Rush: Part One & Two (The Pitstop Series Book 3)

Rush: Part One & Two: Part 2 – Chapter 54

In two days, I will be on a plane to Maranello. Adrian has been preparing me mentally for what I can expect, but he’s only scared me this far. It’s a good kind but scared nonetheless.

Gabriel and I haven’t spent any time together since we came back from Spain a few days ago. He’s been busy with training and family responsibilities, but I, annoyingly enough, miss him a lot. I asked if he had time yesterday, but Domi had already requested for him to go to an ultrasound appointment with her.

I sit up in bed, stretching and putting on Gabriel’s shirt, which I should probably return. My legs are sore as I make my way down the stairs, and I have to stop halfway to laugh through the pain.

Maybe I’m pushing myself too hard, but knowing I’ll be training with Christian Crovetto is enough motivation to drive me past my limits.

I eventually make it to the bottom of the staircase, walking toward my kitchen, when my heart skips a beat. Gabriel is singing and dancing along to From Angels to Devils, his favorite band. The urge to grab my phone and film this moment so I can look at it over and over again is appealing, but I can’t prevent the words from spilling out.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, a smile creeping onto my face when he spins around to look at me.

A grin that reveals his dimples dances onto his face, heating up his cheeks. I caught him off-guard, but he doesn’t seem embarrassed, merely amused.

“I’m here to make you breakfast and spend the day with you,” he replies. “I make the best waffles. Trust me, Jean asks me to make them at least ten times a month,” he jokes, and I laugh as I make my way to the chair at the kitchen island.

“Well, don’t oversell them. You like to make something seem really good, but it often is very disappointing. You know, like some things,” I tease, and he cocks an eyebrow.

“If we measure disappointment by the number of times you’ve fallen apart under my touch, I must be the most disappointing man on the planet.” My mouth drops, and he gives me a naughty smirk. “You’re not the only one who can play this game.” Excitement heats up my face because I’m too turned on to hide how his words affect me.

“I’m happy you’re here,” I admit as he walks over to the fridge.

“There is no place I’d rather be, ma chérie.”

His gaze drops from my eyes to my lips as his teeth capture his bottom one between them, making my body ache for him. His eyes drop to the shirt covering my body, a satisfied little smirk slipping onto his features before he goes back to cooking.

I watch Gabriel’s muscles as they flex with every movement of his. There must be a little bit of drool dripping from my mouth because I am fantasizing about all the different things we could do, the way his body would feel between my legs.

“Valeeentttinnnaaaa,” he sings, waving his hand in front of my face.NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“What?” I ask, stunned he said my name like that.

“I’ve been asking if you want strawberries on your waffles for the past two minutes.” He chuckles, and a blush settles on my cheeks.

“Oh,” I say, a small smile creeping onto my lips. “Yes, I would love some,” I tell him, and he grins.

“Okay then.”

Gabriel gets back to his waffles, and I distract myself by setting the table. If I keep looking at his trained arms, I might go crazy.

I walk over to where he is, taking a freshly washed and cut strawberry before popping it into my mouth. Gabriel watches me closely, his gaze stuck on my face. I run my tongue over my bottom lip, making his eyes widen ever so slightly.

“Stop,” he begs, and I give him an innocent look.

“I’m not doing anything,” I defend, and he shakes his head.

“Trust me, you are doing something.”

I bite my lip to keep from smiling. I love having the same effect on him as he has on me, especially when he points it out.

“Oh, how’s Domi?” I say and reflexively smack his stomach when I realize I haven’t asked about his pregnant aunt yet. It’s a soft slap, but, of course, he makes a big deal out of it.

“Oh man, go get the emergency kit. I think you might have broken a rib.” He bends over, breathing heavily. I frown at him, and he straightens out his back again, smiling like an idiot. My idiot.

“You’re so weird,” I tell him, and he shrugs.

“That’s who I am, and we’re dating, so that also makes you weird.”

I give him a confused expression, waiting for an explanation, but he doesn’t give me one. All he gives me is a stupid, sexy smirk.

I forget what we were talking about almost instantly.

“Was my point so strong it made you speechless?”

“Just finish breakfast, would you?” I tease, and he laughs.

“Yes, dear,” he replies as if we’re some married couple.

Gabriel’s waffles are as delicious as he promised them to be. They’re fluffy, full of flavor, and the strawberries go well with the vanilla taste. He’s sitting directly next to me at the table, which is why it’s hard for me to concentrate on anything other than his face. Luckily, I can play it off, pretending I’m just listening to him talk.

