Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 894

Chapter 894

Chapter 104: Rejected Luna


I opened my eyes and it felt like I couldn't breathe. Sitting up, I pounded on my chest, heaving and hyperventilating. My stomach twisted and tears stung my eyes. In my chest, my heart trembled and I felt like it would shatter into a million pieces.

This was what it felt like to be rejected....

“Eliza...." My mother's voice came from the side of the bed. I looked over to see her offering me a cup of water to drink.

I gulped it down and looked to the window to see that the sun was setting.

“What day is it?" I croaked.

“It's still your birthday… apparently curse day," she said tersely.

My eyes drifted to her, and I could see the flood of a thousand questions wash over her face.

“Why didn't you tell us what was really going on?" she asked.

“There was nothing you could have done," I answered hoarsely. Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“Eliza, you never know what your family can do for you until you ask. Has this boy and running around alone in the Dark Realm really made you forget how important family is?"

She reached out to touch my cheek. “Honey, I am your mother. It is my job to help you when you need it."


I thought about everything Jared and I had been through together.

“It just felt like we were on our own," I tried to explain.

“No…" My mother countered. “He was on his own and then roped you into this. You are not and never will be alone so long as there is breath in my body. You can always come to me and your father no matter how hopeless a situation may seem."

I thought about how to answer. I rubbed at my chest and the aching pain of the rejection.

“If you hadn't kept things from us, we may have been able to spare you the pain that you're in. On top of everything, he rejected you while he was dying and you are pregnant!"

Hearing the words out loud my head hurt, and I went breathless and my chest began to ache even more.

I rubbed my chest, easing my breathing until my lungs inflated properly. My heart continued to ache, threatening to crack like an egg.

“We stopped the cures," I pointed out weakly. I blinked my tears back and sniffled, willing them not to fall.

The true damage had been done. After everything, Jared and I were no longer mates. I didn't think my heart could ever be put back together again.

My mother put a gentle hand on my shoulder. “What's done is done. It is still your birthday."

I felt my wolf in my head. She was so pleased to feel my presence and to be connected with me, but I could also feel her pain at being rejected. I wondered about Jared. It was his birthday too, and he hadn't expected to see another day after it.

“How is he?" I asked.

I heard my mother let out a long-suffering sigh. “He's resting. Mila suggested a few days of bed rest."

“She left?"

“Yes, she had more work to do elsewhere, but she promised she will see you again soon. We owe her a great debt. But, now back to your birthday." My mother gave me a kind smile. “Go ahead and wash up. We can at least have a little meal and fresh air in the garden together."

I nodded and gave her a smile as she helped me out of the bed and to the bathroom.

I'd finally connected with my wolf, and the experience was soured because now we were in pain. At least I had someone to share it with, someone who understood.

I took a quick shower. When I looked in the mirror, wrapped in a towel, I took a moment to look at my


All the curse marks and tattoo remnants were completely gone. The curse really was broken.

I couldn't feel the sinister shadow stirring in me any longer. I didn't feel the heavy weight of the curse clinging to me.

I also noticed that the locket was around my neck again. Instinctively, I touched it. I was glad that it hadn't been destroyed when the curse was broken.

Sighing, I unclasped the necklace and put it on the vanity in my bathroom. I brushed my fingers over the familiar locket.

Right now, I couldn't stand to wear it. It was too much of a reminder of what I'd lost.

As much as I wanted to check on Jared, I knew I couldn't. I had no idea what he was thinking or feeling, I had no idea why he'd rejected me in the first place. I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

It was my birthday. My parents were here, so I planned to enjoy the rest of it. I could worry about my heartache later.

I threw on some clothes and headed into the gardens, where my parents waited alone for me. A small table with three chairs was already set up, reminding me that Jared would not be joining us.

“Eliza!" my father said excitedly.

He wrapped me in a fierce embrace. I could tell that he had just come from a shower and imagined

he'd done so after coming in from looking for me.

He pulled back and looked me over from head to toe with none of the same harsh questions or judgments my mother had.

“I knew you would pull through."

He beamed and gave me a smile, and we all took a seat.

Miriam must have seen me emerge from my room, because she came out soon after me with fresh made sandwiches and a warm cupcake that had only just come out of the oven. The frosting was a little droopy because it was so warm.

“Happy birthday, Eliza," she said as she placed the food in front of us. “I know that things are… difficult right now. But you must know that you always have a place here in the village and in the pack."

