Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 951: Chapter 8 : Seeing Green

Chapter 951: Chapter 8 : Seeing Green

*Lucas* Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

While Sasha's gaze was averted, I let my eyes roam over her profile and tried not to think about how we were both nearly killed by that rogue, how she almost got hurt. My heart squeezed in on itself at the thought.

She was so close to me. I could feel her warmth radiating off her body. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to pull her into my arms and make sure that nothing ever hurt her again. But I knew that wasn't an option. Not right now, at least.

I couldn't deny that my feelings for Sasha were growing stronger with each passing moment. It wasn't just a physical attraction anymore; I genuinely cared about her. But I also knew that I couldn't act on those feelings.

I calmed my anxiety at almost losing her by reminding myself that she was there, she was alright. But then she was moving away.

I frowned as the bed swayed from Sasha's weight getting off of it, I suddenly wanted to shove “Doc" out of my way and go throttle the smiling baker before yanking Sasha back to my side.

Where she belonged, I could feel my wolf add, but I brushed that thought away as quickly as I denied the impulse to rip Jay's throat out as he led her away.

First Stone Hamline, now this. Men flocked to my Sasha like moths to a flame, and I wanted to be the flyswatter that beat them all away.

I sighed as Doc began swabbing my wounds and Sasha disappeared into the next room with Jay. Sasha's sudden departure from the room left an empty feeling in my chest. I couldn't help but feel like I needed to protect her from anyone who might dare to come close to her.

My wolf was restless, pacing back and forth within me, growling lowly. It was almost as if he could sense my unease. I took a deep breath, reminding us both to stay calm. In truth, she was not ours, and we couldn't stop her, shouldn't stop her, from....

I heard a shower go on and my head snapped in the direction of the sound. My heart rate quickened as I imagined Sasha standing under the hot stream of water, the droplets cascading down her skin, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of jealousy toward whoever got to witness that sight.

“There," Doc said, pulling me from my thoughts. “All fixed up. Don't go pulling your stitches. No shifting for a week, you hear?"

“I hear."

I looked down at myself and realized Doc had managed to stitch me up without me feeling a thing while I'd had my mind on Sasha. He'd also taped down bandages.

“First train is in three hours," Doc said, rising and snapping his bag shut. “I suggest you get some rest."

“Thanks, Doc," I replied, settling back into the pillow.

But, I couldn't get comfortable. When I was finally able to think about something other than Sasha, I sternly reminded myself how much of a cluster we were in with regard to the library project.

I admonished myself–I really needed to focus....

Sasha was a distraction–a beautiful distraction, but a distraction nonetheless. I couldn't afford to fail again, not if I wanted to be Head of the Royal Engineers.

With a scowl, I thought of Stone Hamline, running to King Xander behind my back again, gloating over how f****d up my project had become while his museum restoration project, in the capitol itself, was going along swimmingly.

I thought about the cozy scene of just the two of them in the trailer and the fact that the bastard had the audacity to try and horn in on my Sash–my intern.

A new thought made my blood run cold.

What if the library project did tank… and Sasha was reassigned… to him.

I stood from the bed and walked over to the window, pulling the curtain aside to peer outside.

The streets of the small town were dark and quiet, the only sounds coming from the occasional car passing by. The moon was high in the sky, casting a pale light over everything.

But my mind was elsewhere, my thoughts consumed with Sasha and the way her body had felt trembling as it pressed against mine when I held her.

I couldn't understand why it was so hard to resist wanting her. I shook my head and inhaled the delicious scent of soup and baked bread. I ventured toward the kitchen to see Jay standing over the


He stepped to the side for a moment and I saw a small radiator with Sasha's clothes drying on it, including her bra and a pair of pink panties.

My jaw clenched and I growled low in my throat.

I don't know what possessed me, but I rushed past Jay and snatched up her undergarments.

When I looked back at that bastard Jay, he was biting his lips as though trying not to laugh.

“What about this is funny?" I snapped.

“Well, Sasha said you two were just boss and intern. But considering how you're acting over her delicate laundry, you'd think she was your mate," Jay chuckled.

I glared at him. The man had no sense of self-preservation if he was laughing at me now.

“Her delicate laundry," I seethed, ignoring his implied question, “doesn't need to be hanging up in your kitchen."

Jay held up his hands. “Whatever you say."

“Now that that's settled, would you mind being a good patient and lying back down before you pull those stitches?" Doc grumped.

“And her new clothes–where are those?" I asked, still ignoring the doctor.

“In the bathroom with her." The shower turned off and Jay bit his lips again. “I think you'd better get back in bed before your intern learns about this little display."

