Rush: Part One & Two (The Pitstop Series Book 3)

Rush: Part One & Two: Part 2 – Chapter 45

It’s been a few days since everything happened, and things have slowly been settling. Since all four of my favorite guys wanted to celebrate my news, we decided to go for a round of bowling.

Cameron holds my hand the entire walk to where we get our shoes and pay for the lane. He’s been quiet, something obviously weighing heavy on his mind, but he continues to bring a smile to his face whenever I look at him.

Adrian, James, and Gabriel follow behind us, discussing something about the new tires I don’t catch or even attempt to hear. Instead, I wrap my arms around one of Cameron’s and lean my head against his shoulder.

“Would you like to tell me what’s bothering you?” I ask, earning me an inquiring yet amused expression from him. His blue eyes pierce into mine before he lets out a small sigh.

“You know me too well,” he complains with his thick Australian accent before nudging my head with his nose. I smile to myself as I wait for an explanation. “I dunno where to start,” he says, but I don’t rush him into telling me anything. “I’m in love with my friend. His name is Elijah, and we’ve known each other for a couple of years now. I don’t know whether I should tell him or if I should just pretend I don’t have any feelings. I’ve been fighting with myself for weeks, Valentina. What would you do in my place?”

I’m about to encourage him to go for it, to tell Elijah exactly how he feels because I think it is what I would do, but it’s not. I’m not that forward nor that brave.

“I probably wouldn’t tell him but only because I don’t have the guts. If you’re sure he’s the one you want, that you’re in love with him, then you should tell him. Don’t put yourself in the same position as me because it only overcomplicates things. If I’d been honest with Gabriel from the start, and vice versa, we wouldn’t have wasted our time searching for love in someone else,” I explain, and Cameron stops dead in his tracks.

Adrian runs into him because, as always, he wasn’t looking where he was going. He barely holds himself up on Cameron’s shoulders before we all burst into laughter.

“Sorry, mate,” Cameron says, but Adrian is crying-laughing now.

James and Gabriel go ahead already to get a lane, but my brother takes another moment to compose himself.

“It’s all good. Sorry I ran into you, but, Jesus, you’re built like a fucking wall. Nice,” Adrian compliments our friend before squeezing his shoulders and arms with an approving nod. “You know, Elijah would be an idiot to shoot you down.” A big smile spreads over his lips before he blushes. “I overheard your conversation a little. Your voice is very loud and firm,” Adrian says, but Cameron doesn’t seem to mind him knowing.

“Well, let’s hope he doesn’t shoot me down.” He nudges my brother’s side but then takes my hand again. “Thank you for the advice. I knew you would understand,” Cameron says, addressing me, and I wink at him.

I understand the constant and threatening conflict inside of you, the one you can’t figure out how to solve. The constant wondering: Should I do it? Should I risk our friendship over feelings that cloud my judgment? What if he doesn’t feel the same way? I hope Cameron is as lucky as I am.

“Go ahead, you can call me wise,” I joke, and he bows before me.

“Oh yes, wise Ms. Romana, you are the greatest of them all.” He shakes his head while laughing, and I drag him close again as we continue walking. “So, you and Gabriel? Since when? How did I miss that? I’m usually very good at spotting these things,” Cameron complains, and I chuckle.

“I don’t know what Gabriel and I are, so maybe that’s why your radar is off,” I suggest, but he shakes his head.

“No, my radar easily spots two people horny for each other,” he explains, earning him an attack from my elbow to his ribs. It’s soft enough to barely move him. “I mean, I knew he had feelings for you, but that you have the hots for him is a surprise. After all, he’s been moping about you for years, even if he tried to hide it.” Moping… I almost laugh. “Did he tell you about the time he let me convince him to get a tattoo on his ass because he got drunk when he found out you slept with someone else?” he asks, and I squeeze his arm while swallowing a chuckle.

“You’re evil for that, you know,” I remind him, but he brushes my comment off with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Hey, it’s a cool tattoo.” Even though he’s right, I shake my head once again, disbelief in my chest. “So, are you two dating now or…?” He trails off, but I have no idea how to answer his question.

“We’re not there yet. Plus, I’m going to start training at the academy soon while he has to work, and I don’t know where that leaves us,” I admit to myself and him.

This is a conversation I should have with Gabriel first, but I also didn’t expect this realization to sink in right now.

“He’s crazy about you, Val. Gabriel will take you any and every way he possibly can.”

Cameron kisses the side of my head before we speak to the woman at the counter, telling her which shoe sizes we need. Gabriel hands me mine as soon as I try to talk, smiling before shifting his attention back to the person handing out the equipment.

“Alright, darling, ready to lose against me?” James asks, and I raise both eyebrows in response.

“The last time I lost against you was when—when I—” I cut off abruptly, touching my chin as if I was thinking. “Never mind, I’ve never lost against you,” I tease, making him frown while he tries to think of a time he won.

