Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Sage Miller

Damn Evernly!

Wren hung up after I promised I'll look for her too. I frantically stood up and searched for my car keys.

Thoughts flooded my brain. Too many what ifs made my blood turn cold. I ran my head through my

head trying very head to think straight.

This is all my fault, if only earlier I didn't say all the things I said she wouldn't be so upset. I shouldn't

have waited for her to come around. I was out of line and should've apologized for it.

My brain felt crippled and numb but the thought of her lying on a ditch somewhere dead.

"What happened?" I faintly heard Connor ask.

I blinked not knowing what to do next. it was as if I'd forgotten how to move. My brains felt like jello.

"I... it's." Words failed me. I was panicking. "I gotta go. Eve."

I vaguely told him. The sentence didn't make sense even in my own ears but I couldn't be bothered to

clear it up for him.

I looked back at him then at the door that led to the hallway. I saw a passed out Smurf in the corner of

my eye.

"Um... can you carry her to my room?" I asked Connor slipping some trainers on.

He groaned but said he'll do it. I gave him a quick goodbye and ran out the out to my white Audi.

I drove around the neighborhood, to bars I knew she regulated but nothing. I searched dinners then

finally intent to the cemetery thinking that maybe for some reason she went there to visit dad's grave

but she wasn't there either.

I called her phone with no answer until when I called it sent me to voicemail.

I was quickly loosinh hope as the time ticked showing that it was late, very late.

I was so close to giving up when I thought of Styles. Maybe she went to him.

I took out my phone and scrolled looking for his number. I called him even though I knew how late it

was and he'd be pissed but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

He answered on the 7th ring.

"This better be fucking good because I swear I'll chop off your fingers." He threatened and unlike every

time he threaten me I wasn't afraid. My panic overrides my fear.

"Styles I need your help it's urgent. I wouldn't have called to waste your time." I begged him.

I heard shuffling on the other end hoping I would hear Eve but I quickly concluded Eve wasn't with him.

"Talk." He demanded.

"I can't find Eve can you track her phone's last location. Everyone is worried about her." I frantically


It was quiet on the other end for some seconds.

"Yeah.. yeah I will. I'll coming to you right now." He said.

Although he tried not to sound like it, I could hear the panic in his voice.

"No, could you not. I just need her location." I didn't want Eve seeing Styles and getting even more

upset. It wouldn't be good for either of them.

"I can-." I cut him off.

"Please don't come. I just need her location." I pathetically begged him and he groaned giving in.

"Give me two minutes. I'll send the location." He told me and hung up.

I avoided thinking about Styles tracking Eve before now but I somehow knew he did. I think I know him

well enough to know he has no limits.

For my sanity I had to believe he didn't. And they way he easily gave in made me think that he'll do the

exact opposite. He'll follow me to get Eve.

In exactly two minutes, my phone vibrated. I opened the text and saw an address and when I punched

it on the GPS, I realised it was on Sebastian's street.

A bar on Sebastian's street. In the bad part of town.

My blood turned cold and my knuckles turned white on the wheel.

That side of town wasn't the best especially for someone as fragile as her.

She could get mugged or killed or raped.

Fuck. And I'm on the other side of town.

I only knew one person who was close enough. I quickly called Sebastian.

I warned him not to go near her. I just wanted him to make sure no one touches her and she doesn't


I trusted Sebastian enough not to repeat the Ms Simpson's situation with Eve. I reminded him that the

Godfather would kill him if he so much as thought about it.

I relaxed knowing that Sebastian found her.

I quickly texted Wren that I found her and I'll bring her to her.

Twenty minutes later I parked next to the bar. Looking at it now, it wasn't bad as I thought it would.

I walked in and they didn't even ask for an Id. I spotted Sebastian right away then my eyes scanned for


She was seated at the bar with a drink in hand. She was talking to the bartender. I frowned.

I approached Seb first not taking my eyes off Eve.

"Thanks man. I owe you one." I told him when I was close enough. I gave him a fist bumb.

