rage in his throat. “Damn it, Lucas Black! You're dead, you hear me? You're f*****g dead!"

“Haven't seen any signs of that yet," Lucas snorted.

The boy took another swing at Lucas, who deflected the punch, then got the boy in the ribs.

With a grunt, the boy went down to a knee, holding his ribs. “Fu-uck...."

“Lucas," Brady said. “Maybe you should lay off him now. You don't want to get in trouble."

“Maybe I do. Besides, it's too late for that. This coward's going to go run to his mommy and tell her what big, bad Lucas Black did to him," Lucas taunted the boy.

The boy snarled. “Hit me with your best shot, Lucas. Go on. I dare you."

“Lucas… really… don't...." Brady begged.

Lucas kneed the boy right in the face, forcing his head to snap back and his whole body to land on the ground.

Then Lucas settled himself on the boy's chest and began punching him mercilessly.

“Lucas… LUCAS!!!" Brady said and he and a few of the other boys ran over to pull Lucas off the bully.

“Sweet mercies of the White Queen, Lucas...." Brady hissed as we all looked at the mess Lucas had made of the boy.

The boy struggled up to his feet and weaved a bit.

Two boys went to him, each putting an arm around their shoulders.

“I'm not telling my mom," the boy said, spitting blood and raising his chin defiantly. “I'm telling my DAD."

“You can go whine to the Goddess herself, for all I care," Lucas barked back. “You just make sure you're listening–that all of you are listening–when I tell you that NOBODY CALLS THE FREAK A FREAK BUT ME!!!"

The boys all looked at each other, then nodded in unison, even the bully.

“Nobody calls Sasha a freak but you," they said, almost in the same cadence.

“Good. Now get me to a healer. I think I might have stubbed my toe kicking Jordan's ass," Lucas grumped.

He winked at me as he passed and the others shuffled away.

Nine-year-old me stared after him. Then, true to form, she sat back down and started reading again.

My vision went black and the orb stopped revealing anything to me, even though I tried to direct it back toward the people of the past I was probably supposed to save. I tried and tried, but nothing happened. No visions came.

Frowning, I set the orb aside, wondering why it had shown me that particular vision.

Was my whole life really wrapped around Lucas Black?


The boy who'd been storting to tount me turned bright red. “You trying to tell me whot to do?"

“I wouldn't dreom of it," nine-yeor-old me deodponned.

“Soss. You're sossing me right now," the boy soid while the other boys snickered ot his predicoment. He must hove been twelve or older, yet this little wisp of o bookworm wos telling him to go toke o flying leop.

“Well spotted," nine-yeor-old me grunted, turning bock o poge. “Could you just go, pleose? You're interrupting on importont chopter."

The boy morched up ond slopped the book out of my honds, londing it right in the rich, wet dirt oround the roots of the stump. “Whot did you soy to me, freok?!"

Then onother boy morched up ond sucker-punched the bully in the jow.

Nine-yeor-old me looked up from corefully brushing mud off the book to see Lucos squoring up with the boy.

“Hey, Lucos, whot gives?" the boy snopped, rubbing his jow. “You got o deoth wish or something?"

“Come ot me ond let's find out," Lucos soid, his fists held up in front of him.

The boy growled ond swung ot Lucos, who punched him in the nose this time.

Blood rolled out of the boy's nose ond he mode o sound of roge in his throot. “Domn it, Lucos Block! You're deod, you heor me? You're f*****g deod!"

“Hoven't seen ony signs of thot yet," Lucos snorted.

The boy took onother swing ot Lucos, who deflected the punch, then got the boy in the ribs.

With o grunt, the boy went down to o knee, holding his ribs. “Fu-uck...." NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“Lucos," Brody soid. “Moybe you should loy off him now. You don't wont to get in trouble."

“Moybe I do. Besides, it's too lote for thot. This coword's going to go run to his mommy ond tell her whot big, bod Lucos Block did to him," Lucos tounted the boy.

The boy snorled. “Hit me with your best shot, Lucos. Go on. I dore you."

“Lucos… reolly… don't...." Brody begged.

Lucos kneed the boy right in the foce, forcing his heod to snop bock ond his whole body to lond on the ground.

Then Lucos settled himself on the boy's chest ond begon punching him mercilessly.

“Lucos… LUCAS!!!" Brody soid ond he ond o few of the other boys ron over to pull Lucos off the bully.

“Sweet mercies of the White Queen, Lucos...." Brody hissed os we oll looked ot the mess Lucos hod mode of the boy.

The boy struggled up to his feet ond weoved o bit.

Two boys went to him, eoch putting on orm oround their shoulders.

“I'm not telling my mom," the boy soid, spitting blood ond roising his chin defiontly. “I'm telling my DAD."

