Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 923

Chapter 923

Chapter 133: So Much to Be Grateful For


Taking it easy was easier said than done with the harvests and the Moon Ball approaching. My mother kept a close watch on me, though, and wouldn’t let me help too much. I was limited to tasks that I could perform while sitting down.

I sat at a table folding napkins neatly around silverware, making them neat little packages. The napkins added quite a decorative flourish.

“Eliza, Eliza….”

I looked up as several of the older kids, in their mid-teens, came running up to me where I sat.

“What is it?”

They smiled at me and looked at me with bright, gleaming eyes.

“Is it true that you went to the Dark Realm?”

“Yes, it is true.” I laughed and continued folding the napkins.

My hands were starting to cramp up from the repetitive folding.

“Are you mated to the Dark King’s brother?” another asked.

I giggled and nodded. “You guys seem to know a lot about me.”

“We want to know everything you did in the Dark Realm.”

“Can you tell us the story?”

“Please, please!?”

My smile widened. I couldn’t help it. They were so excited and joyful and I found that I loved being around kids these days.

I put a hand on my stomach fondly.

There was part of me that enjoyed the irony of the situation. When I was their age, I used to love hearing the stories from people my age, and I’d beg them for their time.

“Alright, if you can finish folding the rest of these napkins and silverware, I will tell you the story.”

The kids smiled and sat around the table, grabbing silverware and napkins, and getting right to work.

“Well, it all started when I went to the Dark Realm. I’m an archeologist, and the chance to study another culture and its history was too tempting, so I followed my passions.”

“That sounds so romantic,” one of the girls said.

“Oh, it didn’t start out that way. I was minding my own business in the Dark Realm when suddenly, I was snatched and the next thing I knew, I was being sold at some kind of slave auction!”

The kids gasped and looked at each other, wide-eyed and fearful.

“But I had nothing to fear. A very handsome, strong young man decided to save me. I didn’t know it at the time, but he turned out to be the Dark King’s brother.”

“Oh, my Goddess!” another young girl gushed. “He saved you!?”

“Yes, he did. After that, our adventure really began.”

Recounting my story of meeting Jared and falling in love with him made me long for him all the more. My heart ached but I didn’t want to stop talking about him either. It was painful, but it reminded me of the good times.

I continued to tell them of my adventures right up until the point when I first arrived at Jared’s village.

Sighing, I bowed my head. Intense fatigue washed over me.

“Oh, don’t stop the story now! I want to hear the rest,” one of the young women said.

“I’ll tell you the rest later. Right now, I need to take a nap. It is better for the baby.”

They gave some disappointed sighs, but none of them argued as I got up.

There was a car nearby that was willing to take me back to my parents’ house. When I got there, my mom already had a snack waiting for me.

“You should eat before resting.”

She pulled out the chair at the kitchen table.

I sighed and sat down. Jared was still on my mind and I missed him terribly. Talking about how we met got me thinking and I couldn’t shake the feelings that came with it.

“Are you feeling alright, Eliza?” my mom put her hand on my forehead.

“I’m fine. I’m just tired.”

My mom sighed and sat down beside me. “You know, I think you’ll really enjoy the Moon Ball.”

“Mom, I’m married and pregnant. The ball isn’t for me. I’m only helping out to keep busy.”

My mom chuckled. “The Moon Ball is for everyone. Besides, it is a good excuse to get dressed up, and that always makes everyone feel better.”

“I don’t know if I want to get all dressed up. I’m supposed to be taking it easy, aren’t I?”

“Eliza….” She reached out and took my hand. “I know you’ve been through a lot and you still have questions. I just want you to know that despite what you think, you still have a lot to thank that Moon Goddess for.”

“After the year I’ve had….”

“Yes, even after the year you’ve had. But you have a child on the way, and your family is here for you. You’ve had marvelous adventures that most people only dream about.”

“Yeah, well those adventures nearly killed me and my child.”

My mother smiled wryly. “Perhaps. But you’re still standing, and you are going to make a wonderful mother.”

“Thanks… maybe you’re right. Maybe I do have things to be grateful for.”

I finished the snack she gave me and headed to my room. As soon as I lay down, tears pricked my eyes. I couldn’t help the overwhelming feelings that bubbled out as I cried myself to sleep.


The day of the Moon Ball, everyone was so excited. I couldn’t help but feel excited, too. While I got dressed, many of the young girls who had helped me with the napkins hung around to get ready with me.

I wore a sage green dress with a high waist. Around the waistline was a jewel-encrusted belt that ran around the back and over my shoulder to form one strap.