I grunted and clenched my fists. The man had a point. “Don't go telling Sasha about this," I warned Jay.

“What am I supposed to tell her happened to her underwear?" Jay asked, still trying not to laugh.

“They got singed and you threw them away." I heard rustling in the bathroom and imagined Sasha drying off, running a towel over her shapely breasts....

Goddess, what was wrong with me?

I shook myself and stomped back into the bedroom before I was caught. I shoved Sasha's underwear and bra under the pillow and went back to cool down by the window.

I heard her soft footsteps enter the room and turned around to see Sasha holding a dinner tray with a bowl of soup and two cups of tea. She was wearing an oversized sweatshirt and pants that fit at the waist, but were far too long. Her hair fanned around her in a wavy, wet halo.

“You should be in bed," she scolded as she set the tray on the bedside table and hurried to help me from the window and back into bed.

As she tucked me in, Sasha's scent enveloped me, and I couldn't help but inhale deeply. She smelled like lavender and baked bread, a perfect combination that made my mouth water.

“Thanks," I mumbled, not wanting to make things more awkward than they already were.

“Of course," Sasha replied softly, pulling away and settling onto the edge of the bed. “Doc said you can have some soup. You need to eat and get back some energy."

I nodded, accepting the bowl of soup and taking a sip of the warm liquid. She smiled at me as she brought her tea cup to her lips.

I cleared my throat and looked away.

“I'm sorry about earlier," I said, referring to our near-death experience. “I should have been more careful."

“It wasn't your fault," Sasha replied, placing a comforting hand on my arm. “We both made it out okay, that's all that matters."

I turned to look at her, grateful for her understanding. “Thank you," I said softly.

We fell into a comfortable silence, the only sounds coming from our sips of soup and tea. The tension between us seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of calm and warmth.

Eventually, Sasha finished her tea and stood up, signaling the end of our moment of peace. “Get some rest," she said with a smile.

“Don't leave."

The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Sasha turned back to look at me, her expression surprised.

“What?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“I mean…" I trailed off, unsure of how to explain myself. “Just… stay with me, please?"

Sasha hesitated for a moment before nodding and settling back onto the bed, her hand still resting on my arm. I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I stared up at the ceiling, her warm presence calming me.

“Lucas?" Sasha's voice broke the silence.

“Hm?" I replied, turning my head to look at her.

“About earlier...." She trailed off, her fingers tracing small circles on my arm. “I wanted to say… thank you, for saving my life."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I thought about what could have happened if I hadn't been there to protect her.

Sasha knelt beside the bed, putting us nearly face to face. She blew on the steaming tea, her warm breath skittering over my cheeks.

“You blew on my tea," I remarked, a smile tugging at my lips.

“Oh." Sasha blushed. “Force of habit. I also didn't want you to get burned."

“Thanks," I said as she handed it to me.

I sipped the still-over-warm tea but didn't complain. It burned going down and was just the wake-up call I needed.

“So, I'm going to have to speak to King Xander before we do any more work at the library site. I'm sure Stone has already trotted off to give a less-than-favorable report," I said, putting on my business face.

Sasha nodded. “Does that mean I don't come to work for a while?"

“You don't come to work for a while," I confirmed. “If worse comes to worse, you'll be given a different work study."

“Oh." Sasha looked as disappointed as I felt about the idea. “I was really happy with this one."

“Me, too," I responded, though my reasons were starting to get a little cloudy.

I set my mug down and Sasha fluffed my pillow, and I had to quickly reach behind and pull her bra and panties out of her view. Thankfully, she didn't notice as she began tidying up the dishes.

“I'll wake you up when it's time to go," she said. “Get some sleep."

“What about you?" I asked.

“What about me?" Sasha responded.

“When are you going to sleep?"

My question was answered three hours later, when, squeezed into Jay's somewhat smaller clothes, I sat next to Sasha on the train home. We had a private compartment, but then most of the train was laid out that way.

“… as long as it's just artifacts down there, King Xander might let us continue," I was explaining when I felt a soft thump against my shoulder.

I looked over, and her blond little head was resting against me, her breathing deep and even.

I smiled as soft strands of her hair tickled my chin, getting caught in the stubble on my jawline.

I gently brushed the hair away from her face, taking in the peaceful expression she wore as she slept. It was a side of Sasha I hadn't seen before, vulnerable and innocent. It made my heart ache in a way that I couldn't explain.

As the train rumbled on, I found myself lost in my thoughts, wondering if it was possible that I had always had such strong feelings for Sasha Wentley.


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