Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Sage Miller

At the beginning of summer I envisioned a different summer. It was suppose filled with adventure with

my friends and at the end of summer I was suppose to tell tales of my crazy adventures and not even

remembering half of it because I was drunk from dusk to dawn and from dawn.

But I realized that that was a fantasy in my head because doesn't just give you lemons to make

lemonade. It's messed up.

The two people that were suppose to make this summer a summer I will never forget won't even look in

my direction.

Ten days ago I lost a friend over something that wasn't even my fault. A day ago I lost Alora which

wasn't even my fault too.

A whole month of my summer had already gone by the crazy adventures I've had aren't meant to be

told. They're untold stories, suppose to stay in the dark, secret. Stories to be kept from the world.

Just like now. I'm witnessing a something that should never repeat out loud or at all. Not unless I

wanted to live through another summer.

Styles asked me to join in on an 'interrogation' as he puts it. I jump to the idea, mainly because I'd

rather do that than be at the hideout with a hangover.

But right now, that seems like it would've been a good idea than seeing a man get beaten to death. The

guy was barely breathing.

"This would be way easier if you just told me exactly what I want to hear." Styles told him.

Trevor, the guy who sold the gang out. Styles has been beating him for two hours now. I even had a go

at him and so did a couple of guys. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

I honestly would've felt sorry for his ass but a lot of people died because of him, Dante is dead because

he's a traitor and a willing one. So whatever is coming his way is his own doing.

"I can do this all day Trevor." Styles pondered. "You have multiple broken ribs, a concussion and with

all that blood you're coughing I'd say a punctured lung. All this could stop if you just talked."

He pointed out his injuries the suggested a way out but I knew Trevor wouldn't walk out of this room

alive whether he talked or not. I sensed that he knew that too.

Trevor grimaced and groaned in anguish then looked away indicating he wasn't gonna say anything,

while that would've riled me up and it did but Styles smirked.

I had to give it to him, Trevor is as tough as they come. I could never endure this much torture and at

this point he should just talk and end his misery but he is stubborn and a tough barstad but wouldn't

help him.

I looked around the room again, earlier when I got I here I looked around and it terrified me just being

inside. It still does. Styles call this room the Playroom.

Don't let the name fool you. This is the torture chamber. Not even in the movies have I seen such

disturbing a room. Anything you could think of when wanting to torture someone was there.

And in the middle was one chair, and chains. The chains were bolted to the floor. Trevor was chained

down by five chains, the first one was chained around his neck like a dog. The second and third were

tied to his hands then the rest were on his ankles.

"I'm a patient man Trevor." Styles told him with a terrifying smile on his face. "I could get you cleaned

up and fed so you will heal then come back a few day later to break you again. This could become a

vicious cycle."

A cold shiver ran down my spine. The whole scenario played in my head and my blood turned cold.

Again Trevor looked away then muffled his moan of pain when he tried to move.

I saw Styles walking towards me and the other guys beating Trevor up.

I suddenly got an idea.

"Wait!" Every head in the room snapped in my direction. I was the least participant in this whole game

of torture so everyone was surprised when I suddenly had an idea.

"Well out with it." The other guy said expectantly. Even Styles was looking at me expectantly.

Realising I was doubting myself Styles came to me.

"What is it Miller?" He lowered his voice.

"Ummm, I saw this in a movie." I added feeling the need to add that I didn't think of this solely by

myself. "How about you peal off his nails from his skin."

I suggested and he thought about it for a moment then a huge smile broke off on his face. I smile


"Nice job Miller. I'm impressed." He said surprised.

He patted my shoulders then spun around.

"Let's play a game Trevor." He announced walking to him. He dragged the metal chair and put in front

of Trevor then sat down. "I'm gonna ask you a question, fail to answer of and pealing off a nail."

Murmur began all between the three guys in the room. They all turned to look a me and nodded with

approval. I tried not to look away as not look intimidated by them.

