Chapter 37: I'm his girlfriend

Chapter 37: I'm his girlfriend

Sage Miller

"You've lost your mind completely. Why would you do such a stupid thing? What the fuck Sage?" I

rolled my eyes.

They've been at it since Wednesday since they 'heard' the rumors. Sebastian was particularly pissed

that I didn't tell them myself, or maybe it's the whole concept of me dating Kate and taking her to New


I couldn't really tell.

They details didn't matter anymore. I was doing this. They make it seem like I'm going on a suicidal


Talk about drama. Then I'm the dramatic one.

But they wouldn't understand. I wasn't doing this on a damn whim. I didn't invite Kate to New York just

because. She is my girlfriend and I should take my girlfriend put, right.

I refuse to look like a fool licking my wounds. I'm not wounded. I won't let Alora think I am.

Kate is the perfect candidate for it.

I truly am obsessed with her.

"I bet she used some voodoo stuff on him." Sebastian and I snapped our heads to Connor.

We gave him a weird look. I raised my brow and stared at him.

"What?" He looked at us like he just didn't say some shit out of the world this. He then shrugged his

shoulders. "I wouldn't put anything past her. That woman is evil."

"What is so wrong with her?" I asked them. Lately it's like our conversation revolve around Kate and I.

Can't we talk about something else except my relationship with Kate. It gets so exhausting.

"See, a week ago that sentence wouldn't even crossed your mind much less made it to your lips." He

pointed it out. "Voodoo. I'm telling you. She did some weird shit on you."

I rolled my eyes at Connor. Sure, a week ago. Kate didn't as so much crossed my mind but that doesn't

mean she used some voodoo shit on me.

"I don't agree with the voodoo shit." Sebastian said. "But you have to understand this from our side.

That chick is crazy. As in cocky crazy. Fucking crazy like lock you in her basement so you'll never leave


"That's crazy. You're just talking crazy. She's nothing like that and it's like you haven't been listening to

me for the past two days." I heaved a defeated sigh.

It's like the two of them aren't hearing one word I'm saying. I've told them over and over again why I'm

doing what I'm doing.

"Do you wanna know how I see this?" Sebastian asked. He didn't even wait for my response. "This is

some petty fucked revenge because she left you. Because she choose that red head over you."

His words were far from the truth but somehow they found themself a way to the back of chest and

pressed hard there.

It pissed me that his words hit a nerve. It pissed me that they pain.

"How could she have fucken left me if we never fucking dated?" I snarled at him. "And what do you

fucking know. It's not like you have great advice for me. You don't think I don't know what you've been

doing with fucking Chloe."

He tried to defeat himself but I blocked him out. Connor gaped. He wasn't expecting that but Kate told

me that Sebastian is sleeping around with Chloe.

After that I stormed off. The bell rang just after I entered the halls and students filled every corner.

I was pissed. The hallways were fucking full and they wouldn't fucking clear.

Lucky I had time to cool off before I had to see either Sebastian and Connor.

I was tired of them thinking they were fucking expects of my life. They irritated me.

"Baby." A sweet sickening voice called. It was way too sweet and I was pissed.

I hesitated for a moment, I wanted to continue walking or stop.

I might as well stop because I had a lapse of judgement at one point and ask her to be my girlfriend.

I had a brain seizure for sure.

She stopped right in front of me and hugged me but didn't forget a kiss on the cheek.

I hugged her back.

"I haven't seen you since classes started today." She whined leaning into me.

I didn't miss the show she displayed to anyone who was watching which was everyone in the damn


She made sure to remind everyone that she is my girlfriend.

"That was an hour ago." I fought the urge to roll my eyes to the back of my head.

"That's too long." She pouted and part of me had to admit how cute she looked doing that.

Only if cute could do it for me. I found myself thinking it.

This time I rolled my eyes at her.

"What did you need Kate?" I finally asked her.

"Stop being rude to me." She smiled to push her charade of happy couples but I could feel the anger

pouring out of her smile.

I use to think she was insane to never show her anger in public. I never noticed it until Connor pointed

it out one day.

"Do you remember what I told you when I asked you to be my girlfriend?" I asked her with the same

smile but I'm sure she heard the venom under the words.

I saw it when her smile almost fell but she's good at keeping up charades. She's very good. I'll give her


"Yes I do." She answered sweetly but her voice wobbled just a bit.

I knew she knew what I meant but I carried on anyway.

"No you don't." I mused with a smile. I'm sure to everyone in the corridors, I looked very much loving

but to the specimen in front if me, I looked frightening.

I saw her eyes pleading with me. They said 'please don't'.

"I don't like being nagged. Don't be a nuisance or you're damn dream might be short lived." I told her.

"And baby, we're leaving during Lunch. Make sure you let your teachers know."

She was still tense and slightly frozen.

I snaked my arm around her waist hoisting her up just a bit, she was tall all on her own and with her

heels She was only inches shorter than me.

Her blonde hair brushed against my arm just a bit. It excited me to no end. It rose goosebumps all over

my body.

I'm sure I was excited by the fear I inflicted on her than anything. I loved that smell of fear on someone,

especially if I'm the reason.

