Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 905

Chapter 905

Chapter 115: Not the Man I Knew


“I do not want or need your help, Eliza." Jared snarled my name and pulled away from me.

My hand dropped limply at my side. “This isn't you, Jared. What happened? Why are you acting this way?"

“What do you mean?" He glanced over his shoulder, arching an eyebrow.

“You're so… mean… this isn't you!"

“You're so sure that you know who I am?"

“Of course, I know. We're married, you're my mate, the father of my child…" I looped my arms around myself, an unconscious smile tugging at my lips.

“Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you really don't know me at all. You really don't belong here either, Eliza!"

I put my hands on my hip and narrowed my eyes at Jared.

He glared right back and we were silent for some time.

“Where do I belong, then?" I asked. “If not with you, then where?"

“You misunderstand. It isn't just with me that you don't belong, it is in this realm. You shouldn't be in the Dark Realm at all!"

“Why? Because Hestia doesn't want any Light Realm energy here? Jared, as long as I've known you, you've never cared about that."

“I see now that I was wrong. Being connected to the Light Realm is a mistake. I can correct it and I will." He pointed his thumb to his chest.

“You want me to return to the Light Realm and then you'll close the bridge, forever?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

My hands trembled and I shoved them in my pockets so Jared couldn't see. I could have believed that he was just trying to send me away so I'd be safe while he took on Hestia, but now… Did he really want to get rid of me?

I couldn't tell anymore.

“No, I don't want you to go back to the Light Realm." Jared shook his head.

My heart fluttered slightly and I raised my eyes to his face.

He had a dark scowl etched in his features and my heart sank quickly.

“I'm going to destroy the bridge between the realms. Since you're pregnant with my child, my heir, I can't allow you to return there."

“Your heir?" I scoffed.

Since when did Jared need an heir? Since when did he think of our child like that?

“You'll go back to the pack mansion and stay there until you give birth. After that, you can go wherever you want. Though, you probably won't be able to return to the Light Realm at that point."

He tossed a dismissive wave at me.

“You're not taking my child. I don't care who you think you are or what you think you're doing, you're not taking my child!" I stamped my foot.

Jared arched an eyebrow. “I'll do whatever I want with my child."

I shook my head, my body numb and unfeeling. I didn't know what to think, how to feel. This wasn't the Jared I knew and loved....

Had Hestia put some kind of controlling spell on him? Was he even acting on his free will?

“Good. That's settled. You don't belong here and you don't belong with me."

“So, you really want me to leave…?" I whispered.

“I don't want or need your help, so it would be best if you left."

“You can't do this, Jared! You can't seriously be thinking about doing what Hestia wants. Have you

even thought about it?"

“I have. It is clear to me now. The Light Realm is poisoning the Dark Realm. I have the power to stop it, so I must!"

“But what will happen to the realms? How do you know it won't destroy the Light Realm completely? Would you risk that… would you risk my entire family?"

“The Light Realm doesn't matter… only the Dark Realm, my home." He thumped his palm against his chest.

I shook my head again and gasped. He really sounded like he believed what he was saying.

After everything that happened, had Jared finally snapped? Had he given in to the Dark Lord impulses that ran through his veins?

He was sounding more like King Sebastian or someone like Luther. Did the Dark Realm drive everyone insane?

“Jared, please, don't do this! You can't help Hestia. She wants to destroy the Light Realm, my entire family. She wants to get rid of everyone with the White Queen bloodline. That includes your brother's wife! Do you really want to set that example for our child?"

I pleaded passionately. Part of me wondered if I'd have more luck dropping to my knees and begging him.

“You'd follow along with her at the expense of our child, your child. The one you claim is your heir?"

Jared's shoulders tensed. It was for a second, the briefest second, but it happened. I hadn't imagined it, I know I didn't....

Sighing, Jared turned his back on me.


I chewed the inside of my cheek. Was he calling her back to tell her that he wouldn't do her bidding? Maybe he'd at least bargain for my life and the child. I had to believe that part of him still cared about the baby as more than just his heir. He'd been so happy… but… had it all been some temporary relief after the curse was broken?

Hestia could spare us if Jared made a case....

“Done already?" Hestia asked, striding back in.

“Eliza is upset. She might try to do something stupid. I don't want that."

My stomach sank and I bowed my head. No, Jared wasn't going to fight for me. He had really forsaken me and our marriage.

