Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Sage Miller

My white Audi was in the driveway outside just as Wren said it was. I had somewhere to be in twenty.

Mason showed up in the driveway as I walked to my car. I halted then frowned at him. it baffles me how

casually he acts in a house that isn't his.

"Zac isn't here." I blunted out tapping my foot.

He had the audacity to look amused by me. He shook his head stopping for a moment then continued

walking towards the house.

"Not here for him." He yelled to me once he was on the porch.

I hated how easy he got under my skin. He does that without saying a damn thing. I huffed debating

whether I should walk back into the house or go meet Alora.

Deciding on leaving then coming back later I continue walking to my car.

"You were gonna leave without saying goodbye." I spun around quick to see Eve on the porch.

Mason wasn't behind her, she was alone.

"You took forever in the shower." I told her. She stepped off the porch and came to me.

"I was disgusting." She pouted defending herself.

"I promise to come see you sometime during the week." I pulled her into a side hug.

"I don't believe you but okay." She rested her head on my shoulder.

"I love you okay." I placed a kiss on her temple then hugged her tighter.

"I love you too." I let go of her and waved her goodbye as I got into my car.

I turned the ignition and the engine purr then backed of the driveway.

I looked up the park on my GPS before speeding off towards the park where Alora was waiting for me.

I think Alora chose it because it was Sunday and full of people. I wouldn't do anything in a public place

but with her I couldn't control my impulses.

I remembered when I saw Alora

last night, I know what I told her even though I barely remember what happened after I left but I

remember that much.

I applaud Wren for her hangover remedy she made because I should be hangover the whole day


I found a parking spot near some swings. I got out then took my phone out of my pocket to call her

while looking around.

People were everywhere, children with their parents laughing, having fun.

Once upon a time, those people use to be us. I shook my head not wanting to dwell on the best yet

dark memories I had of what my life use to be.

I scrolled through my phone for Alora's contact. I dialled it while looking around for her.

I spotted her not far from the swings, she picked up the phone and said something, probably hello. I

hung up and approached her.

In the two day that I haven't seen her, she changed and not just the hair color I noticed last night.

She finally saw me coming. She immediately stood up taking two steps back. I should've stopped but I

didn't. I wanted to know if her scent was different too.

I sat where she was seated a few seconds ago. The wind helped me catch a sniff of her strawberry

scent. At least that much hasn't changed about her.

I looked up at her expectantly. Her eyes were timid, withdrawn. Maybe that was because of me but I

doubt it.

The fire that always surrounded her blue orbs was dim if not non-existent. It was as if we we're back to

when we didn't know each other, back to her broken self but I didn't brake her. I could never brake her.

I only build her back up again. Two days it took for them to brake her again. My chest clenched with an

unknown feeling mixed woth rage.

Timidly, she sat down a foot away from me. The bench was big enough.

We sat in silence, it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable but I wasn't willing to be the one to break the

silence. She had to give me direction and I wanted her to blow up, to be angry because I was angry at


Her anger I could deal with, I could counter anger but not her sadness and broken self.

"You're not gonna say anything?" She asked giving me exactly what I wanted. Her fury directed at me.

"I said what I wanted to say last night." I arrogantly told her.

"Do you honestly care so little about my feelings." Her voice filled with disbelief.

"What about me?" I countered. "What about what I want because you know damn well you didn't ask

me what I wanted."

"It was never suppose to be a thing Sage. You told me countless times that you don't do relationships.

I'm tired Sage of just friends with benefits." She raised her voice. A few people that were near us turned

their head but neither of us gave a shit.

"You want me to proclaim my undying love for you?" I threw my hands up. "I can't because that's not

me. I don't love. I won't tie myself down."

"Good because I wanna tie myself down." I opened my mouth to counter but closed it again. My mind

was blank. "You always knew that this was never going to be a permanent situation. You knew I had a


She continue talking but my ego was being crushed.

"So what was I, your bounce back, your boy toy? You used me." I said lowly manipulating her.

"I didn't say that." She defended herself.

"You might as well have." I murmured but she heard me.

