Saving Grace

Chapter 12

Joshua strode into the hospital wearing a different kind of smile. A smile that defined all odds. A smile that made women pregnant instantly. His head was swimming in happiness and delight. He recollected the kiss that happened the previous day and his smile grew wider. Grace initiated it and it was perfect. He also reminded himself that he told Grace, painful memories that occurred in his life.

He walked over to the doctors lounge and sat on a couch. He then looked sideways and greeted the doctor sitting beside him, who was engrossed with reading a big textbook.

“Good morning Clark.” Joshua greeted.

Clark shifted his position on the couch and replied gently, “Good morning to you too.”

“How’s that textbook you are reading?” Joshua remarked, lifting his neck.

“It’s long and frustrating.” Clark closed the textbook and placed it on the table.

“I have been there too, brother.” Joshua chuckled and the duo laughed aloud simultaneously.

“What’s going on with you, Joshua?” Clark asked him.

“I don’t understand, what do you mean?” Joshua shook his head.

“Can you remember the last time you spoke to me?” Clark continued.

“No.” Joshua still shook his head.

“It was five months ago, Joshua. I have never seen you so high spirited until today. Something’s changed about you.” Clark remarked with a smile.

“I guess that’s a compliment.” Joshua smiled awkwardly.

“I spotted you yesterday, coming out of a patient’s room at 8pm. That patient that everyone knows, can’t walk, her name is Grace Waters right?” Clark said.

“Yes.” Joshua affirmed.

“What were you doing there?” Clark lifted an eyebrow.

Joshua glared at him, “I was doing my job as a doctor.”

“Then why were you smiling so widely when you came out of her room?” Clark pressed further.

Joshua exhaled deeply before replying, “Do you expect me to frown then? What are you driving at, Clark?”

“The last time I remember seeing you smile that way was the day you brought a your daughter to the hospital and that was a year ago, Joshua.” Clark continued.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I still don’t understand you.” Joshua rubbed his neck with his left hand.

“That smile proves that you like that patient or you might be falling in love with her.” Clark remarked.

“I still don’t get you.” Joshua insisted stubbornly.

“What you are doing is unprofessional and dangerous. You are getting attached to that patient emotionally.” Clark responded sternly.

“What if that patient makes me happy? What if that patient is the reason I smile? What if that patient takes away all the painful memories in my life?” Joshua asked.

“I understand what you are saying, Joshua but even if you want to move on or date someone, I don’t think it should be that patient.” Clark placed a tired finger on his eye lid.

“Why shouldn’t it be her?” Joshua tilted his head, eager to know why.

“Because she’s crippled.” Clark whispered into Joshua’s ear.

“No, she’s not!” Joshua objected, his voice slightly raised.

“Then she’s disabled.” Clark shrugged.

“She’s not disabled either.” Joshua insisted, anger flashing through his eyes like lightning.

“Stop denying it, why would you date someone in that category? You might get hurt, Joshua and I don’t think you have the ability to take pain anymore.” Clark tried to persuade him.

“Are you a doctor, Clark?” Joshua questioned.

“Yes!” Clark nodded.

“Shouldn’t you give hope to patients as a doctor? What right do you have to call her crippled or disabled? You treat patients worse off then her for goodness sake. How could you be so pessimistic?” Joshua barked at him and then doctors who were discussing in the lounge turned to look at him, with their eyes widened in amazement.

“Keep your voice down, Joshua. I am not being pessimistic. I am just stating reality but it’s sad that you can’t see it.” Clark countered.

“You are stating absolute nonsense.” Joshua gritted his teeth.

Before Clark could open his mouth, Joshua stood up and picked up the textbook on the table. He shoved it into Clark’s chest and held it with a firm grip.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you getting so worked up because of what I said?” Clark asked frantically.