The neckline was low cut and the skirt went all the way to my ankles. The back of the dress was low cut and open.

It was a simple but elegant dress that accented my hair, my curls covering my neck, and bare shoulders just right.

“Oh, your dress is so pretty!” one of the girls said.

She had on a short, white dress with a flaring skirt that had golden sparkles all over it.

“Thank you. I’m just going to touch up my makeup. You girls should head to the ball.”

“Oh no, we’re riding with you!”

I giggled and nodded.

They chattered on about the young boys that would be at the ball and who they thought might find their mates. I listened to their giggling and chattering as I put on my mascara and a little blush.

I was a lot paler these days due to my pregnancy.

I stepped back from the mirror and gave myself a once over. I looked like I was ready for a ball.

My father met me and the other girls at the bottom of the stairs. He held his arm out to me.

“You look stunning, my darling,” he said, kissing my cheek quickly.

I blushed and looked down. He led me out of the house where a limo was waiting.

I paused. “A limo?”

My dad just chuckled and shrugged. He helped me into the back seat and the girls clamored in with


He didn’t join us.

“Dad, aren’t you coming?”

He shook his head and shut the door. I was alone in the limo with the chattering girls.

They had so much to say and were so excited that it was contagious. I smiled and laughed along with them. They all wanted to know about me and my adventures. It was really hard to feel lonely when they were gushing over me and asking so many questions.

Several times, the girls stopped themselves short of saying something.

I got the sense that they were hiding some big secret. Was that why they were hanging around? Did the secret have to do with the limo my dad had procured?

Then again, I remembered what it was like to be that age, bursting with energy and excitement and so many ideas and fantasies.

The limo pulled up and someone opened the door. There was a purple carpet extending from the limo door. Just as I tried to step out, someone held a hand out to me.

I looked up and saw Declan. Smiling, I took his hand and let him help me out of the car.

Behind me, the girls all giggled and whispered. I ignored them and leaned into Declan, still a little unsteady on my feet.

“Thank you, again.”

Declan grinned. He was dressed so nicely. He wore a royal suit that distinguished him as a Royal Guard but was still much nicer than his usual outfit. It was a deep, crimson color and had a pin that designated his rank in the royal army.

He had a big smile on his face and he looked very handsome.

I bit my lower lip, my stomach fluttering. I couldn’t help but think of how attractive he was in the red suit with the lights from the party behind him.

Suddenly, guilt washed through me. I looked down at my feet.

How could I be thinking of Declan being attractive? I was married and pregnant with another man’s child….

“It is nice to see you again, Eliza,” Declan said.

“It’s nice to see you, too,” I murmured. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Is it?” Declan’s voice sounded concerned.

Sighing, I raised my eyes to his. “It is always nice to see you. I wasn’t expecting you to be here… and dressed so formally.”

Declan smirked. “Well, I’m not on duty tonight. Can I escort you into the ball?”


We headed down the purple carpet and into the ball. As soon as we entered the doors, I stopped walking and gasped, looking around the ballroom.

The room was decorated with fall harvest colors: reds, yellows, oranges, and deep greens. There were twinkling, golden lights hanging from the ceiling, intermingled with decorative leaves and acorns hanging down.

The tables all had harvest centerpieces with squashes and gourds in cornucopias, along with decorative grasses and fall-blooming flowers.

A band was playing in the back corner, soft, mellow music to ease the guests in as they arrived.

The thing that struck me most was the warm scent of fresh, delicious foods. My stomach growled slightly and I realized I was starving, even though my mom was feeding me all the time.

Growing a baby took a lot of extra energy.

“There are some people that want to see you,” Declan said, pulling me from my awe.

He led me to one of the tables where Lena and Xander were sitting.

“Lena! Xander! I didn’t know you were coming.”

“We saved you a seat.” Lena motioned to the seat beside her.

“I’m so glad to see you both again. And you, Lena, all healthy.”

I sat down with them and Declan sat beside me. I chatted with my cousin and her husband for a while.

After a while, I went to mingle with some of the other guests. I ran into a ton of people I knew. They were all quick to congratulate me on my pregnancy and welcome me back to the Light Realm.

I glanced at my mom, feeling like she had a hand in what people were saying. I was happy and grateful, but it seemed like my mom was trying to get people to make me feel more at home in the Light Realm.

All it did was remind me how much I missed Jared.

When the music changed and became more upbeat, guests went out onto the dance floor.

Someone held a hand out in front of me. I smiled as I realized Declan was asking me for a dance.

I held my hand out, ready to accept his offer, but a movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention.

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