She was Tamed

Wrong Assumption… Again!

• Jada •

Kobe and his teammates ordered four buckets of beer. I could say I’m used to drinking. I got used to it back when I was in the States.

Back there, every time there’s a family gathering, I’d drink with my cousins. Most of them are boys and are heavy drinkers.

As I don’t want to be seen as a weakling, I’d drink as much as they do. That’s probably why my alcohol tolerance increased over time.

So I wasn’t really worried when I saw what they ordered. Besides, beer only has 6-8% alcohol content which is super low compared to vodka.

Steve volunteered to open a bottle and hands it over to us. Honey and Kobe, on the other hand, are busy looking at the songbook and trying to find songs to sing.

The same goes for Ada, Bambi, and Robin. I, RJ, and Lyken remained quiet, as we watch them do their things. I don’t know why but it suddenly felt uncomfortable.

“Ja, what was it your singing the other day? The one I asked you for the title?” Honey asked.

“Hmm… Need to be next to you?” I answered her with a question, as I’m not sure if that was the song she’s referring to.

“Ah yeah, that! Can you sing that for me?” she asked while trying to be cute. I widened my eyes at her as a warning, but she just ignored it.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I can sing. I sing during family gatherings but my confidence is only up to there. For family members only.

They were fortunate enough to hear me sing. Especially Honey, as I used to do it when it’s just the two of us.

“Pretty please?” she begged.

“You seem like a good singer, let us hear it,” Kobe backed her up.

I wanted to refuse but the title of the song showed up on the screen and she was already handing me the mic. I took it hesitantly and I suddenly felt cold from head to toe.

Before I started singing, she went back to her place. Even before I can start, she already started clapping along with Kobe.

♫ Been running from these feelings for so long. Telling my heart I didn’t need you. ♫

I forced myself to sing though I feel like I’m frozen. “Go byotch!” Ada cheered when the pitch went up slightly.

Fortunately, I was able to finish Honey’s requested song. Unfortunately, more requests followed.

While singing, there are instances when Lyken would glance at me. I’m not even sure if he’s annoyed at my voice or the music’s too loud.

More songs lined up after the first five. Lucky for them, I become more confident the more I drink so I didn’t refuse the next requests.

“I think that’s yours,” Lyken nudged at me.

“What?” I asked as I didn’t hear what he said the first time.

“Something’s vibrating, I think it’s your phone,” he repeated.

I checked my phone and it was indeed mine. My Tatay is calling so I excused myself to step out and answer the call.

He asked where I was and asked about other kinds of stuff as well. He and Nanay are out of the country, that’s why he’s checking.

I didn’t go back in right away after the phone call. Instead, I opened my car and sat on the passenger seat. I checked the text messages that I missed but none of them are important.

“Hey!” someone called. I looked up to see Kobe standing in front of me while holding the door of my car.

“Hey!” I parrotted.

“Why are you out here?” he asked, looking worried.

“Ah, my Tatay called,” I answered with a smile.

He let out a sigh as if relieved after hearing what I said. “I see. I thought you’re already uncomfortable or annoyed at RJ,” he chuckled.

“Of course not. I’m actually having a good time talking to him,” trying to defend his friend. I understand why he’s worried. It’s because he’s the one who invited me and it’s nice to know that he’s that type of guy.

“I know your secret though!” he whispered while grinning.

“What secret?”

“You like Lyken!” he said. Actually, he sounded like it was just a confirmation, as he doesn’t sound like asking.

“Woah! That’s a little too much!” I was shocked by his assessment.

He shrugged at me before squatting, “I just noticed you keep looking at him while you were singing earlier, so I assumed…” he trailed, embarrassed, because once again, he assumed.

I cleared my throat hoping I’d be able to clear things out by doing so. “No, I don’t like him. I was looking at him because I noticed he was glancing at me while I was singing. I just felt a little uncomfortable.”

Kobe nodded after hearing my defense, “I apologize on his behalf then. Just so you know, he’s Robocop’s relative,” he chuckled.

I somehow understood what he was trying to say. Lyken’s indeed quiet the whole time. If I recall correctly, I only heard him talk twice the entire night.

The first was when he told Kobe to let me go if I don’t want to ride with then. The second was when he told me my phone’s vibrating.

Then again, maybe he’s just the quiet type. Or maybe he’s not enjoying our company so he chose to stay quiet.

I shrugged at the thought and followed Kobe’s lead. When we came back, it was Honey who was having a concert.