“As a member of the medical profession. I solemnly pledge to dedicate my life to the service of humanity. The health and well-being of my patient will be my first consideration, I will respect the autonomy and dignity of my patient. I will maintain the utmost respect for human life. I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing, or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient. I will respect the secrets that are confided in me, even after the patient has died. ”

“I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity and in accordance with good medical practice. I will foster the honor and noble traditions of the medical profession. I will give to my teachers, colleagues, and students the respect and gratitude that is their due. I will share my medical knowledge for the benefit of the patient and the advancement of healthcare. I will attend to my own health, well-being, and abilities in order to provide care of the highest standard. I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat. I make these promises solemnly, freely, and upon my honor. That is the hippocratic oath.” Joshua yelled at Clark with so much rage bottled up inside of him.

“Do you remember the hippocratic oath we took when we finished medical school?” Joshua shot a piercing look at him.

“Y–Yes.” Clark stammered the word out of his lips.

“I don’t think you do, make sure you read it over and over when you get home tonight. I’ll rip open your brain if you ever repeat what you just told me.” Joshua snapped at him.

Joshua then removed his hand that was holding the textbook and the textbook fell on the floor with a loud thud. He then eyed Clark from head to toe before walking towards the door.

“Why can’t I speak my mind freely? Is it because of that goddamned patient called Grace Waters?” Clark cried out.

Joshua turned back on his heels sharply when he heard Clark’s statement. He balled both hands into a fist and strode towards Clark with quick strides. He wasn’t thinking when he let out his boiling antipathy and swung his tight fist, too quick and potent, into Clark’s defined jaw; the impact like thousands of venomous blades piercing apart his clammed fist. It led him to one conclusion, that his words hurt him. The doctors in the lounge were now standing and gasping in amazement. He watched as Clark stumbled on the floor, crimson leaking from the side of his mouth.

Clark rose up quickly from the floor and wiped the blood off his lips. Clark then drew his fist and ploughed it into Joshua’s stomach. It was like hitting a train head on. Joshua felt pain erupting from the impact. They both stumbled apart for a brief second to catch their breath before diving at each another, eyes narrowed in determination.

Joshua dodged Clark’s incoming fist and came up with his, Clark’s eyes widened in shock before he managed to tilt his head and slam it into Joshua’s head. Stars burst into Joshua’s vision and he shook it off blindly.

Joshua stepped back, trying to evade Clark’s angry fist and spoke, “Is that all you got?”

Clark could barely respond.

Joshua smirked infuriatingly at Clark and then charged at him with so much venom. He battered Clark till he fell on the floor. His chest gently rose and sank with each shallow breath he took in.

He was about to throw another punch when a hand grabbed his fist. He turned back, sweat drenching his coat. Joshua was surprised to see a disappointed Helen, holding his fist.

“What the hell have you just done?” Helen demanded.

The anger he felt previously now melted when he saw Helen’s enraged look.

“Nothing.” Joshua simply stated, wiping blood off his cheek.

“Nothing? Then why did you beat up a doctor?’ Helen folded her arms.

“Because I felt like.” Joshua explained, taking a quick glance at Clark’s face which was already bruised.

“You can’t beat up a patient just because you feel like. Stop being a jerk and apologize to him.” Helen shouted and the doctors in the lounge began rotating their heads. It was clear and obvious, they all feared Helen’s temperament.

“I won’t. I won’t apologize to him. He’s the one being a jerk not me.” Joshua argued back.

Helen looked at the doctor’s lounge before staring at Joshua, “Let’s talk outside.”

Before Joshua could react, Helen had dragged him out of the doctor’s lounge and was marching towards her office.

“Slow down, you are walking too fast.” Joshua cautioned, he couldn’t keep up with her pace.

“You didn’t slow down while beating up Clark, you continued because you felt like. Then why should I slow down for you?” Helen taunted him.

“Why must you be so petty?” Joshua spat out.

Helen scoffed and pushed him gently into her office. Joshua sat down and looked around. Her office was so tiny. He watched as Helen looked through her drawers, searching for something. Helen then dropped a packet of cotton buds and methylated spirit on the desk.

“What happened, Joshua?” Helen demanded as she flopped on her seat.

“Clark called Grace a cripple. He said she’s disabled.” Joshua admitted.

“Grace?” Helen opened her mouth in disbelief.

