Reyona’s Revenge

Unlikely Coincidence

“Reyona, I need you to understand that this has nothing to do with me deliberately lying to you or anything. I just felt it was no longer necessary, you know.”

Okay, now she was sure of it. Something was up.

“What?” Reyona asked again as she straightened.

“I sent Thomas away from Kayooma. I sent him to rehab far from…actually, it is not that far away from Sydney, but then I had no idea you would be in Sydney anytime.”

Sent him right to her.

Reyona slowly and rigidly lay back in her seat as she said “And if you had known? Where would you have sent him to?”

He was silent for a while before he asked, “Why are you angry?”

The hostesses discreetly left where they were.

“I guess I just think your declaration that you are not going to keep anything away from me was nothing after all,” Reyona said tonelessly.

“Hey, no. Why would you even think that? I thought… I just didn’t think it was necessary, and I also did not want to upset you. I know you don’t like his name being mentioned. I did not want to see you sad again. That is the reason I did not talk about him.”

“I don’t need you to analyse my feelings will be about something to me. I don’t feel anything for that bastard anymore! I just wish you would be honest with me like you promised, you know!”

“Yeah, you don’t feel anything for him, anymore. Right,” he said with a tsk.

“What does that mean?” Reyona asked as she turned her head to him.

She saw him try to hold back, but then in the next second, he said anyway, “If you really still feel nothing for him, then why are you upset that I sent him away? I thought you would be more than relieved that I did that.”

“I don’t need you to think for me!” Reyona snapped at him. “What gave you the right to think you can decide by believing it is what I want? Without asking or talking to me about it?”

She raised her hand when he wanted to talk and said “You know what? I think you should ask yourself why exactly you sent him away. A rehab? Really? I bet the centres around Sydney have some special powers that make you choose them. Is it really that or do youn’t trust me enough? Did you think I was going to go running back to him or that his kids would choose to go with him once they saw him? Have you been enjoying playing “daddy” for so long that you were afraid of what was going to happen when he gets sober while in Kayooma?”

He gave her a pained look that cut into her as he said in a low tone. “That is not fair.”

The fact that she knew it wasn’t, only spiked her anger.

Anger at him. Anger at herself, and she rolled them all into one to lash at him with it.

“You know what? Since you believe there was nothing wrong with you keeping that vital information, then I am sure you won’t see anything wrong in what I am about to say either. Guess what? Thomas is back in Kayooma.”

“What?!” Maxwell exclaimed. “How?!

“I have no idea where the hell you sent him to, but he showed up in Sydney, at my company, breathing down my neck, and I sent him right back to where he came from. Then you showed up.”

“And you are angry that I didn’t tell you that when you also kept this from me? Isn’t that a double standard?”

She looked him straight in the eyes and said, “I didn’t think it mattered. It was not necessary.”

“Don’t throw my words back at me right now, Rey” he said in a cutting tone.

“Or?” She asked with her nose turned up while she glared at him in a challenge.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

He gave her a keen look before he said, “I don’t want to fight with you.”

“Well, too late. You should have thought of that before you went about keeping secrets.” She said tersely.

She expected him to call her out again that she did the same, but he only ran his hand through his hair before leaning against his headrest again.

“He is in Kayooma.”

“He is”

“That motherfucker!” he said suddenly as he jerked out of his seat.

He strolled towards the galley while pulling his phone out.

“Really?” Reyona thought in simmering anger as she watched him go.

She pulled the shawl closer to her chest and turned it on her side, facing the window.

Well, they could all go fuck themselves for all she cared.

She was only concerned about the girl.

Any macho idiot can decide to suit themselves.

She didn’t have to put up with it, and she wasn’t going to!

She turned over onto her back, then to the other side again.

So he wasn’t going to come tell her what he found out?

So much for he didn’t want to fight with her.

How dare he even think she still felt anything for that idiot?

He was wrong.

Totally wrong!

She turned again and faced the other side.

She was right in thinking that Thomas was the one with the tracked phone that day, right?

What if it was someone else who was with the phone?

No, it couldn’t be.

She had picked up the phone’s last signal from Kayooma before she disconnected from it.

Can there be such a coincidence?

Did he get back to Kayooma without trying to get in touch with his children?

Or was Maxwell still hiding things from her?

Could Thomas have anything to do with Allysyn’s disappearance?

“No, that would be crazy. Kidnapping his own daughter? Even he wouldn’t be that despicable, right?” She thought in uncertainty.

She thought of one person she could ask if he had been seen around.

She reached for her phone to call Mary but then withdrew her hand before picking it up.

They would soon be in Kayooma anyway.

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