One of the guys went to a table full of knives and took one then went ahead to give it to Styles.

"I'll use my own for this one." Styles said to the guy.

He took out a pocket knife then snapped it open. I tried not to flinch when the sound echoed. Styles

twirled the tip of the knife on his index figure, blood oozed and he put his figure in his mouth.

"Sharp." He pointed out. "Isn't it Trevor?"

I clenched my jaw feeling sick all of a sudden. I know this is my idea but really thinking about it now

made me wanna throw up.

"I'm gonna ask this question again and if you don't answer I peal of your toenails one by one until you

have no toenails or your dead."

Styles asked him the question and Trevor tried spitting on his face but missed.

Styles laughed at him then positioned himself and peal it off slowly. Trevor screamed in agony.

I couldn't see Styles' face because he had his back on me but I saw Trevor's face perfectly. He was in

pain. He showed it in his eyes and they was his face scrunched.

"I'll ask 19 times more." He threw the toenail. blood oozed out of Trevor's toes.

I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from making a fool out of myself.

"Who sent you?" Styles asked again pealing another one. "Who fucken sent you?"

Trevor screamed louder and I thought he'd die from shock of the pain.

And on the third toenail he broke.

"Okay I'll tell you." He said crying.

When Trevor altered those words Styles snapped his head to me and I smirked.

I smirked in satisfaction and looking at the other guys in the room in pure arrogance.

Styles saw everything and smirked, shaking his head and turning back to Trevor.

"Was that hard? Look what you made me do." He took took out a cloth from his pocket and tried wiping

Trevor's blood off his hands.

"This guys approach me okay. They gave me a lot of money just to connect your devices with theirs so

they can receive everything your gang does."

Silence fell in the room as we all waited for him to continue but he never did.

"And?" Styles urged him getting riled up. He was getting agitated all of q sudden.

"That's all." Trevor said. An animalistic growl startled everyone in the room.

The aura in the atmosphere suddenly changed in the room. It became chillingly cold.

Styles's shoulders squared and it said it all.

In just a few seconds he became a while new person. No one dared to make a sound.

"I know you know more so spit it out." He was dangerously heaving.

Styles slapped him across the face with so much force that he fell down.

"I fucken hate it when people lie to my face." He suddenly stood up and looked at all of us before

repeating his words. "I fucking hate when people lie to me. To my face."

His eyes were crazy and dangerous. He was a completely different person. Someone to be weary of, to

be scared of and I admit this is the first time I truly was afraid of him, not the power he holds but the

man himself.

"Trevor. Trevor. Trevor." He tsked holding his hand out and a guy approached him and gave him a gun.

He held it to Trevor's head and before anything could happen Trevor stopped him.

"Okay. Okay. I'll tell you." He suddenly said. "If I tell you, you won't kill me right?" Trevor begged

trembling. It was truly dawning on him that he will never walk out of this room alive.

"And tell me why shouldn't I? You wasted too much of my time." He asked him.

"Because I'll tell you everything. I mean everything." He begged crying.

"Word." He only said.

"Okay. They're Russians. They provided me with everything and all I had to do was get Dante to let me

in the system and the money was mine. I was struggling so I needed it and they were they threatning

my family. They already had a guy inside the gang or so they made it seem because they knew too

much. They didn't seem like they wanted your territory and they didn't look like the gang type. They

never told me their name but they were twins. One of them has a scar on his neck."

I frowned processing the information. They didn't want the territory so what did they want?

Is it possible that their after the whole cartel? Is it possible that they know about this gang belonging to

the Casias Cartel?

Styles seemed to be in a daze too but it only took him a second. He snapped out of it and said

something to Trevor before shooting him.

And my heart stopped and I tried to hide how shitless scared I was seeing a man die.

I shouldn't have been scared, I mean I buried my own mother alone but seeing Trevor brought another

kind of fear to me. Something I couldn't explain.