My heart swelled a little, and I felt my wolf cooing in my head.

“I appreciate that, a lot. Thank you."

“Enjoy your meal. I wish I had the time to make you a real cake for a big celebration."

“No, this is perfect," my mother chimed in politely. “We don't need more than this."

“Thank you," my father added.

Miriam kissed me on the cheek and gave a polite nod to my parents before leaving us alone again.

We all dug in. I could feel my mother watching me closely as we ate the sandwich. I didn't know what either of them must have been thinking. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was perfect. I felt like I hadn't had a good meal in weeks.

The cupcake was absolutely delectable, sinfully good. My mouth watered with every bite. It made my birthday just a little brighter.

“So, we want to ask about your plans now," my mother said as our stomachs settled.

“What do you mean?"

“When do you plan to return home to the Light Realm?" she clarified.

“Oh… I hadn't planned...." I trailed off.

“Eliza, it's not just you any more. Think about your baby."

I looked from her to my father.

“We will support whatever you decide to do," Mom said.

“Well, I won't make any decisions until I can talk to Jared and see why he...."

“There must be an explanation," my father said.

“Even if he had his reasons, the mate bond gone now," said Mom.

“I don't want to talk about this now," I said.

“That is understandable."

“I would like to have some time to think on my own."

“Of course," my father said, helping my mother to her feet before she could object. “You know where to find us if you need us."

I hugged them both and watched their retreat into the pack house. In my heart, it was the place that I now thought of as home. Did Jared really want to send me away?

I felt my wolf stirring, pulling my attention from Jared and back to her.

I got the feeling that she wanted to stretch her legs. I'd only shifted once before and it was to hurry back to the village. I hadn't had the time to enjoy being in wolf form, and it seemed like the perfect time to enjoy it before facing Jared to have what was bound to be a very difficult conversation.

Without the mate bond, what were we to each other now?

I headed out of the garden and into the forests on the outskirts of the village. I wanted to be alone with my wolf and really let her stretch her legs.

I undressed behind a bush and shifted. The feeling still sent a pleasant shiver through me, but it happened so fast.

I kneaded the soft earth with my paws and lifted my nose into the forest air. It was earthy and piney, so fresh and fragrant. My tail twitched back and forth and my large ears moved around.

My wolf and I pranced around the forest. We dug under a log, rubbed against some trees, rolled in the grass and leaves, and ran round, jumping on large rocks and pouncing on any leaves and bushes that moved.

The pain and confusion never left our minds or hearts, but we both enjoyed our time in the woods. We played out in the woods until the sun completely set, the stars and moon filtering silver light through the treetops.

Suddenly, I stiffened.

I wasn't alone.

I whipped around and snarled.

Another wolf padded into the clearing I was in–large paws, big, brown eyes, and silky black fur. His scent permeated the air, washing over me like rolling waves.

My heart ached and my wolf whined.

What was Jared doing here? Was he following me?

My wolf pawed the ground and I snarled.

Jared's wolf snorted, his breath a puffing cloud in the darkness. He lowered his head submissively,

showing me that he meant us no harm.

I shook my head and padded back toward the pack house. I paused long enough to shift and get dressed and then went straight back to my room.

I stopped dead in the doorway.

Jared's wolf stood in my room, filling the space with his enormous bulk.

“What are you doing here?"

His wolf whined and nosed the bed, pushing the comforter down.

I arched an eyebrow. “Are you tucking me in?"

Jared's wolf panted and nosed the bed again.

I wasn't sure what to make of any of this. Needing a second, I slipped into the bathroom and got ready for bed. I put on my pajamas and came back out.

This time, Jared's wolf was on my bed, curled up like a pet dog. He lifted his head when he saw me, panting, and he nosed the pillow next to me.

Part of me wanted to scream at his wolf and tell Jared to either leave or come out and face me like a man. But a bigger part of me didn't want to fight. I wanted and needed to rest.

And I couldn't deny that I wanted to feel close to Jared. Even after he'd rejected me, it was a longing

that I shared with my wolf.

He was there, in my bed, in wolf form only.

Chewing my lower lip, I walked around the bed and slid under the covers. I turned my back to Jared and flipped the light out.

I could feel the warmth of his wolf's breath on my neck, the softness of his fur against my arms and back. I wanted to turn toward him and snuggle against him. I wanted to stroke his fur and pet his ears. He was so close and all I had to do was roll over....

But I didn't. I couldn't. I truly wondered if I ever would again.

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