Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 926

Chapter 926

Chapter 136: Home Away from Home


“We should get back to the party. People will start to talk.” I sighed and stood up.

Eliza pouted at me. “Let them talk. Since when have you cared about rumors?”

I chuckled and took her hand, pulling her to a standing position. “I think your friends and family want to see you. I shouldn’t occupy all your time, seeing as I’m still trying to gain their favor.”

“Fine,” she whined.

Hand in hand, I led her back into the party. She still had her seat by the king and queen, but I also noticed her entire family at one table together.

In the interest of trying to keep on her parents’ good side, I led her to their table.

Her brother George was there, as well, and he had his date with him.

“Eliza, Jared, come join us,” Ernest called, waving us over.

I pulled a chair out for Eliza and she blushed as she took her seat. I sat beside her, placing my hand on her thigh under the table.

“I see the two of you finally reconnected,” Ernest said, winking.

Eliza’s blush deepened and I smirked. “All it took was a limo and some sweet talk.”

I saw Gemma roll her eyes and shoot me a quick glare.

“Thank you, Daddy, for keeping Jared’s secret. It was a great surprise.”

“It was worth it to see the smile on your face.” Ernest smiled at his daughter.

My chest felt a little tight, seeing how much her family loved and adored her. If she decided to return to the Dark Realm with me, I’d be separating her from all that.

“Well, it is nice to finally meet you,” George said. He set an elbow on the table and gave me a look that didn’t quite match the sentiment in his words.

“It is nice to meet you, too. Eliza has told me a lot about her brother.”

George sniffed and slipped his arm around his date’s shoulders.

He didn’t seem entirely pleased to have me there, but he wasn’t glaring at me like Gemma, and he hadn’t said anything outwardly disdainful.

“Jared, how are things in your village?” Ernest changed the topic of conversation.

I smiled gratefully. “They are coming along really well. The new school is almost finished.”

Beside me, Eliza perked up. “Really?”

I nodded. “Yup. I’m thinking the first class should be able to start enrollment in the next month or so.”

“That’s great news!” she gushed.

“Really. Proper education is the backbone of a community. I commend you for making it a priority.” Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

I rubbed Eliza’s back. “Honestly, it wouldn’t have happened without Eliza and her determination to see it through, even when we had refugees flooding in every day.”

“You took in refugees?” George suddenly seemed interested.

“When the capital was under attack, they had nowhere to go. They came to the smallest, furthest out of the way village possible, and that was mine.”

“We had to feed them and give them medical aid. It was a lot of work,” Eliza added.

Gemma scoffed. “Is that the reason you weren’t taking it easy?”

“Mom,” Eliza groaned. “I wasn’t going to let refugees starve and fend for themselves.”

Ernest stepped in. “From the sounds of it, the two of you provided great humanitarian efforts in a time of need. That is admirable.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” Eliza grinned at him.

“Since the war ended in the capital, I’ve been able to refocus on the village. New housing is going up

and all the pack house renovations have been completed.”

Eliza’s eyes lit up. “Oh, wow. I’m glad everything is moving forward.”

“And the refugees, how are they getting settled?” Ernest asked.

“A lot of them went to other packs. We couldn’t support the huge numbers of them. But from what I hear, now that the capital is being rebuilt, a lot of them are headed back home.”

“The capital is being rebuilt already?” George asked, arching an eyebrow.

I nodded. “King Xander has put all his efforts into the capital.”

“It’s probably for the best. We were stretched to the limit with the extra residents,” Eliza said, sighing.

“That’s why I decided to put in some new housing, in case any of the refugees that came to the village decide to stay on a more permanent basis.”

Eliza’s smile widened even more. She seemed to like hearing about the progress in the capital and in the village. Maybe, it was even enough to get her to want to come back.

“I hope some do decide to stay. Their presence has brought some new life into the village.” Eliza said.

I thought of Zoe and how she longed for a simpler, quieter life.

“I’m sure some of them will prefer the small village life to a bustling city. The damage will still take some time to be repaired. Some refugees will have a while before they have to decide if they want to return.”

“How far along are the repairs on the capital?” George asked.

He showed an unusual curiosity in the goings on in the Dark Realm, and I couldn’t help but notice the small looks of disapproval that Gemma kept shooting him.

“They are making unbelievable progress,” I reported. “King Xander is certain that by next year, the bulk of the damage will just be an unpleasant memory.”

“I’m assuming they will be updating to all the latest amenities in the capital?” Gemma asked, a tart look on her face as if she’d just bit into a lemon.