"Wouldn't want people thinking our gang is weak and forgives easily." He murmured before ordering his


I stayed rooted at my spot like I had done since I came in here.

"Call the chemist." He told them as he approached me.

He looked so casual like he didn't just end a man's life. The crazy look was still there but it had

subsided a lot.

He monitored for me to follow him and quick as sonic I followed him still shaken.

"You have the rest of the day off." He told me and I sighed with relief. I opened the car and got. "I'm

going to the hideout first though."

I nodded not trusting my voice not to tremble and give away how shaken I was.

"The hideout." He told his driver.

"Who is the Chemi__." I stopped myself when I realized that curiosity just got the better of me.

I shook my head.

"Do you really wanna know?" He asked and I thought careful of my answer.

"Yeah, maybe.... I mean no." I stuttered and he chuckled.

"What is it Miller? Yes or no?" My face flushed and I looked away. After a few seconds he answered.

"He's the guy that makes guys like Trevor disappear."

I shouldn't have asked. That I got clear. I shouldn't have.

The whole ride to the hideout I didn't alter a word. Or any sound for that matter except breathing.

When we arrived at the hideout, Styles went on to do his business and I didn't stand in his way.

I lingered around looking all lost and everyone looked at me like they didn't want nothing to do with me.

They looked at me with hate and envy.

After all I was the rookie that rolled with the Godfather even if they were here long before i was.

Seeing as I wasn't wanted I went to Styles to tell him that I'll be heading out on my own.

Besides I had a date with the most important woman in my life.

When I told him that he smirked devilishly and I knew what he wanted me to do.

He sent me to give Sebastian his money for last night's gig. And practically gave me no choice but to

follow the order.

I approached Seb cautiously and not because I'm afraid of him. I know for a fact that I can kick his ass

but because I was already in a foul mood and I saw a man die today.

"Hy man." I greeted him but didn't allow him to put a word. "They said to give you this."

I handed him the roll and he kissed his teeth. I groaned and ignored him putting the money on the long


He's my best friend but right now I can't stand his ass when he's being bitter and blaming me for his


I wonder who is he spending his time with because Connor and I are the only one who can tolerate his


I started to walk away eager to party with Eve tonight. The sooner I get out of here the better but how

wrong was I.

"You think you're high and mighty, do You?" Sebastian suddenly spat. I whipped my head around to

stare at him. "You're paying us now."

Actually I'm paying only him. The other guys got there money direct from the boss but that's besides

the point.

"Just following orders." I told him sighing.

"I bet you're being paid for nothing since he was fucking your sister." The moment I heard those words I


Eve is the most precious thing I have in my life. No one messes with her.

I got all up in Sebastian's face and dangerously wosperered to him.

"If you wanna be bitter, be bitter. Don't ever fucking say shit about my sister ever again." Of course He

was right. I am paid for absolutely nothing. Maybe for following Styles around and I know it has

everything to do with her.

"And what the fuck is your problem man?" I sneered at my best friend.

"My problem?" He asked rhetorically. "I have a problem alright...... since he came to this gang you

ditched me. For him and for Connor."

I actually gasped and stepped back when he said that.

"I ditched you?" I asked. "You stopped talking to me. I tried talking but you were always a dick. What

was I suppose to do? Crawl to your lap like some love sick puppy. Stop blaming others for your

mistakes. Own up to your shit dude. "

I was about to walk away but then stopped and turned around.

"Stop being a fucking coward. You started this whole fucking mess. You were wrong to fuck Barbra and

I won't ever support you on that. Ever. Connor is my friend too and even if he's not yours so I'll never

ditch him. When you've matured and ready to make things right you know where to find me. You're my

best fucking friend."

I whispered the last part and I felt my chest clench. I walked away and saw that Styles was waiting for

me in the SUV.

I hopped on and the driver drove away.

My phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket and smiles when I saw who the text was from.

You better not ditch me or I'll hunt you down and chop all of your fingers. - E

I cringed remembering a certain someone pealing off toenails.

