Second Assault — Bond And Treason —

Chapter 37 - I Will Stay By Your Side

Chapter 37 - I Will Stay By Your Side

Zhukovski mansion, 1:15 a.m.

—I think you'd better change, Magnus — Yaakov helps him lean against the wall in one of the corridors

—. Your wounds will heal faster, especially the one on your back, which looks pretty bad.

—I would if I had the energy — his shoulder rests on the cold surface, leaving a trail of blood in the


—What do you want to do then? We don't have any doctors here, and since you can't change, the

wounds could get infected.

—Let's just go, I'll be fine — his eyelids feeling suddenly heavy and the body struggling to stand up.

—Are you sure?

—Yes, Yaakov — his cousin tried to help him move on, but the Alpha wouldn't let him. He couldn't show

weakness in front of his men, after all —. I want to get out of here now.

—Okay — both walked, Yaakov moving at the slow pace of Alexei, who was struggling to stay

conscious, jaw locked and fists clenched, trying to suppress the growing pain of the injuries. In their

path, several lifeless bodies lay in twisted positions on the tiled floor or the grass of the large garden,

leaving pools of blood all around them. Both Alphas wrinkled their noses from the pungent smell of

blood and gunpowder that still hung in the air.

—Fuck, Alex! — Nikon exclaims, amazement reflected in his words, seeing his boss's terrible state —.

I hope you've left Dimitri worse. Are you sure you can walk?

—I'm fine — insisted, slurring the words in a low, raspy voice —. Were any of you hurt?

—No, although my candy was almost cut open with a knife.

—Your candy? — Yaakov questions with amusement.

—Adrik — is what Nikon offers as an explanation, shrugging.

Yaakov and Alexei look at each other, with mockery in their expressions, but reserving the comments

that threatened to come out of their mouths.

—And what happened? — asks Alexei.

—I took care of the piece of shit before he could even try — crosses the arms over his chest and

smiles proudly.

—It's good to know you haven't rusted yourself out from playing with your dick so much — Yaakov

bursts out laughing, Nikon's face turns red with rage.

—Fuck you, asshole — turns to Alexei, who just rolls the eyes, quickly bugging out of the scene —.

You realize I didn't start it, right?

—For God's sake, Yaak — Alexei pinched the bridge of his nose, but even that gesture, in his present

condition, represented a great effort —. Let's just go, if I wait for you guys to finish fighting, I'll bleed to

death in this fucking place.

—Okay, Nikon and I will continue on the way — before proceeding, the other Alpha stops them.

—In fact, I was going to inform you that some men and I will be staying here a little longer.

—What are you talking about, Nikon? — Alexei asks, puzzled —. Our work here is done.

—We're on the Zhukovski property, Alex — extending the arms, indicating the extensive area around

them —. I'm going to order the men to take a look around to see if we can find some information that

will be useful to us — Alexei is silent for a few seconds, analyzing the situation. Most of the men had

already been killed and now the leader is dead, they could well use it to their advantage.

—Okay — finally accepts —. But keep in touch.

—Of course — Nikon smiles and turns, throwing orders to the henchmen to proceed with the search of

the mansion.

Both Alphas approach one of the cars, along with a group of men, to return to the facility. Despite the

pain in his back, and the other open wounds on his bruised body, Alexei slides up in the co-driver seat

and, closing the eyes, falls asleep. The return trip was strictly silent, allowing the head of the

organization to regain some of his strength before joining his Omega.


—I miss the sea — Fred reveals, eyes half-open, trying to stay awake —. I wish I could go one of these


—I wish I could go to Disneyland — Lev supports on one elbow, resting a cheek on his hand.

—To Disneyland? — I ask in surprise, I would never expect that from Lev.

—Yes, and get on the cruise ship to find Nemo* — I can't help it, I burst out laughing. My shoulders

shaking and my stomach aching from the effort.

The three of us, after hours of not finding anything to do, went to Lev's room and now we're lying in

bed, waiting. Fred has the head on my legs, and I have mine on Lev's, who is resting on the pillow, the

three of us forming a small circle on the mattress.