"Sage." She started but I raised my hand to stop her.

"No don't. Don't try and spin this on me because we both know the truth. Now that your boyfriend is

paying attention to you I'm useless right?. As soon as things work with your boyfriend you-."

"Just stop, plea-"

"Well Alora let me tell you, I didn't have enough of you. The time we spent together wasn't enough. I

want more of you. I should have more but what can I do. What should I do? Tell me and I'll do it."

"Let me go. I love him Sage. I always have. You know that."

Fuck because I knew that, I've always known that he loves him. It never bothered me until two days


I was there for her when she broke him. I was there one there to put the pieces back in place.

I was there when she drank to numb the pain he cause her. I looked out for her. I don't appriciate being

toyed with.

She stood up and I followed her. I went around so her face was aligned with mine. I wanted her to look

me on the eye and see the resentment I held for her.

"So what should I do? Huh! Just let it go." I said but this time venom was laced in every word I spat.

"Well I won't fucking do that. I'll torment you if I have to. I'll remind you every morning how good you

had it before you let it go. I'll tell that stupid prick of a boyfriend. I know he lives somewhere around

here. I could go rig-."

"What is wrong with you?" She extended her hand to slap me but I already saw it coming. I grabbed

her wrist then yanked her to me.

She crushed on my chest and let out an oomph.

"Let go of me." She wiggled but I didn't let go. I snaked one hand her waist then the other supported

the back of her head.

I smashed my lips to hers and began kissing her with as much fury as I could put in a kiss.

This moment felt like deja vu.

She finally managed to detach herself from me. I let go of her then smiled in a very sinister way.

She looked disgusted by me but I couldn't care any less. She spat doubtlessly rubbing her lips trying to

get my aftertaste off her mouth.

"I told you." I stated. "I'll haunt you. I'll torment you."

"Fuck you Sage." I laughed not because it was funny but to torment her.

"You know what this sounds like?" She asked me. "Like you fell in love with me."

"Well let me disappoint you. I'm not in love with you. I-."

"So what do you want from me?" She yelled.

"To fuck you senseless until you can't walk." I yelled back and the parents hissed covering their kids'

ears. "To ruin you for any other man that isn't me."

She gaped deciding what to say. I stared at her and she stared back at me, our gaze locked. I had a

smirk lingering on my lips. Her chest moved up and down, she was breathing had and looking at me


She was the first to broke the stare. She looked away then started to walk away.

Startled I let her walk a few steps but I was quick to snap out of whatever spell I was in and I grabbed

her elbow and yanked her back.

"What the fuck do you think you're going?" I asked her. My face and stare hard.

"I'm done talking, you're hopeless." She said trying to pull away but my grip was strong.

The words stang everywhere they touched.

"Well I ain't done talking." I told her gripping her harder fuming because of what she said.

"Let me go Sage." Her voice was firm but All I saw was red.

"You ain't going nowhere and you gonna listen and do what I tell you to or say bye bye to your little

boyfriend. I don't think he'd like to know what her slutty girlfriend has been up to." I threatened her

yanking her to me and whispered the words in her ears.

I could feel her heart racing and I could faintly feel her struggling against me but at that moment I was

trapped in my own world.

"You're hurting me Sage." I faintly heard her plead with me. "Please let me go."

"We ain't gonna stop fucking okay?" I said slow smelling her from her tits to her face. She shivered and

that excited me.

"When I call you'll pick up and come to me with no excuse." I told her.

Well I was planning to let me have my goodbye like she had hers but hearing her say she loves that

red head shifted something inside me.

I placed my lip on hers and let them linger for a moment. I felt her heavy breathing.

I smirked kmownig she wanted me to kiss her. She craved it.

I pulled back enjoying how out of breath she looked. She wasn't struggling anymore.

I roughly smashed her lips with mine again and kissed her but I didn't give her an opportunity to


I let go of her completely then stared at her as she was breathless for a few seconds. This time she

didn't spit or wipe her lips. She looked disoriented, exactly how I wanted her to be.

I backed away with a devious smirk playing on my lips.

