Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

#Chapter 80 – Boarding School

“Sir?” Beta Stephen’s voice is hesitant at the door. “There’s a…Mr. Lorinc here to see you? He says he has an appointment.”

Victor draws his brows close over his eyes. “I don’t recognize that name,” he says, standing.

“Apologies, sir,” a small bearded man peeks out from behind Stephen’s shoulder. “I believe that your wife made the appointment – the children’s mother?”

Victor frowns. “Evelyn?”

“No,” the man’s face creases with concern. “A Mrs. Amelia Kensington.”

Victor’s frown deepens as he considers that that’s not quite her name, but he nods. “Please, Mr. Lorinc. Come in. I admit, I don’t know the occasion for your visit, but if Amelia arranged it then I’m sure it’s important. Stephen,” Victor turns his eye to his Beta. “Would you please ask Amel-“

“No need!” Amelia says, breezing into the room with a big smile. “Apologies, Mr. Lorinc,” she says, giving him her hand. “I meant to meet you at the door, of course, and lost track of time.”

“Not a worry, my dear,” Mr. Lorinc says warmly, folding her hand in his. “Such a pleasure to meet you in person.”

Victor looks between the two, interested. Did this have something to do with the wedding? He thought he’d met everyone of importance regarding that.

“Victor,” Amelia says, beaming at him. “I’ve arranged this as rather a surprise, asking Mr. Lorinc to come and tell you everything so that you can ask all the questions you like before we settle on an arrangement.”

Victor watches Amelia carefully now, noticing that her smile never falters, plastered on her face in a determined way. What is she up to? Victor says nothing, standing perfectly still. Amelia and Lorinc awkwardly wait for him to respond.

When he says nothing, Lorinc clears his throat. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Alpha Kensington. As a fellow man of education, I’ve been closely following your plans for a public school for those of wolf heritage. I think that it’s a wonderful plan.”

“A man of education?” Victor asks.

“Yes!” Lorinc says, straightening up and smiling. Clearly, he’s proud of himself. “I am the head master of Lynx Academy, a boarding school in the Rocky Mountains that specializes in children of wolf heritage.”

Victor’s eyes and expression go dark. He shifts his gaze to Amelia, who still smiles determinedly.

Lorinc watches the two of them, wary. He had been expecting a warmer welcome than this, especially after Amelia’s enthusiasm on the phone. “Yes,” he continues. “I spoke to Mrs. Kensington about the possibility of accepting your two young boys as pupils at our school. I am pleased to report that we have an opening for them and would be absolutely thrilled to enroll them.”

Victor glowers at Lorinc now as well. Of course Loric would be pleased – the heirs to two of the greatest Alpha dynasties in the nation at his pathetic little school? It would be quite the feather in his cap.

However, Victor doesn’t respond to this. “You will address her as Ms. Jones,” Victor growls, crossing his arms. “She’s not Mrs. Kensington until next week.”

“Now Victor,” Amelia says, forcing out a tinkly little laugh and crossing the room to wrap her hands around his arm, pulling herself close. “I thought it would be a nice chance for you and Mr. Lorinc to

chat! After all, since Evelyn pulled the boys out of school they’ve been going woefully uneducated –“

“It’s been three days,” Victor says, glaring at her. “Three days before their winter vacation, and three days of them not attending a ridiculous human kindergarten where Alvin and Ian are taught their ABC’s when they can already read Dickens. They’re fine.”

“It is precisely that kind of educational lack which we could address at Lynx!” Lorinc interjects, enthusiastic. “We have a plan to –“

“Thank you,” Victor says, cutting him off. “I appreciate your time, Mr. Lorinc, and I’m sure that you run a fine institution. But the boys will be educated here, closer to home.”

Lorinc hesitates. “There are…significant advantages to boarding your children away from home during their education. It would certainly reduce friction with future siblings –“

“Enough.” Victor snarls. Lorinc snaps his mouth shut, his eyes going wide.

“Thank you,” Victor says, prowling for the door and gesturing towards the exit. “I appreciate your response to Ms. Jones’ request for a visit,” he shoots her a glare, “but as I said, we are uninterested.” Victor’s words belie the threat that now marks every line of his body. Lorinc gives Amelia a quick glance and then practically skitters for the door.