"No need. It was an easy job. She did nothing other than drink and talk to the bartender. The bartender

did all the job by taking care of her and no one went near her." He explained and a wave of relief

washed over me.

"But still. Thank you." I said to him. "I'm just gonna get her now."

"See you at the hideout dude." I nodded then he left and I walked up to Eve hoping she didn't flip on


The bartender glared at me when he realised I was going straight for Eve. I glared back at him showing

him I afraid of him.

His glare is nothing compared to Styles.

Now that I'm closer I realised that he was young. Twenty one maybe.

Eve turned around. I'm guessing following the dickhead's glare.

When her eyes landed on me her whole face lit up and I relaxed.

"Sagie." She beamed.

I let go the breath I've been holding since I walked in. I'm glad she didn't flip. I truly thought she'd flip on


"I'm here to get you." I stated my gaze locking with the bartender.

Surprisingly he wasn't glaring at me anymore.

"Have a drink with me." She half asked half ordered.

"You've had enough drinking so let's go." I softly told her.

Please don't resist me. Please don't resist me. Please don't resist me.

Because even if she does, I'll still drag her out of here and that wouldn't look good on me.

"Well if you're going to be a party popper I suggest you leave." She rolled her eyes and turned around.

The bartender's eyes were dancing with amusement.

I groaned and sat down next to her.

"Now was that hard." She mocked and again I groaned.

She gave me a side glance.

"Can I get a beer for him?" She asked the bartender whose name I still didn't know nicely.

He gave me a beer and I chunked it so I can relax.

"You know it's illegal to sell alcohol to a minor?" I asked the bartender almost threatening him.

"She had an Id-." He pointed out and of course she had a fake Id. "-and it said twenty one."

I knew he knew it was fake but didn't do shit. Eve hardly look seventeen and she couldn't even pull a

twenty one look.

"I didn't have an Id." I told him.

"You didn't order the beer." He countered and that shut me up.

"I'm Blake by the way and you're Sagie." He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "If I didn't let her buy here

she would've went to another bar and I rather she drank here, in my eyes." All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

I sensed the sincerity in his voice as he explained but it didn't matter much because I still didn't like


He sold alcohol to my Eve and I'd never like someone who does that, no matter how considerable he's


"I didn't see her car upfront." I said in an accusing tone. He smiled instead of being offended.

"I parked it in the back. It's safer there. A Bugatti in this hood-" He shook his head. "-let's say it wasn't

safe but here are the keys."

He handed me the keys and I bit my tongue so I couldn't thank him.

"I would've never guessed you were younger than her." He said.

"What?" My eyes snapped to him.

"I mean you act like you're older than her." I raised my brow at him. "She told me."

He answered my silent question. I brought the beer to my lips and Blake went on to do his job.

I wonder how much she told that stranger.

I turned to my sister and saw her bouncing to the rhythm of the music.

"Why did you run?" I blurted out.

"I needed some fresh air." She quickly answered but when is it ever about fresh air.

"Ok. Now the real reason." I told her.

"Wren was angry because of the stunt I pulled at the mall. I was all over the tabloids and they wrote

nasty things about me. She was pissed because she found out from her own station what happened

and she kept telling me how useless and irresponsible I was."

"She said What?" My eyes widen.

"Well she didn't use those words but she might as well have." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry." I told her. I didn't even know what I was apologising for.

"I had every right to do what I did because no one messes with my brother. She deserved everything I

said to her. I don't want anyone to break you like they did me. It might be selfish and misunderstood but

I can't stand anyone hurting you. I didn't wanna see you broken like me."

It's too late. I was broken a long time ago. I wanted to tell her that but I didn't.

"I will always be okay. I'll always be fine for you." I told her and that was the truth. She'll always see me

the way she wants to.

Pure. I'm not gonna live past twenty anyway. It won't be that hard to let her see me that way.

The bartender, I mean Blake came back.

"How long has she been here?" I asked him. He thought for a moment.

"Roughly seven hours." He answered and I gape.

"You mean to tell me she's been drinking for seven fucking hours." I hissed at him.