I pick up the last piece of my waffle with my fingers and place it in my mouth. Syrup drips from them, catching his attention. He takes my hand in his, lifts it to his lips, and then my index finger disappears into his mouth. I press my legs together when my most sensitive area starts to tingle from his hot mouth on my skin.

A whimper escapes my throat before I can help myself. He smiles before letting go of my index finger and doing the same to my middle one. His eyes are focused on mine, studying my reaction.

“You like that?” he asks when he lowers my hand again.

I nod, unable to speak or calm my body.

“How about this?” he continues, his lips brushing over the back of my hand, then my arm until he can’t reach further, and gets up to put his lips on my neck.

His right hand settles on my left cheek, and his thumb tilts my head so he can have more access to my throat. My body is on fire, and I’m ready for him to take me upstairs and continue this on my bed.

“No, no, no, no, no,” Adrian says from behind us, and Gabriel backs away as soon as he hears my brother. “I don’t want to see that, especially not at the table where I have breakfast,” he continues, and I get up from my seat, taking Gabriel’s hand in mine.

“Fine, we’ll go upstairs,” I tell my brother before I lead Gabriel past him and up the stairs. “Let’s go take a shower,” I say, and he follows me without hesitation.

I lift Gabriel’s shirt over my head and let it fall down to the ground. I’m about to slide down my pants when his hand covers mine and his other moves to my hip.

“Let me,” he whispers into my ear, and I let my arms drop.

Gabriel guides my hair to the side before he trails kisses down my neck, shoulder, and back. He tugs down my pants and underwear in one swift movement. There are shivers all over my body, driving me crazy.

He turns on the water while I do my best to control my need to be close to him. When he gets underdressed, my eyes linger on his moon tattoo. He spins around before my eyes are satisfied, so I focus on the dates on his hip instead, admiring the simple, black ink.

A faint scar catches my attention then. It runs down the outside of his left thigh.

“How’d you get that?” I ask, and his eyes follow my finger as I trail it along the mark.

“I don’t lie to you, so I won’t give you the excuse story I give most people, but I’m not ready to share this with anyone. I accidentally told Adrian once, and I don’t think I can do it again at the moment. Is that okay?” he asks, and I bring my attention to his face.

“Of course. I understand.”

As curious as I am, I would never be upset about something like this. If he’s not ready now, he might be someday, just like me. There are things he doesn’t know that I’m not ready to share, like my life with Aunt Carolina…

Gabriel pulls me under the water, letting it run over our heads and pressing his lips onto mine. His fingers slide over my hard nipples, making my body beg for more.

“I could spend all day in the shower with you,” he admits, and I let out a small laugh as my hands run through his wet hair.

“Eventually, you’d have to go home, train, race, and all that kind of stuff,” I remind him, and he smiles.

“But I’d come right back, and I’d stay as long as you want me to.”

I think about his offer for a second. I would love for him to be here twenty-four hours a day, but I also need some time to myself, and I know he needs it too. Not to mention, there are responsibilities I have to take care of… like helping out Evangelin in her store! Damn, I forgot she asked for my help today.

“What, what is it?” Either my facial expressions always give me away, or this man knows me too well.

“I told Evangelin I would help her out today, you know for the last time in a while. Saturday is always her busiest day of the week,” I explain.

Gabriel bites the inside of his cheek, clearly thinking about what to do.

Without being able to help myself, I reach out and touch his cheek. His expression softens, and his thumb brushes over my left nipple. It’s so soft and intimate, my body shudders in response.

“We’ll go, and I’ll finally meet the woman I’ve heard so much about,” he assures me, and I smile brightly at him. “But first, let’s clean you up. I wouldn’t want Evangelin to have to endure the smell coming off you.”

My mouth drops, and I swat his arm. Of course, he’s laughing at his own joke, just like he always does.

“For that rude joke, no shower sex,” I retaliate, and he frowns.

“Don’t do that to me, chérie,” he begs, but I simply shrug.

“Shouldn’t have said I stink,” I reply, and Gabriel lets out a short laugh. It’s a punishment for both of us, but I want to make him sweat a little.

“Fine, have it your way,” he mumbles and picks up my loofah. He’s putting soap all over it before he turns to me and starts washing my body.

“I’m more than capable of doing that myself,” I remind him, making him frown once more.

“You want to rob me of every pleasure, don’t you? Should I close my eyes too?” he complains before pressing them shut and reaching out to touch me, pretending he can’t see anything.

His hands move all over my face, and I burst into laughter.

“Fine. Wash me then.”

A content grin covers his face, and I shake my head in disbelief. Gabriel picks up my shampoo before looking at my hair. He puts some in, realizes it’s not enough, adds more, and then groans.

