Skyler’s Revenge





#Adrian P. O. V

I woke up and look over at my queen and smiled at her cute face she looks so relaxed in my arms so peaceful like the Angel she is, but to tell the truth it amuses me how someone so innocent and cute can be fiesty and crazy.

I look over at the time and its nearly noon, It doesn’t surprise me that I overslept I hadn’t slept since she disappeared.

I felt like hell . all I could do was think of my queen her smile and all the trouble she causes

I slowly let go of her carefully not to wake her up

I stood up and watch as she grabs my pillow and cuddles with it, I couldnt help but smile at how adorable she looks.

RING RING RING!!Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I grab my phone from the night stand and answer it.

“What?”I angrily said

“Is that any way to greet a friend”A voice I know awfully too well says from the other end

“What do you want Alberto” anger boils in my body at the nerve of this idiot

“Now now figlio (son) is that anyway to talk to an elder”He mocks making my grip on my phone tighten.

“What do you want?”

“Its not what I want but what the council want”He says I could just feel the smile on his face

“There is a meeting today you better hurry you know they hate being kept waiting”He hangs up and my phone screen cracks due to the pressure I’m applieng.

I rush into the bathroom taking a quick shower then wearing a Black Armani suit my hair styled backwards

I look at my queen as she continued to sleep peacefully and plant a soft kiss on her forehead before rushing out of the room.

I walk into the living room where all the guys are seating

“Jennifer,, stay with Skylar make sure she doesn’t go anywhere”I order as I walk up to the coffee table pulling a gun under it.

“Il resto de voi stava incontrando Il consiglio”

(The rest of you we are meeting the council) I said

I watch as all the other guys stood up before hurrieng to there rooms to get ready

A few minutes later they came back and we got into the Limo with two trucks following us


((The council is a group of elders that decide who the Don will be. They make the decision only if the current Don dies without leaving a heir or he does a terrible job and dishoners the Italian mafia which is the biggest and strongest mafia in the world ,, we’re known as the king makers my father is the current Don. The Don is the head of the most powerful mafia))


Alberto who just called me is my father’s underdog, he betrayed my father and killed my mother I wanted to kill the bastard but I couldn’t kill him because he was protected by the council and my father

I couldn’t stand my father for protecting the man that killed his wife so I left and created my own mafia . one that is loyal to there own

“What do they want”Jason inquires curiosity on his face

“Alberto called me I have no idea”I clench my jaw in irritation

This has better be good I left my angel for this…

“Boss were here”

I stood up shaking the sleep off my eyes we all walk out,, I’m hit by the Cool air.

We walk into the cars ready to take us to the mansion we get in . The ride is filled with silence as we approach the mansion.

The doors open for us and we walk out I look around the place and spot all the cars and men in the mansion

All the council members are here

We walk into the mansion with a man leading all of us. We reach the double doors that lead to the meeting room as we all stood by the door and start taking off our guns and riffles

I take off my coat and unfasten all my knives and guns till I have no more weapons ,, The doors open up and we walk into the room filled with old man

I take a sit at the furthest end of the table facing my father who is at the beginning where the king sits.

“Its good you’re here son” My father greets

I nod my head yes and fix my gaze on the old man sitting next to him. Alberto

“perche sono qui?”

(Why am i here?”) I question my father now looking at him

Time has not been his friend, My once strong and powerful father is now a weak old man..

“Ancora impazinte vedo”

(Still impatient I see) He mumbles to himself although loud enough that Everyone hears. A few of the men chuckle

“Comunque penso che sia ora di andere in pensione”

(Anyway I think its time to retire) He says shocking everyone at the table even me even though I don’t show it

I watch as he stands up and walks towards me . when he reaches me I stood up and look down at my father since I’m taller then him

He pulls out a silver pistol from his jacket and hands it to me

“Adesso sei il re che mio figlio mi rende orgoglioso”

(You’re now the king my son, make me proud) He whispers in my ear before going back to his sit.

I stood there dumbfounded watching he seats down at the head of the table.

“He can’t be Don he doesn’t have a wife to give him a heir”Alberto says angrily the council members agree with him and before I know what else to do I open my mouth and speak.

“Ma io ho una moglie”

( I do have a wife ) I said ….

Get ready Skylar.

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