"Calm your tits. I'm not that much of an asshole. I gave her water from time to time and watered all her

drinks." He whispered while he explained calmly whipping the counter.

"Oh." I was lost for words. "And you're paying for them."

I told him harshly and he rolled his eyes. I couldn't help but think that he looked like a male version of


"Relax. It's covered." He told me.

"You made her pay before I came in, didn't you?" I accused narrowing my eyes at him.

Again he rolled his eyes.

"You're a real asshole ain't you?" He countered.

"What did you take for payment? Some expensive bracelet in her car or some money in her purse? I

know she keeps too much money in that thing." I continued.

"If I wasn't so impressed by your protectiveness I'd be offended. And I didn't take anything. I'll pay for

the drink and if you don't trust me you'll check anything missing when she's sober."

"I'll do that." I admitted even though I won't do it. "Why?."

"Why what?"

"Why pay for drink for a girl you barely know?" I asked confused because if it was me I wouldn't pay nor

care for a wellbeing to go as far as watering her drinks.

"I'm a nice guy." I rolled my eyes. "And don't say I don't know her because in the past seven hours I got

to know her and she's so likable and polite. Down to earth too. She was so sad when she got here that

I just couldn't just ignore her."

I waited for Eve to finish her drink.

"Ok. You said one drink, let's go." I told her already on my feet.

"No I didn't." She denied already protesting. "I'm not going."

She looked to Blake for help but I glared at him and he chuckled.

"Is'ok Cupcake. You can come tomorrow. I'll be here." He coaxed her into coming with me and I

grimaced. Cupcake.

"I'll come by tomorrow." She told him.

"She has a boyfriend." I told him.

"No she doesn't but that doesn't mean I wanna date her. She told me about an asshole she's in love

that cheated."

"If you know what's best for you. You'll stay away because he'll kill you." I warned him. "Literally."

"Gotcha." He taunted and I tsked.

I walked off without another word.

Outside the bar, I looked around for Styles. I knew that he was somewhere in around.

I saw a familiar black SUV with a window window rolled up. When he realized I was looking at the car

he rolled up the window.

I opened my car for Eve and left her there and approached the SUV.

I knocked on the window and he rolled it down.

"I thought I told you not to come." I told Styles.

"You're a fool if you thought I'd listen." He stated.

"I didn't." I told him.


I threw him Eve's keys at him.

"I need one of your goons to follow me to Eve's house in her car. It's in the back." I told him and left.

I knew he'd never let anyone drive her car. I knew he'd be the one to follow me.

By the time I made it to Wren's house Eve was passed out on the driver seat.

I had texted Wren before driving that I'll be there in less than twenty.

When I got out of the car she was on her driveway with Zac and fucking Mason.

I tried not to grimaced at him as they approached.

I walked up to Wren and she immediately hugged me. When she pulled away I noticed how much of a

mess she looked.

Her clothes were wrinkled and her eyes were bloodshot and her face was swollen.

"Thank you Sage." She praised.

"Eh.. it's no problem. Just doing my job." I said awkwardly.

At the corner I saw Eve's car pull up. No one noticed but me and Mason.

He notices a lot of shit that he isn't suppose to notice.

"Were is She?" She asked. "I couldn't bare loosing her again. My princess."

"She's in the car." I told her looking at a sleeping Eve.

"I'll go get her." Zac said walking towards my car before I even had a chance to oppose.

He picked her up and went inside. Wren followed closely and I was next. Of course Mason was

following me.

I followed them to her room and got there as he took off her shoes.

A moment later Wren came out of her closet with pyjamas and said she'll change her.

Zac and I took tgat as our queue to leave. We went downstairs and found Mason still there.

"Were is her car?" Zac asked as Wren descended the stair.

"Someone is bringing it." I told him. "Don't you have your house or what?"

I whispered loud enough for both Mason and Zac to hear me.

Like really, this guy is never at his house. He's always here.

He shrugged and walked away with his hands in his pockets.

And of course, he shrugged walking away.