“Yes, I’m sure King Xander is making all the necessary upgrades.” I nodded.

“Well, it sounds like the capital would be the place to live in the Dark Realm. With a child on the way, are you two considering moving to the capital?” she asked.

I glanced at Eliza. She gave me an apologetic look and frowned slightly.

Whenever I felt bad that I’d be taking Eliza away from her family, her mother would start in on something and then I didn’t feel so bad.

“Well, I think there’s a good chance that we’ll visit the capital a lot. Now that King Xander and I are getting to know each other… it would be nice to spend more time there,” I explained.

“Just visit?” Gemma asked.

I nodded. “My home is still Midnight Sun, and I’m not ready to leave.”

George perked up suddenly. “Midnight Sun?”

Gemma shot him a disapproving look.

“Yes, that’s the name of my pack.” I turned to George.

“Hmm. That sounds like a cool pack to join.”

Gemma sniffed and narrowed her eyes at her son.

“My dear, why don’t we dance? It is getting late and I’d like at least one dance with my lovely wife.” Ernest stood up and held his hand out.

I watched as Eliza’s mother hesitated for a moment, giving both her children a specific look. Then she took Ernest’s hand and they went out onto the dancefloor.

George’s eyes floated around the room. He paused on a group of men about his age.

“Ahh, I haven’t seen them in forever.” He nodded in their direction and got up, his date following him to talk to his friends.

I took a deep breath and relaxed.

Eliza took my hand and gave it a squeeze. “You’re doing great, Jared. My father clearly likes you and my brother is warming up to you fast. My mom… well, she’ll come around.”

“I’ll keep trying….”

I trailed off and shook my head. I didn’t want to mention it to Eliza, but I wasn’t sure how long I’d last in the Light Realm. If I couldn’t even imagine surviving this until the baby was born, could I manage it for the rest of my life if Eliza decided she wanted to stay here?

Sighing, I shook my head. I couldn’t think like that. I needed to find a way to make this work if that’s what she decided.

I wasn’t used to having so much family to manage. I’d adjust.

Eliza leaned her head on my shoulder and I heard her utter a little sigh.

“Are you feeling okay?”

She nodded. “I’m just getting tired. It’s been a lot of excitement for one day and I’m already getting tired faster these days.”

“If you’re ready to head home, we can go. I have no reason to stay longer.”

Eliza lifted her head and smiled lightly. “Yes, I’d like to go home.”

We headed to the large banquet table where Lena and Xander were sitting.

“We’re heading out for the night. It was good to see you tonight,” I nodded to the king and queen.

“We’ll see you again soon, I’m sure,” Xander said.

“Take care of yourself, Eliza, and my little niece or nephew.” Lena giggled.

Eliza nodded. “I will. I’ll see you again soon.”

When the song ended, Eliza went to her parents to say a quick goodbye.

“Jared and I are going to head out. I’m tired and should get off my feet. It has been a busy day.”

Her mother nodded. “Make sure to get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. Let me know if you need anything.”

Eliza rolled her eyes. “Jared can take care of me.”

Her mother cast an unconvinced look toward me.

Eliza and I said our goodbyes to a few more people and headed back to the limo. I’d paid the driver for the whole night.

Eliza settled in the back with her head on my shoulder. Almost as soon as the limo pulled away from the curb, Eliza was sleeping soundly.

I watched her sleeping reflection through the tinted window of the limo. She was so beautiful and looked so peaceful.

I was the luckiest man in the world to have found a woman like her. And the fact that she was letting

me be close to her again was unexpected but just reminded me how amazing she was.

The driver took us in a different direction than Eliza’s parents’ house, per my instructions.

When we arrived at our destination, I gently woke Eliza up.

She mumbled something, her eyelids fluttered.

I kissed Eliza’s eyelids. “Wake up, sleepy.”

She mumbled again and opened her eyes. She rubbed them and looked around.

“Where are we? This isn’t my parents’ house.”

Instead, I’d brought her to an adorable little house that was the perfect size for a small, growing family. It had a gorgeous garden in the front and a covered porch. Out back there was a yard and a patio.

I stepped out of the limo and held out a hand to her.

“No, this isn’t your parents’ house. Actually, it is ours.”

“Ours?” Eliza gasped. She took my hand and I helped her from the limo.

“That’s right. Whether you want to live here full time or just have it be a home away from home, it’s ours. We can visit whenever you want for as long as you want.


I scooped Eliza up in my arms, bridal style.

“Ready to see your home away from home?”

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