“Jesus, chérie, I think I might need the whole bottle,” he tells me, and I laugh. “My hair needs a fifth of what yours needs.”

Gabriel keeps applying the shampoo to my curly, thick hair, and I enjoy the head massage he gives me. His fingers are gentle, careful. He’s doing his best not to get stuck on any knots in my hair. Meanwhile, I haven’t found a way to stop smiling.

“An hour later, and I have finally finished washing your hair,” he teases, and I roll my eyes, not keeping the grin off my face.

When he turns me around, I see he also has shampoo in his hair. I love the way it sticks out all over the place.

“What?” he asks when he notices me staring.

“You’re cute,” I reply, and he laughs, his hand reaching for his head.

“My hair is always messy, I don’t see how this is different,” he jokes, and I nod.

“It’s not. It’s always sexy,” I say with a grin, reaching for his curls to run my fingers through them. He cocks an eyebrow, his fingers snaking around my wrists to guide me against his chest.

“Are you flirting with me?” he asks, but his lips are barely a centimeter from mine, making it impossible for my brain to focus on finding words. Gabriel brushes them over my cheek and jaw before letting out a muffled moan. “Hmmm, I see,” he adds and releases my wrists, taking a step back. My body has been lit on fire and not even the water in the shower can extinguish it.

Without another sound, he starts washing out the shampoo in my hair, then his. My head is still spinning, trying to catch up with what just happened and figure out why it was so hot.

I turn off the water, and Gabriel gets towels for us. He places one around his lower body, quickly dries his hair, and then wraps one around me.

“Oh man, this is going to take another hour, isn’t it?” He laughs, and I chuckle.

“Yes, now, dry my hair.”

“As you wish, Lady Valentina.” I almost burst into laughter.

Gabriel does as he is told, but it only takes a few minutes until it doesn’t drip as much anymore.

He takes my hand and leads me into my room. My heart is racing in my chest, and I don’t have the power to calm my body. I sit down on the edge of my bed, and Gabriel kneels down in front of me, his hands sliding onto my naked thighs.

“You’re the only one I’ll ever kneel for,” he says, his lips brushing over my thigh. I roll my head, a satisfied moan leaving me. “I want to taste you.”

The words send shivers down my spine. Everything starts to tingle as excitement runs through my veins.

“We don’t have a lot of time,” I reply, but his burning gaze excites me more.

“I only need a minute,” he assures me, and my breathing hitches. “I want you to come all over my tongue.” Fuck.

His finger rubs over my clit, and I realize he’s right. It won’t take him long.

“Please,” is the only thing I manage to say.

Gabriel smirks, his eyes on mine as he spreads my legs. He pulls my towel off and moves between my thighs, his lips firmly claiming mine. His tongue slips into my mouth, and I let out a small moan when his index finger runs over my swollen clit again.

“I’m yours,” he mumbles between kisses.

I want to say it back, but my mind is preoccupied with how good his finger feels. All my voice does is form a moaning sound.

“You’re mine,” he says while making his way down, placing kisses all over.

“With everything I am.”

He guides my legs over his shoulders before pulling me closer to the edge of the bed in one swift movement. A gasp leaves me as anticipation continues to grow with each second. His lips brush over the inside of my thighs, tracing my stretch marks.

“So soft, so perfect,” he mumbles, and I smile to myself.

Gabriel looks up at me right before he presses his lips to my most sensitive area. My eyes flutter shut and my head falls back on the bed. He starts off with a simple kiss on my clit, but then his tongue takes over, and I can’t hold back the noises of pleasure that continue to leave my lips.

With every sound, his movements pick up speed. His wet, hot tongue feels euphoric, but when he adds a finger and creates a perfect combination of friction and pressure, I have to grab the sheets for support.

“Oh fuck, Gabriel,” I moan, my hips pushing off the bed, but he presses them back down.

His lips wrap around my clit, tugging on it and making my eyes roll into the back of my head. I slide my hands into his hair, holding on tight as his mouth brings a new kind of pleasure to my entire body. I can feel it all the way in my toes, making them curl.

His tongue slips inside of me before it swipes over my aching clit again, bringing tension to my stomach. Gabriel keeps going, and I scream for him.

My orgasm blindsides me, originating in my stomach and moving to my chest where my heart pumps it through my veins. I buck my hips, trying to savor this feeling of pleasure for as long as I can while my mind drifts back to its familiar high.

Gabriel presses a kiss to my stomach before he lies down next to me. I don’t even notice I’m covering my face until Gabriel removes my hand. He presses a kiss to the back of it and then places it on his naked chest.

“Didn’t even need the full minute,” he says, and a breathless laugh escapes me.

No, he most certainly did not.

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