Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 911

Chapter 911

Chapter 121: It Didn’t Work


It didn't take more than a couple of days for Archer and me to get to the outskirts of the kingdom.

With just the two of us and limited gear, we traveled much faster. I'd sketched a map of the valley we were looking for and I carried an image of the Lunalily. I'd cut it out of one of the old books I'd used for research.

Archer and I paused for a quick drink of water. When we were traveling, we didn't talk much and that also sped things along much faster than I was used to in some of my most recent trips.

“So, does the map or picture tell us where to look for this flower?"

I took a swig of water and pulled the image out of my pocket. Underneath the picture there was a small inscription. I squinted to read the tiny letters.

“It says that the Lunalily grows on cave walls or the sides of cliffs in this valley."

“That's not too vague, is it?" Archer scoffed.

I shrugged. We finished our quick break and headed off again.

We headed through a forest. It had thick trees, lots of underbrush, and no paths. Archer and I scrambled over roots and fallen branches.

The forest let out at the base of a mountain range. The valley where the flower grew was somewhere in the mountains.

“We need to head northeast for several miles and then turn full east. That's where we should find the valley." I pointed in that direction.

“A nice trek through the mountains. I was thinking we needed some real fresh air."

I chuckled. “Yeah… we haven't gotten enough of that recently."

We headed into the mountains. I heard some voices up ahead and held my arm up.

Archer stopped walking behind me.

Silently, I motioned to a nearby crevice. Archer nodded and slid into the opening. I slid in too, and we were both tucked out of sight.

A few seconds later, several shifters appeared around the bend. They looked very comfortable in the mountains.

“Hmm… they might know their way around," Archer suggested.

“We already have the map."

“Jared, I respect you and all, but if you really want to get back to your Luna in a few days, we need more than a vague map. I'm going to ask for directions."

“Okay," I sighed.

I moved out of the way and Archer boldly approached the other shifters. I trailed behind, ready to spring into action if I was needed.

“Hey there," Archer held up a hand in greeting.

“You two aren't from around here, are you?" the leader of the small group of mountain dwellers said.

He looked down his long, pointed nose at us. His eyes weren't mean or suspicious; he just seemed curious about us.

“Well, we are looking for something very specific and it has brought us to these mountains," Archer explained.

“Specific, huh?" the man asked, tilting his head to the side.

“Yeah, we're looking for a Lunalily. My sources say there's a valley in this mountain range where the flowers grow."

“A Lunalily?"

I held the picture out. It was possible if these men were locals, they might have a different name for the flower.

His eyes widened as he studied the picture.

“Yes, I know of this flower. The cave is not far. If you follow this narrow path, it will lead you there." He pointed behind him at a very narrow path that disappeared into the mountains.

“Thank you." I took the picture back and put it in my pocket.

Archer nodded at me and we headed to the path.

“Oh… one word of advice," the man said, catching our attention.

I turned back and looked him right in the eyes. He gave me a deep look full of several emotions I couldn't identify.

“The cave where your Lunalily grows… several other plants and creatures reside there as well. Many are poisonous. Touch only the plant you're after."

“Uhh… thanks." I nodded.

The path was narrow and Archer and I had to walk single file. Archer was right, though; it was a lot better than hiking randomly through the mountains, hoping we found the right path to the cave.

Less than an hour later, we came to the cave opening. It burrowed deep into the mountains, but I could see a small pinpoint of light on the other end. It must have led out into the valley.

“Okay, I doubt we'll be able to see much in the cave. I think it'll be better to look for a Lunalily in the valley on the other side," I said, pointing to the pinhole of light.

“Good call. We should walk a straight line through the cave and not touch the walls."

“Also a good idea."

I took a deep breath and ducked into the cave. We had to walk hunched over because the ceiling was low. Halfway through, my back ached and I fought the urge to stand up completely.

Finally, we made it out of the other side. The cliff walls of the valley rose up around us, plants growing out of the steep, jagged walls.

“Up there, Jared! I see one." Archer craned his neck back, pointing up.

“I see it...." Sighing, I took my backpack off. “I'll climb up there and get it."

The cliff had a lot of hand and footholds. I climbed up to the flower and pulled out a small trowel from my pocket. Without damaging the roots, I wiggled the flower out, but I couldn't catch it.