We have talked about all sorts of things to distract ourselves from the delicate situation happening right

now, where our partners are risking their lives. It hasn't worked out very well, but we've successfully

avoided worrying... For three whole minutes.

—Hey, don't be cruel! — Lev pouts, jokingly pinching my cheek —. It's been one of my illusions for a

while, but Yaak doesn't want to take me.

—Why not? — Fred questions.

—Because he's an idiot and says that's for nerds.

The three of us laughed for a few moments and suddenly silence fell in the room. It doesn't take a

genius to know that our thoughts are with our Alphas, wishing, longing and praying that everything will

go well and that no one will get hurt... Or killed. Just the thought of that possibility makes a cold shiver

run down my spine, and not being able to feel Magnus through the bond makes the worry grow


—And you, Xander? — Fred asks after a long time, catching me off guard, since I thought he'd fallen

asleep. But who could sleep like that, though?

—I'd like to go to the woods.

—Yes? — astonishment coloring Lev's voice —. Wow, I thought you were more of a computer event

geek or a Comic-Con* kind of guy.

—Well, yes — I laugh softly before I go on —. But my Omega side misses the forest. There's one in

Ishimbaysky that's truly beautiful — a nostalgic sigh escapes from me —. The trees are huge, lush, and

full of precious flowers of many kinds and colors. Most of my tattoos were inspired by that forest.

—Since when you don't go? — Fredek's inquiring.

—More time than I'd like — About two years to be exact, shortly after I met Derek I started to have a lot

of work, and I hardly had time to do anything. Whenever I go through my heats, it makes me want to go

more, since I am in greater sync with my Omega and the Margays are wild creatures —. What time is

it, Lev? — checks the phone and sighs.

—Two o'clock — runs a hand lovingly through Fred's hair —. Maybe we should get some sleep. It's no

use staying up late, when it's appropriate, they'll communicate with us.

—That's what you said two hours ago — Fred snorts —. And here we are still, talking gibberish.

—I don't think I can sleep, and I don't want to either.

—Yeah — Lev nods resignedly —. Me neither.

—So let's find another topic of conversation. Or let's play a game.

—Do you have any cards?

—I do — Lev nods —. I think they're... — the sound of his phone ringing interrupts, and the three of us

sit down like a spring. I feel a knot forming in my throat, so Lev picks up and brings the device to his

ear —. Yaak, thank God! — sighs with relief and a smile is drawn on his face —.Yes, they are here with

me — A scowl forms on his forehead and he carefully avoids looking at us.

That's when I realize that something is not right. My heart pierces my ribs and an unpleasant feeling

settles in my stomach. «Magnus...», I think desperately, watching Lev nod several times.

Thousands of images of his wounded and lifeless body torment me for those long minutes of

conversation with Yaakov, until he finally hangs up.

—They're fine! — exclaims as soon as he realized that we were going to bomb him with questions —.

Everything went well — glances at me with a strange expression on the face —. At least no one died —

ends in a whisper.

—What? — I gasp for air, which suddenly doesn't reach my lungs —. Lev, please tell me nothing

happened to him.

—I can't tell you for sure, baby boy — his eyes dropped, slipping to the edge of the bed and then rising

—. Yaakov just told me to get my instruments ready, because Alex... He was hurt.

—What?! — I jump up and stand in front of him, my hands shaking uncontrollably —. B-but Lev...

—I wish I could tell you more, but Yaakov didn't give me much information — holds me by the arms

when noticing me wobbling a little —. Breathe, Xander. He's alive, but the fight with Dimitri left him in a All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

bad state. I can't tell you how bad it is until I can evaluate him.

—Damn it! — I sit, feeling defeated and anguished, burying the face in my hands. If only I could feel

him through the bond, but he blocked me completely.

I can't even talk to him. I can try, but no matter how hard I struggle, I doubt he'll be able to hear me.