With that thought I sniffed her in a not so discreet way. She didn't smell like Alora. Her cologne wasn't

as expensive as hers.

But she did smell define. I knew the scent of coconut but Kate made the scent her own. The scent of

coconut was hers now.

But that's not all I smelled. I smelled the fear on her. She stunk of fear.

I pulled her in and kissed her passionately. The kiss was more of a statement. To remind her who was

in charge. Me. Always me. It always will be.

I only kissed her for a brief second but it was enough to leave her panting and wanting more.

I setted her down and just then I noticed the stares and ews. Everything and everyone had stopped to

give us their undivided attention.

One corner of my lips tugged up to form a little smirk. I winked at her then turned around and left.

Not everyone was in ewe with us. Some sent glares. I didn't care though. I didn't care.

"Kid, you know how to shine on the spotlight." Will, a senior and the football captain said with a smirk.

"I sure do cap." I saluted him. He rules the school. Just for now though. Only for now.

With my glorious mood, I marched to class and sat next to my friends at our personal assigned seats

that we assigned them ourselves.

Calculus wasn't my favourite subject. Actually class wasn't my favourite subject but literature I sort of


Although I didn't like sitting in class, I don't mind seating in class for literature. I like writting but reading

not so much.

Sebastian looked bored out of his mind while the teacher explained the book we would be focusing this


To kill a mockingbird. I've read it a couple of time with Eve. I know every fucking things there is to know

about the book and author.

The bell rang and it was my time to go. I was nervously and evilly excited to go to New York.

In a couple of hours I would get my satisfaction.

Kate met me by my car. Our luggage were in my car. I didn't want to have to go back home and get it.

"Are you ready?" I asked Kate.

Well she was over the moon. Absolute joy. She nodded.

On my perpetual view I saw Tim walking towards me.

"Wait for me here, I'll be right back." I told Kate.

I started walking towards him and met him halfway.

"Tim." I said in greeting. He nodded. "Is there something wrong?"

I knew Harry was in New York and if something had happened he would have told me. I did talk to him

late last night.

"No, the Godfather ordered me to drive you to the airport." He firmly said.

"Oh. Okay but my car." I told him looking back.

"I came with Lucas. He'll drive it to the warehouse and you'll get it there when you come back." He

informed me. I nodded.

"Okay I-"

"Hello." I groaned when I heard Kate's voice.

I told her to wait for me yet he chose to defy me. She's really testing me.

"Hey." Tim grumbled.

"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend, babe?" I was So close to loosing it with Kate.

This was dangerous. Kate was like a cat, very curious and that could kill. I don't need her asking too

many questions.

I pinched my eyes shut and counted to five before I opened them.

"Kate this is Tim, Time this is Kate." I deadpanned.

"His girlfriend." She added. I rolled my eyes because that wasn't necessary at all.

"She's coming?" Tim asked surprised. "He didn't say you were coming with someone else?"

"It was last minute." I tried to end the conversation as quick as I could.

"Okay I'll wait in the car for when you're ready." He said and walked away.

I immediately turned to Kate and grabbed her wrist careful not to bruise her.

"When I tell you to do something you do it no questions asked and follow the instructions to the teeth.

You understand?" I growled at her.

"Who was that Sage? He looked sort of scary." She stuttered lookinh between me and the car Tim got

inside in.

I grumbled and groaned.

"That is none of your fucking business Kate. Get that through your head. Stop nagging me." I shook her

a bit.

"Why are you so angry Sage?" I don't know what game she's playing but I sure as hell don't fucking like


"You keep defying me Kate. You do the opposite of everything I told. I told you to fucking wait. You

failed a simple instruction." I whispered at her but my tone was anything but calm.

"I should leave you. I don't think I should take you with me to New York. You keep defying my every

word." I sneered and let her go.

"Sage please. I won't do that again." She pleaded clutching my shirt. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

"How can I trust that you won't?" I asked her.

"I promise I won't." She replied without missing a heart beat.

I saw Connor and Sebastian had exited the school building and head towards as.

"You better." I told her and left her standing there.

I approached them.

"Who was that guy? I think I know him." Connor said looking at the car Tim got in.

I met Sebastian's gaze. We held it for a brief moment. It was a knowing look.

"I don't think so. That's Wren's driver." I immediately thought of the lie.

"Are you sure? He seemed very familiar." He continued to press on it.

"I doubt it. Maybe you confuse him for someone else." I told him wanting to close the topic.

Kate was already snooping, I didn't need Connor snooping too.

"So New York huh?" Sebastian quickly changed the topic.

"Yeah man. The empire state you know." I beamed at them dramatically.

They both rolled their eyes simultaneously at me.

"Good luck man. I think you're gonna need it." Connor said and looked behind me.

I turned to look where his eyes were looking and saw Kate leaning against my car.

"I think so man." I found myself saying. "I'll see you Sunday guys. I'll tell you all the details."

We said goodbyes and they got in their cars and left. I laughed, they were ditching the death of class.

I got our luggage out of my car and rolled them to Tim. He loaded it in the trunk.

