Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 956: Chapter 13 : Blow Up

Chapter 956: Chapter 13 : Blow Up


I stood with my back almost flush against the office door, cautious of approaching this new and apoplectic Lucas. I'd seen him angry, of course. But this? This was bad.

“Come. Here." Lucas's tone brooked no argument.

I swallowed and made my feet shuffle forward. He was probably still angry. I was insisting the temple under the library site was evil, making the whole project site evil. I imagined it was enough of a blow to his ego to have to give up the project, much less be accused of unleashing evil upon the world.

I wondered if Jay had felt this intimidated standing before Lucas. Probably not–Jay didn't seem to have the Alpha gene, like Lucas, but he also didn't strike me as one to just back down.

As Lucas glowered at me, I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. I wasn't one to just back down, either.

“Are you dating Donovan Clarke?!" Lucas surprised me by snapping.

So, it wasn't about the temple then. “What does it matter to you?" I countered, my own anger rising. How dare he question me about a part of my life he wanted no part in?

“Answer the question," Lucas barked.

Another Alpha command–I winced despite myself. “Why, yes. We'd just decided today before Brady hauled me out of Nostalgia." I raised my chin. “And he punched my new boyfriend."

“Break it off," Lucas ordered.

“Excuse me?" I frowned.

Lucas leaned over the desk. “Break. It. OFF!"

Now he was really pissing me off. “Why should I? Donovan's a nice guy who actually wants to spend time with me. It's not like there's anyone else in the running."

“You know that's not true," Lucas growled.

“Oh? Now you want back in? Is that what you're saying?" I sniffed.

Lucas ran a hand over his face. “I don't know."

I made a very unladylike noise and turned for the door. “When you figure it out, go take a flying leap. Donovan doesn't need to wrestle with himself over whether or not I'm worthy of his time."

“It's not about being worthy of my time. Of course, you're worthy of my time. You're worthy of every damn second," Lucas rumbled. “But things just aren't that simple. And Donovan just wants one thing from you, princess. And he'll promise you the moon to get it. Then he'll drop you right on your ass."

“You don't know that," I shot back. “You don't know him."

“I do, and I know his kind. He's not worthy of one hair on your head," Lucas said.

I raised my chin. “What if he's my mate?"

Lucas's growl shook the floorboards and the ceiling light tinged with an echoing vibration. “The Moon Goddess would never be that cruel."

“I don't get why you hate him so much," I sighed. “He's been nothing but polite to you."

“He touched what's mine," Lucas grunted.

I raised an eyebrow. “Am I yours, now? Is that what you think?"

Lucas fell silent.

I shook my head. “Whatever. I did want to talk to you about the library and the temple—“

“For love of–what is it with you and this temple?" Lucas all but yelled. “It's hard enough being laid off that project without people starting rumors about hoodoo evil. Are you trying to ruin my career?!"

“Lucas, it's not about your stupid career! I really think there's something bad down there… and… and… I think it latched onto me," I replied with a swallow. I shook my head again. “Forget it. Never mind. I hope you and your career are very happy together." I gripped the door handle.

Then Lucas was there, leaning over me, holding the door closed. His breath feathered the baby hairs on the back of my neck.

“What do you mean, it latched onto you?" Lucas murmured in my ear.

I felt shivers all the way down my spine, and not all of them from Lucas. The eyes were there again, watching me, watching us.

“Sasha?" Lucas ran his nose along the side of my neck.

I realized he was sniffing me. I wondered if there was a difference, now that the eyes had been following me.

His tongue flicked out and he licked the spot where I'd be marked one day. When I met my mate… well, when I was twenty-one and could actually sense him. My birthday was coming up soon. I'd know then if Lucas was my mate.

My eyes widened. Why was I thinking that?

Thinking of Lucas Black that way was only going to lead to heartbreak. Still, having him so close, oh, so close to me, made me weak at the knees.

“You really are scared," Lucas said, pulling me back from the brink of moaning. “I can taste it in your sweat."

“Gee, thanks," I replied, wrinkling my nose.

Lucas spun me around so my back was to the door. “You didn't walk to the temple edge on purpose."

I licked my lips. “No."

He watched my mouth and I saw his Adam's apple bob. “You weren't messing with me."


Lucas took a deep breath. “Then it's a good thing I took you off the project. I won't have you going anywhere near that place again."

“But, Lucas, other people—“

He brushed my hair behind my ear. “I'll take care of it, princess." This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“I can help," I insisted, though my fingers trembled at the very idea of returning to the temple.

