Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 938

Chapter 938

Chapter 148 : Return to the Dark Realm

Scarlett, my mother, and I went straight to the palace in the capital, where Xander and Lena got us set up in guest rooms. I got the baby down in a bassinet and Scarlett read me the most recent letter Archer had sent her.

“Still no mention of Jared," Scarlett said with a sigh. She folded the letter and tucked it in her pocket.

“It's okay," I said as I opened my suitcase and started unpacking.

As much as I wanted to rush back to Midnight Sun, I took Lena's words to heart. Jared had real concerns for the baby's safety. Just showing up out of the blue might have been a mistake.

“I just wish he would tell us something! I mean… any kind of hope for you would be ideal."

“Scarlett, I appreciate your concern. Jared and I will see each other again and we can figure it all out then."

“You're handling this a lot better than I would be."

“I have new strength now, new focus." I glanced at the bassinet and smiled at my baby's sleeping face.

“I understand."

“How are you two settling in?" My mom entered the room. She had a warm smile on her lips. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“We're settling." I went to the bassinet and put my hand on my baby's stomach.

“Three… I'm sorry, you three." My mom winked at Scarlett.

“Just fine. I heard from Archer again and I'm excited to see him soon. It has been so long!" Scarlett giggled and covered her mouth giddily.

I couldn't help but smile too. It was good to see her smiling so brightly. I felt bad that she was here with me rather than with Archer. She'd given up time with her mate and her son.

“You'll get there soon enough. Actually, I'm thinking you'll be seeing Archer and Jared sooner rather than later."

“Are they coming here?" Scarlett perked up.

My mom grinned and shook her head. “Not exactly. Well… not yet. I know the two of you are eager to get back to the village, but I had another idea."

She smiled slyly. I knew that look. My mom was planning something.

“What are you planning?" I tilted my head at her.

“The palace is the safest place in this realm. It is also neutral ground for you and Jared. I think it would be a good idea to get him to come here and see for certain where things stand between you."

“That is a good point, Mom, so what are you planning?"

“I think the best thing to do is to get Jared to come to the palace by sending out an invitation."

“I doubt that Jared will come running to the palace when we tell him I'm here. Even when Archer comes to get Scarlett, he might not be able to convince him." I went back to my suitcase and started unpacking again.

“Then we need to come up with an invitation that he'll be unable to refuse." She gave that sly smile again.

“Oh, I've got an idea," Scarlett spoke up. “The kind of thing that no one can resist, especially when it comes from family."

“What's that?" my mom asked.

“A ball. This is a palace, isn't it?"

“That is a good idea," I agreed.

“We just need to make it an event he won't want to miss."



After getting home, I saw how far along the renovations had come. Throwing myself into work kept my mind off of everything else, so I focused on the next stage–getting running water and plumbing into all the buildings in my village.

It was long, tedious work. I thought if I worked hard during the day I would be too exhausted to think about Eliza at night. But inevitably, memories of her lying next to me or in my arms came back to haunt me.

Over time, those visions began to lose their strength and promises between me and Eliza came back stronger and stronger. The only problem now was that the old memories were mixed in with the ones Hestia had given me. It was all too confusing.

I loved her and hated her at the same time. I wanted to be with her and wanted her as far away from me at the same time. I had no idea what to think or feel about her anymore. I knew in my heart she deserved better than that.

And then there were the nightmares of Hestia's vision for my child's future....

Ever since I faced off with Hestia, I couldn't shake them.

They were the main reason I'd left Eliza safe with her family in the Light Realm.

It was always the same–her predicted future of a Dark King rising to power, one that had a thirst for blood, vengeance, and darkness. And that Dark King taking my child as his heir, claiming my child and turning them into a monster.

As my mind worked to sort out the truth of everything, I worked hard with the crew to dig up half of the village streets to install the piping.

“How's it coming?" I asked the contractor at the end of another long week.

“We have half the village outfitted with the new pipes. Once the other half is done, we'll be able to get the water running into everyone's homes."

I nodded, standing over a deep trench that used to be a road. Workers were in the trench laying down the plumbing and sewage pipes.

It had been months, and they still only had half the village done.

Sighing, I headed back to the pack house.