“Archer, catch the flower!" I shouted to him as it fell from the cliff.

I looked down and saw Archer dive forward, catching the flower delicately in his open hands.

“Whew! I got it. Come on down, Jared!"

I shimmied back down the cliff. Archer handed me the flower and I wrapped it in damp clothes before tucking it into a plastic bag and into my backpack for safekeeping.

“That was easy."

“Maybe too easy," I grumbled, putting my backpack on again.

“Don't say that, Jared. It should be a good thing when things are easy."

I chuckled and shook my head. “Usually, when things go this well, it is followed up by something less good."

“We've got two days back to the village. Anything could go wrong." Archer chuckled and headed back to the cave.

I groaned a little. He might have been joking but Archer didn't know how right he really was.

Just as we made it out of the mountains, a group of rogues surrounded us.

“Well, well. What did you pull out of that cave? We hear there's buried treasure in there." The rogue leader said, grinning and showing rotten teeth.

I cringed. “We didn't find any treasure; I can assure you of that!"

“But if you're looking for a fight, we're happy to oblige." Archer smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

There were four rogues all together. It didn't seem like much, and I knew that Archer and I could fight them off in our sleep.

I didn't want any more delays.

My wolf was anxious to return to Eliza and restore the mate bond. I too was anxious to have it restored.

“Just hand over what you pulled out of the cave and there'll be no need for a fight," the rogue leader said, holding a hand out to us. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“Not going to happen!" I snarled.

The rogue grinned. “Well, it looks like you're going to get the fight after all."

“Wait...." I took my backpack off and set it aside. I wasn't going to let the flower get crushed in this.

“Get that pack!" the rogue leader ordered.

His rogues jumped at us.

Archer went to the left and I went to the right. I straightened my arm and flung it into one of the rogue's necks, clotheslining him. He groaned and fell on the ground, groaning and rubbing his neck.

I whipped around and pounced on the other, slamming his head into the nearest rock.

Archer took out a third rogue quickly.

Only the rogue leader remained. He glanced at his fallen comrades and then at us.

“Well… you guys can keep your treasure. I don't really need it." He laughed nervously, holding his hands up in surrender and taking a slow step back.

I glanced at Archer and raised an eyebrow.

Archer shrugged.

The rogue leader chuckled again. He turned on his heel and ran off.

“Some leader," I muttered. I grabbed my backpack and we were off again.


By the time we got back to the pack house, my wolf was so excited. He couldn't wait to feel the mate bond again. His excitement overflowed into my veins, and I wanted to see her and hold her with the strength of our bond returned.

First, I needed to prepare a special drink for us. It wasn't as easy as just giving her the flower. We needed to drink it and then say a prayer to the Moon Goddess to restore the bond. If we were meant to be together, she'd bless us and restore the bond.

I chopped up the flower roots and petals and put them in a tea strainer. When the water was boiled, I let the petals and roots steep for ten minutes and added a few magical love herbs that Mila had told me about.

When the drink had cooled, I brought two mugs of it to Eliza's room.

“What's this?" she asked when I handed it over.

“This is to restore the mate bond. We drink the drink and say a prayer to the Moon Goddess." I handed

Eliza her mug and clinked mine against hers.

She smiled widely, and I could see how much it really meant to her to restore the bond. She'd been telling me that it didn't matter to her, but I could tell that it did.

“Bottoms up." Eliza tipped her mug back and drank the whole thing down.

I chuckled and mimicked her. The drink was sweet and flowery. It was gone so fast.

I took Eliza into my arms and we lay down on the bed together.

“Moon Goddess, please accept my humble plea to repair the broken bond between Eliza and me. She's my mate, my wife, my Luna, and I wish to feel that bond with her again."

I cupped her blushing cheeks. Eliza bit her lower lip.

“Moon Goddess, I pray that you restore the bond between Jared and me, that you allow us to love each other and be bonded together as we are meant to be."

Just as she finished, I kissed her. Hearing that she really wanted the bond restored made my heart swell.

She kissed me back but after a moment, pulled away.

“Umm… I don't feel anything. Do you?"

I frowned and shook my head. I looked deeply into Eliza's eyes, searching for the deep connection of

the mate bond that we were supposed to share. I didn't feel anything except for the love I always had for her.

“The bond isn't restored," I said. “It didn't work."

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