Chapter 35: Will you be my girlfriend

Chapter 35: Will you be my girlfriend

Sage Miller

I had just returned From the warehouse. Today I had one delivery to make. Lucky for me I was

upgraded from selling the merchandise to delivering the merchandise.

Connor was racing today and Sebastian had went home.

I pushed myself back on the sofa and kicked my shoes off then put my feet up on the coffee table.

A random show was on. I wasn't never a TV guy. I knew a few movies then some episodes I couldn't

remember because I use to sit with Eve and watch with her. That's all.

So right now I only turned on the Tv because I wanted a background noise. I don't like silence, the

quietness drives me crazy.

My Tuesday went long than I would've liked. I was exhausted and lazy but I was hungry too.

Connor said he'll pick up dinner so I had to wait up for him.

I was beginning to doze off when I heard a loud knock on the door. At first I had thought of ignoring it

but I then thought otherwise.

It might be Connor. He has a neck for forgetting his keys.

With a growl-groan, I stood up grumbling about how annoying his habit is.

I grabbed the doorknob still scolding him.

"Next time I won't-" The rest of the sentence got stuck in my throat.

It wasn't Connor though I wished it was.

So many emotions ran through my body in seconds.

I felt my throat dry up. My jaw hitting the floor. Hell my eyes popped out of their socket.

Relived, confusion, happiness, anger. I felt them all in one go.

She was here, standing in my doorway. In all her glory. Looking so radiant.

Her blood her carefully styled. Her make up so perfect. The ocean blue eyes so sparkly.

My knees wobbled for a second. I held on to the door frame only to put my hand over hers.

I retracted my hand like hers burns. I held my hand close to my chest.

She smiled and for a second I was drunk. Her scent drugged me. She was my personal drug, invented

only for me to get high. To get addicted on.

"Next time you won't what Sage?" Her voice was almost music to my ears.

My own vixen. My personal hell.

After all the sarge of emotion that went through me, I settled on one emotion that made more sense.


After I've decided on that feeling, I found my voice again.

Why should I be happy to see her when she chose another man over me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I was surprised how calm my tone was.

She gave me a big smile. It almost blinded me.

"Can't I just pop by to see a lover?" She truly was a vixen.

Only then did I realise she was drunk. Her eyes were red and her posture wasn't so steady.

"Pop by? You blocked me. Why would you pop by." I asked her.

"That is in the past. Let go of the past Sage. Live in the moment. YOLO babe." She slurred.

"YOLO." I arched a brow at her.

"You know. You only live-" I stopped her.

"I know what YOLO means Alora." I grunted. "Don't you have a boyfriend to get back to?"

My sneer didn't discourage her. No it didn't.

"He's in New York. You have me all to yourself." She said but something about her wasn't quite right.

I couldn't wrap my head around it but something wasn't right.

"Until when Alora? As soon as he comes back you'll be back with him. What about me? You give me a

little then take it from me." I almost yelled at her.

Her brows creased and she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What do you want me to do? I love him Sage. I love him." She cried out and somehow hearing those

words pissed me.

They felt like a dagger to the heart. Another one on my back. I couldn't reach it.

The words made me crazy. They spinner my head. Itched my whole body. My ears were ringing.

"Then go to him Alora. Go." I yelled at her. I didn't need her drama. "If you're so in love with him. What

are you doing here?"

Her mouth opened then closed. She did that a couple of times and each time, no words came out.

"You only know who I am when you had one to many. When you're drunk or when your life is too much

of a mess. As soon as you're sober it's like I don't exist to you."

The words felt oddly familiar. I was told those similar words only 36 hours ago.

Now I know what she felt. What Kate felt when I only noticed her when I was drinking.

She felt exactly what I was feeling right now.

She felt used. Neglected.

"You used me. Each time." I told her.

"You also used me Sage. Don't pretend you want a relationship with me. You don't. You only know me

when you want to fuck me so don't pretend to be the victim." She yelled back.

"I never pretended to be a victim. I knew our conditions from the start." I told her raising my voice.

I'm sure my neighbors would be out listening now.

"Yes that there will be no attachments. No jealousy. We could see other people. So what is your

problem now?"

My problem. What exactly was my problem. I knew our situation. I knew the conditions.

"With me you are never someone to fuck. You are more than that. You could tell me anything and I

always listened. You could be yourself with me. No judgement. I never force you to be anyone you're

not." I told her. My voice was much calmer.

"What are you insinuating. That Axel controls me?" She gaped.

"If the shoe fits." I muttered.

"You're such an asshole. I don't know why I keep coming back to you when I know how much of an

asshole you are." Her words snapped something in me.

I smirked and I saw her backing away. I stepped forward.

"Because you love me." I whispered. "You said it yourself. Only two people tell the truth. The drunk and


"Lair. I never told you that. I knew you lied. I don't know what you would lie about something so

serious." Her eyes were now crazy.

It brought me little satisfaction but only for some seconds. I couldn't stop taunting her. Even if I wanted

to. I wasn't in control anymore.