I started to type but Styles interrupted me. I immediately tried to hide the screen.

I'm not sure why I did that.

"What?" I asked trying to be oblivious.

"Okay fine." He said and after a few seconds he added something else. "Join me tonight at this party."

"Sorry bruh. I already have a date." I told him.

"Oh yeah! With who?" He asked. I still can't believe how easy any conversation flow between us. I just

saw him murder someone but here I am like it was another day to day activity.

Before this we barely got along. I always on his case ready to bite his head off.

"The most beautiful girl." I couldn't help but say.

"Mm. Okay." He hummed and I returned to answering my text.

I wouldn't dream of ot?? - S

I put my phone back on my pocket.

"So any girlfriend?" I asked keeping the conversation going but honestly I wanted to know if he had

moved on or trying to.

When he didn't answer pretending not to hear me I got my answer.

The club I was at was fancy and full. There were people everywhere.

Just like Eve said, Zac brought a friend with him his name is Mason.

Mason seem to get along well with Eve. I don't really know the guy well but I've seen him around Zac a

lot, at Wren's and at parties.

I don't really like him mainly because he's cocky ad hell. I never thought I'd meet someone as cocky as

Styles but I was so wrong.

This guy is cocky and I dare say even more than Styles. At least I can tolerate Styles.

Suddenly the music changes to a pop song by Sabrina and before you ask me how I know it. I lived

with Eve and she loves music. That's how I know it.

I felt someone pulling my arm and I turned around with a frown to see who it is. I then realise it's Eve.

I raised my brow at her in questioning.

"This is my favorite song. Let's go dance." She yelled over the music pulling me to the dance floor but I

shook my head.

"I know it is but I'm not dancing." I yelled back. Anyone would be stupid to think they can keep up with

my sister. She's the best dancer I know.

"Oh come on Saggie." She pounted trying to guilt trip me but I was drunk and kinda emotionless


"I don't wanna dance." I told her but she ignore me.

"It'll be fun. Like we use to." She said eager and giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my head. I followed the hand to Zac's face.

He was chuckling laughing at me. A few minutes ago he was in my position.

"I'm gonna get more drinks." He told me still laughing. He feared she might ask him if I denied her.

"I'll just find a random guy and dance with him. Who knows maybe he's a creep and a paedophile." I

rolled my eyes and gave in and let her drag me to the dance floor then we dance. Like she said. Like

we use to when it was just the two of us.

When we only had each other and no one else. The only difference between now and then is that now,

now we're at a club with her half brother and his friend.

Do I ever, do I ever cross your mind.

When you're kissing her, touching her

We swayed our bodies together. Like we use to when trying to forget how fucked up our lives were.

Soon a new song started and we dance till we were sweaty and tired. I pulled her away and dragged

her to our table despite her protesting.

I was beyond tired and thirsty.

I grabbed my drink and chunked it down wetting my dry throat.

"You're all such kill joy." Eve exclaimed and Mason smirked while Zac and I snickered.

"Well this kill joy is going to the men's room." I told her but Zac wanted to join me and we left Eve with

Mason. I glared at him and told him not to take his eyes off her.

On our way back I told Zac something. I wanted him to know that even if this Mason dude was his

friend, I wouldn't hesitate to kick his ass if he messed with Eve.

"I don't trust Mason around Eve." I told him honestly and his reply surprised me.

He sighed and replied.

"Neither do I but if you wanna fight with Eve tell her to stay away then go right ahead, maybe she'll

listen to you." I frowned and he sighed in defeat again. "They have this weird friendship and lately

they're always together. I think he's her friends now more than mine and no I don't think they're dating."

He must've seen my face and he added the last part which relieved me more than anything.

"Weird how?" I asked.

"I mean they were somewhat close last year and suddenly they stopped talking and they started talking

in the beginning of summer. And she's seems happy with him. She's more cheerful when he's around."

I frowned when he said that but didn't say much.