—How far away are they? — Fred asks, sitting next to me and wrapping one arm around my shoulders.

—He told me it would take ten minutes to arrive, so I must arrange everything to receive them.

—I'll help you — Fred offers, before standing, puts a gentle kiss in my hair and whispers in my ear —.

It'll be all right, Xander.

We move to the bedroom that Magnus and I share quickly so that, once the wounds are treated, he can

rest comfortably.

My heart rumbles louder and a shudder descends on me as time passes and I watch in horror as Lev

spreads out all the medical supplies on a small metal cart, disinfecting them thoroughly with alcohol.

Fred accompanies me to the entrance, along with four of the henchmen Angelo set up for us, and we

prepare to wait for their arrival. Without a doubt, this has been the longest ten minutes I have ever

experienced in my life.

—There they come, Xander — Fred announces and my eyes focus on points of light in the distance,

indicating the proximity of several cars. I take a few steps forward when they finally stop, trying to figure

out which one Magnus is.

Men come out and stand in their positions, but it is not until I see Yaakov emerge from the pilot's seat of

one of them, that I run in his direction, certain that Magnus would be traveling alongside him. My feet

move quickly as I approach the vehicle to the co-pilot's seat, and when I open the door at last, what I

see causes air to escape from my lungs as if I had been hit hard on the chest.

There he is, with eyes closed and a scowl, wearing only torn and bloodstained trousers. There are

several purple and green contusions on different areas of his body, long and bloody scratches

extending down his arms and stomach, the neck seems to have a bite and his chest moves with a

worrying slowness.

—Magnus... — I pant and feel my eyes blur when I can't help but cry. His eyelids flutter and turns the

face towards me, like searching for the direction my voice is coming from. I approach and place my

hands on his cheeks. He's a little cold and that's where opens the eyes slowly, smiling when his gaze

meets mine.

—K-kitty — the weakness in his voice ends up taking away my willpower and I cry in despair. Tears run

down my neck, I place my face closer and press lightly my cheek on his, caressing his hair with my


—For God's sake, Magnus — I move apart and see the fingers of a hand shaking, as if he wanted to

touch me. So I grab it and place it on my cheek, he smiles and immediately pushes away a fresh tear

from the corner of my eye —. What have they done to you, my love? — I babble and leave a kiss in his

palm, trying to breathe through the weeping, his lips move but no sound emerges. Soon after, I feel

someone gripping my shoulders, trying to separate me from Magnus.

—Xander, you must let me take him inside — Yaakov pulls me, but I refuse to step aside —. We must

treat his wounds, the more time we waste, the worse it gets.

—I'm not leaving him.

—No, little one — smiles softly —. I didn't say you have to, just let me carry him. Okay? — I look at my

Alpha's beautiful face again, pale and haggard, and nod. But not before kissing him on the mouth.

—All right — I'll step aside and let Yaakov pick up Magnus in the arms.

It's not until he lifts him out of the seat, that I can see the huge, deep wound in his back, letting a big,

dark stain on the car seat. My breath sticks in my throat as Magnus lets out a deep groan of pain,

which makes my blood run cold.

Yaakov is heading towards the facility at a fast but balanced pace, trying not to move the large body in

his arms too much, and I don't leave them for a moment.

When we reach our bedroom, Lev is waiting for us wearing gloves and points to the bed covered with a

blue blanket. Yaakov lays him down gently, turning him on his stomach, cheek resting on a pillow and

arms falling loosely on either side of his body.

The fact that Magnus, who has always been so strong and disposed, does not even have the strength

to resist, confirms to me the gravity of his condition.

—I'll give you an anesthetic, Alex — Lev's voice is low but firm, filling a syringe with the liquid from a

clear glass container.

—. I'll have to work fast, as your metabolism will burn off the effect quickly, even though you've lost so

much blood.

I sit beside him and hold one of his hands, trying to transmit all the love I feel for him. I barely get a

slight squeeze from him, but at this moment, it's enough for me. Lev bends over him and injects the

fluid around the wound in his back.