My irrational part, the defensive part of me. The one that wants to protect me was now in control. It had

both hands on the wheels.

"Look inside yiur heart sweetheart. You know it's true." I knew how seductive and malicious my voice


"I only love Axel. I only love Axel." Her words drove me closer and closer to the edge.

"Is that what you want to believe? You wanna convince me or yourself because I know the truth."

We were both acting crazy. Out of character.

"You're a fucking lair." She yelled. "You're a fucking lair."

"Tell me you're messing with me." She pleaded. "Tell me it's a lie."

I could've told her that but that would've ended her misery. If she was going to live and I would be

taunted she should be too right? We should all suffer.

"Why would I tell a lie now? I'm not a fucking lair." That was all a big fat fucking lie.

For a moment I thought she was going to go crazy but she collected herself.

She suddenly looked sober. Like she had never drank tonight. Her beauty was more prominent. She

was more radiant.

"I always knew you would break me but I had always hoped you wouldn't. That's my fault I guess. For

always going for the forbidden but I guess that has always been part of the fun. You were forbidden."

Her speech was clear as day. She didn't slur. She didn't look crazy but she wasn't Smurf anymore. She

didn't look anything like Smurf.

Only the girl I met last year. She looked collected but in her eyes you could see how broken she was.

"Congratulations Sage. Just like everyone in my life. You broke me but you broke me like no one ever

could. You win. I never want to see you in my life ever again."

That was it. The final nail on the coffin. Little did she know she broke me too. I may have not been in

love with her but she broke me.

We broke each other.

I watched as she walked to her car. Her step had motive. Her head held up high.

But I knew, it was all a facade, a charade for all watching. To show how strong she was.

Only I knew she wasn't so strong. I knew how fragile she was.

I had fixed her then broke her all over again.

I felt like shit. I was angry. So angry. At myself. I had fixed her then broke her all over again.

But this time I knew, her pieces were so much more shattered than before. Maybe this time no one can

fix her. Not even me.

The thought alone filled me with so much guilt.

Her car disappeared into the the dark night.

Only then did all the feelings crashed me. The anger, the guilt, the loneliness, the sadness.

Another car pulled into my driveway. I knew it wasn't her. She said she didn't wanna see me ever


Sadly, I believed her. The was something in her eyes that told me that was final.

It took me a moment to realise it was Connor.

My eyes followed his movements as he walked closer to me. They landed on what he had in his hand.

Takeaways from his favourite Chinese restaurant.

I realised just then I had lost my appetite. I didn't want anything.

"I waited until she was gone. I didn't want to be part of that." Connor didn't like Alora either but he was

more discreet about it.

I didn't answer him. I didn't feel like talking because I knew how I get when I'm angry. I lash out at

everything and everyone.

I fight fire with fire.

He gave me a look that asked me if I was okay. I didn't react or answer. I stared back at him.

He walked past me. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"Are you coming in or are you gonna stand out here?" He asked.

I felt the need to make him feel just half the feelings I was feeling.

I wanted to yell at him telling him that this was my goddamn house. I will do whatever I damn please.

But I didn't. I was more rational that I was when something involved Smur- no Alora.

She wasn't Smurf anymore. She wasn't my Smurf anymore. Not anymore.

Can I really let her go.

I followed Connor shortly after.

"Fuck." I yelled. "Fuck."

I didn't know who I was cussing at. Me, Connor or even Alora.

"She really did a number on you this time." I heard Connor comment.

"Fuck you." I exploded.

"I knew she'd break you sooner or later. You didn't listen."

I didn't want to listen. I never do.

Wednesday by lunch break I was still angry, haunted. Seeing Kate just made the feeling. Somehow it

was all related to her. Or it was similar.

I didn't know but an idea struck me.

I was feeling bitter and somehow going through with what I had planned made me feel better somehow.

I walked up to Kate. I knew I looked crazy. Well my friends... They tried to stop me but I was a man on

a mission.

I had something on my mind. Nothing and no one could be bothered to stop me and I wouldn't have let

anyone stop me.

Her eyes widened when she saw that I was heading for her. It was too late to back down. Not that I

wanted to anyway.

My mind was made up. I had a plan in mind and I was gonna put in action.

I knew I was doing this for the wrong reasons but I had a vendetta. A vendetta I planned on carrying it


I stopped right in front of Kate. I was determined. My face was contorted on determination.

She opened her let mouth but I raised my hand and stopped her from saying anything.

I didn't care what she wanted to say. What I wanted to say was more important to me than anything

she'll ever say.

Then I asked the most jaw dropping question.

"Do you still wanna be my girlfriend?"


How much do you hate Sage now?

I'm really loving this side of SAGE. So daring and evil. I have more interesting new to share next

chapter. Stay tuned people.

My friend asked me who do I feel sorry for, Alora or Sage.

I really thought long and hard then came to the conclusion of, I feel most sorry for Sage. It's better to

have known love than not to have loved at all.

Am I right or am I right?

Anyway, vote and comment. I love all of your comments.

I love you all


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