“Lock her up somewhere she won't hurt herself or interfere."

“You are so concerned for her wellbeing?" Hestia asked, arching an eyebrow.

Jared scoffed. “She's pregnant with my child. I don't want harm to come to the baby."

“I understand." Hestia clapped rapidly and her personal attendant, along with some of Aries's guards came into the banquet hall.

They approached me, and I took a few steps back.

Hestia shook her head. “None of that now. Grab her!"

“No! Jared, don't do this! Don't let this happen!" Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

I tried to run but the guards captured me in seconds. They dragged me to Hestia, each one holding my arms tightly. I could already tell my skin was bruising under their grip.

“Wait!" Hestia held a hand up.

The guards stopped instantly.

“Jared, be a dear and take Eliza's engagement ring."

“Why?" Jared hissed.

“It has a precious moonstone in it. We need that moonstone for your task."

Jared rounded on me, his eyes sharp.

I shook my head. “Please, don't. You gave this to me, it is a symbol of our relationship."

I tightened my hands into fists.

“Then it is fitting that it should be destroyed," he said coldly.

Jared grabbed my fist and forced my fingers open. I squeezed and squeezed against him but he was relentless.

He pried my fingers apart and grabbed my ring finger, pulling the engagement ring off. It chaffed against my skin and snagged on my knuckle but Jared kept pulling.

“Ow...." I whined as it flew off my finger.

“Take her to the East Wing," Hestia demanded.

She waved her arm and the guards dragged me toward the door.

“No! No! Let me go!"

I twisted in their grasp and struggled, kicking the ground and trying to get away.

The guards tightened their grip on me and kept pulling.

“Jared!" I shouted to him, craning my neck to see him as the guards dragged me away.

I saw Jared standing behind Hestia, placing my engagement ring in his pocket.

Tears flooded my eyes and I bowed my head. They streamed down my cheeks, dripping off my chin.

I couldn't fight anymore, sniffling and shaking with silent sobs as the guards dragged me up the stairs to the east wing.

I still couldn't believe what had happened.

The guards pushed me through a door and slammed it shut. It locked with a click and I heard their footsteps retreating.

Immediately, I curled in a ball and cried. My finger throbbed where Jared had ripped off my ring. I hugged myself and rocked back and forth, sobbing.

“What am I doing?" I hissed at myself.

Sitting up, I wiped the tears off my face. I sniffled and shook off the tears that still threatened to fall.

“I can't just lie here and give up!"

I jumped to my feet and tested the door knob.


I pushed down on the knob and slammed my shoulder into the door. It barely budged. I kicked the door and started pounding my fists against it.

“Hey! Let me out! Let me out!" I screamed, hammering my fists on the door and kicking it until my toes

and hands ached.

No one was listening, and the door was totally solid.

I turned around and pressed my back to the door.

I went to the window and threw the curtains back. The window wasn't locked.... I threw the window open and stuck my head out, trying to look down to see how high up I was.


“Owww...." Clutching the top of my head, I backed up.

Squinting through the open window, I saw bars around the window. I couldn't see them in the dark. I'd smacked my head off of them pretty good.

Bars on the window. I was literally in a cage....

My wolf snarled and paced in my head. She didn't like being confined. I didn't like being confined either.

I checked the bathroom and the closet too but there were no other windows or possible ways to get out of the room.

One way in and one way out, but it was locked....

“Hasn't anyone ever heard of fire safety?" I grumbled, flopping down on the bed.

It was really comfortable, more comfortable than most of the beds I'd slept on in the Dark Realm.

Suddenly, I realized just how tired I was.

All the adrenaline drained from me in seconds and my arms felt like lead weights at my sides.

Sighing, I looked at the locked door. This was hopeless. I had no way of getting out of here or sending a message.

Jared had totally lost his mind, or was acting like it.

What was I supposed to do? How was I supposed to get out of here?

I knew I had to escape because I couldn't let Hestia carry out her plan. If Jared really was helping her… I'd have to stop him along with her.

It wasn't the happiest thought but the Light Realm was in danger, my entire family was in danger.

My body ached all over and I laid down on the pillows. They were so soft and silky and as soon as I lay down, I knew I wouldn't get back up.

Fresh tears sprang to my eyes and I let them fall this time. Crying exhausted me even more, and I let that exhaustion take me over.

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