I handed Lucas my car keys but not before warning him.

"You scratch it, I rearrange your face." I threatened him and gave him my keys.

I extended my hand to Kate. She took it and I pulled her close to me.

I opened the door for Her and she got in and thanked me. I got it after her.

Tim left us in the airport and soon we went through customer service and cruised through TSA nicely.

Three hours later in the air we landed in New York.

I could already feel it in my bones that the atmosphere wasn't the same.

We got through the baggage claim.

I had no idea how we're suppose to find our way to the hotel or our way around the city.

Harry and Wren hasn't called to tell me anything.

I got my phone out to call Wren but Kate stopped me.

"Look." I looked to where she was pointing at.

I saw a man almost as old as Tim but older holding a sign with my name.

I walked towards the man and greeted him.

"Mr Styles sent me. I'm Howard." Howard introduced himself.

"I'm Sage and this is-" I didn't even get a chance before she cut me off.

"Kate, his girlfriend." She said sweetly extending her hand.

I groaned and glared at her.

Howard reached for her hand and shook it. He raised an amused brow at me.

I huffed and walked toward the car Howard had pointed.

It was similar to the SUV Tim drove. It made me wonder if Howard was in the cartel too.

Howard stopped and parked outside a building. I peaked put the window and holy fuck it was tall but

besides that, it was almost a replica of the one Styles lives in back in Miami only taller.

It even had the signature name written on top of the building.

Howard opened the trunk and took out our small luggage handing them to the bell boy.

He then opened the door for Kate and helped her out. She then thanked him.

Well I'll be damned. Kate seemed more groomed and not the Queen bitch I know exists.

You could even think she belonged to this class. Rich and elegant.

Connor and Sebastian gotta know this.

"This is my stop." Howard said as he closed the door after me. "Tell the reception your name, you're

already on the guest list. She will give you a keycard and directions."

He got in the car and drove off. I did as Howard told me to do and like what he said would happen


I took Kate's hand in mine and led her away. Our luggage had already went up to the suite or hotel


The elevator door opened and people got off. I waited until they were all out then I pulled Kate with me.

I swiped the keycard and the doors opened.

About a minute later the doors open and Styles was waiting on the other side.

His eyes landed on my hand which was intertwined with Kate's.

I stepped out of the lift.

He raised his brows.

"I'll be damned. I didn't believe Tim when he said you were coming with someone. A pretty thing if I

must say." He praise.

It was my turn to raise my brow at him.

He immediately raised his hands.

"I've got eyes for one person." He defended himself.

It was no secret that Kate is stunning. She could put a grown man to his knees.

She had that innocent look and yet nothing about her was innocent.

"I guess you already know who she is." I stated.

"I don't know if she's an improvement or a downgrade from Alora." He bluntly said.

Kate's smile fell for a second yet Styles didn't even give her so much as a glance.

Kate knew who Alora is. She once saw her in my house. That both knew each other.

"You know she'll be attending right?" He asked.

"Yeah I know but does it really matter. Her time with me expired." I carelessly said but that was far from

the truth.

"You don't say." He replied amused.

I was surprised Kate hadn't given her two cents opinion. I was glad because Styles would destroy her if

he did as so much offended him and I wouldn't help her.

"Show me where my sister is." I changed the subject.

"Second door on the left." He said. "I have people waiting for your lady friend on the third door. I'm

guessing she's attending the Cotillion."

I saw Kate's jaw flex when Styles said lady friend.

Styles paid no mind to her.

I gesture for her to go get ready. We had roughly 5 hours before we had to leave and knowing women,

they need more than that to get ready.

"Thank you." She said to Styles. Even though her voice is sweet, it still doesn't hide deceit whenever

she being fake.

"It doesn't suit her to try and be nice." Styles said as soon as she left.

"Yes it doesn't." I agreed. "And trust me when I say she's anything but nice but it's good seeing her in

her lane. She knows who's the boss and what will happen if she so much as think of defying my will."

"If only you were like this on Alora." He mused and I grimaced.

"I'm going to see Eve." I announced leaving.

"Beware, She's with Mason." He said with a groaned and I followed with my own groaned.

"I really don't like that guy." I said gritting my teeth.

"Same. I don't like him." He agreed.


Chapter 37 done. The next chapter will be in Alora's Point of view.

Who's excited for that? I know I am.

I still haven't decided of I want to create chaos and if I do how much chaos do I want to create.

Question by a dear fan: Where do you write and what inspire you to write chapters?

I mostly write in bed and sometimes I'd be sitting on my study table at night. And about what inspire my

chapters, well it's so many things. Sometimes I'll see a quote and think of a scene or sometimes I'll see

people interact whether on t.v or real life and an idea would spark in my life.

Writting this chapter was very hard it took almost 12 hours because I'm not okay. I'm very sick and I

don't know till when I'll be able to update. Today I did push myself bar to give this to you.

Sorry if it's not the best I've written. I will be absent from wattpad for a while.

Another thing, I don't force myself to write when I know I have no inspiration. I always wait for an idea

to spark before I start writing.

I love everyone of you


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