“Yeah.” He replied.

“But she’s actually crippled. Everyone knows that.” Helen acknowledged and shrugged.

“No, she’s not. How can you say that?” Joshua looked at Helen with a disappointed look.

“Because it’s true. You are the only person that’s actually denying it.” Helen argued back.

“You don’t have the right to say that, Helen.” Joshua screamed.

“What the heck is going on with you, Joshua. Why are you so angry?” Helen sputtered.

Joshua simply tore his gaze away from Helen and directed his attention to the white ceiling.

“You…. like…her?” Helen’s voice broke.

Joshua ignored Helen and drummed his fingers on the desk.

“Don’t you fucking say you like her. Look at me, Joshua. Tell me you don’t.” Helen reached out and twisted Joshua’s chin to meet her gaze.

“I like her. I like Grace Waters, I said it.” Joshua raised his hands and chuckled softly.

“You just met her two weeks ago. How would you possibly like her? She…. called you an asshole. Joshua, she called you a fucking asshole.” Helen yelled.

“Can you stop swearing for once?” Joshua begged with his eyes.

“And yes, I…just met her two weeks ago and we clicked, she called me an asshole and to be fair, I was actually…. an asshole.” Joshua added.

“I can’t believe this. How could you like someone so low? She’s not in your class, she’s disabled…. I mean… she can’t walk.” Helen tried to reason with him.

“She’s not disabled, stop saying that.” Joshua complained.

“Then tell me, what exactly do you see in that patient? What do you see in Grace?” Helen tilted her head, her fingers vibrating.

“She’s pretty and smart. She’s funny and she makes me smile even when I don’t want to.” Joshua admitted with a smile etching on his face.

“I am pretty and smart. I am funny and I make you smile everyday. What’s then special about her?” Helen boasted.

“Don’t compare yourself to Grace. You are way below her standard.” Joshua scoffed.

“What?” Helen yelled.

“She’s the only one that can drive those painful and hurtful memories away from my life. You can’t even do that as a best friend.” Joshua bragged.

“And do you think that Sally would approve of this? You are planning to date a cripple.” Helen spat.

“The dead is already dead, Helen. I have to move on with my life.” Joshua replied.

“Then you leave me no choice, Joshua.” Helen kept a straight face.

“Huh?” Joshua was confused.

“I am going to see the director and I am telling him that you are having an illicit relationship with your patient.” Helen uttered.

Joshua shook his head slowly and laughed.

“Then I’ll also go to the director and I’ll tell him about your sexual escapades with your patients. Which patient should I tell him about? Is it Mark or John? Or is it Rob?” Joshua placed his fourth finger on his lips.

“What are you talking about? Are you trying to threaten me?” Helen was shocked beyond oblivion.

“I am just trying to tell you to mind your own business. I am sure you’ll make the right choice.” Joshua laughed and rose up in his feet.

“And thank you for this.” Joshua held the pack of cotton buds and methylated spirit in his right hand.

“Goodbye bestie!” Joshua winked at her before walking out of the office.

Joshua strode through the hallways with a heavy heart and walked towards the room where he could find peace.

Grace’s room.


Helen sat rooted on her seat, her gaze fixed on the wooden door. She wondered how Joshua figured out that she was sleeping around with her male patients. She shut her eyes and tears started streaming down to her cheeks. The tears melted into her foundation and her makeup was getting ruined by her tears.

Joshua confessed that he liked Grace and that shattered her heart into a million pieces.

She heard the opening of her office door and she gently wiped her tears with her arm. She was surprised to see Clark, smiling at her. She watched as he walked over to where she was seated and he sat on the desk.

With a stutter, Helen spoke,”What are you doing here?”

“Well I came to thank you, If you didn’t show up, Joshua would have killed me.” Clark chuckled.

“You are welcome.” Helen nonchalantly replied.

She thought that Clark would take the cue and leave, knowing that she wasn’t interested in talking to him. She was shocked when his right hand grazed her blouse.

“What are you doing, Clark?” her mouth opened in amazement.