“A pleasure to meet you,” he mutters, giving Victor a nod as he heads to the front of the house, where Beta Stephen is waiting with his coat.

Victor watches Lorinc go, anger roiling in his stomach.

“You could have heard him out,” Amelia huffs, and Victor turns to see her standing angrily behind him. “Honestly it took a lot of work to research schools and arrange for his travel the week before my wedding, like I don’t have enough to do –“

“What are you doing Amelia.” Victor’s voice is low and threatening. “Why did you invite that man to my house.”

Amelia is blasé in her response, refusing to give in to Victor’s anger. “Obviously, I’m making plans for the boys’ future education. If you and Evelyn are just going to let them sit around –“

“Amelia!” Victor practically roars her name this time and Amelia takes two quick steps forward, raising her finger to point in his face.

“Don’t you dare raise your voice to me in my home –“

Victor swipes her hand away. “My home, Amelia,” he growls. “My home, where you live, where my children live, where I will make decisions about their education. Where they will live during the extent of their education –“

“Boarding school is an excellent choice!” Amelia says, backing up a step as Victor prowls forward. “It’s always been on the table as an option – one that meets all of our needs – “

“It was never an option.” Victor’s words rip from him, each carrying the full weight of his anger. “First you tell Walsh to take them, and then you call this ridiculous little man. Enough, Amelia! Accept that I will raise my sons in my own house!”

“It’s too much, Victor.” Amelia snaps, fury on her own face now. She’s given up any attempt at pleasant demeanor. “Not after I came downstairs to see you and her curled up on the couch together, playing happy family. It’s too much – they are ruining the life that you and I have built together. It’s in pieces!”

“Amelia,” he growls, refusing to give her any more space in this argument. “We’ve discussed this – that night was innocent. The boys aren’t going anywhere. Evelyn isn’t going anywhere. This is our life now and I will brook no further attempts at sending them away!” The last words leave him in a roar.

Amelia doesn’t back down. “This situation is untenable,” Amelia says, her voice low. “If you refuse to send them away, then I’ll have to be the one to go.” She raises her chin, meeting his eye.

Victor stares down at her, not flinching. They stay like this for a long moment, each considering the other, each refusing to give an inch.

Then, finally, Victor replies.

“Fine,” he spits, and Amelia’s lips twitch upwards in a smile. She’s won, she knows – he’s given in, the great Alpha Kensington, who always collapses to her will when she –

“If you can’t stand them here, then you can go.” Victor’s eyes are clear and serious. He means every word.

Amelia’s mouth falls open in shock. She stares up at her Alpha, her mate, frozen with surprise. Never…

She stumbles back a few steps, covering her mouth with her hands. Victor stays precisely where he is, assessing her every move. She is stunned, he can see, but he also sees her mind working, weighing her options. The shock on her face slowly changes to rage.

“How dare you, Victor Kensington,” she growls, stepping forward so that her face is just inches from his. “I am your mate. You will treat me with the respect I deserve!” With another glare, she strides from the room and up the stairs.

Victor turns to watch her go. Inside, he is worried – he doesn’t quite know what this means for them, for their future. But he knows, deep down, that his conviction is right: he is unwilling to give up the boys, to make Evelyn leave. If Amelia can’t take his life as it is now, then…well…

He doesn’t voice the reality of it, not even in his own mind.

As the day passes, Victor carefully notes that Amelia does not come downstairs, but neither does anything change. No wedding vendors call with demands for payment of cancellation fees, no taxi arrives to take Amelia from the house. Everything stays precisely the same.

A small wave of anxiety rolls in Victor’s stomach as works at his desk, an eye always on the door for any sign of change. None comes. Partially, he knows this is a victory, that Amelia has admitted that he has won. From NôvelDrama.Org.

But Amelia has never in her life gone down without a fight. He knows she’s planning something.

Upstairs, Amelia deftly dials a number on her phone. She waits quietly while it rings. She’s pleased when it’s answered.

“Hello, John? Yes, it’s Amelia Jones. Thank you so much for taking my call, Mr. Walsh.”

My dear readers, Thank you for stopping by and reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it. I’m trying my best to update assp. I’ll appreciate it if you explore my other stories as well. Please follow my f******k page jane above story and group jane above story if you wanna chat or keep updated on my writing schedule.

Yours, jane above story

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