Reborn- His Scarlett Moon

Chapter 60-Sherizad’s POV ( Journey up North… Past)

Leaving their packs with their subordinates wasn’t easy for either Ryan or Tristan, especially under the given circumstances. But my father reassured them and sent some of our best fighters , omegas and gammas to look after Tristan’s pack. Ryan’s pack didn’t need help from outsiders because his Beta and Gammas were quite competent. They deserved praise for agreeing to go on a journey like this despite the circumstances.

The call of the Northern lands had always fascinated me. The legends spoke of vast forests, deep caves, and towering mountains, all shrouded in mystery and danger.

The three of us had left our packs and met at the designated departure spot in the outer boundary of our known territory.

We had decided to avoid using horses or carriage. It was the best way to avoid unwanted attention.

When I reached the spot Tristan was already there. I greeted him and unloaded my baggage, waiting for Ryan’s arrival.

I didn’t know what his presence did to me . I was already feeling restless when he was not around. And then he walked in.

My heart leapt with joy at the sight of him. I could feel the warmth spreading through my chest as I ran towards him, my senses heightened . As we came together in a fierce embrace, I could feel his powerful arms enveloping me, and I knew that I was safe with him. For a moment, we were lost in each other’s embrace, the sounds of the forest fading into the background as we shared a moment of pure bliss.

I had completely forgotten Tristan’s presence. He was staring at me with a bewildered expression. I didn’t want to make the rest of the journey awkward so I immediately broke off Ryan’s embrace and straightened up. I bowed at Ryan with formal greetings and then turned towards Tristan and said,

” So, we are all here. Let’s not waste anymore time. ”

Saying so, I picked my stuff and began walking forward, determined not to give Tristan any chance to argue over what he just witnessed. I could feel his gaze wander from me towards Ryan and back but he picked up his stuff as well and began walking.

We walked without any conversation for a few long miles. The air was filled with an eerie silence, as if the spirits of the land were watching us. We had packed our supplies and weapons, readying ourselves for the unknown dangers that lay ahead.

The chances of us facing another attack was almost hundred percent though we had not come across a single trace of those rogue Grey wolf hounds yet.

The way towards the North was treacherous, with winding paths that seemed to lead us in circles. The trees were tall and twisted, their gnarled roots reaching out like grasping hands. The sky was dark and foreboding, with thick clouds that seemed to block out the sun.

We stopped after it seemed like we were not heading in the direction that we were supposed to take.

Tristan opened up the map as Ryan bent over to measure the exact spot we were at.

I was hovering over the two of them, trying to make myself useful.

” Here, we are at the west side of the mountain. This creek should lead us straight up towards their borders. But it seems like we are losing our sense of direction right after crossing this tree. ”

That was exactly the situation.

We rolled up the map and counted our steps till we reached the tree.

We must have crossed the spot a number of times now but we only noticed the phenomenon after realizing that we were being misled.

Everytime we crossed the spot, the tree appeared different. A different species everytime. There was no way for us to tell that we were taking the same road, again and again.

Ryan extended his hand to touch the tree, probably to check it and it was at this point that I remembered father’s warning,

” Ryan, be careful! ”

I yelled pulling him off with my might.

I fell on the floor with him over me from the intensity.

Before I could rationalize why I did what I did, I saw Tristan come and extend his hand towards Ryan, to lift him off me.

Ryan took his hand and thanked him and dusting himself.

To my surprise Tristan was smiling at Ryan.

” That could have been lethal, you idiot. You need to thank Sherizad and not me. That tree is probably jinxed with Dark magic. Had Sherizad not interfered , we would probably be traveling one person less from here. What a thick head. ”

He turned to pick up what we had scattered as Ryan looked at me and smiled.

” Thanks Sherazad. Guess I owe you my life now. ” Then he whispered in my ears while giving me his hand to pick me up,

” And I am not complaining. ”

He added with a smirk. Boy, did he want to kill me with that?

My heart was racing like it was about to explode, like everytime it did whenever he was too close to my skin.

I shook my head and stood up. Then ran behind the two because they were already up ahead of me.

Finally, we reached the outskirts of the Northern lands, and what we found there was beyond our wildest imaginings. The forests were indeed vast and sprawling, with ancient trees that seemed to reach up towards the heavens. The caves were deep and mysterious, probably filled with hidden treasures and dark secrets. But we didn’t have time in our hands to explore them. Probably some other time, in some other adventure. And the mountains were indeed towering, their snow-capped peaks piercing the clouds.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

But despite the beauty of the land, there was a sense of danger that hung heavy in the air. It was as if the Northern lands were alive, and watching us with a wary eye. But we were some of the finest of the werewolves and it was difficult to easily intimidate us. We pushed forth, determined to uncover the mysteries of the North.

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