“Having fun.” Clark winked at her.

“Get out!” Helen yelled.

She was again taken aback when Clark reached out and began to unbutton her blouse.

“Stop it, Clark.” Helen tried to remove his grip from her blouse but it was fruitless. He had unbuttoned it all.

“Clark…. you better stop this or else…”

But Clark had already torn the fragile lacy bra and her breasts were released to him. Cold air kissed her skin. Her eyes glittered darkly as he looked down on her breasts, the areolae surrounding the nipples, a dark husky pink.

Her hard little nipples like ripe berries.

Hard, stiff and swollen.

Clark reached out and held her nipples with both thumbs and Helen groaned. Her nipples felt hard between his thumbs and the overwhelming need to draw her nipples into his mouth aroused him. His head lowered so that he might taste one of those berries. He took one into his mouth and sucked gently, wanting to enjoy the sensual moment.

“Please…stop….. Clark…., please…. don’t stop.” Helen was already on cloud nine. Her eyes drooped shut as she relished the feel of his tongue on her nipples.

She then encouraged him by threading her fingers into his black bushy hair and she drew him closer. Clark then reached for one of her legs and placed it on the desk. Still sucking on her nipples, his hands trailed a line from her bellybutton to her lower body.

Clark gasped in amusement on noticing that Helen wasn’t wearing any panties, he then whispered, “I like it when you don’t wear panties. ”

Helen simply moaned in response. She felt cold air bathing her bare vagina. She then gasped when Clark placed a finger, then he placed another.

“Mhmmmmmmmmmmmmm.” Helen kept moaning with pleasure.

Clark lifted his neck and placed his mouth on her nipples, he released it with a pop sound and continued fingering her.

“You were moaning louder when I fucked here yesterday evening.” Clark uttered in a dirty tone.

But Helen couldn’t find her voice, her only way of responding was her loud moans of ecstasy.

“You better scream louder like the slut you are, Helen.” Clark demanded, still pumping his fingers into her.

“Mhmmmmmnmmmmmm.” Helen screamed louder and held her hair in her hands.

Then Clark carried her and placed her on the desk, her legs wide open to his naked eyes. With her free hand, Helen quickly undid Clark’s belt and zipper and found him hard, thick and ready. She pulled it out and stroked it as she stroked herself, and then pulled him to her, lifting her leg to his waist. Clark held Helen’s leg around him and felt her wetness as she guided him inside her.

She gasped as he took control and began to push slowly inside, little by little. She wanted all of him immediately, and she wasn’t prepared to wait. She began to grind him up and down, filling herself with him, holding him at the back of his neck for leverage and the other hand still pleasuring herself, enjoying the firmness of his grip in her hair.

Clark lifted her leg a little higher and stroked long, satisfying strokes in and out of her. Helen could feel his strength, he was essentially pressing her into the table. Her legs became weak as a familiar wave of pleasure rolled up her body, and she began to meet his thrusts with her own as she edged closer and closer. The waves of pleasure began to mount and evolve into bodily convulsions that gripped Clark tightly as he entered her, bringing him closer to his own peak.

Their grips tightened on each other, Helen’s fingernails digging into Clark’s neck and Clark’s fist pulling her head to one side by her hair. Helen’s free hand worked furiously on herself, her legs weakening further with every flick of her finger. Their faces were both turned up at the ceiling, eyes closed, mouths opened, soaking wet and moaning loudly.

Finally, Helen allowed the wave to crash down on her and every muscle seized, hot convulsions shattering her whole body, breathing obscenities through gritted teeth. The convulsions gripped and massaged Clark within her, causing him to lose control, and he released a visceral growl as he climaxed inside her orgasm-wracked body. Exhausted, they slumped into each other and pressed their foreheads together and kissed.

“I love you, Helen. I love you.” Clark admitted but Helen was certain that he was referring to the sex. They had nothing in common apart from sex. As she listened to Clark’s ragged breathing, she thought of Joshua. She had lost completely to Grace, a cripple. She then wrapped her arms around Clark and sobbed quietly into his neck.

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