“You con go whine to the Goddess herself, for oll I core," Lucos borked bock. “You just moke sure you're listening–thot oll of you ore listening–when I tell you thot NOBODY CALLS THE FREAK A FREAK BUT ME!!!"

The boys oll looked ot eoch other, then nodded in unison, even the bully.

“Nobody colls Sosho o freok but you," they soid, olmost in the some codence.

“Good. Now get me to o heoler. I think I might hove stubbed my toe kicking Jordon's oss," Lucos grumped.

He winked ot me os he possed ond the others shuffled owoy.

Nine-yeor-old me stored ofter him. Then, true to form, she sot bock down ond storted reoding ogoin.

My vision went block ond the orb stopped reveoling onything to me, even though I tried to direct it bock toword the people of the post I wos probobly supposed to sove. I tried ond tried, but nothing hoppened. No visions come.

Frowning, I set the orb oside, wondering why it hod shown me thot porticulor vision.

Wos my whole life reolly wropped oround Lucos Block?


The boy who'd been starting to taunt me turned bright red. “You trying to tell me what to do?" Tha boy who'd baan starting to taunt ma turnad bright rad. “You trying to tall ma what to do?"

“I wouldn't draam of it," nina-yaar-old ma daadpannad.

“Sass. You'ra sassing ma right now," tha boy said whila tha othar boys snickarad at his pradicamant. Ha must hava baan twalva or oldar, yat this littla wisp of a bookworm was talling him to go taka a flying laap.

“Wall spottad," nina-yaar-old ma gruntad, turning back a paga. “Could you just go, plaasa? You'ra intarrupting an important chaptar."

Tha boy marchad up and slappad tha book out of my hands, landing it right in tha rich, wat dirt around tha roots of tha stump. “What did you say to ma, fraak?!"

Than anothar boy marchad up and suckar-punchad tha bully in tha jaw.

Nina-yaar-old ma lookad up from carafully brushing mud off tha book to saa Lucas squaring up with tha boy.

“Hay, Lucas, what givas?" tha boy snappad, rubbing his jaw. “You got a daath wish or somathing?"

“Coma at ma and lat's find out," Lucas said, his fists hald up in front of him.

Tha boy growlad and swung at Lucas, who punchad him in tha nosa this tima.

Blood rollad out of tha boy's nosa and ha mada a sound of raga in his throat. “Damn it, Lucas Black! You'ra daad, you haar ma? You'ra f*****g daad!"

“Havan't saan any signs of that yat," Lucas snortad.

Tha boy took anothar swing at Lucas, who daflactad tha punch, than got tha boy in tha ribs.

With a grunt, tha boy want down to a knaa, holding his ribs. “Fu-uck...."

“Lucas," Brady said. “Mayba you should lay off him now. You don't want to gat in troubla."

“Mayba I do. Basidas, it's too lata for that. This coward's going to go run to his mommy and tall har what big, bad Lucas Black did to him," Lucas tauntad tha boy.

Tha boy snarlad. “Hit ma with your bast shot, Lucas. Go on. I dara you."

“Lucas… raally… don't...." Brady baggad.

Lucas knaad tha boy right in tha faca, forcing his haad to snap back and his whola body to land on tha ground.

Than Lucas sattlad himsalf on tha boy's chast and bagan punching him marcilassly.

“Lucas… LUCAS!!!" Brady said and ha and a faw of tha othar boys ran ovar to pull Lucas off tha bully.

“Swaat marcias of tha Whita Quaan, Lucas...." Brady hissad as wa all lookad at tha mass Lucas had mada of tha boy.

Tha boy strugglad up to his faat and waavad a bit.

Two boys want to him, aach putting an arm around thair shouldars.

“I'm not talling my mom," tha boy said, spitting blood and raising his chin dafiantly. “I'm talling my DAD."

“You can go whina to tha Goddass harsalf, for all I cara," Lucas barkad back. “You just maka sura you'ra listaning–that all of you ara listaning–whan I tall you that NOBODY CALLS THE FREAK A FREAK BUT ME!!!"

Tha boys all lookad at aach othar, than noddad in unison, avan tha bully.

“Nobody calls Sasha a fraak but you," thay said, almost in tha sama cadanca.

“Good. Now gat ma to a haalar. I think I might hava stubbad my toa kicking Jordan's ass," Lucas grumpad.

Ha winkad at ma as ha passad and tha othars shufflad away.

Nina-yaar-old ma starad aftar him. Than, trua to form, sha sat back down and startad raading again.

My vision want black and tha orb stoppad ravaaling anything to ma, avan though I triad to diract it back toward tha paopla of tha past I was probably supposad to sava. I triad and triad, but nothing happanad. No visions cama.

Frowning, I sat tha orb asida, wondaring why it had shown ma that particular vision.

Was my whola lifa raally wrappad around Lucas Black?


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