"I'm going now." I informed Zac already heading for the door.

"You know you could stay the night right?" He suggested and if it were some other time I would've.

"I know but I have visitors today, wouldn't want them to wake up and not find me there." I told him.

"Thank you again. I didn't know what to do." Zac said and I nodded.

Just as I touched the door Nov, Wren called me. I turned around.

"I would ask you to come back so we could discuss this but I know I won't see you in a while." Wren

stated and I waited for her to continue.

"I finally got in contact with your grandma." She explained and that got my attention.

I let go of the doorknob and walked towards her.

"She'd like to meet you two. I wanted to talk to you first before I told Eve." I nodded waiting for her to

continue. "She said if possible this summer you could visit."

"Okay that's lovely but I wanna hear what Eve has to say and we'll go from there. I'll go with whatever

she decides." I simply told her.

"You both remind me of Mike and Lauren." She gushed and my whole body stilled.

"Aunt Lauren, you knew her?" I asked. My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Yes. Those two were inseparable. Just like you two. They were always side by side from tge monent

they were born. Twins you know. But of course you two aren't twins."

"Aunt Lauren was dad's twin?" I whispered and Wren frowned.

I didn't even know they were blood related. I always thought they had the same last name by

coincidence. It wasn't just me thinking that, Eve too. She'll be shocked.

Dad and Clara never talked about family outside of us. They told us our grandparents were dead until

recently after Wren told me about my grandma.

After I said goodbye to Wren I got to my car and tried to process the whole information.

She was my blood Aunt, my real Aunt. That was just crazy.

By the time I got to the house I was beyond exhausted.

I went straight to my room and saw Alora lying in my bed. They picture brought back so many


Our situation have changed yet at the same time still the same.

Alora use to come to me whenever they broke her spirit like she did tonight. She'd be drunk and overly

emotional like she was tonight.

She'd pass out and I'd bring her to my bed. Like she is now.

Things are different but the same. 6 and 9.

I sighed undressing her and pulling my shirt over her frame.

I attack broken girls in my life. All the women in my life are broken to some extent. Eve, Alora, Aunt

Lauren and now Wren even Clara was broken and damaged.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand to check the time and saw six missed calls from Kate.

I sighed and check the time that read it was almost 4am. I ignore the missed calls and texts. The girl

was too obsessed and those were never my type of girls.

I got under the covers and willed my mind to shut down so I would escape to a place of no worries.

When morning comes I'll deal with everything but for now, I'll just sleep and enjoy this moment with

Smurf while it lasts.

For the first time in forever I woke up early and by myself. It maybe because I hardly slept.

The whole night my mind wouldn't shut down. It was torture.

My mind couldn't stop thinking about Aunt Lauren and the fact that I have a grandma. I just hope Eve

agrees to visit.

I kept thinking about Alora and that fucking red head she calls a boyfriend.

I know the reason she drank was not because of her father or brother.

Maybe a little but that's old news. The reason she drank was because of that fucker.

I need to stop thinking about it because I might just murder the dickhead when I see him.

Not that I won't do it next time we cross paths but thinking about it will increase the chances of his

death by my hand too soon.

I dragged myself out of bed making sure I didn't wake Alora.

I was tired. Yesterday was a long day and the pain of yesterday morning's training was catching up with

me but I ignore it.

I knocked on Connor's door.

"Wake up, I need a favor." I called out from the other side of door.

I didn't dare go in. I learnt my lesson from the last time I badged in and found him between someone's


Trust me, that's not something I wanna see again. You might enjoy being between the legs but seeing

someone between them is another story.

You will never look at that person the same.

"What do you want Sage? It's so early to wake up?" He whined and I rolled my eyes. This was usual

his move.

I'm glad he finds it annoying.

"I need a favor. A huge favor. Swear you'll do it." I rambled.

I knew that once I told him what I wanted he wouldn't wanna do it.

"What is it?.... ok I swear I'll do it." He promised.

"Can you make breakfast." I said slowly watching his reaction.