“Fine, then today will be the first of many. You’ll see, you will all see,” he announces to the rest of our group, but they give him a confused look. James clears his throat, and I stretch my lips into a straight line to keep my amusement at bay.

“Sure we will,” I reply and pat his shoulder, but he takes advantage of that vulnerable position and attacks my sides, tickling me until I squeal. I run away from him and to our lane.

Adrian and Gabriel are the first to join me, smiling at each other as they discuss who will win tonight. All of us are very competitive, especially Adrian and me. We don’t handle losing too well.

“Come on, Gabriel, we all know I’m the best. This will be an easy win for me,” Adrian says, and I look up at the ceiling, rolling my eyes while I beg karma to make him lose after that comment.

“Actually, I think we all know Val will beat us without even breaking a sweat,” Gabriel replies, and a blush heats up my cheeks.

I can feel his eyes on me as I tie my shoes, making me shake my head with a smile. We agreed to keep whatever it is we have on the down-low, at least until we have had the inevitable conversation: Are we dating?

I love him, and he cares about me, but it doesn’t uncomplicate things as much as I’d like. My career comes first, and now more than ever, it will require most of my time. It’s not fair to ask him to have half a relationship. The thought makes my chest sting, but I push it away to focus on tonight.

“Luv, do you need a refresher course on how to hold a bowling ball?” James asks as he steps in front of me and brings me back to reality. My eyes shift to his face while a wicked grin dances onto my lips.

“You would be the best person to teach me about balls considering you were single most of your teenage years, wouldn’t you be?” I tease, and Gabriel and Adrian break out into laughter. James’ eyes widen and his mouth falls open.

“What did I miss?” Cameron asks when he finds my brother and Gabriel hunched over, and James still searching for a witty comeback.

“I taught James a lesson on how not to speak to a woman,” I explain before winking at my best friend and walking over to the ball rack, grabbing one that looks like a universe.

Everyone watches me as I throw it down the lane, and it speeds toward the pins. Impatience combines with the hope to start off strong, which I do. All pins drop, earning me the first strike of the night. I jump up from excitement but straighten out my back and dress to pretend as if that was easy, no big deal.

All four of them have the same slightly annoyed, mostly impressed expression on their faces when I sit down to watch them have their turn.

Gabriel goes next and gets a spare. He smiles at me when he walks back, and I pat the space next to me, wanting him to be close. His arm wraps around me as he sits down, pulling me against his side. My eyes fixate on Adrian, whose first throw is so horrible, his ball lands in the gutter.

“I’m just warming up!” he defends when I laugh, and I raise my hands in mock surrender.

“You look stunning in that dress, mon tournesol,” Gabriel compliments and runs his fingers over the soft cotton material. My heart does a few summersaults, unable to contain its excitement.

“‘My sunflower’, huh?” I ask because last time I didn’t, and it’s been gnawing at me.

“The beauty you find in sunflowers is the one I see in you every time I look at you. They’re your favorite, and you’re mine,” he explains without hesitation. I forget how to breathe.

“I’m your favorite flower, Mother Gothel?” I joke, and he gives me a small chuckle before placing his fingers under my chin to lift my face to his.

“You’re my favorite everything, chérie.”

He kisses my forehead but then brings his attention to Cameron as he throws his bowling ball. I lean my head against his shoulder, the familiar mahogany scent filling my nose.

Damnit, he needs to stop saying all the right things at all the right times.

There is only one round left. Adrian somehow managed to catch up, and we’re head-to-head now. Gabriel, James, and Cameron haven’t done well compared to us Romanas, but that’s no surprise. My brother and I are too competitive to lose in a game we’ve been playing since we could walk.

I grab the bowling ball for the last time this round, glaring at my brother before moving toward the lane.ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

“Come on, chérie, you got this,” Gabriel cheers followed by James and Cameron.

“Is no one on my side?” my brother complains while a warmth spreads through my chest from their support. “So, when Val and I race against each other in the future, you’ll be on her side too?” Adrian asks, and I turn to see him faking a pained expression.

“Most definitely,” all three of our friends reply, and he lets out a laugh.

“Well, then that makes four of us. Go, Val!” he yells and claps, and I turn back around to throw my bowling ball.

I manage to get a spare with another throw, and my very last one is a strike. Adrian playfully rolls his eyes when I walk past him.

“Be careful. I wouldn’t want you to trip over your big elephant feet and then use that as an excuse for losing,” I tease, and he goes into attack mode. Adrian pulls me into the air just to drop me back on the ground and run like an idiot to the ball rack.

His first throw is a strike, which is why I grab Gabriel’s arm and hold on tight. I’ll never hear the end of it if Adrian wins tonight. My brother gives me a smug smile, but when he throws once more, he only knocks down a single pin. He doesn’t manage to get a spare either, handing me the win.

“Oh yeah!”

My voice is louder than I intended for it to be, but my friends start celebrating with me, patting my back, or, in Gabriel’s case, kissing my cheek. Adrian pretends to be deeply wounded by his loss before hugging me.

If happiness could be described as one single moment, this one would come very close for me.

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