I passed some guys who were looking at me astonished. I winked at them.

I got in my car and drove off leaving everyone who witness what just happened stunned. including

Alora herself.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I waited until I got to red light to see who it was. I was surprise to see

it was Styles.

He wanted me to come to the hideout as soon as possible.

I groaned. The hideout was on the other side of town and I was all the way on the opposite direction

and it was a Sunday, no one should be at the hideout on Sundays.

I texted him back telling him I'll be there in 15 knowing very well it will take me 35 minutes max to get to

the other side of town.

"About fucking time." He grumbled as soon as I walked in.

His face was hard and stoic but he wasn't pisssed. For me that was always easy to read.

"Where's everyone? I thought they were gonna be here." I said carefully.

"You have eyes but you don't see." He mocked me. I bit my lip. "They're not here."

"So what am I doing here?"

"I fucking called you. You got a problem with that." I almost rolled my eyes at him

I didn't reply.

"It about time you fucking work for all the money I give you for doing absolutely shit." He said and I

almost grunted.

"We're going somewhere. You gonna drop your car at your house and ride with me. I'll be following you

in mine." He ordered.

"Okay, fine" I grumbled knowing that I might just regret this. The last time I blindly followed him

somewhere I saw someone get shot and that was yesterday.

Styles followed me back to my house. He was driving himself around today which surprised me as to

where we were going.

I parked my car in the driveway and Styles told me to change into something more appropriate which

meant no sweatpants.

I nodded my head but then he rolled downed his window and called out for me. I turned around ready

to take yet another order.

"I want you out in five minutes." He said and rolled up the window without another word.

I jogged inside the house and I was met Connor lumped in the sofa. I greeted him and ran upstairs to


I found some random jean and kept the tee and wore grey sneakers. I chose a wrist belt, ignoring the

one Alora gave me. In less than a minute I was done.

When I walked back downstairs I realised that Connor was not himself. I stopped and asked him if he

was alright.

"I fucked up so bad at work last night and my boss is pissed. I mean very pissed." He said looking very


"Is your screw up that bad that it can't be fixed?" I asked him.

"It can but not in a way that you think it would." He said.

I was used to his vague answers that I stopped digging around his business a while ago. His job is a


"Did you get fired?"

"Oh I wish he'd just fire me. That would've been much better." From what I heard from Connor, his boss

is a true asshole.

What I don't understand is that if he treats him horribly why doesn't he quit.

I was about to suggest that but a horn stopped me. I groaned.

"I'll see you later Connor. I gotta go." I told him.

"When are you coming back? I was hoping we would go parting tonight."

"I don't know when I'll be back." I tell him halfway through the door. "Sure man."

Styles is very impatient, I've noticed that much. I hopped inside the car and he drove off.

The final stop of the day was outside a nightclub in South beach Miami. I frown at him because he said

I was going to work today but I did nothing.

All I did was tag along while he did all the working the whole day.

I raised my brow at him.

"Delivery." Was his only reply. I nodded not wanting to say anything.

I seem to be doing a lot of that today.

I looked at the club again. I didn't get to see it's name because we're parked in the back.

After some time waiting in the car. A man walk out carrying a brief case.

A guy who was in a car that I realised was following us all day stepped out. Styles told me it was his

bodyguards while he did deliveries.

The guy had a brief case and they exchanged with the guy that came out of the nightclub.

The guy walked back to the car we were in and gave Styles the brief case and Styles opened it and I

saw a lot of Benjamins inside..

The brief case was full of money and it looked like they were 100s only.

"This is this week's sales. Cleaned." He explained smiling in satisfaction.

I was curious but stubborn too so I didn't ask anything.

"You know what to do with it." He told the guy. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

He got out of the car and left then after a few seconds Styles monitored for me to follow him.

I did so and we entered the club through the back door. I followed him to a booth without saying a word

or asking anything.

He sat down but I didn't. I had a lot of questions but I didn't asked anything.

I wanted to show him I was still pissed at him for calling me on a Sunday for absolutely nothing. I know

it was childish but I didn't care.