Eliza had been the one who was good at organizing and overseeing the renovations. I could get it done, but not with the same efficiency as she could.

I walked through my slightly dug-up village. People were working and going about their daily lives, but I could tell that morale was down. It had been that way ever since I came back again without Eliza.

They missed their Luna. She'd always been out there connecting with them and inspiring them.

I didn't have that same personal touch, especially with how confused things still were in my mind.

I hoped that the running water would be enough of a morale booster, enough to bring smiles back to my people's faces.

When I got back to the mansion, Zoe was on the porch, her baby cradled in her arms. She'd had the baby a few months ago and volunteered in the nursery to spend more time with her son.

“Jared, is everything okay? You look… upset." She stood up, bouncing the baby in her arms.

“It's been a long day." I sighed.

“It's not even noon yet." She smiled brightly, a sweet, warm smile that always uplifted my spirits.

“I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so negative around you." I shook my head and headed inside.

Zoe followed along. We went to my office so I could go over the remaining renovation plans again.

According to the papers on my desk, the construction was still on track. We were right on schedule.

“You've been working yourself too hard. Jared, you should really take a break. I was planning on taking little Jackson to a park this afternoon. Maybe you should come along."

I smiled and nodded. “I'd like that. But I do have to get some work done first."

“Well, I need to feed Jackson and get myself some lunch. I'll bring you a snack before we leave and see if you can pry yourself away." She giggled, her soft eyes lighting up with that adorable glow.

“Thank you, Zoe. You've been a big help."

I watched her slip out my office door.

She left me to my work. I sighed and leaned back in my chair. Having Zoe around was pleasant. She was warm and kind, she always knew the right things to say, and she liked to help me out.

Plus, seeing little Jackson filled my heart with a lot of joy. I just loved to imagine that my own child was like him… out there somewhere being cared after by a devoted mother, just like Zoe.

There were times when she tried to act seductive and coy. It was easy for me to ignore. As much as I enjoyed her company and friendship, I couldn't think of her like that.

Since I got back, people in the pack had been distant. Archer and Brandt were always off on missions. Miriam was cold and distant. Giselle had barely looked at me.

Soon, I suspected Archer would want to leave to be with Scarlett, and I'd have to find a new Beta. His patience was wearing thin.

Sighing, I ran my hand down my face. It was an impossible situation.

“Jared, I just checked the mail and saw this very official looking letter arrive." Zoe came back into my office.

Jackson wasn't in her arms but she was holding a baby monitor, a letter, and a plate with a sandwich on it.

“Who's it from?"

She set the plate down and handed me the letter. Zoe sat across from me and waited. I could tell she was eager to see what was inside.

I flipped the envelope over and saw the return address in embossed silver on the back. It came from the capital, from the palace, and King Xander and Queen Lena's names were on the envelope.

It was addressed to me in the same embossed silver writing on the front.

I pursed my lips, slicing it open with a letter opener.

“Were you expecting to hear from the king and queen?" Zoe asked.

I shook my head. “Normally, they'd send a messenger, not an official letter like this."

Inside the envelope was an invitation. It was thick cardstock with a green ribbon tied around it, the bow sealed with blue wax with the royal seal.

I popped the seal and untied the bow, revealing the invitation underneath. My eyes scanned over it and I frowned slightly.

“Bad news?" Zoe asked.

I saw her from the edge of my vision, leaning closer.

“No… it is an invitation to a ball. A naming ceremony to welcome the newest member of the Crimson Family."

Zoe creased her brow. “I didn't know that Queen Lena was expecting."

“She wasn't… this is for the child born to Eliza and Jared Crimson, recently returned to Egoren."

“Oh...." Zoe sounded disappointed. Then she looked at me and smiled. “Congratulations, Jared."

My heart swelled but then fell.

“Thank you but… being in the Dark Realm, my child is vulnerable."

Zoe smiled wistfully. “Then you should be there as protection."

She swallowed and looked down at her hands.

“Thank you, Jared, for taking me in and being a good friend to me when I had no one else. I know, you're going to go to the ball. You're a good man and will regret it if you don't."

I nodded. She was right. I was going to go to this big event.

“But, Jared," she said softly. “do you mind taking me with you?"

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