A wrinkle on the forehead is the only sign of discomfort my partner shows due to the pain caused by

the needle. Time passes as Lev concentrates on disinfecting and stitching up the battered flesh,

although I focus only on Magnus. His eyelids remain half open and his gaze never leaves mine.

—Help me put him on his side, Xander — only then can I break eye contact. Between Lev and me,

gently move him until he's leaning over his right shoulder, facing me.

—Almost done, honey.

I caress his cheek, trying to calm him down, but he doesn't exhibit any emotion. He just watches me,

blinking to the rhythm of his slow breathing. Lev proceeds to treat the cuts in the chest, stomach, and

arms with detailed attention, but fortunately none of them need stitches, as his healing ability has

already begun to work again.

—Done — Lev reports with pleasure, taking off the bloodied gloves and throwing them in the trash can

—. I managed to disinfect everything, so for now, let's let him rest.

—Lev? — I call him when I see him drag the cart towards the door, he spins in my direction with a

questioning expression on the face —. Will it help if I give him some of my blood? — Magnus moves

the lips, trying to protest, but I ignore him completely. I'm willing to do anything to help him recover

faster. Lev seems to analyze it a little before answering me.

—It might help — nods —. Normally it's the Alpha that helps the Omega that way, but the result is the

same in vice versa — A wave of relief sweeps over me and I can't help but smile at the first good news

I've heard in all these last infernal hours —. Do you need help? — his hand groping for something on

the cart, but I hurry up and refuse.

—I'll do it myself, Lev — I smile and he nods —. Thank you very much, for everything.

—Don't thank me, it's the least I could do to help — pushes the cart back and leaves the room, closing

the door behind him.

I get closer to Magnus and I can tell by his look that he's not very happy with what I'm about to do.

But at this critical point, I don't give a damn about his opinion. I am not accustomed to using my fangs

in my human form, even when I get excited, I can't extend them completely, they only appear when I

perform my animal change.

So the feeling I get when I extend them for the first time is a little strange and unfamiliar to anything I

have experienced before, but not unpleasant. I feel a brief pain in my gums, like a pinch, until they grow

out entirely.

Thank God they're not too long, barely touching my lower lip, otherwise, I'd look like a walrus. I bring

the wrist to my lips and Magnus pretends to stop me, but he can barely shake the fingers.

—I'll do it, and you'd better behave and drink from me, Magnus — with a threatening tone, warning in

my eyes —. I'm not in the mood for nonsense now.

He takes a resigned sigh and closes the eyes. I open my mouth and bury the fangs in my skin, sensing

the sting of pain that pierces me and the taste of blood flooding my tongue. When I separate, two small

holes are opened on the pulse side, thin threads of the red liquid sprouting in a constant flow. I pass my

other hand under his head, carefully rotating his face upwards. He opens the eyes.

—Drink, my love — I place my wrist at his lips. He seems to want to resist for a few seconds, but

eventually opens the mouth, allowing the liquid to slide in. A groan erupts from the throat as he focuses

on sucking, I feel his tongue tasting my skin trying to get more —. That's it, honey — I encourage him

to keep it up.

After a minute, he stops sucking and licks the wound to cure it. He didn't take much, but I hope it's

enough for him to speed up the healing.

—Sleep now — I whisper to him, then I lie calmly on my side, facing him and gently caressing his

cheek —. I will take care of you — his eyes close and sighs. I watch him for a long time, and gradually,

the world of dreams seduces me.

Eventually... I fall asleep.

*Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage is an attraction located in the Tomorrowland area of Disneyland

Park in Anaheim, California, which opened on June 11, 2007. Based on the characters and settings

from the 2003 Disney - Pixar film, Finding Nemo is a recreation. Theme of the classic underwater travel

attraction that operated from 1959 to 1998.

*Comic-Con: is a four-day summer comic book event held at the San Diego Convention Center in San

Diego, California. Although it has expanded greatly since its first edition in 1970 for comic books, it also

encompasses other elements of popular culture, especially film and video games.

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