"No way. You woke me up for that. I'm not making any breakfast especially for her." He raised his voice.

"Shhhh. You'll wake her up." I shushed him.

"I don't care." He said firmly.

"Please. You swore and I'll owe you a big time." I coaxed him into agreeing. "You'll need it."

He thought for a moment weighing his options.

"Fine and I'll cash it in. And I'm also doing it because you let me stay here." He said and I nodded.

I went straight to the shower. I really needed one.

By the time Connor was done Alora was wide awake and was avoiding me. I knew she wished she

could be anywhere beside here.

She hardly said a word to me besides asking why she's here. It was fucking annoying. Her silence was

agitating and hurting.

I went down to the kitchen and got her the breakfast Connor made and threw in some Advil for her

hangover because even if she won't say a word I know it's killing her.

"Have something before you leave." I told her when I got back to my room and she was done dressing


I knew she was ready to bolt out the door.

"Thank you." She said in a small voice.

I watched her eat then she drank the pills and I took the tray from her.

"Thank you. I feel much better now." She said.

"Can we talk now?" I asked a bit harshly and her body tensed.

"Um... yeah.. What do you wanna... um... talk about?" She stuttered eyeing the door probably

measuring her chances to bolt out the door.

"Don't dare think about running." I warned narrowing my eyes at her and she squirmed.

"I.. It.. eh... I wasn't." She denied.

"Sure you weren't." I mocked. "Now why did you come here and drunk on top of that? And don't lie."

"I don't know why I came." She avoided my gaze.


"What do you want me to say sage? That I didn't know where else to go. I don't remember much from

last night but I know something. I've been coming here for the last 8 months or so. The path is

engraved in my mind that even my drunk self can't forget. Whenever shit gets tough I have a place I

always wanna go to. I'm sorry but that's all I can tell you."

I was stunned by her confession. I wasn't expecting her to say all that. It was too much. I don't know if

she thought about what she just said and what it meant but to me it said a lot.

When I didn't say anything she took it as a chance to leave but I didn't want her to leave just yet. I was

just processing her words.

"So you mean that if you're not drunk or if things are smooth in your life you won't come here?" I asked.

My voice void of any emotions.

She was at the door when I spoke. She stopped and dropped her hand to her side and turned around.

"I've always wanted to come back and no, I always wanna come here but after what you said the other

day. At the club and the morning after. It made me second guess coming back here. I always

considered you a friend i cpukd count on above all so don't blame me if I can't come back. You ruined

that for me that I need the courage of being drunk to find my way here."

She said and turned her back on me ready to leave me. Again.

Suddenly I was on my feet.

"You said you love me last night." I blurted out the first think that came to mind that might've stopped


I have no idea why I even said that. I just wasn't ready to be stripped of her presence just yet.

"What?" She abruptly turned around. Her expression was shocked and horrified.

"Last night. You said you love me." I lied once again.

"No I.. I wouldn't... I didn't.... I.. I. " She stuttered shaking her head. I almost felt bad for her but I knew


If I said I was lying she'd be pissed and leave.

"You did." I sighed.

"I lied then. I lied." She denied.

"I tried telling you that. I even asked if you knew who I was and told me and you insisted."

"No I didn't."

"You know who tells the truth. Babies and drunk people." I said, solidifying the on my lie.

I knew the lie would blow up in my face soon but I'll face the music when the time comes.

"I didn't and I'm leaving." She said and in a flash I was at her side holding her hand on the doorknob to

stop her.

"Don't leave." I pathetically begged.

"Why, so you can't taunt me?" She said bitterly.

"No I won't ever mention it again. I just thought you should know." I told her. "Stay."

I turned her around and kissed her. She didn't responded but I pushed until she was kissing me back.

She moaned into the kiss and relieved washed over me.

Kissing her again was electrifying and mind blowing. I didn't realised how much I missed her lips.

She surrendered herself under my touch. I felt her crumble like a cookie. I wrapped my arms around

her torso and squeezed a bit.

She gasped allowing me to slip my tongue inside. She gave me the lead without any fight.

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