Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 961: Chapter 18 : Mysteries of Lycaon

Chapter 961: Chapter 18 : Mysteries of Lycaon


“Lucas–I mean Mr. Black–has been given another site to oversee?" I asked, sitting across the desk from Professor Augustine.

She nodded enthusiastically. “I was surprised as well, given the disaster of this last one, but I guess as it wasn't his fault, he can't exactly lose favor."

I was relieved and happy for Lucas, but....

“What does this have to do with me?"

“He's requested you for his new project, to intern on a work-study," Professor Augustine said eagerly.

It had been a week with not one word from Lucas. I supposed all that blowing hot and cold was set on cold right now. It really was starting to make me angry. “Are there any other work studies available?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.

“I'm afraid not. Stone Hamline has you on his short list, but he's got his intern slots all filled for at least another month," Professor Augustine replied. She gave me a hard look. “Do you have a problem working under Lucas Black?"

“No, professor." I backpedaled quickly. “I just wanted to… broaden my experience, that's all."

Professor Augustine nodded. “An admirable desire, but one that's just not possible to fulfill at this time. Lucas Black has the only opening that's available right now. It's a new project, so you'll be able to

broaden your experience in that way."

When Professor Augustine didn't produce a packet, I asked, “Do you happen to know what sort of project this is?"

“Strengthening infrastructure out west–he had a specific village in mind, and he's right, it needs work," Professor Augustine said. “It came up just this morning. I'm afraid there's been no time to prepare a research packet for you, but the journey west is a long one. I'm sure Lucas will be able to fill you in on the details along the way."

It wasn't anything so grand as a library, but it was the kind of grunt work I'd be doing as a new engineer, so I figured it would be a good opportunity, even if I did have to work with Lucas Black again.

“I'll take it," I told the professor.

“Excellent," Professor Augustine said with a smile. “The train leaves in the morning. Lucas is back at the library site, as I understand it. It might be a good idea to meet him out there to get the full details of your journey."

I thought of the temple and shuddered.

“It seems the temple imploded one night not long ago, and Lucas is making his excuses to the Lycaon Church," Professor Augustine went on, as though she'd read my mind.

Imploded? Relief flooded my system. “Yes," I said, rising. “I think I will head out there and talk to Luc- Mr. Black. Thank you very much, professor."

“Thank Lucas when you get there," Professor Augustine replied. “He's the one responsible for all of this, not me."

“I will," I agreed.

But, I reflected as I lifted my bag over my shoulder, if he tried to kiss me again, this time, I was going to knee him in the nuts.


“… destroy the whole thing. Pummel it to dust." An unfamiliar voice filtered out of Lucas's trailer.

I adjusted the hard hat on my head, deciding, given the heated tone, it would be best I not burst into the library site office at that particular moment. But I did find myself hesitating at the three wooden steps leading up to the closed door, my hand poised over the rail as Lucas gave an equally heated reply.

“So, just because this is a temple of the Moon Goddess, with a statue of the White Queen in it, you've decided it has no historical merit?" Lucas seethed. “I don't suppose this has anything to do with the conflict between the Lycaon Church and those who worship, and worshiped, the Moon Goddess."

I heard a low growl and swallowed, wondering if they were going to shift and fight in there. The popping of bones was not blocked by the thin walls either.

“Just destroy it," the stranger hissed, “by order of the Lycaon Church."

“Hmm… gee… isn't it fortunate I don't work for the Lycaon Church, then," Lucas responded.

Another growl, more popping, and then suddenly a yip.

“Get out," Lucas said. “I'll deal with the temple when and how it best serves our people. And for that, I'm going to rely on the science of an archeologist, not the superstitions and prejudices of the Lycaon Church."

The command in Lucas's tone made me melt. Much as I personally would have liked the temple to be completely pulverized, Lucas had a point. And I could just see him, head held high, gray eyes flashing, drawn up to his full height… an impressive specimen of a man.

The door to the trailer banged open, startling me out of my daydream. A dark-haired man in the vestments of a Lycaon priest stormed down the three wooden steps, shoving me aside and sneering at me as he passed.

“O-okay," I murmured.

When I looked up, Lucas was in the doorway. Whatever had transpired between him and the priest had him so worked up that his gray eyes still crackled. His sleeves were rolled up his arms and his shirt was unbuttoned almost to his chest, exposing a tantalizing trail of tanned skin.

His gaze fell on me, then, and his expression softened.

My knees felt like jelly. How was I supposed to keep this professional if I kept reacting this way? I despaired of being able to knee him in the balls if he actually did kiss me.