Lucas took my hand in his and kissed my fingertips. He then rubbed our joined hands against his stubbled cheek with a groan.

I could feel it again, his need against my belly. Not an hour ago, I'd told Donovan Clarke I'd be his girlfriend, but I also knew if Lucas Black decided to continue this… this thing between us, I would let him have me right there against the door.

Lucas then shoved himself backward, squeezing his eyes shut. “Go, Sasha. Leave right now."

Cold again. I cursed the tears that stung my eyes as I wrenched the door open. “You just missed your chance, Lucas Black."

His hungry gray eyes followed me, but he didn't respond.

I stormed out, slammed the door behind me, putting the heavy wooden barrier between me and him.

“Take me home," I said to Brady, who was leaning against the wall outside the door.

“Your wish is my command," Brady responded, gesturing for me to go ahead of him down the stairs.

Phoebe was still in the foyer. She opened her mouth to speak, but I held up a hand.

“I've had all I can take for today," I said.

Her shoulders sagged, and I felt bad cutting her off like that, but I was tired and I just wanted to go home.

Lucas Black was always just so… exhausting.

Besides, I couldn't imagine anything Phoebe could say that couldn't wait until after a long shower and a hot nap. I'd call Lucas's house later. I wanted to know what he planned to do about the temple anyway.

Thankfully, it was only Ian and me in the sedan on the way back to the campus dorms. I was not subjected to whatever lovey-dovey theatrics Brady and Phoebe got up to.

To my surprise, Donovan was leaning outside the door of the dorm I shared with Amanda when I arrived. His nose was in a splint, and he had raccoon eyes.

I winced when I saw him, but he just smiled.

“I've been better," he quipped, pulling me into a hug as soon as he saw me. “You don't need to—“

Donovan sniffed the air. He pulled back a little, and when he did, he was scowling at me. “Have you been to see Lucas Black?"

I rubbed the spot where Lucas had licked me and tried not to blush. “I was kidnapped there, yeah."

“What business do you have with him? I thought you two were done, but I can smell him all over you," Donovan seethed.

“He got up in my face. He was angry over the temple thing, but I think by the end he finally believed me and—“

Donovan pushed me back into the wall, startling the air right out of me. “I don't share, Sasha."

I felt a little guilty about the thoughts I'd had about Lucas. But they were just thoughts. Surely I couldn't be held accountable for something I couldn't control. “I–Donovan, we had an argument."

Donovan pressed in close so his spit touched my nose. “What did Phoebe say about me?"

“Nothing!" This was a side of Donovan I hadn't seen before. I didn't like it.

“Then why were you cozying up to Lucas Black?" Donovan demanded.

“I told you. We were fighting," I said, tears stinging my eyes for the second time today. When my head hit the wall, it really hurt.

“Since when does fighting require a guy to put his mouth on you?" Donovan snapped.

He could smell that Lucas licked me? I felt shame all the way to my bones. “I didn't know he was going to do that. He was trying to see if I was lying."

“Oh?" Donovan growled. “And what should I do to see if you're lying?"

Then, to my shock and horror, Donovan groped my breast through my shirt.

“Donovan!" I screamed, pressed too hard into the wall to get away.

Our door opened. Amanda stuck her head out. “Sasha, what…?"

I kneed the distracted Donovan in the balls and scooted out from under his grip when he took one pained step back.

“I don't want to see you anymore, Donovan Clarke," I said, standing next to Amanda, who narrowed her eyes at him in solidarity. “Not even as a friend."

Donovan looked up, his brown eyes remorseful. “I'm sorry, Sasha. I never should have–you just made me so jealous...."

“So now it's her fault you grabbed her boob?" Amanda snarked.

“Well, kinda," Donovan replied, but his response fell on unsympathetic ears. “Okay, maybe not. It's Lucas Black's fault for touching what's mine."

“Oh for f**k's sake. I'm not yours. I'm not his. I'm mine," I informed him, almost pretending I was telling

Lucas the same.

“Yeah," Amanda said, folding her arms. “She belongs to herself, definitely at least until her birthday next week."

“Which you are no longer invited to," I snapped.

Donovan, still holding his nuts, gave me puppy dog eyes. “Aw, Sasha, don't be like that. What if I'm your mate?"

“The Moon Goddess wouldn't be so cruel," I replied, echoing Lucas's earlier words. He was right. Donovan was a creep… not that I'd ever tell Lucas that.

Donovan's brown eyes flashed with anger. “You're going to be mine, Sasha Wentley. One way or the other."

“I doubt it," Amanda said, pulling me into our dorm and slamming the door behind us.


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