"But I'll still kick his ass if he mess with her." I told him looking at how cosy they both are talking. And

that actually earned a chuckle from Zac.

"And I'd join you." He said and this time I chuckled. I like him. "Is that___ is that Alora?"

I followed his eyes and my blood rushed out of my face.

"Mmmm. She ditched the blue." Zac shrugged talking about her hair. She dyed it back to blonde. Zac

walk away leaving me frozen.

I noticed the change in her. If Zac didn't see her. I doubt I would have.

Her hair was back to it's original blonde.

My chest clenched as I remember that she broke up with me only yesterday.

I thought it'll take me week if never to see her again. Not a day. It's too soon.

The more I looked at her, the more I realised how much I wanted her. I wanted Alora.

I shouldn't have let her walk away yesterday. I should've convince her to stay.

As if sensing eyes on her she looked around until her eye landed on mine.

At first her eyes widen in shock but the shock only lasted for a second before she smiled warmly at me.

I couldn't return the smile. I just grimaced and looked away. How dare she smile at me.

When I lifted my eyes she had gotten back to guy she was with. Jealous is a nasty thing.

I kept on imagining myself decapitating the guy.

She took a sip of her drink. I couldn't help but lick my lips as my want for her grew to an uncontrollable


She stood and my eyes followed her. I decided to follow her.

She went to the ladies room so I waited outside for her.

I have no idea what compelled me to do it but I had to talk to her.

She was startled to see me outside waiting for her.

"Sage." She stuttered stepping back. My eyes wondered over her bodym

I liked her short red dress that hugged her in just the right places. I had to remind myself that she didn't

dress up for me.

"You changed your hair color." I pointed out focusing on her hair.

"I marely changed back to my natural color." She carefully said.

"Interesting." I hummed. It's funny to me because she dyed her hair blue because she hates her natural

hair color because of the stereotype it has.

But now she was pretending to like her natural color.

"I needed to show that I'm matured now and blue hair doesn't necessarily scream matured." I almost

laughed at the fact that she needed to defend her reasons more. It showed that she didn't just wake

and decide that. It was forced on her.

I almost touched her hair and asked her what she has done but I held back my urges.

Regardless, I've always liked her hair, whatever It was blue or blonde.

"So is that the guy you're giving my pussy to?" I blurted out.

I blame my bluntness to the alcohol I've consumed.

"Sage." She dragged my name. "It's not yours. And stop."

I heard her beg.

"Stop what?" I asked. "I haven't done anything."

Yet. I wanted to add.

"Stop this." She pointed between us and I noticed her newly done nails. They weren't blue like she

always does them. "Stop taunting me."

"Do you really think it's fair?" I suddenly asked and my blond personality more evident than ever.

"What?" She asked dumbfolded.

"Do you think it's fair you got to end things? I didn't wanna end it yet." I said to her.

"Sage it was time to move on and we weren't dating. You knew it was temporary." She argued.

"For me temporary wasn't over. It wasn't enough. I didn't have enough of you. It isn't over."

"Stop." She backed away when I started to step forward.

"You wanted out and I didn't want out. You wanted things to end when I didn't." I pulled her to me and

spun us around and pinned her to the wall and she gasped.

I could feel myself going crazy. My mind, my thoughts running a million miles an hour.

"Sage please don't." I heard it in her voice that she wanted to cry but I didn't stop. I didn't want to.

"I didn't have enough of you. What should I do about that?" I asked her.

"Sage." She called again.

"What should I do Smurf?" I used her pet name and she said nothing.

I smashed my lips with hers but I didn't move them. The kiss only lasted a second before I pulled away

letting her go completely and stepping back.

She clutched her chest shaking and heaving. I raised my hands and stepped back even more further.

"I'll leave. I won't cause trouble. I won't go to that boyfriend of yours." I told her.

"But..." I started and paused looking her straight in the eyes. We locked gaze. "You had your goodbye

when you came to my house. Now I want mine."

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