The singing session went on for two to three more hours. They only thought of leaving when they realized that it was already past midnight.

We headed to the parking lot and in our respective vehicles. Before getting in, I saw Kobe and Lyken whispering about something then Kobe turned to me.

“Jada you sure you can drive?” he asked. I nodded and salute them. He then turned to Lyken, whispered something then they both get in.

I followed them just like I did earlier but before I reached our condo, I sent a text message to Honey. I told her I’ll drop by the convenience store to buy some stuff.

In addition to that, I also asked her to thank Kobe for me. Though there are tons of awkward moments, I still enjoyed our little night out. • Lyken •

“Jada texted, she said she’ll just pass by the convenience store. Also, she’s saying thanks for the invite,” Honey announced from the backseat.

Though she didn’t drop a name, it was obvious that she was saying it to Kobe. Why would she even say anything to me when I wasn’t the one who invited her and I didn’t even talk to them the whole time?

Jada’s friends conversed nonstop. But no matter how I try, I can’t seem to understand what they’re saying. It’s as if they’re using alien language to talk.

In their conversation, however, I can hear them mention Jada and RJ’s names. That got me curious though.

‘What is with them?’

We reached their condo in less than twenty minutes. RJ and the rest of the guys went ahead since we still need to drop by Honey and Jada’s place.

Or maybe Jada has already texted RJ that she’s stopping by somewhere. I shrugged the thought.

Kobe escorted Honey and her friends to her unit and when he came back, we drove to the university’s parking lot where he left his car.

After I part ways with Kobe, I went back to Jada’s place. It’s been forty minutes since we left, but I still can’t see Jada’s car. What’s weird is that I don’t even know why I went back.

A few minutes more, I saw a car approaching. It was Jada. She carefully parked her car and when I heard her turn off its engine, I stepped out of my own.

“Where have you been?” I asked out of nowhere.

She was surprised. I must have come unnoticed as she choked while drinking. I felt apologetic. I didn’t know she was drinking so I didn’t make any sound before I spoke.

“Why are you still here?” she asked in return.

“I said where have you been?” I repeated my question cause I thought she didn’t hear it the first time. Her expression changed from shocked to confused.

‘True enough, even I don’t know why I’m still here and asking her this?’

Even I felt weird at what I’m doing, but I feel like it will only feel weirder if I’ll just leave. So I have no choice but to stay and stand my ground.

“I dropped by the convenience store then the coffee shop. I texted Honey,” she explained though she doesn’t really have to.

“You know it’s past midnight right? And you’re not from here. You should have just gone straight to your condo,” I blurted out.

I tried my best to stop myself from saying the things I just said, but they kept pouring out. I wasn’t even surprised when she furrowed her brows at me.

‘Really Lyken? She’s not from here? She lives here for Christ’s sake!’

“Excuse me, Mister Fontanilla, I am from here. This is not the first time I went out past midnight and obviously, I’m able to come back safely just like tonight. I don’t understand what’s the problem,” she answered in an obviously annoyed tone.

“I was just asking and… sorry about earlier,” I muttered. I don’t even know where these words are coming from but there, I said it.

“Sorry about what?” confused as to why I’m suddenly apologizing.

“For not saying sorry after I bumped into you,” then I smiled sheepishly.

“Oh! Forget it!” she said. Her face seemed brightened up. I don’t know if real or just my imagination but she doesn’t look annoyed anymore.

Maybe she was indeed a bit pissed at me. Because I didn’t even apologize when I bumped into her in the corridor yesterday.

“Did you text RJ to let him know you’re dropping by somewhere?” I asked, again, out of nowhere.

“Nope! I don’t even know his number” she answered.

I felt like something inside me celebrated after hearing her response. Most specifically, when she said that she didn’t exchange numbers with my teammate.

Well, she didn’t say it directly. But I guess it’s safe to assume that’s what happened since she said she doesn’t know his number.

“You should go home. It’s pretty late,” she suggested with a smile.

I nodded and she waved me goodbye when I got inside my car. I waited for her to get into the elevator before starting my engine.

When I looked at my rearview mirror I noticed myself smiling. I don’t know the exact reason why but yes, it’s the first time I smiled today.

There’s just something about this girl. Was it her smile? Her soothing voice? Her boyish outfit? I can’t point out but I’m sure there’s something different.

There are other things I wanted to talk to her about to prolong our conversation and make her stay longer. But for now, her smile is more than enough. At least for tonight.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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