I looked around and frowned when I realised he was unprotected. Styles must have saw my confusion

because he explained.

"They're around here. They all have their eyes on me." He said and I stared at him. He rolled his eyes

and he must've seen through me.

"Sit down Sage." He huffed. I wanted to defy him but decided against it.

Seconds later an insanely beautiful chick brought him drinks. I couldn't help but droll over her but she

paid me no attention nor did she flirt with Styles.

On the other hand, Styles kept looking at people around the club. I followed his gaze and saw someone

nodding at him. He looked at someone else and he also nodded.

He did that three more times before he poured his drink and poured me one too but I stubbornly didn't


"Drink it Sage. It's not poisoned." He said with a chuckle. He knew exactly what I was doing and he

found it funny which pissed me more.

"Your men are watching. It won't look good on you drinking with your employee." I couldn't help but spit

the words but he chuckled.

"In here Sage I'm not your boss." He simply said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"So you called me to drink with you?" I asked and he sighed.


"Don't you gave friends?" Once again I spat.

"Vacation and they aren't my friends. I don't do friends."

"So if in here you're not my boss. I could leave right now and you won't do shit." I asked raised my brow

at him.

"Yes." He said. "but do say your last words to your loved ones when you walk out that door."

That's what I thought. I took the glass and downed it in one go.

This wasn't a good idea but fuck it.

If I'm gonna sit with this asshole I'll need it. I poured another and pushed the thought of Alora that was

trying to resurface.

I heard Styles chuckle before he said.

"You know if you gonna call me an asshole don't say it out loud."

I immediately froze but I relaxed when I heard him chuckled.

Did I say that out loud? I'm worst.

Three drinks down and we were talking like we use to and my anger for him had subsided.

"So where did you go last night?" He surprised me with his question.

"I think you already know." I told him.

"Maybe but I want to here it from you." He said. "Maybe you were out betraying us."

I locked gaze with him.

"I'm not telling you shit about Eve." I deadpanned squinting my eyes.

I only had three drink and two shot but Styles drank half of the bottle so he was officially drunk and I

was right around that neighborhood.

I knew he was fucked when he started saying shit he wouldn't say when he was sober.

"Oh come on. I just wanna know how she is. I love her you know. I don't want her to be miserable but I

don't want her to be happy either. I'm miserable and I can't stand my friends because they were once

her friends too. I can only stand you because you're her brother and I feel like being close to you I'm

close to her too. Besides I consider you a friend........" He chuckled. "I can't believe how you use to hate


"I did not hate you." I defended myself laughing because I was lying.

"-now- Woah, you hated my guts."

"You were an asshole." I told him. "You still are by the way with all that power, you're more of an


"You are the true asshole out of the both of us. I don't know how people don't see through you." We

both laughed pushing each other.

Who would've thought that I would be drinking and laughing with the guy that broke my sister heart.

Life is one funny thing.

"You're blunt and an asshole but not like me. You're worse. You're a true asshole. Last night at the race

track. My guy lost and what pissed me most is that he lost to an armature, an armature, you believe

that and my guy never losses well not anymore at least. You might know the kid I'm training." I had

absolutely no idea what he was talking about. "He's a beast behind the wheel. I'm fucken proud of him.

I know you think I'm the worst. He think so too-"

He chuckled before he continued.

"He told me a few times how much he despise me. But I'm not that bad. I didn't have the easiest

childhood growing up. To you I might seem like a rich spoilt brat but I'm not. I'm more than that_"

I knew he was about to tell me his life story but I wasn't ready to hear any of it.

"Woah. I think you've said enough." I stopped him

"No let me tell you this one thing." I groaned but let him talk. "When you were at Zac's I felt jealous. I

was already pissed that the kid lost and I think you know him. No, I know you know him. Where was I?

Oh yeah, i was pissed about that and when your location was still at Zac's, it pissed me more. I was

getting use to you spending most of your time with me and when you're with me I feel like I'm close to

my Kittie. Does that make sense? I know it's weird but I feel It....."

I sighed. It's gonna be a long night.

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