“Sasha," Lucas said, and my name sounded like warm butter in his mouth. “Come on in."

I made my way up the stairs and into the trailer, getting the feeling I might be walking right into a dragon's lair. Or a wolf's den, as it were.

Much to my relief, and disappointment, Lucas did not try to embrace me once the door was closed. He circled behind his desk instead, putting it between us and the energy that warmed the air.

I tugged at the collar of my sweater, suddenly very hot.

“Don't," Lucas said sharply. Then he swallowed. “Don't take it off."

Heat rose to my cheeks. “I wasn't going to."

“Good." Lucas moved lists and sketches and blueprints for the scrapped northern library out of the way on his desktop, revealing a large map of Egoren, the Dark Realm. Both of us were from the Light Realm and had emigrated, so it was probably best that Lucas had a map to show me when he pointed his index finger at a red mark in the territory of the Midnight Sun Pack.

“We're going here," he said. “I have an archeologist friend–well, cousin–who lives there who is going to help us figure out what's going on with that temple and… the orb."

Cold sliced through me and I took a step back. “You're telling me I'm going to that village with you and the orb?"

“Yes," Lucas replied. He grimaced. “I need you to be where I can see you. I don't know what this orb intends to do with you, but I want to be there beside you when it does… whatever it's going to do. And you're not going to have any peace until we find out what that orb is and its purpose. You know that."

I swallowed. “Can't we just leave it locked up in your safe?" I all but begged.

“I thought about that." Lucas sighed and shook his head. “That's where it was the last time it took you. It doesn't seem to care if it's in physical contact with you or not." Lucas looked at me with a pained expression. “What if… what if it takes you somewhere again and if I'm not with you…"

“You think you might forget me?" I asked softly. I hadn't thought of that.

“Being with you is the only thing I know to do right now. I don't know what else to do to keep you safe."

I could see his point. Part of me just wanted to run from the trailer and go hide under my bed back at the university.

But I was no coward, and I wasn't going to live in fear of that orb for the rest of my life. Lucas had a lead to possible answers and he was willing to protect me, or at least try.

That he was willing to undertake this journey at all was… touching. Even if he couldn't stop the orb from taking me again, I knew in my heart that he would scour heaven and hell to find me, and be there when I got back.

“You're sure… you don't just want to write ahead and send me along with the orb on my own?" I still asked. “I mean, it's not your problem...."

“It is my problem," Lucas said.

My eyes met his. “Why?"

Lucas looked at me sincerely. “Because it involves you."

I swallowed into my tightening throat.

I wanted him to kiss me. He wanted to kiss me. And the desk between us was the only thing stopping it from happening.

Lucas cleared his throat. “We should probably be getting back to the capital now. I don't think we should rely on Jay's good graces all the time."

The spell broken, I simply nodded. “Yes, the train."

Lucas came around from behind the desk and put a hand at my back, ushering me out of the trailer. He stayed close to me the whole walk back into town. I was sure he was scanning the trees for rogues.

I felt eyes on me. I'd started to become used to it, but now that we might be in real danger, it was as though I was under a microscope in a classroom full of strangers.

Lucas raised his hand from the small of my back and put his hand at the nape of my neck, rubbing his thumb in small, soothing circles.

“I don't think there will be another rogue," he said softly. Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

I looked at him and swallowed. I was no longer afraid of being a rogue's prey....

We arrived at the train station before I realized we were even in town. Lucas's presence, his warm

hand on me–it confused all my senses. I was glad he still had the wherewithal to purchase tickets for the correct destination, as my voice came out breathy.

We made our way to a private compartment, and Lucas settled me down across from him.

Distance… professional distance… professionalism–I repeated the mantra in my head, but it was no use. Lucas's leg slid to the inside of mine, and I stopped breathing altogether.

I mustered my best annoyed look, though desire was radiating right through my veins and up my inner thigh from the place our legs touched.

Lucas simply raised an eyebrow at me in challenge.

I swallowed. There was no way I was backing down.

“So," Lucas said, completely unbothered by the fact the movement of the train was rubbing our legs together, “we'll meet tomorrow morning at the train station?"

“Can't we just drive there ourselves?" I scoffed, the train would take forever.

“No," Lucas said.

“Why not?" I asked.

“Well, the sedan isn't really fit for the kind of terrain we would be going over in order to get there. Plus, you never know when and if a place to gas up will be available. No one wants to get caught in the middle of wild country with flat tires or no gas."

I nodded my understanding.

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